The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 20, 1920, Image 1

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Thn Am I Ctrii Milorjr Vuii Inailnn
u tin lii'iii funned t Tln I la I In,
A IH W IO r'. Ill hotel Id irjr-i ti'lt Hi
Til If IniluiciiH'lit la
asstirtd by lodil capital.
All woodnu brldm-a In the clly of
Halcm tro la ln pointed while In fur
tlmlann' df thu civic nrldw mnvrtiii'iil.
The convention of the Ksslnrn lr
Ron Christian riht-uv(ir mx-li'iy was
hld In llm ChliMlan church itt IVndlo-
( IIU.
8ntur .Mi Ni till" liiUmlm-i-d a
Mil In t ! iinti- l lluiiw ii n
Klamath I ml In n r i wi'ii'ii in a.tilo.
IdwfhuiK Ui miIk lu Miiy mi in
plltlllOII III l"MI" ImlKVI'tl t i"1"1"1' ni"t
IMiii imiu bunds fur a uiuuli l'l I k 1 1 1
Mr Mu'tan I Muntnlih. hu has ru
shed III A 1 111) H 1 1 II inir-l fur 04
)i'r. had rdchrnlrd ltr ninety lim
The lii.'i'iii t" r 1 1 of fotiii"r KlKilff
Crllmly of II. litull cuunty has birt
made gm:d ta t !ir count) by two of nl
The Votnrstm l.tto Tenuity ton lie 1 1
has ben orsaiiU-d at Kuyn. It lll
consist of r.-pr'm-iit alh ra of nil patri
otic bodies,
The annual convention of the Ore
Kn Retail Merchants association con
vened lu Astoria Monday for a three
day' "inn.
With a tarao exhibit ant attendance,
Albany's second anmint antonioMlo.
truck ant tractor show Uit lrl-
ilar end HaHll !:
Trusters of the Klamath Kails Pr.-a-hyterlHii
church have placed an order
for a pip" iirKim to rout Horn) to b
Installed in Anauni.
N. Michel, recently discharged from
tin' taut urn drcgou utile hospital, was
I 'led when liu threw himself III front
i r n I. - .i in nr l' ho.
Vnii ia of MiiK' in v III liullol In May
on a p!"p""ul to v.xpi ml I:j,'"0 for lb"
puii liat" of an avlailnii III III as a base
fur llii' format patrol.
Clyde liwkclt, a native Urefonlan
nml id year a realdcnt of I'olk county,
dld at lili Iioma In fialcm following
an attack of Infliiaaia.
An adult uitn cannot adopt auotkar
adult man lu Oregon, according to a
iloclalnn of Attorney (Jenerel Drown,
In response to an Inquiry.
IC. U rtmltb of Hood ltlvr. an ti
Varolii pliniier. la tlii laat turrUor
of the tcpiililli an convention of fBrto.
hp initiated I.liicolu for prral-
dent. .
Si oil lali Kite Maaotn at Uakcr are
pri'imilna f"r a rtitnion'tua latter
pari of Apill, at w li li b all draree up
io ami including tlm J2d Kill b con
lerred. t'liurb-n II lladdlk. deputy colloctor
i at Anuria. aa acrldently
kill'il lill lie aa replaclog tha tut
'li'rplni.liia of the liuiii at lila ranch
nt ('rulilll.
8ulirel have become audi a nula-niM-c
In (be t'latkca act Inn of ('lack
nmaa cntmiy that th fartunra hav ay
poliitc.l Alttert Uaaalcr to dlatrlbut
olaou gralu.
Ankenjr grange of Jrfferaon haa
adopted ri-aolutlona lauding Governor
tilroit fur etniug a large number of
l-l) ! paM'd at tb aura Ion of
the l aiHl(iiur.
It la r-ported that a numbr of
I'ortland people Interested In the fu
ture of the tat ludiiatrlal achoot for
ilrl lll preaent a bill at tb nt
araalon of the leglalatur aiklng for
an npprnprlatloti for the erection and
fiiriilahlug or a new building at that
liiatllutlnit. Hie prnpoaed building
will coat In tin- neighborhood of $50,
OiiO, ncmrdlng to thoae lnterlcd ID
the bill.
Rice Terraces Are World's Masterpieces
(ioodyuar Cord and Fabric Tires.
Your Car Repaired Profnptly and
The New Way of
Practicing Dentistry
THE E. It. Parker
System in Dentistry
Is nothing but dcnti.stry
iut on u romniun-Mi'iiso
iisls. Instead of ono
tnnn practicing in a
Miiiill way in a siiuill
dfilcc, several dentists
practice togcllier under
tlin Parker Svslt-tn in
largo olllccs, "where there Is
room for complete equip
ments. Sonic of the System
dentist extinct teeth, some
fill teeth, some muko crowns
und bridges, some muko iiili
llciid plutes and some treat
discuscd teeth. In this way
each patient is cared for by
a dentist who is experienced
in the kind of work ench pa
tient needs. Dcntid work done
in this manner is not only
done better, but in less time,
making fewer visits necessary.
una tne saving in time
helps ta make prices
There are twenty-four
offices whero the li. IX.
Parker System Is used,
Dr. Parku -
located in different
cities. Thousands of pa
tients are treated in
these olllces, and the
large quantities of den
tal supplies used aro
bought for less money
than has to be paid for
sum!! quantities.
All dentists using the
E. II. Parker System nro reg
istered, licensed and experi
enced. The work they do is
done so well that it can be
guaranteed. You aro suro of
Under the Parker System
no charge is made foe exam
inations and advice. You can
find out what your teeth need
without having to pity a cent.
Everything known in dentis
try to overcome pain is used
in Parker System olllces, so
you need have no fear at all.
j tie wnoie mea is mis:
Fine dentistry, fewer
visits, mod era to cost, sat
isfaction, no fear of pain.
There is an E. R. Par
Iter System office at
i ., m V"
5 "f-
Thla.!s a photograph of tha Ifujao Icorrot rice terraces, which are among
tha most remarkable of their kind In Hi" orld. They aro one of the man
nmmdoua eight f-r the tourlat to tea l Hie riilllrplne Islunda and are to be
Hound In tha Ifugao district of the Moui.tnlti pmvliic. Northern Luzon.
The helgbt of these terraces, which ure lu-l l up by atone walla, la from 4
to 18 font, averaging 8 feet IiIbIu It ti eatlmatod there are U121 tulles of
i-lubt fiH.t atone walla In the Ifugao lorracae. which la approximately lialf
tha diatance around the world.
Thi'iw termers nro aklllfully IrrtgimS by water brouKht lu troufhs along
Hi fredultou mountain sldva ever Iim ' dlntuucva.
County Farm Bureau (o Meet
A rvRolulion aikinic Contrrcn to
continue the minimum fruaranU-e on
wheat for another year will be pre-ai-tited
at the County Farm Hurtau
mcctinif in Pendleton tomorrow. A
oiiiiiiitu-c was upooinli-d last Satur
.!ay nt an informal iiiet-titifr of repre-ii-iitiitive
wheat growers to draw up a
ouilution tind priMi-rit it to farm or
(anlzations and coiunu-r'-iul Iw dii s no
wxin ax poiisibli'. It in claimed by
COfd authorities that there is an ab
kohite m-ri-saily for t!ic continuation
of Ihi- i'iiarariU-c in order to stabilise
th" wheat market during the coining
yiur. Atlhou'h indiratioiiH arc tlitt
Mhcat price? nhouM be nxl, withui.l
a minimum fruarantoc farmers who
lire compiled to soil inimejiat.-ly af
ter bancs t will l.ave to take whut the
buyer are willing to jity. With a
widely fluctuating market much !es
irt-ilit can be advanced on the wheat.
There are others who claim that the
quicker the povi rnment RuarariU-e ii
removed so that the fanner can K-arn
t -land on his own ft-ct, the bc-tU-r.
The committee will appear before
the Kami liunau to defend the reso
lution, which will I arued pro and
con by the Icadii'K farmers anu blink
ers of the county. It is very desira
ble that a good, representative crowd
of wheat farmers be present at this
meeting, so that whatever action is
taken can be said to truly represent
the hentiment of the farmers of Uma
tilla county.
Twelve communities have been or
ganized in tiie County Farm Dureau,
with a membership of about 200. A
county program will be adopted and
officers elected at the meeting in
Pendleton tomorrow.
Washington. China la determined te
submit the fibantunf question to th
lagu of nations for settlement, and
will not consent to entr Into direct
negotiations with Japan regarding the
P'-rmati'-nt atatus of former Carman
holdings la that province. Advice to
this effect have been received here by
autborltlea In close touch with devel
opments In the far east, more especial
ly Shantung.
The Japaneo government has an
nounced ita willingness to proceed
with negotiations looking te the return
of Shantung to China, as provided In
the Versailles treaty. For the last
two inontba Japan has from time to
time approached the Pekln government
with a view to opening negotiations.
China so far baa abown no disposi
tion to begin the dlseusslon. and the
government la said to be strongly sup
ported by Chinese popular opinion.
County Hoad Improvement.
Commi.siiioncr II. K. Anderson in
forms a Pendleton paper that two
more Ill-foot mogul graders will be
added to the county road equipment
before the end of this week. Two
caterpillars and two mogul graders
are already at work on the county
roads. With facilities afforded by
use of the new equipment it will be
possible to smooth off -all graveled unci
dirt roads that have long been in
poor condition. The county court esti
mates the damage done to county
roads during the past winter at $25,-000.
Road dragging is occupying the
attention of numbers of Umatilla
county farmers to greater extent
thon formerly, with the result that
better dirt roads will be afforded for
Kills Wife and Suicides.
Rufsell Clark, a Portland automo
bile and airplane dealer, who last
week organised the Manchester-Clark
Auto company at Pendleton, shot and
Curt in the Race.
Frank S. Curl, one of the most
prominent republicans in this part of
the Ute, has announced that he will
be a candidate for delegate to the
republican national convention in
Chicago June 8 from the second con
gressional district. His election at
the primaries is regarded as prac
tically assured.
killed his wife at their home near
Gresham, Monday night, and later
committed suicide in a Portland ho
tel. The couple had. spent the week
end in Pendleton. Clark demonstrated
a Curtis plane while in Pendleton and
flew to Walla Walla a couple of times
carrying passengers with him. Sun
day he left Pendleton for Portland by
plane, his wife going later in the day
by train.
Hiked To the County Seat.
As rather ambitious pedestrains.lwo
young ladies of Athena, Miss Murdock
and Miss Hazel llurton, they mutt
be given the palm. Friday morning
these young ladies decided to essay a
small spring hike with Pendleton,
"twenty miles away" as their desti
nation. The start was made about
8 n. m., the entire distance being
traveled by three o'clock in the after
noon. Although being offered num
erous lifts on the way, the intrepid
walkers refused all rides and trium
phantly entered the goal, though in
the words of Harry I-ouder, "Being
very, very tired and wear-r-y." The
return was made an hour lutcr via.
the auto stage.
A movement has been started In
Albauy to ralso $30,000 for tho con
struction of a community center as a
memorial to the returned soldiers of
Linn e.ountv.
For 1920
Plant Only
Our Seed
Ca tn log
nwt Plant
er's Guide
is the
for growers of the
Northwest, listing
our complete lines of
Seeds. Trees. Plants.
Fertilizers, Poultry und
Bee SuodIics. Snruvs
and Sprayers, Dairy
Supplies and Equipment.
Your Name should ba on our
Mailing Utt.
Ask for Catalog No,fj)
755 Main Street, rendleton, Oregon
Rousinjg bi' Public Sale
Tuesday; Feb. 24th-
31 Head of Heavy Work Horses
8 Head of 3 year old Horses
8 Head of 2 year old Horses
18 Head of Milch Cows (Springers)
3 Head of Milch Cows, giving milk
15 Head o Yearling Calves
1 Roan Durham Bull
8 Brood Sows with and without pigs
67 Head of Shotes
15 sets Butt Chain Harness complete
1 Set of Buggy Harness
10 Extra Horse Collars
2 3 1-4 Studebaker Wagons
2 3-in. Studebaker Wagons
2 3 1-4 Moline Wagons
1 16-Hoe Superior Drill
1 Kentucky Drill, 2 8-Horse Harrows
John Deere Gang Plows
1 3-Bottom Oliver Plow
1 McConnick Binder
1 McConnick Mower
1 McConnick Rake
1 John Deere Hillside Plow
1 John Deere Manure Spreader
1 Studebaker Hack
1 Cook House and Equipment on Wag
on, 1 Hay Rack
4 Loose Grain Racks
1 Land Leveler, 1 Fresno Scraper
2 Slip Scrapers, 1 Grain Dipping Vat
1 McConnick Header, 4 Header Boxes
1 Water Tank with Pump and Hose
1 Spring Tooth Harrow
1 350-Gallon Gas Tank on Wagon
1 6-Ton Wagon Scales
1 Land Packer
3 Oliver Chilled 3 Bottom Gang Plows
1 Right Lap Disc
2 14-Feet Weeder Blades
1 2 1-4 Horse Gas Engine
1 4-Horse Stover Gas Engine
1 6-Horse Stover Gas Engine
1 Chop Mill and Wagon
1 Wood Saw and Emery Stone
4 Shenandoah 6-Horse Hitches
3 16-Foot Wheat Racks
2 14-Foot Wheat Racks
1 Wagon and Blewett Grain Cleaner
15 Barrels Cement
18 1000-bu. Galvanized Grain Tanks
Log Chains, Lead Bars, Double Trees
and Fifth Chains, Forge and Blower
and tools connected therewith, Car
penter and Blacksmith Tools, Horse
Clippers, Plumber's Tools, Wagon
Trail Tongues, 21 Hog' Houses,
Troughs and Panels, No. 4 Sharpless
Cream Separator, 4 Rolls Chicken
Wire, one 100-Gallon Oil Drum,
one 150-Gallon Gas Drum, 45 Pan
els, Sleigh, one 30-Gallon Gas Tank,
Chain Hoist, 1 50-Gallon Gas Tank.
1 Galvanized Iron Culvert
One Lot of Fence Posts
1000 Feet Lumber
One Canvas Tent
J. I. Case Separator and Engine com
plete, practically new
Also a lot of small Farming Tools
35 Lincoln Sheep
TERMS OF SALE All sums of $50 and ander, Cash. Over $50, time will
be given until Oct. 1, 1920, on bankable notes drawing 8 percent interest
P T SMITH Clerk and Assistant. CHAS. WRIGHT, Sales Manager.
COL! WM . YOHNKA and COL. PAT MURPHY of Ritzville, Wash.,