The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 06, 1920, Image 3

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How Well Do You
Sleep-Does it Rest You?
T; T'S not Imw lonjy but how well
v,., you wleep tliat counts. The time
spout rolling nnd tossing on a sutfRinff,
creiikin spring doesn't Kivc you much
rest. Hut a
makes sleeping easy, netful, cum fort
aide. It Is silent, it U resilient, yielil
inn to the form and movements of the
hody without saving in any way.
Sanitary all steel const ruction.
(luaranteed for a quarter of a cen
tury. Ask iw about the 30 days free
trial olFer.
Vhc Davis -Kaser Co.
Complete rurnmlicra of IIotilcK, Oflicea, Schools
ami Churi'lu'ti.
10-SI AIiKt St. (O.I-I I-VIIuwn 'IVniplf) Wullu Wullu.
Dr. N. I', Rennet, dentist. .1'bone
No. H:i, Weston.
. Mr. W. 8. Price visited in Walla
Walla last Friday.
Pure-bred Rhode Inland Red roost
vrs fur sale. Mm. A. A. Kern.
Mra. William DrUMI wan In Fret
water a few day taut week, viniting'
with lur daughter, Mra. II. C. Fet
ter and family.
I have at my shop an A No. 1 hack,
...... I.. ....I ...
Kale nl a bargain. I all, or nun
No. 52. K. . Hall.
Joe llanistcr, will known old timer,
wan op from Kcho the first of the
week, viaitinir Mayor Uanistcr and
Weston friends In general.
Mr. and Mri. Ralph Tachella of I'cn
Mra. C. J, llilyard, daughter of
Mra. A. A. Kcra of thla city, (IM at
Hot Lake aanntarium Sunday frmi
pneumofiia, following a surgical '
ration. Mm. llilyard wm foimcrly
Mini Maude May Carlilo and wua
bom at Osage, Kansas June ft, 1hh.
She came to On-yon with (n-r parents
in 1HIM. February 4, l:).'l. she was
united in marriage to Charles J. llil
yard, at Pendleton. Mi". llilyard in
survived by her mother and step
f other, her husband, three brother.'
and one (inter. All were present at
the funeral. Services were conducted
at the family residence Wedncsduy
afternoon by Rev. Mark A. Phimiey,
and the remain were laid tu rent in
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
While carrying his mail on ( round-
hog day, Jim Jone found a heavy
fog prevailing a far an hi route
extended up the mountain. ' Thua all
( jmilnlity of the groundho;: seeing
afit shadow wan obviated, and the
winter ought soon to be over. The
fog i thought to have hunt; on a
i n
Jl..... I I - .
oeiuo w,r ,.v wctra-emi Buc.i oi ,n(f,.p tim. , evp kn,m) Man
air. aim mra. j. a. i, unman, aii
Bought Right Priced Right
DeMoss Furniture
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop
One hundred 1 CO
Kadi additional hundred 0 75
ill thin urn Mini. I fKiiatlv it iuif kck
motored lo Walla Walla Saturday. Mlt fter lllil(r iu wort , Vl.c,.m,
Kev. W. S. 1'ayne ha been one of Hr. It often happens the mountain!
Weston a numerous "flu sufferers, arc bright nnd clear while the low
but ik able thin week to Just about funds arc covered with a sea of fog.
gel rid of hia unwelcome vbiitor. but Monday waa an exception.
The Saturday AfUmoon dub, hua Mr. and Mra. II. I.. Kennedy have ?
Just purchased ten dozen Coiiiiiiun- sixty Ithwle I.ilnnd Red hens at tlvir X
ity Hilver UHHiim which will Imi ad- jtuullry yard on liroad street which r
ded to the Memorial hair kitchen dc produced from the first of the yenr f
partniciit. . up to January L'O an average of thir-
Miaa Irene Handler itan the iltflu- ty cpks er day. All are uulleU J
enxa at the home of her aistcr, Mra. hatched lat April and May. The
farl McConiifll, in Athena. Several 'name faithful chickens laid $.ilJ0 .
meiiibcra of the McComicll family worth of ckcs In I)ecemlr, and Mr.
Kennedy remarks that if it wasn t
. . . y
We Advise the Public
that The Weston Mills, with new
management, continues the motto: "We
.Serve to Suit."
W 11
j urinaing
Hay. Rolled Ilarley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgtf Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN Proprietor '
arc patients.
Mina Ruth I'reobstcl has taken a
clerical osition in the office of the
I'aoillc Power & Liifht Co. at I'cn
dletun. Sho waa formerly with War
ren's music store.
To aid in abating the Influcnia epi
demic, no. church aervicca were held
in Western last Sunday. Rev. and
Mr. A. J. Starmer motored to Milton
to attend revival meetings in prog
reus there.
In co-operation with the limitinir
of local activities, .the Methodist
Missionary society did not hold its
reirular nicetintf Wednesday after
noon, a scheduled, at the
Mra. Ernest Rosa.
An unusual amount of plowing for
this season is reported from the up
land districts. It is the ircnorsl cus
tom to break aod at this time of
year in the uplands, but old ground
ia also b inir plowed.
Dr. N. I". Rennet ha installed a
for the hijrh cost of feeding he would
take it easy and let his feathered
friends do all the producing for the
household. '
Mrs. Robert I'roudfit. a former
resident of this city, who accompan
ied her husband on a trip to I'ort
liuid and Scuttle last week, writes to
a local friend that while in Toi-thind
she visited Mrs. Ralph G. Sulinr and
was invited to the studio of Gio Ty
ler Taglicri, where she met the fa
mous teacher and heard Mrs. Salini;
render three beautiful vocal numbers.
Mrs. I'roudfit speak enthuniasticul-
. . ly of the progress Mra. Saling is
om 0 making in her artistic carver.
Monday afternoon a fine fat China
pheasant rooster meandered in a
manned 4it once prideful and leisurely
through the Weston school yard as
though searching the whereabouts of
the ground hog; and a bright-eyed
robin appeared a few minutes later
to announce that the shrewd little
. ! Liberty Bonds
An nbnolutcly safe invtst
muiit. If you have neiiiey to in
vest, buy Lilierty HoimIm frim w.
If you sell Liberty lioi.da, sell
to us.
We buy and pell Liberty I3ondn.
Any flenomiiialion $."'i
James L. Elam f
Walla Walla - - Washington J
Dr. S. L EDiliARD
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
I Phone - Main 253
Tbe Farmers Bank of Veston
Established 1E91
aod Dye
Water proof and will not fade.
Try a can. For sale by
Goodwin's Drug Store
new apparatus in hia well-appointed ,armot had not seen his shadow, and
dental office t Weston for the man- tllBt vn 0B daffodils will not! across
ufacture of plate work. Thia class of tne gttrjen,
dentistry he is now able to do in his in.strucUir in
own office p.-omptly and efficiently. JIomc ,lyRicnCf is bus). clstaWihinB
Mrs. Susan Tucker, who is visit- hospitals for the care of
ing in Redmond, Oregon, with her jnnu,.nza patients in the west end of
daughter, Mrs. J. O. Wood, writes t))C ,.ounly. iVT classes have been
that bright, sunny weather prevails discontinued until conditions improve,
in that locality, and that the change Thu CUy ljbrnry Ull,n tl,)lit.d
in climate has benefited her health. unU, thc c.piJv)nk. of iI)tiut.nZa sub-
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
MaTlo of selected blUestcm in one of the
best equipped mills' in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Pilot Rock is planning to erect a
community hull as a memorial lo the
men of that region who died in the
service. A fund of $1000 has al
ready been raised, and various or
ganisation arc furthering the move
ment. Joe Lawsoii, an influential citizen
and property owner of Freewater,
was in town Saturday. Mr. tawsnn
was a resident of Weston in his
younger duys, when he was known
as "Tex," and still has a fondness for
this burg.
At the last students' recital, held
at the residence of Mrs. Lilian Fred
ericks the afternoon of January "(I,
the following pupils contributed
pleasing numbers: Evelyn Sowers,
Orn Webb, la-no Anderson and Min
nie Chapin.
K. L. Hlomgrcn was here on a
short visit this week from Seattle,
where he has a position with the
Smelter Steel Co. "Ernie" likes Se
attle, saying that fondness for thu
big Sound metropolis grows the
longer one stays.
Fuel factory operations are rather
slowly and painfully in progress at
tho Ernest March wood camp on Bas
ket mountain. Two of the men em
ployed there cach ran a saw tooth
into hia knee, and another cut his
foot with an axe.
Cola and Jonathan Carlile of Og-
.den, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. John
Monnch of Seattle, Wash., and Les
ter Carlile and family of Hood River,
Oregon, were among tho relutives
who came to attend thc funeral of
the lute Mi's. Charles llilyard.
Farmers who have steep hillsides
on their holdings say that water has
done more dnnmge to wheat fields
this winter than in several years.
Deep ditches have been dug through
the seeded areas which will have to
bo plowed over and re-sceded.
Mrs. James KirknatPick is report
ed to be, ill at her home in Weston
with smnllpox, following an nttack
of inllucncu, and the house is under
quarantine. M. Kirkpntriok, ac
companied by her mother, Mra. Har
riet Moser, returned ubolit two weeks
ago from a visit at Portland.
Possibly we can help you; but if you don't make
your wants known we have no opportunity. Have
you plans for 1920 which require more cash than
you have on hand? If so, why not talk it over with
us. It is our wish to assist you in every' way possi
ble and it can do no harm to lay your problems be
fore us. Possibly we can help you solve them.
WaW. - M E T' ; W
it , ' -
aV . J
III I 1 1
JET some today!
You're going to
call Lucky Strikes
just right. Becaiise
Lucky Strike ciga
rettes give you the
good, wholesome
flavor of toasted
Biirley tobacco.