The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 06, 1920, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Party Leaders Join Forces to
Put Pact Under Consider
ation Next Week.
$50,000,000 VOTED
Economic Structure of Nation
Threatened by Widespread
Spirit of Discontent
Still Saving Wood
"J r-,ii . r-i
Wiililtii',tjii. l(fniMii an l uilum l(
tllO Hi l.llle Jillll i riill I'k U I 111 111.- ileum-
crats MhihI.i) 1 1) lull.:; (Ik' peace tni.ty
back lulu t ii? open . tun.- curly ij' II
Cuiintei ing iho Ui'iiiiH rulit: plan
f"l"'ii 111.- il' l dlf. iii Al Tueiu, Heti't
tin Lodge in :ii linllie (liul In uoiii.l
lil.ilio a nliniiiii' ellnrt li' k l Mmiiiay.
'III.' I'arlli I iLlo promptly a.i in 1 r.
li) tli" ileuiiieruln iiu.l In in. 111) iuu ."
1 1 rii I1 uim 1 1' illi li il that 1 "ii ia
(Ion if Mi.' In nly would li unuiiKil
then i 11 i'l ' i otiM-ut
It wn.i rml'lM'.IX'il nil till hi. how
1MT. Unit tile IIJI'I llll'l.l In lit .11 a put
Iliu It, loimull) I" I"ii' Ihc nciiuU:
ill'l liul iii'.il) the I' .idem Ki'ir uptii.i
lull, im.r (In 1 . : 1 m I . : uf li f 1 1 1 it 1
illH" 11H11.II. It i predicted I lull
r.niiii' i f tin minor prints u; i'ii,
llirmhrd i.. 1 111 tin' I11I rniiil negotia
tion if tin' pant fll Week", 1 1 1 : k ! 1 1
..ii lii' r ! mi by III" m-tute Itntilf,
liul t."u.iHii w.-r- liul l i It (ill lu
r. In lii" dlsagreeim nl our ant
rlii l'i unit ihe Monroe 1I1. 1 trine.
A i'ii ut a resumption vl 1 .oii
UllU'tllolllll l I'lllcil Mkur'i), leader uf
lli tn parlies mi 1 lli.'lr headu lu'
lilliir tu o:l out hunm iih-UhnI (
K 1 ' 1 1 1 K tli debate within li'ii iulmlilil
Imund. lleuxal nf tin- cloture rulo
huh suggested but many senators
thought It I .11 drastic.
Ttn U tii t uf Viscount lin y, former
llrlllnh Hiiiliiiiiiiir hero, to Dim Uti
doll I liu. , In which liu hi lil Aim rl
rail rcm-l union in the pi t treaty
with fniiii mi Anicrimn point
of view, will hasten r4t'.r HV4. It
woa believed Iiiti.
A farmer' week fur Multnomah cum
IT w ill tii In lil at (JiialiHin. beginning
February 9.
Tin Willamette 1'nlviTi.liy till 1' 1 lull
hat left on a tmir of Kuslcru Oregon
and Washington,
liable. ini"tl out after n severe
outbreak thror year aio, la again ap
pearing among coyotn In Kluinuili
North Bend has rejected lit- i r ' t
of tlm LumlM-riiK'ii Trust company f
Portland to purchase iii,ooo of city
bond at par. 1
Captain Aid Hrott (if fluiiiliiii ilid
two assurlatr have put a Urn almim!
the wrwked Chaualur ami ara holding
It for salvage,
Damage to mat resulting from the
rain In llootl Illver run my win rmi
urn a larcn part of tlm road fund
appropriated for luiti.
A luovrinnut lirlni n(
Oron t'lljr to t-nv-i a mriiiurlul for
400 young mn nf Clarkoina rnuiiiy
wbo arriHl In th war.
ArraiiKMurnin urc IhIiik in ml" by ttn
Klamath cmiiy farm bureau tu Imimrt
rarloait of Hbortlioro run la to b
void at publlr aiinlon.
Tha city council of Milifl...l lm
ordornl all boxi-a In r. imiroiii n
movNl. dcrlarlui Hhtc thall l uu
mora partltlona In ratine limim-n.
Tba Clackatua I 'mini y Kainn'ra'
union baa tlii liliiJ to oranulti a wurr-
hou antoclailon at ILnvrr Cni k.
Htork will lx aold at M r almr.
Rfforta are bclnit mmli- by tlic m limil
board of Kiiui ih- to coini. inr iim to
obarrva Ihr rub-a nf the aiali- iHianl of
health ami vaccinate th' lr rblliln'ii.
rormUalmi tu ttrato 7."2 Ii-imI of
atork In iho Cu. iuli' nntlonitl lur. i
thl yrar will lw Klvcn. nccordlnit to
N. F. Marduff. aupcrvUor of th fon nt.
A bungrt of $i:6.:.'.o adopti by llm
I'endlilon aclmol board for l:c't:i
thorn an lucaf a of 2i per cent over
laat year. Thl lit due tu Inrri-amil
alarloa of tachra.
A. R. Olaoii hint be. 11 npHliit.'d by
the rltlrcn of Hui-iim rliulrumn nf u
comnlltt, to nrrniiKr for the holdlttK
of th Cattla and lloinn Italm r' an
nual convention next May.
Speaker (Illicit baa hIkuoI the bill
which permit the conntruriliui of n
brldit" aeroaa the Columblii river l
twaen WaihlnKtou and Orrcon, two
mil' wet of f'ahcmle lurk.
Otto HarlwlK. prealdont of the Slulo
Faderatlon of Labor, wna iipiioiiiird by
Oovernor Oirott to aurcerd K. J. Slack
a a member of tho bouid of vneiitlonul
ducatloo. Mr. Slack recently retlmicd.
ArrangenientH are being nuide by tho
llventock committee of the Kliuiuiih
county farm bureau for Importation of
rartoad of reitlatercd Kliorthorn cut
tle for aal at public nintluii about
March 1.
Coaitn Grvo uilllinin report tlint
prospect for continued ncilvliy at
ifroflubla price remain brlnht. Tho
only cloud on tho horizon I the con
tinued car uhorlnxe, which hamper
th dutlvory of order.
F. W. Kelirll, bull aniclntlnn iipecliil.
It of tho Vnlted Btalea depnrtment of
of aiirlcutturo, arrived In Toledo to
tak up w-ltli the Lincoln coiiuly agent
th plan for ornnnlr.lnn n Jeriy bull
MOclaNnn In the county.
H. P. Bar, profeator of botany and
plant pathology at Oregon Agricultural
collate, has been reappointed i-ommlH
alonxr on (he advisory board of tho Tho DUl)1.c ,orvice, romniUton will
American plant patholoRista of tho bo ,.tlt louct by citizen of Salem t )
Englith Hotel In Pari.
A enrlj iim 17i J lli'-ro i-vlmi'd an
LriL-llvli b'i- nl rmi. it nwnn
by n mini niniieil White and n i-Hu-.-iti'd
i...iili.. Hie rli 11 rih of Nutrf
l:mie lira Vli-t..rr. It K chief illeri
-le wdm lriin from ihe Kiicll'h llli-
:-n: i'f the day, who were (ittrnrti-d
to I'lirls hy the ISrltlxh eiiihuinnii for
tin Kninh revolutliin. Kor, a
il(or in tin Anslo rreii' h Ilevlew
jiiliil out. "If ;Hii-ge III mid the To
riin nnlelml with iilixlimn eye the
lri.gri'l nf dl'llliHTnry. the whole lib-
Falling Off In Numbtn and Valu
Alto Shown.
Waxblngion. Farm animal of the
t'ntii-d Klatea were valued at K.t6
H3.0H0 on Jnuunry 1, coiiipafed with
J27.?l.t''(t a year aco. the depart
lii'-ut of uktIi ullure Miiiioutu-ril. Home
mimbi-rnl 2I,1!,0"0. a di-creiiw of 1.4
pir i-.-ni from a yi-nr ago and wer
tallied t l,f:2.M2noO.
Mill. niiiiiU-K'd 4,(lij.ooi. a decreaa mil pnrty. wlih the lilen of
Waahlngton. In voting to recom
mend new govi-rnment locn of I'-O,-O'iO.ooO
to Enrol ' n counlrle for food
relief, ibo houne ay and meana com
mittee, Including it reiuliliran nn-in-lieiw.
went "unler to the majority
to of the republican leRhlatlve
Mei-rliig trommlttee. Six democratic
loi'iiilx-r Joined the majority after fail
Ini: n get a larger fund, but r nerved
the rli;lit to Reek an lucn-aiie when
tin- bill cwiii i up ill the houHc.
A lion by I li way and miar com
Itilttei. follow.-d a ciinferetice between
lln republican mi'inbi-r aud tin: dicer
lug committee, at which Ihe uti-ering
commllieo nieiiibiTK xprcwd dlaap
rroval of any loan on the ground that
CongreM bad no autiiority to give away
fuiida, while in Ihe M-nale both dem
crata and republican tolced op.oil
t Inn to additional credit to any Euro
pean country.
U.S. $700,000,000
W'aaliltigioii. - (ij..-niiloti of the rat!
roiulu, rnlliniiii line, i-.xpr.aii com
pituli'R mid .tterwiiii, iinllli-d utid'-r
f.-di'liil control, ban out llir nation
iiiIno;liiiiii. Iv jfToo.ooti.iMiii, uicorilliig
to official cull ulallon, nlnci- they were
tiik'-n ov.-i- two y.-nra jiko.
I'lttiir. ! iii. ah- public by 111.' ruilroad
ndnilnlHiiiiiioii revi'iilcd a net n of
.V.l,2uii,nno from ralliond opi-ration
alone In llir two yenr. Htntiittlc,
Bat hi-rril from offU-lal Hourcee an io
operntiiig cohIh of lln- I'ullumii linca
mid wiiii iwii and ixiriot coiupiiiilcx
while opi-niicil by the government
ulimv tho addition of ltm.i'.ou.oiw to
the iiiiimportjiiloii cohih.
Heavy Iosmi of November and De
cember lire charged to the coal Hirliie,
lu n Mttteuielit by the railroad iidmliiiH
trillion. A deficit of $111,500,000 wna
Bliown for thorn two moutliH.
Miioli of thu loiiti during 1!1! should
bo churged to tho first lx moutlia of
the yenr, according to tho official ex
ploitation. Tho atnieiiiint allow that of n lona
of 1349.200,000 for the 12 month,
$228,700,000 came during the firm nix
montha when there wan "n prolonged
lump In freight bualneaa following
the kigiilng of thu nruilntlce." It adds
that "If Iho rate liieroauo which went
Into effect In June 1018 hud become
effective tho previous January, (ho
log for the two years would probably
not hnvo exceeded $104,000,000."
of 11 pi r c ut from a year ago. Their
value v,a $7.14.779,000.
Milk row numbered 2J.747.000. an
Increatte of 05 per cent over a year
ago. Tloy were valued nl $2.021.6 j.V
Other rattle numbered 44.3h5.000,
dicrenae of 4 2 per cent from a year
ago. Tlnlr value wa $l.!14.C75.O00.
Hhcep numbered 48.ClS.Ooo, a do
cream, of 1 p. r cent from a year ago.
They were uihn-d nt $311. ;:.(, ouO.
Swine numbered 72.!o :.Ooo. a de-mam-
of 8.7 per cent from a year ago
uJ Were valued at $1.CSS,212,('U0.
lioiixM'Hti, whs amazed at the flaxhins
Accrued Interttt on Loan. $144,440,
837; Total for Europe, $325,000,000.
WaHhlngton. Accrued Interest cb
loans to Kufope total about $32,000,
'to. according to a table submitted
to the house ways and means commit
tee by tho treasury department, which
plans to defer collection for a few
Great llriuln owes the most Inter
est, the total on loans to that coun-
ilevelepnieiits In Kranee." Among the .try being $144.440,837..
n.iled guem there lodged wuh Tom
1'iilne, ntitl.or of the "Age of Ite.isi.n."
Iir.J f'ltentld wrote home of him:
"We breakfii"!, dine and Mip together.
The inure I cee of his Inner self the
more I love nnd rexpect blm." The
hotel In lutimntely eoncenied with the
history of the Terror.
Interest owed by other countries is:
France. $4.021,749; Italy, $54,256.-
689; Hussla. $10,832,662; Belgium. $11.-
465.278; Czecho-Slovakia. $1,667,083;
Serbia, J917.29&; Rumania, $609,873;
Liberia, $548.
Wanhlngton. Indication of a wide
apread spirit of unrest and dluatla.
faction anions the farmers of the coun
try, so threatening as likely to disturb
the existing economic structure, la con
sidered by government official to bf
revealed In more than 40,000 replies
to quistionalre reeently sent out by
the poiofflce d' partmenL
The s ntlmenta of the farmers were
obtained by the broadcasting of 200.
0'W copies of questlonaire through
out the agricultural states asking for
suggestion whereby the poatoffice de
partment mlKlit aid in cutting down
the cost of living.
The great proportion of the replle
a summarized by officials, show the
major complaint of the farmer la
numerical order to be:
Inability to obtain labor to work
the farms; hired help and the farmers'
children having been lured to the city
by higher wagea and easier living.
High profits taken by the middle
men for the mere handling of food
products and lack of proper agencies
of contract between the farmer and
the ultimate consumer.
Many of the replies, said one of
ficial, probably as many as SO per
cent. Indicated that the writers con
template either leaving their farms or
curtailing acreage under cultivation,
because of one or more of the three
major grievances and because ot the
growing feeling against uou-produciof
city dwellers.
In a letter addressed to Walker D.
Mines, director of the United States
railroad administration with head
quarters at Washington, c. 1L Oram,
fiuie labor' commissioner, protests
against the employment of Chinese
Six Hundred Sinn Fein Arrested. rooki ri(llron con8trU(.tlon .,,
Dublin.-. Six hundred arrests were (0 (U r,UB, of AmPrcan citizens,
made in tin nation wide raids agaimd A M,0 o( 6g,,,00,ooo feet of timber In
the Minu Fein by the llrltlidi inllltiuy ,he SanHHm ml)!iai for(.st VMl of
authorities. Albany has been made during the last
j(w t i,c forest service to the
Governor Cox a Presidential Candidate Merrill Lumber and Shingle company,
. CiiluuibuK, O. Governor James I.I. according to an announcement by F.
Cox officially announced his cimdld icy 11 Ames, iisaistant district forester,
for tho democratic presidential mm- in charge of all timber sales la this
Inntloii. district.
and You
Peace Strength Will Include 16 Dread
naughts, Says Admiral.
Washington. Approximately 940
warships, including IS dreadnaughts,
13 prcdrcaduaughts, eight armored
cruisers and 17 light cruisers will be
the peaoe-timo strength of the Ameri
can navy after July 1, the house raval
committee was told by Hear-Admiral
Taylor, chief of the bureau of construc
tion and repair. This will be tbrco
times the number in commission when
the I'nited Stales declared war ou
Germany, but the comixiratlve ton
nage will only be about one and oua
balf times as great.
American Phytopathologlcnl society.
What la believed to ho a case of
leeplng sickness Is attracting the at
tention ot physician at Harrlsburg In
tho rase of Caroline Williams, a stu
dent of tha Bgrlculturnl college, who
was taken to tha hospltul a few days
Seventy thousand one hundred and
venty-lx egg were laid by a flock
Of 425 "Oregona" nt Iho Multnomah
county farm the last year, according to
James' Prydnn. professor of poultry
husbandry at the college and originator
of the "Oregona."
A meeting of fruit growers waa hold
at Milton at which Fred Kenton of
Pendleton, agricultural agent at Uma
tilla county, aud Professor 11. Weath
erspoon, stale fruit Inspector of Kl
gin, organized the Fast Hud Umatilla
county farm bureau, which will em
k,. tha fruit, atoek. huv aud sraln
ectlon. adjacent to Milton and Free- PPrwl by Attorney-Gcneral
. Brown, and will be completed early
next week.
Install warning signals at three rail
way crossings In tho city.
Holes bored by craw fish In tho earth
en wing-dam diverting: the waters of
tho Deschutes river through the plant
of the Ilend Waler, Light & Tower Co.
are considered responsible for a wash
out which will cost tho company sev
eral thousand dollars.
The Oregon League of Women Vot
ers, with heiidiiliil'tei'R tu I 'oil land, filed
articles of incorporation nt Salem. The
office, h and incorporators lire Maria
Hidden. Portland, president; Josephine
OlIitiH. rnrtlund, recording secretary,
and Thella Scruggs, Portland, trea
surer. llallot titles for practically all meas
ures and nmendiiieiits approved nt tho
recent special scHslon of the lcgitdulura
lor submission to tho voters nt the
epecltil election to be held May 1, are
rcr.rrmst r'"f -OSfsrcri tpr--tg.
Oliver Pulverizer
uality and Service
are what you get when you invest
in a
y var vjv au
(Farming's Fun with a FORDSON)
(Phone 761, Milton, Oregon. )
Japan Asks China to Negotiate.
Washington. Tho Japanese enibas
ay hero 'was informed officially that
the Japanese government had invited
China to enter upon negotiations for
the return of German rights in Shan
tung and that while some of the young
er elements in China had opposed the
acceptance of the invitation, on tha
ground that China was not yet a mem
ber of the League of Nations, it waa
bolieved the Chinese are inclined to
accept the Invitation.
Houston and Meredith Confirmed.
Washington. The senate has con
finned David F. Houston as secretary
tif the treasury, and E. T. Meredith
secretary of agrieultrue.
You needn't be afraid of pain
If vou have your teeth cared for
liy dentists using the
E. It. Parker System.
You needn't lose
much time, for under
. this System your work
will be done with
fewer visits, especial
ntlention being given to out-of-town
You needn't have doubts about
being satisfied, for Parker System
dentists are just as particular as
j oii are.
You needn't worry about price,
for it will be as low as good den
tistry can possibly be done for.
But you ought to be afraid of
cue thing, and that is delay. The
longer you neglect your teeth, the -worse
they get. Bad teeth never
grow better unless good dentists
help them.
Consultation and advice free.
There are twenty-four E. R. Parker
System offices, the nearest being at
755 Main St, Pendleton.
Mrs. Caroline Thompson, wife of
Thomas Thompson, wns called by
death Monday morning, following a
stroke of paralysis, at the age of 52
years, at her home in Pendleton. She
was formerly Miss Caroline Ginn, and
was a member of a prominent pioneer
family who. made their home in early
years on a farm between Weston and
Athena. Mrs. Thompson is survived
by her husband and eight children.
Federal inspection of the various
Oregon national guard companies In
Oregon will start about February 13,
according to announcement made by
Conrad Stafrin, adjutant-general. The
Inspections will be tinder charge of
Colonel Koester, commander of Van
couver barracks.
J. Skew Is and S. S. Bullis hav e pur
chased the old Applegute Lumber com
pany on tho Portland Eugene road
near Medford and will start opera
tions at once under the name ot the
Southern Oregon Lumber company.
The company plana to saw 20,000,000
feet of lumber a year.
Some 20 Grass Valley farmers have
foimed a club, with L. A. Olds as
president, for the purpose of keeping
comprehensive farm records from
which they will be able to get at the
cost ot producing wheat In their sec
tion, as well as make a more careful
You can do either or both
with entire satisfaction at
I North Water St.
Board by the week, or by
the day. Clean beds.
I Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hebert
TV TtVttttWTtTTttttttTttTt
General Insurance
and Real Estate
Do you want to sell your
property? If it is salable
tudv of other farm operations.