The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 23, 1920, Image 2

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    ':-Jfi' T
its pelt is brinrfincf the
highest prices ever known
"Shuberi" Wants Oregon Furs
And Will Pay These Extremely High Price
Bcety fvnv4 Cim4
30.001 25.09 1 22.00 to 1S.C0
22.MJulS.00 16.001 14.00
12.C019 10.09
13.00 tl 8i0
800 U (.00
10.00 ta S.00
800t 4.00
too ta in
4i0!i 175
4.75 tt 3.75
130 to 2.73
150 b 175
2i9tt 2.00
ISO to 1.7S
1.75 H lit
2itl lifl
1.75 to liS
Fine, Dark
Usual Color
25.001a 20.00 1100 b 15.00
lS.WtjU.0U 1100 ta 10.00
12.00 tc I0.M5 9Mto 7 50
ROOts 12.00
9.09 ta 7i0
7.00 fc 6.00
10.00 ta 8.00
7.G0ta 100
S..S0to 430
10.00Ja 5.00
7.00 to Sit
5i0t 100
TSeae extremrly high prim are based on the well known SH'JUERT liberal grading nd or
Quoted far txdfuedi uc aUnpcucnt. No. 3. No. 4, and otherwise i rue nor tkina at htbet mtrkrt
value. For ouocJtarn on other Orrsoa Furs. rrritt I 2h tfhakrrf htvrr.H th oour
ycUafate andiiniratr market rrpyrt mad price itU oi iu kind pubatiicd. ltijL& nmf if.
A shipment to MSHUBERT ivill
result in "more money" "quicker.
5-27rW. Austin Ave. dp. i Chicago; U.&A
port-since the iveritKt Income cf
American worker U fur les than
f J884 a year. Tho Denver contro
versy present only another phase of
the aire-old cv problem, which la
just now sunning uch alarming
proportion in these United States.
It will never be aolved, porhap, un
til ome Adventist prophecy in ful
filled and thia sad old world la loot
in a niontttroua eatyellsm.
l U. I J
Oregon ha marched too far on tho
road of political pi-ogres to tolorato
a "straight party" ballot. Thia ia a
reactionary device put over during
th special scsMon by reactionaries,
and impugns tho Intelligence of the
Oregon voter. Governor Olcott U in
touch with the timva in aiinouncintr
touch with tho times in vetoing it.
Attorney General Palmer that
prices will dron during the year if
the people atop buying ami eating;
but what will become of people who
stop eating mid where will they bo
when price fall?
Henry VanDyke remark that there
ia something mysterious about wo
men's fancy work; it cvma to havo
all the soothing charm of the tobacco
plant, without iU inconvenience.
A humorous man has been defined
a one who has the gift of regarding
an annoyance in the very stroke of it
as another man regards it after the
annoyance hus long past.
Mrs. Fred Gro ha bei-n ill at
her homo on Fifth' street, but ia bet
ter at prevent.
Win llunlen has been in town thia
week from Toppenlah, Wash., where
he ha been employed thi winter.
Maurice Hill of Havre, Montana,
w ho ha been In Portland on business,
will visit relative in Athena for a
few days.
A Federal Reserve charter ha Unit
ki tinted to tho Athena Mate liunk.
Notice to that effect was received
Monday of thia wink.
Mr. and Mr. Henry Keen, Mis
Zola Keen and Mr. C. C. Clinton at
tended tho San Carlo onera at Walla
Walla Tuesday evening,
F. S. lA-Grow recently sold tho cot
tave on College street back of hi
residence to I. It. Phillip, who with
his wife will make hi home there.
On account of sicknes in the Wes
ton school the Athena-Weston con
ference basket ball Kiu,e scheduled to
bo played at Weston tonight ha been
Four caws of tlu are reported in
the home of C. K. Smith on the west
side. The patient are Mr. Smith,
her diiughter Savannah ami Mr. and
Mr. Wilks.
Mrs. Roy Pamhrun died yesterday
Atbena Residence Rjuicte4
When Mr. and Mr. M. L. Watt
returned to Athena Saturday even
ing from fortnight' visit In Cali
fornia they found their home had
been rummaired from cellar to gar-
ret by housebreakers, who had made X
systematic pillage of the residenco I
durinir their absence.
A queer circumstance attache to I
... . .L ...I I.....
the Object or in nuscreaiiw, in-
much as nothing of value wa taken
from th premise, but the content
of the house were left In promiscu
ous topsy-turvy me.
Entrance wa evidently effected
through the basement, in the opinion
of Mr. Walts. Here matting had
been removed from tho floor and evi
dence of digging in tho bottom of the
cellar is seen. Jars of fruit were
scattered over the collar, and the only
thhiKS taken from the house so far as
known at the present time were sev
eral .lars of fruit juice.
The china chest was rummaged,
and that llavlland did not appeal to
the thieves Is attested by the fact
the. set was left Intact. The motive
that prompted so thorough a ran
sacking of the home without looting
it remain a mystery. The only con
clusion i that the thieve did not
find what they wanted or that boy
were the perpetrators.
General Insurance
and Real Estate
to sell your I
it Is nalublo
1H you want
propvrty? If
It's up to Holland
Paris. Th supreme council' note
morning at St. Anthony' hospital m in Putrh overninent asking that
The government is advised to go
as far u.t it likes iu the proposed
mulcting of profiteering landlords,
as they cannot be found in country
Wets and dry are sure to differ as
to whether the good liuor which
the former tieriuau emperor be given
up to the alliea under article 227 of
the Versailles treaty for trial, point
out that if tha former emperor bad
rnilud In Qermany he would have
been delivered up under the same eon-
Pendleton, of pneumonia. She leaves
her husband and three children. She
was U- years of age.
Mrs. Sam Haworth, who has been
ill from nervous breakdown, has en
tered a Portland sanitarium for treat
ment. She wa accompanied to Porter dltlons by the German government
lnnd this week by Mr. Hnworth. "Among so many crimes," the not
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watt return- recalls the cynlcsl violation of th neu-
sank with the steamer Yarmouth cd home Saturday evening from Call- traiity or Hclglum and Luxembourg,
went down in the right place. fornia. Homer Watts remained over the barbarous system of hostage,
i 1 in Medford for a few days' visit. Ho msssed deportation, systematic dev.
The Oregon legislature and The is now "ready to figure income tax for astatlon wlihoul military reasons, the
Portland Telegram have such a poor his clients. submarine war.
opinion of each other that we'd hate n(, Hantist revival meetings closed " co'c,,"i "7 eapresslnf th con-
to think both are richt. l... ..vonmo. ..,.1 Evnif..lit Ilond lctlon that "Holland, one of the first
I lunches!
The moonshine industry '3 increas
ing in tho mountains of old Knintuck
a rather anamoious illustration or
still activity.
Daniel of old wasn't bothered by
the lions, but a modern Daniels is
being roughed up a bit by an old sea
CLARK WOOD, Plibllihti " H any "high official" of the navy
' MRS. It OOODWIN, AuisUat Editor department advised Admiral Sims on
. the eve of our declaration of war
SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' against Germany that "we would as
StricHv in Annct s soon fight the British as the Cen-
The Year 12 00 traP Powers," he was either a Ger-
Six Months 1 00 man sympathizer or an exalted nin-
Three Months .' 0 50 eompoop. Secretary Daniels denies
making this statement, or that he
raiDAT, JAW. 23, - . . ,- 1920 toM Admira, Simg ..not to k.t t,lc
FMvti t th po.loll.c. .1 Kc.ton. Or.j.s British Pu" the W01 ovcr h "
..c.nd.l.,.m.iln..tttr. We believe him as we hold rather a
... . Rood opinion of Secretary Daniels
ADVERTISING RATES Bm' ms work- Wre regard the above
, . , . ' charge of Admiral Sims as the most
Regular per inch per. nsert.on 15c gerjoug of . M ch m fc
rranS.ent, per inch pcrinsert.on 20c out ken oM warri who
Locals, per hne per insert.on.. 10c mfly a bjt prcjudiced in hia views
- as to the judgment of his superiors
SOME TYPICAL INGALLISM in other respects. The man at sea
We clip the subjoined observations in naval warfare ia seldom tolerant
rrom the Corvallis Gazette-Times. ot tne man 8t 'he. desk, alKhough hot
We assume that Brother Ingalls often so frank ns tiie admiral. But
steeped his soul in vitriol and ex- we "'""M rea"y l'ke know the
changed his pencil for a stick of caus- identityof the "high official" who
tic before proceeding to get them off classed England with Germany. He
his chest'- deserves a job as bootblack to the
A Portland pastor brands man as Hohenzollern Hun in Holland,
"nature's only fool." We guess the Thc Ncw Vork WolW anm)UncclJ
pastor is right, but if it were not so that jt win rt JMbett UooVKt
the said pastor might have to do for presilent as a t inde.
something else for a living. pendent or republican candidate-in
About the only difference between the latter case, however, on a plat
the Bford which sailed to Russia form "representing the kind of gov
with a load of Reds and the Oscar II ernment which Hoover has exempli
which sailed to Sweden to get the fied in his public career." In this re
boya out of the trenches by Christ- spect, what is good enough for our
mas, is that the Ford bunch came esteemed New York contemporary
bck- which we are proud to recognize as
Galli-Gurci got her divorce and the an equal in circulation and influence
contemptible skunk she had married is good enough for us.
. withdrew at the last minute his
charges of infidelity. A man who will Tne bolshevik hordes threaten to
make a false charge of that kind annihilate Poland, and Great Britain
s against a woman ought to be skinned P,an8 to st'nd troops into the Cau
alive and made to devour his own casus to prevent the spread of the
epidermis. - Red Terror in Aremenia, Turkey,
Oregon is using 40,000,000 gallons Pcrsia McItam. When the
of gasoline yearly. Because of the """V"1 Juink! of Hunland applied
gravity teat law we are paying a cent the1' '"ccn'1'ary torch they started
and a-half a gallon more than any- eolowal fire that niay yet engulf in
body else, which is two-thirds of a cnmson chaoli s world clv'''zat'"-
million dollars a year. But it is , , , , . , ,
worth the money. Look at the ad- , Gntcd that I am holier than
vertising we get as the chief freak thr u a "T1 sentiment, we
legislation state in the world. ,th.c ruraI "Strict can but feel
, . , ... . . superior to the foolish newly-rich of
We seldom go to the cemetery for ilL, u ui lli
. , . . .7 ... . the cities who blow their bubbly
a joke, but the public should know .,,. , . . . , , ,
. . ,,. r, . , , . wealth for all sorts of folderols.
that Gifford Pmchot is lifting his -;
head again and shaking his gory . , .. , ., ,
, . , . , . f e Tne cost of supporting a. family of
Jocks at the forest devastators. Since - r. , . 0-f
. . . ... ,, , ..x five in Denver is 2-134 a year, ac-
Pinchot saved thc Alaska coal so that ,.' . , , ... , ..
, j i u ui. cording to figures submitted to bear
nobody can use it, ne ought to go . . .. , , . . . ,
A i t i i out the demand of street car ncn for
with Dr. Cook to the north pole and . , . .
" ' . . . . . a wage increase from 48 cents an
start a campaign to save the ice. . nn . . ,
ami Iiour to 70 cents. The figures arc
given in detail and would anear to
If Henry M. Hanzen of The Port- be conservative. It would also at
tend Telegram fights as fiercely as he pear by this standard that neither in
writes, no Oregon solon will ever Denver nor anywhere else are many
realize a cherished desire to trim him. families of five getting adequate sup-
In attacking federal prohibition, lit
tle Rhode Island reminds one of the
tail trying to wag thc doK.
An Irish merchant in New York re
cently advertised: "tjuart pails of all
sizes for sale."
Somcthinjr extra is coming to Bill
Hohenzollern, and we hope he Rets it-state
left this morning for hia home in
Wnlla Walla. The meeting were
successful and well attended. A num
ber of conversions are reported.
Wednesday was an exceptionally in
tereatimr day in thc Athena school.
County Superintendent Green and all
members of the board of director
visited the school and reviewed the
work ami school matters generally.
Mis Stasia Walsh, county nurse,
is in the city today. Mis Walsh
siient yesterday in "Weston, where she
organized assistance in event of flu
epidemic. She reports tho appear
ance of flu in twelve families residing
Work has been resumed on the
Athena-Weston-Milton section of the
highway. Grading of thc road
Baker's Gopds
Phone your dray orders, tj
93, or call at store, fj
to claim a place In the League of Na
tion, will not desire to cover by moral
authority violation of lb etMintlal
principle ot th solidarity of nation,
and that all are Interested to preteot
a return of a simitar catastrophe."
Brussels. Deep emotion h been
caused In Holland by the allied de-
minl fi (Ka vt mm Alt tut rtf fimkg
Emperor William ol : Germany, accord- WV.V.VAVMVAm
ing io a uiipatcn. uuiier I expressed
;! Davis & Ellis !
in extradiition.
At the Standard Theatre
Another great picture of the huht
class comes to the Standard next
Thursday night, January 2i, accom
panied by orchestra music and star
ring Geraldine Farrar and Iah Telle
pen, husband of this queen of the
screenhis first appearance hero.
"Flume of the Desert" is a great pic
ture and more! A massive spectacle
and more! A wonderful romance and
more! A vivid drama and more! A
giant among big pictures and more!
Sec it and hear the five-piece orches
tra, which will play hereafter for all
super pictures filmed at the Standard.
Two shows, at 7:30 and 0:30.
at once
Second - Hand Sad
dles. We will trade
new saddles for old
from Weston toward Milton is under
way again. Mr. ami Mrs. Crabill
left Monday for Weston, where they
will board thc road-working crew.
Receipts from the American Le
gion benefit at the opera house Fri
day evening amounted to $U7. A
county campaign for Legion member
ship will be inaugurated shortly, du
ring which cver service man in the
county will be asked to join one of
its four posts.
The Willamette University- Glee
club has been secured by the high
school to appear in the auditorium in
concert on tho evening of February
4. Advertising will appear soon, and
a thorough campaign will be started
by thc school fur a large attendance
to greet the boys.
Franc Rolson is wanted here for
skipping his board bill at tho St.
Nichols Hotel. Rolson, who i a
sheep herder, owe the Athena hos
telry $00 for cats, and Landlord
I'roome hits sent descriptions of him
to the officer with the intention of
having him apprehended.
A letter to Athena friends from Mr.
and Mrs. George B. Woodward, who
are spending the winter in Honolulu,
tells of the cnjoyablo time they arc
having there. Pictures enclosed givo
one thc desire to be with them. Mr.
and Mrs. Woodward express them
selves as being well satisfied with
their winter trip.
Grover Hodgcn, cousin of Lou
Hodgcn, was here from Umapine
for a short visit. Grover served in
thc Fifth regiment of the Marina
Corps during the war, and when dis
charged wa a member or the reg-
at Th Hague that measure wilt be
taken with a view to Inducing blm
voluntarily to place himself at th
dlpol of the atlle.
Are Your Teeth
Bothering You?
Nearly everybody lias lomcllilng
the matter with the teeth, but
keeps on postponing a
visit to th dentist.
Some people are
afraid of pain, some
afraid of the price,
and some don't want
to lose the llm.
All these people should know
about the Registered Drntlil using
the E. R. Parker System.
First, there is no fear of pain
when dental work I done under
the E. R. Parker Syttem,
Second, the prices are moderate,
nd every patient Is guaranteed
full satisfaction.
Third, fewer visits are required,
nd out-of-town vlsitori are given
especial attention, to they need
not call so often.
If your teeth ar bothering you,
remember that the longer you
neglect them, th more you suffer
and the more it will cost you Jn
the end.
There are twenty-four E. R.
Parker System offices In different
cities, tli nearest ofllce being at
755 Main St.. Pendleton.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Umatilla County,
Elsie Ella Belshe, Plaintiff, v. Gran
ville P. Belshe, Defendsiit.
To Granville P. Belshe, defendant
above named:
In tIIr Name of the State or Or
egon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you In the aliovo
entitled suit within six weeks of tha
date of the first publication of this
Summons. to?wit: on or bofora ih nth
day of February, 1920: and vou will
take notice that if vou fail to
i! Surely Suitable
R. L. Reynaud
. a..;
Dr. S. L KGillARD
Veterinary Sargeoa
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone Main 253
Harness Oiled for I baf ' llTc"T
lldlllVS3 VSlieU lOl H collection of war photographs, which the plaintiff, for want thereof, will p.
$1.00 per set.
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
proved of much interest to those who P'y to the Court for the relief prayed
saw them. or in "ld complaint, to-wit: for a de
cree or mo court dissolving the bond
Iu honor of the birthday of her of matrimony existing between plain
husband, Mrs. Carl McConnell was . n,1.dfBnlat and for other equiu
. t o . , . abla relief. '
hostess Saturday evening to a -num. Thii 8ummont bightd
bcr of friends, tho evening being to an order made by Hon G W
paised pleasantly at five hundred, helps, Judge of the Sixth Judicial
I fTflfnhnn fill
Dr. N. P. Bennet
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building
Weston, Oregon
Refreshments of delicious ice were Bt8t. or. "regon, on tho 23d X
erved, with other delectable. The icitfttt!.1 i,,'' X
' . . , ,, "cai 'on or tins hummotn will be made T
guests sharing Mr. and Mrs. McCon- on Friday, the 26Uh dHV of Dormi,l. T
nell's hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs.
V. B. Radtke, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFad
ilen, Mr. and Mrs. William Rice, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Fisk, Dr. and Mrs. C.
II. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Proudlit, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Myrick.
y or December.
blication on Fri-
last nut
6th day of February,
11)19. and the
day, the said
molcd thi" the m d8y of Uecon,br.
Petebhon, Bwjior & Clakk
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and P, O. address:
Pendleton, Oregon.
i Liberty Bonds I
An absolutely safe Invest- X
m. V " J"u have money to In- T
vest, buy Liberty Bond from u. X
you sen Liberty Bonds, ae
to u. '
We buy and sell Liberty Bond.
James L. Elam
Walla Walla . . Wa.hington