The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 16, 1920, Image 2

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its pelt is bnnging tno
highest prices ever known
"Shuberi" Wants Oregon Furs
And Will Ray Tftcsc Keitrcnicay H!fjt Price
NV 2
Oariar Brains
22.C0U 1? W
2-C3t3 !?
150CS3 14.03
liMla 12.50
lCCOtO OjlMOti) 500
SCO t3 6.C0 SMt9 400
4.50 b 3.75
to to
3i0t) 2.75
25019 2.901
L50t9 1.75
1.75 to 150
259(0 150
US to 1.25
Fine, Dark
Usual Color
25.09 13 2W
1190 13 11.50
11004) 10.00
18.00 to 15.00
12.00 to 10.60
900 ta 750
14.00(3 1100
900(0 750
7.00 & 6.00
10.00 19 8.00
7.00 to 6.00
5.50H 450
10.00 to S.G0
7.C0to 3.50
550 to 3.00
Thei rnranrlr h sh vritx are biard on the will fcnetrn SHU.IKKT liberal jradmi oa an
quoted for ui5ne.litte i jetant. No. 3. No. 4. and othrruui .nittiot ajuiu bmbnt mrt
Rlukic (ndccurate maktt report bb3 or.-- Urt cl :ti kmJ puUulKO. I t B'nUor O.
A shipment to "SIIUBEHT will
result in inorc money" "quicker.'
5-27 W.Austin Ave. rpt Chicago. U.S.A
narrow I'HiliMin spiiit tlmt would
r-avo been morw In keeping with imo
uf thu ulit-timo ctosnivai!:! pvlmurii i.
Witodiow Wilson limy not tilway
have Iwn vls.'ht. but tlmt does iut Me, nll, Mm,
excuse the republican nonutom fir a I'.iiilim.l, wlii'tv
voiiiko HtiomimiMy wivtur.
Tlu-iv ri-nlly In no iicitl fvr r.i miii li
litili.'Mlioii if cilitoiinl spiivi! in tlio
n'iiiilH'r f t!io htnto uvvr tht lU!i
Kiwi Kiimo fommi.H'.iiiii h.iihIiIi1.', r i
i'r bs tlio iiioUsmi'n, uiivlm.s.-r of
lirt'Usi.H io iim'iiH'il. W'lmt tl-y
iK-siiv lit thnt t!o lii-rim- money
ivvi'it t njlusivil.v to tlio 'iv'!i:Hliin
Hiul i iMtnlioii vt K'l'no 'i"'1. M'uo
fviwl Hiul !:ii!ito iminuil, 1 hoy ilit ii"t
tivo h "tiiiUorn" wlin liiiini:toi
ll... i..itit.. fnti.l lint iitlt lllltl tO
iirvlovtnm win thor it lo ouiiimin n
or imli tilmil mo long in llvir iiitoi - Kw. tt.illnii i f Nulla W'nll.i luis
it.i mv irotoo(il fttnn politit' uimI It on uviioliiiK mo rry hti-mi;; mi. I
the Atnria hulnioit K ii. Instesul of lulpful mtiihiiih tit Jlie Hapti.t oluiioh
tl.o i-ouii;tion i'f vtvvlHcMtlti - t'io tlio st week.
A, A, l''oi" mv In
tltey llHVO tukon
j:irliiient for the winter.
Mi. M. M. JoIiiih una n K'urit nt
the homo of Mm, N, Sent I in I'eii
illeton u oouilo of ilii n (hi Week.
1 ho t V, ileHt itivmiiU uio beimf
rvMirfuevil with eimlein to rt'!,'"r
tl;iinii;o itono by the reielit fl mi.I
lleli i. out nfler eoiniminily
hull. t'omilliltoeK t.i Loin it II S"i'(Ml
1'iiihlinir fund luive lueii iiioiutel.
Mia. lUny Wnrreli of roiuileteii
n iteil Mins Kny Wiuirn. .M lier in
Atltotm neliuoN, one .Iny tliii.
pel uise i common uil In herien ml
tlio real vnili in the tlsli uiul (runic
fuinl thoy nt initibow mnl eiistoin
brok platilvsl in 1ivkoii stimina for
their money. Thoy want what in
coining to them ttmi thoy ilm't ' u
nip whethvr it's Hon vHoott, Muvii n
.lacks. Kinloy or t' o l'ortltutl Oivr.on
iun that pivts it to tlvm.
SoMom mnl perltups neer luivo
ehoiec MVUi'itt.'M Iveti o.Tor. l nt k
low n Iikuiv si at present in this
country. li:lt-ciI::o.l paper pa;, imr in
IiikIi !i seven percent may How ho
l'.a.l from rvpotuMo honi liouses. I:i
f.ut, the -til-cent ih'i'ar is worth hi t
ter than 100 percent in dccunries
that will inevitably help the
ir to kcon t'no wolf inmy from l! o
future door. '1 ho presence of
prime tinuticial kooIs on the market
explains, of course, the continued low
price of government bom! -likewise
a splendid investment jut now. I.t
it that a prosperous people is so busy
spendinit that it hasn't time nor in
clination to save?
I'kinh reported n temicriitiirc
week of 21 decrees In low zero.
rinif the lKiemlvr frigidity it
colli up there that the mercury
bulbs froze and the teniH'rattire was
estimated nt 5'J below. L"ch! It is
to shiver that there should be a place
so fritrid in ;im1 ! I t'mutilla ouu
ty. Will not I'kinh kindly remove
itself to (Ireenlaml's Icy Mountains?
CLARK WOOD, Publi.htr
MRS. H. GOODWIN. AtsisUnt Editor
SUicliv in Aalrsnct
The Year
Six Months
Three Months 0 50
accrued interest, bat because tempo
rarily there happen to bo many of
them thrown on the market by spec
ulators who are forced to liquidate
assets. Financial experts arc ajrreod
that within a short time every issue
.$2 00 of Liberty bonds will not only reach
. 1 UO par but no doubt reach a premium.
If you want to know whet 'or juu
arc troirie; to be a success or failure
in life, aeconlim; to the "ur 1. an
Organization, y i can easily find oi.t.
The test is simple and infallible. Are
you able tt save money? If m.t,
drop out. You vi!l fail as sure as
You may not think sd, but
The seed of success is not
.lrs. Maurice l- i.iirr on I dninrh
tcr Jean are K"st-1 this week at the
lu'tno of her parent., Mr. and Mi
William I'iukerten.
Lester Vaughn eanse ilnvni from li i
liomo in WashiMKtxii In atl n-1 li
ri.indo'.dthcr, Mm. 'am hi who i
i. ported somewhat better.
I he llayuie hum.' on ..wii- l i:.l
street will heroat't.r le h-aleil ly
furnace, one of ample pi -,-.! tioo i
luiviut; luin in-liilli i lluic il.ii w.-k.
t 'hanee l!o-ers and l!n! . rt I'roul
hi vmII iitlend the i -onv i ntioii e!
luinluare dealt is in I'orlhind, wlihli
will I'e lit Id the Week Imm. laninit Jim
nary 27.
At the niiinial meetnik' of sth-k-holders
of The first National I'.iink
of Athena held Tuesday at tei noon,
two new directors. ,M. W. llansell and
Henry Dell, were elected.
The fuel problem h.i been sohd
by the arrival of two carloads of coal
this week at the Turn a linn yard.
The rrcston-.SItiifler Millin' t o. also
received a carload of coal.
Word has Ik a received by Atlicuu
ft lends that t'laule Coomann was re
cent iy opt rated upon for uppc udicitn
ut his home in The I'ullcs. He hat
been in ill health for sum- tune.
To those fellows litiwn l alifomiii
tVv we'll say by way of tnfoi nuiiioii
that the weather for the week las
l. li of typical Kasiern tui:-:i wii -let
In and a little freezi-, some -iiiow,
a ttiaw and ooiilcs of mnislure.
Whoopinjr ci'iieii lias made its ap
pearance in Athena and stml eliii
then me alfectetl, t!,e family of X.n,
! iil mi West JeiVelcoii street utur
tr Mr. lhirr came ilmtn f..r.i
Meat ham this its el, i ),, ,, m t,, ,r
i a re.
on h, in oil .(. lien few
oiitsimithho iittliM held by itiembei
t.f the two l..l..e have hill taken ti
I hero will be n ioint j dliltt iiliotl lit I
iluumr which all ct iihiictn of piift bl i dm will he ci r moliioiixly
destn )etl lit the business t ml of a
Allium iiit n it iiikI nl.itiifii hate
IVteitcd tlllds itliliolli it HI), til-' Wed
tliliK of John 1'.. Keen, whuli mturivd
.lauiuity I. I:111, lit lo ".lab , M. '.
'I'ho tittle Mas Mlsa I'oi.l l.ouise Kit-in-,
t Ini'i hi. r i f ihs. W. N. UilUi
er of pliof. The en tM i. a biotll
tl of Henry mid l.tuil, Ktt.i and Ml.
1 lt d I'io ., , , nt In i I h" "I in this
i-uillv i 'I wiii leeiiitly it. Ill i Ue. I
fitttii the s.'iti , Tin will probably
I s ill. . Iti i ' .
How ii) Save
Your Teeth
I'be nun kt .1 way In make lml
,,!l W"i -e Is I ' !'.' "'CHI lilnllf.
nil. I the nun kcsl vs.tN
.i siivo III. in i I" H"
t , ;i t ... tl tit nlist nnd
l it o Hu'iu t ai i tl I"1
I Ifcld aw.t
1 he .til a n la si I' "f
I, ,i,ilil v t. u - ileiilsl
wotk tii 'lie l.t lit h V i cl llelllisU
Usui,: llu- I'. H- I'.'iW Syvlem I i i !n ul. it' i. II. nil. hi is mIvcii
..hi .il l.twn p.ilu nls, mi. I
it u t bate I" make s" niiiuy calls.
Ailother :. lt' i "' 'l',,l
bate li l. ir "f I'-"1'. I"' -vriy
v,!e m. 1 ht tl Is use I In do tlie
t. , i k w -tiii.til Inn till s-
NoiliniM bill Hue ilenlistiy I
.l..i... In inv of Vie iweniv-ioui
I-:. It. I'.ii kcr St slcin olHct-t, iii-i.-es are i-ti iloriili every
it itieiii is ru.ii .inlt i d ful
foil, .11.
I s iiiiin.iti.ios iiiltl advice I be 11'-n. si H.
St sit-in I'llii e i
1 1 Weston Hotel
Wo wish to (hunk nil tlio
ffiomlH who by Ihoir im-ti-onuKO
" nieou.iW'iiUMit
hitvo t'lialilftl iik to inuin
titin u Imtrl in Vtoit. Wo
Iuih to iiu-i it tlu-ir contin
iit tl mn w ill.
wln'iv wo wt'lcomo nil who
wtiiit tTooil mould or Itoiirtl
by tlio wcok.
Wc uro tipoit fur Iiiihiiicmi.
Good Ivoomi and Ualrt
MK. Mini MILS.
L.W. l1IBiRT
.")," Miiiii Si.. ton.
In the I'm- nt I
lliec-.H I .1- I'm
i:i ,.- I- lis llel.l.e
i!.- r. i'.M-..
Tu tirnnii'Ie I'.
ill. nf named .
In rlh: N vi i m
I....-:. ..x, ..I.. I.,
pear ami it. l!
(.lainlilf hie. I tiv-i.ii
enlltletl suit ttulu
dale of the lii t
Sutaiit.-i:-., t-t it :
day of 1-1 l.i'.i u v.
take tc'tieo that
it id in -ever M'id
Wife I lead til. lit
nil of the State of
UK-i t'oin.ty.
I'i.niitiir, n. t.'ian-
l'l f.-lltilttit.
lleNhe, defendant
Tin: Hrm: nf tn-
I el y I e.mii-etl to up.
e cie.ipiiiint of the
t )o i iii the nt.ove
?i i .-. !, s of ibu
pubb ili-.!i of titin
i n . i beb-re the till
l-.'Jn; mnl V..U Will
if y..ii fail t.t npH'nr
c.nnphtiiit otlu-r-,t
v. 1 1 S tii n iid tune.
llie ,,!
ply I -i
for in
you live,
you will,
in you.
"More politics," coaches Will II.
Hays, national republican chairman,
Entcrfd at the pottelficf at Wctton, Oregon presiding over a party conference at
at iccoiid cliii mail mailer. San Francisco. We will not so much
; : as intimate that Will is superfluously
ADVERTISING RATES superfluous; in light of his campaign
Regular, per inch per insertion 13c literature. Our only wonder is that
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c Lodjr hasn't attempted to have Will's.
A New York i Icriryman wants an
ad. tiiinte substitute for the salono.
Tin re may be a Ktibstituto, hut C l
ean fancy oil topers si.'hin',' that
there can never be an adequate sul -stitute.
Locals, per line per insertion..
10c dope franked through the mails.
The Victor is loser by a vote of
328 to 6.
Looks like too much Hays in the g.
o. p. atmosphere.
Looks as though the grownup fruit
ion of every small boy who once heard
those golden words, "lie may be pres
ident some day," was trying to ver
ify the prediction.
OTtimes the trities of I'resideut
Wilson remind us of the words of the
psalmist: "Who hath tiieir tongue
like sword and bend their bows to their arrows, even bitter
words." .
1 1 tr. V, in t there. f. w ill III"
III-. I '..Hi! f l Ule lehef prfiVr.l
t-iiid i-.nii!.lit;i,t, t'- wit: t.r a do
nee of the ft. lilt ill -.Solving the bond
of mnl i Simmy exl.ttag between plain
tiff mnl defendant ami f.r other t.piit
111. In relief.
This Siiinni.'iis is piilili.'h.-d
In ii:i or.h-r iioi'l-i hv Holt. H W,
I'lielps. .h.,! ;e t.f fi siiUt J.nlicnil
I iistriel, Suite of I 't c,, ai. on theL' -tl
tiny of I ei ctiil.t r. I'.'l:'. 'lh- pub
lie. .Hon of Ih's ,- uti,nn..i will bf nut. to
on I'll. I. mv, t ha ill il iy 'if December,
I'.M'.', and the la-.t puidu at ion on I t i
ibiv, the tidid hfh day of lebruiiry,
Ihttetl tins the 2 ' I day of 1'eeeniber,
I'i.tkhsoS', Hi iiiii-.I Cr.i;K
Alton s f..r I'h.tntilf.
Ilesiilt in f and I". " address: P
IViittSetoii, (Iri'oii.
It seems to be up to the prohis to
put more zeal into New Zealand.
Virginia cow lived 33 days in a
well. She's by no means a well cow, Jialay pirates,
however. 1 1
This burg may not show up m high
in the census statistics, but insofar as
the quality of its citizenship goes it
has New York looking like a nest of
If the ex-kaiser realizes his wiii'i
to make a tour of America, we hope
that some devoted patriot will be con
veniently near when he looks over the
brink of the Grand Canyon.
u, .ii aiJEPim'imnnmiinrnara
We trust the legislature will deal
with the fish question on a compre
hensive scale.
The Berger that made Milwaukee
infamous is without honor save in his
own country.
The usual reports of much damage
having been heard from the Milton
fruit district, we confidently look for
it to come to bat with its usual abun
dant crop.
We never did like the Bolshevik!,
but over in Russia they seem to have
winning ways.
Washington State Grange has ask
ed its master, one William Buck, to
resign because of his radical tenden
ciesa laudable instance of "passing
the Buck."
The nigger in the woodpile has
There arc not lacking indications
' , ... I...T.1
nothing on the rat in ratification, this 10 8"ow lnat Puoen . .. ..em
side of the pond. "P lne Pu,ace "ca7 Kul " P"'
- ronal and political grudge against
The busted meat trust was never President Wilson. Indeed, this is vir
so rotten that any of us will ever tually the view set forth by so keen
save a scent through its dissolution, a political observer as Samuel G.
- BIythc in the Saturday Kvening I'ost.
Still, we haven't heard that the Had the United States been re pre -
world couldn't wag along without entcd at Versailles by a rc-publi-anyone
who has "kicked the bucket" can president under conditions
from drinking wood alcohol. precisely similar to those under which
. it was represented by President Wil-
Herb. Hoover may never have ex- son, we would have been sure to have
pressed his' political preferences, but found these same republican senators
Your orders Kulicitod, and
will ! promptly lillt'd at
hi pi iw. Phone 272 or 93.
we'll say that he is wise and
enough to be a good democrat.
The federal government is stress
ing the advantages of investment in
Liberty bonds at their present prices
and advising the public especially
small investors who have some ready even
money to snap up the bonds which Thus, unless the United
ant selline at various figures below length joins the thirteen
able rallying to the support of the treaty
and condemning the democrats for
any opposition. Quite likely the dem
ocrats would have been found in op
position such is the fault of the
partisan character of our government
but they would have been wrong
as the republicans are wrong.
Slates at
other na-
... , . 1 . 1 .. , ...,na , ,, rolif.r.tifp Iho ,n. 11 tn.ftlv
par. iniS IS JUSliy regarueu as irue w ... - i- j
financial wisdom. The bonds arc not and the league of nations covenant,
Belling below par because they are the hopes of a battered and suffering
worth less than their face value plus world will have been shattered by a
Sccortd-Hand Sad
dles. Wc will trade
new saddles for old
Harness Oiled for
$1.00 per set.
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Mr. and Mrs. KcntoHi Vt'osu,-, er of
Hay 1'ity were here over the we.-',
end, iruests of Mr. mid Mrs. Gay
t'ronk. The young couple wen- r. -rcntly
married in Seattle mid were on
a honeymoon trip, having ti.iinl rel
atives nt Kiiimett, Idaho. The bride
is a sister of Mr. Cronk.
Matt Mosgrove and .lames Iteti
derail! were in town Tiiesdny
Milton. Both itcenlly tame down
from Alberta, where Mr. llt-iiilero;i
is engaged in wheat raising. Last
I arvest Jim hud an average crop,
but this year indications are better,
for the reason tiiat considerable
moisture has been stored in the i.oii
this winter.
Tuesday evening at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrisi-lte n-iuth
of town a large number of people
from Adams, Athi na and Weston en
joyed a very pleasant evening of
dancing. Rcfre.ihineiitit were served,
and (lancing continued until a late
hour. Music was furnished by Pay
ant and lirucli, both well known mu
sicians. F.tbekah lodge installed the follow
ing officers Tuesday evening: I. ilia
Kirk, nobli; grand; Alta Miehenor,
recording acrrelury; Martha Halt,
financial secretary; Helen Downing,
warden; Anna I.ittlejohn, conductor;
Ida Hutt, treasurer. A number of
visiting members of the order were
present at the installation, and re
freshment were served.
Mrs. Henry Dell was hostess to the
Star club Tuesday afternoon, enter
taining about sixteen ladies, being
insisted by Mrs. W. P. I.tllejohn. A
dainty collation was served after it
social hour with needlework. Guests
other than members of the Star elub
were: Mrs. Kirk of Walla Walla,
Mrs. F. S. LcGrow, Mrs. M. M. Johns,
Mrs. Melville Johns and Mrs. Joseph
N. Scott of Pendleton.
Miss Zelda Rainvillo, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F.ainvilk. former
residents of Umatilla rontity, and
niece of John Stanton of Athena, was
united in marriage to Mr. James T.4
Danaher of Colfax, Wash., Wednes
day of this week. Mrs. S. C. Stan
ton, grandmother of the bride, and
Mrs. John Stanton attended the wed
ding. Mr. and Mrs. Danaher will bo
at home to their friends after Janu
ary 25, at Colfax.
A $16,000 debt rontraeted in 1901
by the Odd Fellows and Knights of
Pythias lodges of Athena for the
construction of the I. (). O. F.-K. of
P. hall was liquidated Monday of this
week, when the last payment was
General Insurance
and Real Estate
mm: iiisAUii 1'iKi: i
I hi yuti wunt to noil your
t property? If it in nulablc
Ill I1 :s. I'KLTS. &c.
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
03, or cull at store.
Davis & Ellis 1
(Telephone 8.'))
Dr.N.P. Bonnet
Second Floor Wiaton Mer
cantile Iniildino,
Wkkton, Oukgon
Why Turn Up
Your Overcoat
Got un overcoat from us
with the NEW 'CGNOMV
MUFFLE It-a unique Idea
in tailoring thnt has taken
the country by lorm.
R. L. Reynaud
Ail absolutely safe invest
intuit. If you have money toin
ves(7"btiy l.iheiTy linnils from us.
If you sell l.ihciiy Bonds, sell
to UK.
Wo buy and sell Liberty Bonds.
Any detiominiiiioii - IfOU $100
IfriOtl . 1 1000.
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Wie.hiiigton
Liberty Bonds Dr. S. L. REWARD
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and 13 rou d streets.
Phone Main 253