The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 09, 1920, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Wiek
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readert.
tutn will hava an army "' of
In In a thort llm.
, l!uin building permit! In 11
id a 11 a ef 00 Pf tnt ovr tb
Rvnus from lb tl tniuranr
aprtaat (or lb rur lll totaled
liiniK don to vroatWa county
read by tb rnt flood and wh
outt i tlmt4 at
la Lisa eoaotr. durlac 111. thr
r III merrl IImdm ltud and
enly 10 dlvoroo dwro aranled.
Mr, Mary A. aimpoon. rldat or
Una fount r for II year, died at bar
homo 1m Albany, M f M e-
Orfon m aoeond among th tat
f tb t'nloi la th Ml of treasury
avian ertlfleata lor Novmbr.
Mtnbr of tb Northwwura So
ciety of Hlibwty Ialr bald tblr
aaautl nvwtlai la Slm frldey nlht.
Rv. Sdward Olttlna, a wall known
plonr Mtbodlt minister. dld at too
bom of bla dauibur la 8alm. atd
TO yr.
Tb bond Imu provldloa 160,000 for
water work and 110 000 (or a city
hall carried at Rainier by a ot o(
) to 13.
More thin too application for real
etat llcns b been received at
tb o((ie of tb tat auranr com
missioner. A total of U38.000 S paid Into
tha tat trury a Inheritance t
by tb etat o( the law Henry I Pit
tock of Portland
rail wheat In th Weion Tldnlty l
looking excellent and h not been
datnaied by tb frot. according to re
port from tbt Mlon.
Nearly 100 Filipino atudent (rvm
Corvallls. Pbllomatb and other ctton
of tb (tat gathered at Balm and en
Joyed lb annual banquet.
Damfd treat!, due to blab water,
r responsible (or tb uncertain train
rriee between Tb Dalle and Friend,
oa tb Great Bouthern rallmad.
Bmnty breeder of purebred itwk
from all aectlona of Una county met In
Albany and formed th Linn County
Purebred Livestock association.
December cargo shipments of lumber
from th Columbia wer exceptionally
light In that pvlod reaecla loaded
a total of Sl.tSS.M4 !"t of lumoer.
Tb total caah receipt of the Orraon
uprem court for th year 1919 wr
10.I. During tb year 1918 the
court received from all wuree 18332.
According to announcement just
mad, th Method lat church at Rose
burg will begin tha rectlou of a $25.
060 church edlfle early In the sprint..
Out of th 1066 homeateada filed In
th Blualaw reservation, only 133 are
occupied by the original ownera. 68
having been derted and J9 changing
At a meeting In Med ford a number
of Republican women formed a Gen
v ral Leonard Wood club and will sup
port blm in tb preldntlal primary
Ml Catherine Beekley. graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, ha
bn appointed an Instructor In the de
partment of toology at the Unlveralty
of Oregon.
With a membership of lei than 50.
the ChrlatUn Missionary alliance of
Hood River baa during th peat year
given IS4S toward Armenian and
Byrlan. relief.
Membera of the Oregon aupremo
court prepared and handed down a
total of S01 opinions during the year
1019. against. 836 opinion during
'.th year IM
There waaone fatality In Oregon due
to accident during the week endlnn
January 1, 1920. The victim waa W.
II. Shaver, a logger, whose home ad
dress Is Seattle.
The Oregon Jersey Cattle club has
g'one on record as favoring a special
representative of the American Jersey
Cattle club with permanent headquar
ters on the coaat.
The unusual sltustlon of a woman
presiding over a grange will prevail
In Linn county this year. Miss Bertha
J. Beck baa been elected master of
-Callamette grange.
T. O. Hendricks, pioneer merchant
and banker of Eugeno and first re
gent of the University of Oregon, who
died a short time ago, left property
valued it $415,000.
Th Salem Saleamen'a league, organ
- lied at Salem recently, has received
the indorsement of tho local rummer
!nl rlub and will become affiliated
with ilm( o' xanltatlon.
liivrellgatloii uf I l.i- i ii ml ilanre balls
near Halem la to be lnk n up by tli
present grand Jury bu of many
complaint that bav made re
garding their management.
Th building of the Warren Coopct
llv warehouse store at Warren la
nearlng roniplntlon, and will in b
ready for occupancy Tim association
will supply all It UK-mlx r with goods
at cost prloi,
Th aei-md train wink v. HI. In
week occurred at Toledo, Ii.ii n
freight enrln rraitlinl Into rtrlti "(
freight cars, smsahlltjr tin' nniii" mi')
throwing tlio rata from tli" trm-li,
I'nalmsster T- A. Uey "f II"" I
" River reports that the mnll h:nnl. tl .:t
that offn during VH for cm i.iK
trains and for local d' llvt-ry - il-i
that of any past yer by ro pr c nt.
While playing battl" with a (tun
thought unloaded, Citn Fisher, Syitir
old son of lli-nry Klaher of lxina, ws
shot and perhap fattilly wotiniM bv
the 12-year-old eon of William utrl- r
Krull and berrka III tlio W IIIIihim tu
valley were not dma-d arloui.!y by
the recent cold wcihr. In - oflnlun
ol W. It. Broil, manager of .the I'uyal
lup Sumner Valley Krult aeaM'lailuii.
Because of tho elevonth liour runli It
will be Impossible for the swretary tf
state to mall all 1!'20 motor vehicle
license plans for which application
have Ix-en received Ix-fore Jantiery 1j.
Work bee bii reaumcd at ib"
Orhoco dam after a short shutdown on
account of tho d'-ep snow. Tin re Ts
reported deep snow In the mountain,
assuring plenty of water for IrrUatliiK
la this ai-ctlon.
Lumbermen of Klamath county re
port that more than 16.000.000 worth
of merchantable timber has bn ruin
ed In that aectlou by the western plii"
beetle since they first ma1e their ap
pearance three year bko.
A preliminary estimate of the pro
duction of melala In Oregon In 1I19.
compiled by the United Ktntes Bio
logical survey, show n decrease In tho
gold aiid lead produced, but an In
rreaa In the silver and copper.
O. V. Hkelton of Corvatll. profes
sor of highway ettvliui rluK at Oregon
Agricultural college, was el- cted presi
dent of the Northweatern Society of
Highway EiiKlueeia at tho annual
meeting of the aoclety In Salem.
Howard W. Jeter of Port Orford. dep
uty ebcrlff of Curry county, loet hi
life when a surfboat In which four
men wer attempting to reach the bow
of the wrecked steamer J. A. Chanslor
at the mouth of Slxca river, ups. t In
the breakers.
Clatsop county ha donated S500 to
the fund for paying tho xp ns of
two delegate who aro to be uent to
Washington to urge the cnnttmnit nt
this amnion of coninress of a Inw im
propriating 12,500,000 for the construc
tion of th proposed Roosevelt high
way. 1'reparatory to InBtallutton of a mu
nicipal light and water system, the
city of Roaeburg, through Its official,
filed with tho atato engineer an appli
cation for water right and approxi
mately 1000 feel per aecouil of water
from the North Umpqua at a point
known as Whistler's bend.
Contracts thus far awarded for fur
nlahlng auppllc for the several stmo
Institution for tho first six month
of the year 1020 Indicate that the
price quoted for tho various com
modities are from 5 to 10 per cent
higher than when the previous bids
were opened In June. 1919.
Percy Tupper or Salem, state engi
neer; Whitney L. noise of Portland,
and a third man to represent the In
terest of eastern OrcRon, will leave
thl week for Washington, whero thry
will attend a meeting of tho executive,
committee of tho Western State Re
clamation association, which will open
there on January 14.
Senator McNary has urged tho com
mandant of the United 8tates count
guard service to establish a life-saving
station nt Tort Orford. In a letter
to Senator McNary, Willis T. White of
Tort Orford asserted that the liven of
the 81 men who went down with tho
tank steamer J. C. Chanslor two weeks
ago might have been avcd.
j' nr. atnto highway commistuon, in
the construction of rouds and biidgia
during the year 1919 expended a totul
Of 16.811,3.15.32. A total of SSI mile
of paving wa under contract, of which
163 mllca have been completed. Ap
proximately 218 miles, or 43 per cent,
remain unfinished. Of the 316 miles
of rocking and graveling contracted
107 mile have been completed. Grad
ing contract awarded totaled 825
mile, or which 870 mile have been
Waehliiftton. The supreme court
dedi-.n-il ( 'otmtitutkwal Mictions of the
VijI'iti-iiJ prclilblttnn enforcement act
prolijtiltinc tho manufacture ami sale
of "beer, wine nr ;ther Intoxlentlng
malt i f virions ll'i'irs, coiilaln'.tig one-
bn!f i f one per cent or more of at
Ileer contBlninu ! .73 tcr cent uf al
ccI.dI ! illi-sal. w.-.U-r the wart: me
I r.iliilutiou uct. the supreme court tie
Cl.leil. Tli" Importiiiit feature of the deri
sion I Hint tlto court upheld the ac
tio!! of rrusres!' it; dffclarirsi! Into!-(aiir,-.;
.".rul pri.veutlr.jt tho tale of all
leverage! coiitniuiir.; one half of 1
per c ent or more f alcohol, by vol
ume, with the cxet'pr'-on of hime made
ciilrr and wine.
Tins decree c-f the court may be
taken b.i a definition of intoxicating
IIqui r that will Hand un.ler constitu
tional prohibition ;j.i, because of the
definite ti'.ali-nteiit that conr.riss in
provltllm; for the enforcement of pro
hibition can prescribo just what makes
n heveriiKe lutoxicntius.
Tho cafe was an appeal from the
New York fudoral courts, brought by
Jacob Ruppert. a brewery corporation.
6tep to Assist Exporter In Getting
Materials to Europe.
Washington. Appeals f American
buniuosfi for aid In fluanclim the re
construction of Kuropi! were answered
when the war finance corporation an
nounced that four loans, aggregating
$17,000,000, scon would bo made to
commercial interests which will em
ploy the money in exporting needed
mati iinls to the r-iricken nations.
Two loans, each of J3.000.000. have
been arranged to finance the exporta
tion of locomotives and nsrlcultural
mnchinery. The locomotive will go
to Poland and the agricultural ma
chinery to England, France and Bel
gium. A third loan for $5,000,000 will po
to an electrical machinery corporation
and will bo used for rehabilitation of
stricken sections of Belgium and
An advance of $2,000,000 also Is In
cluded in the total of $17,000,000 t-i fco
to several banks which will furnish
funds for tho exportation of machin
ery to reconstruct steel mills in
Coal Output Picks Up.
Washington. Coal production Is
again sufficient to moot current re
quirements, according to the weekly
report made public by Walker P.
llinea, director-general of railroad.
Five Millions Loaned China.
WashliiRton- Tho Vaclflc Develop
ment company ct Now York, Including
soma of the principal banking Institu
tions of that city, has advanced a $5.
000,000 loan to China.
End of a Perfect
' r r
Power Conferred By Law Not
to Be Used, As Supply is
Held Sufficient.
WashlnRton. President Wilson ha
-decided not to exercise powers con
ferred In the McNary stiKar control
bill authorizing purchase and distri
bution of the Cuban sugar crop, ue
cordiug to a statement Issued at the
White house.
The statement said the president
bad decided on the basis of facts pre
sented for his consideration and the
recommendation of the sugar cqualiia
tlon board that this power should not
Lo exercised.
In a long statement announcing the
president' decision, the declaration Is
mndo that apparently the available
susar supply Is sufficient for American
needs, "even on the present unneces
sarily large basis of consumption," and
notice Is given that the power of prb.e
control through the licensing system,
authorized by the bill, will be Invoked
If neressary In co-opcratlon with the
department of justice. Figures attach
ed show that the estimated 1919 con
sumption in the United States waa
slUhtiy more than 4,500,000 tons, of
which normally only 1,000,000 tons wns
domestic production-
A tho Cuban crop Is unusually
large. 4, $00,000 tons, of which the al
ius, however, because of limited pur
chasing power, will take only about
1.250,000 tons, and as the estimated
Louisiana, western beet, Hawaiian and
Porto ltlcan production will reach
000,000 tons, the statement foresee a
sufficient supply for American needs.
Girl Sob When Nw York Canteen
Close "Boy Wer So Nic,
She s Say.
New York. The Pershing club can
teen hero has closed. With the eud,
gloom was spread over the counte
nances of the girls who wrved In the
canteen. But especially gloomy was
the countenance and especially mourn
ful was the voice of Amelia Keeves.
"Whnt's tho luntter?" a reporter
asked, fenrlug there w-as a death In
the fumlly.
"Nothing oh, nothing," sobbed Ame
lia", "only "
"Only what?"
"Oh, tho boys were so nice!" fibs
"Well, that oughtn't to be anything
to feel so bnd about," consoled the
"There won't be any more of them
here," said Miss Beeves, "nnd end
so many of them proposed to me!"
"This Is serious," said the reporter.
"Oh. no, nothing serious; only It
was such fun being proposed to ; t
"How often V
"On an average of throe a week
since July 1," replied the youn$ lad. ..
resorting to a handkerchief.
bsS toir
Washington Vnable to .prosecute
tho so-called parlor bolshcvists, long
haired men and short haired women,
who encourage cgitators and promote
sedition as a pastime, Attorney-General
Palmer Issued an appeal to con
gress for prompt action cn the biil
submitted by him several months ago
which would strengthen the bands of
the department of Justice in dealing
with American citiiens considered
dangerous to the nation.
Coming on the heels of the most
successful natiou-wide raid on radi
cals ever made in this country, Mr.
Palmer'a statement was regarded with
unusual Interest by members of ecn
press. At least one of the men taken In
the raids is a city official, and numer
ous others are natives or have taken
out citizenship papers. It is these
that Mr. Palmer desires to handle
through the federal courts rather than
to leave their punishment to state tri
bunals, and In the absence of a federrl
law be is unable to do so.
Franc Grant Permission for Transfer
of 20,000 U. S. Dead.
ParlB. The French government has
granted permission for the removal to
the United States of the bodies of 20.
000 American soldiers buried in
France. The bodies to be removed
are those burled in cemeteries outside
the sone of the armies and do not in
clude those gathered into big Ameri
can cemeteries in the army zones.
It is understood that the policy if
the American government will bo to
remove to the United States only those
bodies requested by relatives.
These 20,000 bodies are scattered
in 600 cemeteries, the largest two i f
which are at Brest, where there are
about 6500 graves of men who died
of int'uenza at Brest and ou trans
ports. Congress Back on tha Job.
Washington. Returning to work
Monday after two weeks' holiday, con
gress fares one of the busiest sessions
In history. In addition to innumerable
domestb: matters there aro interna
tional (piestteiuj of far-reaching im
port that must be settled. Includins
the treaty of peace with Germaay and
AustrW. Adjournment was not ex
pected before fall, and the only break
In the long session that members can
look forward to is the brief recess
that will bo taken coincident with the
holding of the national parly conven
tions In the summer.
The the: im meter Is about to go iuto
low. .
Milwaukee beer Is now making Zlon
City famous.
At any rate, the profiteer Is mod-.',
about bis accomplishment.
liEVOLT mj Pili
Plct revealed in Conntry-Wide
Houndup of Here Than
40CO Radicals.
V.'nslilri'l'in, n-i'ili-al leaders plaiv
i;i! !'i i! v lup the r' ci nt steel ai.d coal
I'llk'ii i.-ito a gen-ral strike and ulti
mately ui'ii u revolution to overthrow
the gov rnmcnt. cor;irnc t Inforn a
ti',u fathered ty f-detal airenl In the
h',Iiiiai ion;. -J up of niembt ra of the
rotriinaiiiiit tkd cciiimunirt labor
parti' s.
A de.'ail'e pt o;-rE:.ims to expand the
two labir V--turliunc-s to blot out
every f-!wi-e of organized go
rrnmf-nt, wa.i dUelog.-d In evidence
gatbf-rtd In the raids. This da'.a, of
ficials said, tended lo prove that the
batlon-wlde rati had nipped the moat
m-naciti? revolutionary plot yet un
earthed. The rreatfst roundup of radicals In
the nation's history wa conducted by
the government acting through depart
ment of JiiHtlce umnn In 21 cities,
sir feliin,: from coast to coast.
The raids were conducted particu
larly against Communist and Com
munist Labor proups of radicals.
Figures recti ved showed that a total
of 2G.15 alkns were held with evidence
which federal agents believed was suf
ficient to wa'rrant deportalion. Ap
proximately 4300 pf-rsons were taken
Into custody in the raids.
Raids were conducted In the fol
low in; ciii'S:
New York, Baltimore. Boston, Buf
falo, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Des
Moir.fs. Detroit, Grand Rapids, Hart
ford, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Kan
sas City, Los Angles. Louisville, Mil
waukee, Newark, Cmaha. Philadelphia.
Pittsburg. Portland (Maine); Portland
(Orepon); Providence, San Francisco,
Srranton, Spokane, Su Louis, St Paul,
Springfield, (Mass.); Syracuse, Toledo
eud Trtnton. -
A delicious and well-prepared des
iert will often help us to forget that
the prjeeding dishes
wort' ii-t all that we de
sired. At this season of
the year frozen desserts
and lish'. easily digested
dishes tire more suitable.
-1 luring the hot weather
we need refreshing com
binations rotber than
the nourishing; however,
one may have both in a
cream. A most satisfac
dish of Jt
tory sherbet, which is both delicious
nnd economical, is
Velvet Sherbet. Take the juice of
three lemons, two cupfuls of siijiarand
ouiirt of zood mil!;, the richer the
bettor, though ordinary milk will be
satisfactory. Freeze ana serve in
sherbet cups.
Orange and Lemon Sherbet Take
the Juice of two oranges, two lemons
ttnd two cupfuls of sugar and a quart
of thin cream ; freeze ns usual.
Dainty Dessert Take a pound of
marshuiullows and a dtp of pecans cut
fine; cut the mallows into quarter
nnd add enough whipped cream to
blend nnd hold them together. Into a
large-topped sherbet glass put a table
spoonful of any canned fruit . Juice,
fill with the whip and serve with a
cherry ns a garnish.
Duchess Cream. Take sis table
spoonfuls of tapioca; cook until clear
cool, add n pinch of salt, one cupful
of sugar, the juice from a can of pine
apple, the juice of two oranges and
two lemons; cool; until thick. Cool,
then add the pineapple, oue cupful of
nuts and a pint of whipping cream.
This makes enough to serve 15, so that
the rceipe may be cut in half for an
ordinary family.
Chocolate Pudding. Take one egg
when well beaten add one-nalt
eunful of smmr. one cupful of milk,
two squares of chocolate melted, oue
nnd .one-half cupfuls of flour sifted
with tltree teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der. Steam one and one-half hours
and serve with
Foamy Sauce. P.e."t one egg, add
one cupful of powdered sugar mixed
with two tablespoonfuls of softened
'butter, a pinch of salt and a little
flavoring; then fold In one cupful of
whipped cream. ' j
There wou'd not he such a ilk
about the advanced-prices for Inun
dry work If the shirts did not come
back with the saw-edge collars.
The item which states that diamonds
are now worth $1,000 per carat doesn't
disiuil) a lot of reople half as much as
the price of potatoes per potato.