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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1919)
t 2 DIM11ILJ 4 W. A. Hamca was In Pendleton last week on jury itnlrf. Miii Frank Harris Davis returned Monday from a visit of several day at tha county scat. U.ll Could journeyed U ashtuc- ,,a to prl the Wet. Jo :th friends in that thriving little city. . Miss Dorothy Bulllnch and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tockcr ar iruosts at the C F. Bulfinch home for the week. Mra. SSclla Mcrherrin of Athena apent Tooaday at the home of her B1-am'inrent8, Mr. and Mis. Wil- parvnta, 'Mr. and -Mrs. W. II. Gould. jjam p,isXcll. Tho Ind' homo is in " Ross Maloncy was hore with t'ie Motitima and it wns dii-imil best to Pokie Sctunlay from Walla Walla's, ml him Ij a milder climate iluunit and remained over night n a Kest th )Hrim.l of U;oro!:s wenth.r. of the S. J, Culley. Mis Ksther William arvi.-.-d "Misa Ui VorU is amonjr the col- TucsiUiy noon to rpeml tho lojr contingent weleowe.1 by tha holiday with h-r !r.nts Mr. and homo folks for the season of jrood M,-. J. Marl William. Mi. Ksther rk nwrmmakinr. una .),.2v.l twenty hours at Kcl- " n-:n: v... i-;t!.. ).. .. II IlildlU , I Mil 11 "'"I. awardvd a nch.darhip in the Amer- kun Correspondence School of Ijiw by Judps Tho6. FitaGeraM of I'cn- dleton". " Misa Edna Hollenbcek has pone to Portland to pass the holiday with her parenU and is promising herself a world of enjoyment during the fea- tive season. . ' Miss Louise Rintoul left Tuesday evening for The Dalles to participate in the festivities and social en joyment of the holiday season gt her home in that city. .- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greer and Mrs. H. X. Greer motored to town Tuesday afternoon to attend the Christmas exercises triwn by the pu pils of Miss Kin to id's room. Otis Gould is home from Corvallis, where he ia a student at O. A. C, cinets, Nps. 11 and 14. . to hang up bjs stocking Christmas j M panistcr, who has h 'vn out Eve v'th thos ot the home folks at ,aUlj. cytminins his wheat, says he the W. H. Gould chimney comer. ,ms found no iniitfatjon vf any ,(,. . Albert Gould, J. M. Wroe and ae by freezing. John Hyatt have pone to Burbank, Smalliiox has apixared in tut- fam Wash., for the remainder of the win- jly of M. C. Eagleton below town, ter. They, have some leveling con- Misa Tatricia EaRleton bcinsr thi pa tract work to dp for Tom McCarty. tient. George Blomsrren is one of the col- A new well is beinjr drilled at the lege set who has come home to Wes- Carmiehael farm north of town. A ton in answer to the general call of new machine shed is aho bvina built. holiday happiness, and to assist his Mrs. Curran McFaddcn was over nnd teachers by attending the Chrin brothers in bringing the Christmas from Athena Monday inspecting the man pi us: rams jrivcn in the various Log to the firing. holiday stocks of local merchants. mdius, Tuesday afternoon. If E WISH fill f IIEllf lpr mSMJIm ttM0 bjaMad Vka MMissa ur The management and employes of this store join hands in extending to , our patrons and friends the wishes of a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. We thank you for the very splendid patron age with which you have favored us in the past and for the magnaminity you have shown in overlooking our shortcomings while moving. We also wish to call your attention to -our Which commences FRIDAY, JANUARY 2d; at 9:30 A. Af and will continue until all fall and iwinter merchandise is disposed of. There will be a general price reduction throughout the entire store. ' jaf a& fcuB WALLA WALLA M Call Williams had the misfortune Sunday to break a bone in his right arm while f i-HtiViitif a I'oid car. Tli accident hapiencd near Athena, and Gail promptly made hi way to P-r. Smith's eftlcc, whore the fraetirc as reduced. - Toirether with I .vie 'Vcbb. he was on hi way to lYiulle- tun to meet Miss Ksther Williams. The revival meetings at th liap- tit 1-hurrh closed Tuesday night, ami !....... Cf..i.t.i rm.irirf Ihjlt h,i fi'ls mm.hwnc,iura(t0(l .v,r the ,irtt tfUi, ,,,, tJwjr ,mres. u Wfnt XVcillu1Hav t0 Waiiuhi flir tho ,,u,.pi0 ef conducting . revival ji,,, M . f ,. p,,tni.,.. .. ril j uHtcn to nns the winter wilh din r. California, on account of a Southern Facilic wn-ek. Miss Anico Varnea arrived fii'm Homestead Sunday iiioinim; to min- Klo with kith and kin nt the S. A. Harnea hearth and to join Tu the jo- bilee on tho morning that brought Iace and good will to men. An illuminated sifa-u beariui; the emblem ef the order now directs the way to Masonic hall. H is the com mendable handiwork of R. (!. l loiii Rron, the retiring inater. Postmaster Van Winkle handled the bijrecst mtiil Tnosilay ever re- ceived in Weston. It wns due to the holiday season and to delayed trains, and totaled 30 sacks. HavinR pmssmI a recent e.xamina- tion, P. T. Harbour liRS been jyi pointei! census enumerator for Wes ton district and two neighboring pre 3 C5S251 1?: r Ufa JEMSEM SCR Tuesday afternoon, tin) l'vbt day ' fore vacation. vii devoted to the o.i joymcut of Chti.lina.i treci ntul p.o irrnms in the sixth, seventh omt eichth cisilo rooms, Intcrestmir j;unu'S wtiv nl: I'UiViO. 1 sl Fiiday nfinnioon C 3. U. l.iU'lMI' citt .' f MK. ritiVvito'i'.i nwiii nU-rtameiI th i-ii'lillj ;'a .!. A di-hnte -(i pivtn and invvl i ry inti'tcstiinr. Miss t'ol.i'i' room w,t lluiiv ly decorated for firs-tnm witn a tivf. nostoiM. iuluivs, !,.ut. vn find 0s otlnr tlun::. Tho m,nU -a nU,. made t'u cov-m for thei h.v.s r-f diavwnifp aii.l the rowltH ne v fiotty. A ui'ti in was enjoyed .-i Tih.k1;i.v rftonicnn. Mrs. Fitrpntri. k' r.umi nlo fi j"jed a Chrlstm.i:. trv.- nnd r.v;ir. - lh M-t and mvuvI na!-" I'"" boon busv for tho h-t(WccS .vt..i. thinjrs rendv for u t .lt:.t!'!. I'l ' K'-i' i atil r.iti.m--. They in: .; ' bells and ;.t.Li:ie.. uliii-li v.kie n ram.'cd mvtind the blackboii"!. Th' proniHi-t oi' dectmttim; the room v . lwkcd furwarl to so inuh tiiat Mis Rintoul eollM'liUd to deeonitc it ill school time, so th;U u'.l mi-rl.t. e.n -y .t. The ipiestii'i' for the state eo.r. e in lltl'l.1 rtuily will arrive on June: i;. li!, and the hii'h scinnd I r.ts au are takiuic the may t;il:e t;.e examinnttou then if they m d. iiv. About half i f the tenchi-rn Vi r. home, v.hile the others reniainrd in Western for I'.v CStrit'iias holidr,; . Otlvin frocs to Haines, AS : Rintoul to The Dalles and Miss li !- leiibeck and Miss IU-own to l'oit- land. Mr. Fil.patrick trees to IVrtland next week to atUnd tile State Teach ers a.-soi intion. The spirit of Christmas was show si Tuesday iiU'ini'i;' in i..nic of t w hi,:h school clashes, by the rcai'.i...! ef Christmas ..iie. Some i.f the I.Ui' Kradiuites v. u have been away at rolietr ar.d ar home for vacation made slmrt c:.' i on th" I.i-h s .!;ool the Fitter part of !.-ut week. An.eur them w .-rv Ci o. Blomrren. Otis Could, Ua.el Dun run, Dorothy I'roebstel ! Cl.ii ence Th eny. Many j arcit.: pleased the pupils iT' tea' WASHINGTON "J ...ABA. At toe Standard Thcatrt A lint of (rood pictures comlnir In t row to the ritarnlaH Theatre U uun Mow. In tin; IM are two lain which come within tin. (!; t two weeks. They lire "raise l ,K-ej," a bin one of seven reels, to- ether with Arbuoklo in "A Conn- try Hero," on Saturdny vvenliur. Thia one in followed by January a. i;liimho Sweet in "A Woman of r:,Miiv." on Wednesday evonlmr, .'. i-uaiy 7. Iluth at hig nine lvel slmwa--auia-r-apeciala r.t 23 and U) nts, Mir tax included. Oilier uu- I -r-spci Inls booketl aie "Tlia Flnnu if the Yukon, Her Ui ;ht t Hup- . in is," "Th Miracle Man" and "l'riken Tlossom. For the holiday season, in addil- . T to "Fires of Faith" acrmed last i(,nt " A-reol n,w "Tha Great- ,t '' Uf" '''' "'itl'l Charles Hay In "Ills Own Homo Mmuny niKM.wmt narry tar- imdny nii:ht.vllh Harry Car- ' in i.nm j-o-i-i o new .. "''t. "re acreeniM nt it-.ulur ad- i-slon I'rU-ea. Thcw are nn hot- t,r l'huicH to ho aeen anywhere for If"' Pl"'. "4,v or Mandnni palioni. Remembor, these are pictures that "e M etvenMl in tho tln atr. of l'10 '"'K" Miss Tln lma Amleruen joiiriieyed from llumc.itc ad to loin with the family In i ii.Kint: ("hiistma cumU and tu uniny the holiday season with ivlatives and friviid.i in Weston, )'. At the close of a prosperous year we wish to extend our friends and patrons an expression of our cor dial good will and esteem. We have appreciated their patronage and have endeavored to the best of our ability to merit it. To the extent we have succeeded we would ask their kind acknowledg ment for this store is their store and needs their moral as well as financial aid. To the extent we have failed we would ask their in-dulgence--for perfection is by no means ours. May 1920 bring them happiness in this richly favored re gion, and to the nation surcease of the troubles that have followed in war's train. Happy New Year! Mr H ':- ' v. . . Noti u Creditor , . .., ', In thu County Court of the State of orction for Umatilla County. . th w r . , Euu of j( W o'Harra, Poceased. To A Whm ,t M-y Coneemi Not u hwh Wf)n iM L t 0(trr(l the duly appointed. qunlU w u(u tlntr ntwutor of the will if j R, OTlarra, dw-eaimli and nil lwrnum hvlir claim airaimt euid lM(U w hl,reby muf (0 rrBe the same, with proper voucher t tnehvil theiTto, to aald executor at Weston, Oreuon, within alx month f10in the Oth day of December, lUltf, L. I. O'HARRA llxecutor uf the M'lH of J. M. O'llurrn, Heeeased, 11 3 3 ' ... I r . . . . ; r.i Mi