The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 26, 1919, Image 2

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Pendleton's Greatest and Best Department Store
announce that on FRIDAY. DECEMBER 26
they will open a GIGANTIC SALE of
over $78,000 worth of Women's Highest Quality
taken from their upstairs Woman's Department and transferred
I'The Clean-up Shop is piven full sway
as to rnce uuttinj? on wis r ine ear,
so you may be sure of the Astonish
ingly low prices that will prevail.
Whose original selling price hovered
around the $150 mark. Their final sale
price will astonish you.
Whose original selling price was count
ed in three figures. Rack after rack
is filled with these garments.
In such great numbers as to open the
$.. oj,.o. bin 1 1 1
shopper's eyes. Their prices you
would call Absolute Bargain Prices.
And Other Garments will be offered
in bewildering lots, and every garment
will bear its Bargain Price.
The big sale opens at 9 o'clock with an
Extra Force of Salespeople to serve
you. Everything Cash; no Exchanges
or Refunds except where you send
onsh and ask that we shop for you.
Alterations absolutely at cost.
-a the
a .IB Ell"
CLARK WOOD, Publiihtr
MRS. H. GOODWIM AuifUnt Editor
The Year 2 00
Six Months 1 00
Three Month 0 50
IJUDAT. DEC 28. - - - m
to start on long journey. Evci if
your house and furniture are cov
ered by insurance, it is extremcl;
bad luck to have them burn on Fri
day tho thirtenth."
In these days of fuel shortage a
man almost wishes he could, crawl
Into a hole and stay there
Perhaps some' of our enterprising
Entered it th pottoltlct l Wtiles. Ortgos local agriculturists will yet sit up
j.i .ii.ii.. anil take notice that farmers in tv-
' " -- eraj ca8tern Washington counties aro basements didn't catch.
Athena Gets a Wetting
(Athena Press.)
A chinovk wind, assisted by warm
rain melted twelve inches of snow
in short order early Saturday mom.
ing and with frozen ground, a tor
rent of water poured through the
streets o Athena, filling cellars
anil store basements.
The whole of tho Kirk field water
shed was relieved of its mantis of
white in a few hours and Wild Horse
creek carried off all that cellars and
ADVERTISING RATES realizing a nice lot of "velvet' from
Regular per inch per insertion 15c field peas " ummer fallow Wo
Transient; per inch per insertion 20c informed that from 60 000 to 70 -
Local.. pA. Portion I 000
Mrs. II. Warren of Pandleton was
a guest of Miss Fay Warrsn Salur
day. Deri Anderson Spent a eoupl of
days this wek at the C. O. Henry
Lawrence Tharp cam up from Th
Dalles to spend the holidays at hit
horn here.
Mr. O. C. Parton and children left
Tuesdat for a risK with friends at
The Dalles.
Mrs. F. D. Watt was eve from
Weston Saturday and attend! the
Civic Club market day.
Misses Gladys and Annabel Me
Leod are horns from Washington
University for tho holidays.
Mra.CE. Fisk of Wtwton t (sited
her sisters, Mrs. Carl McConnell and
Mrs. C. U Mcradden, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I. LeGrew and
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd spent
Christmas with friends in Pendleton.
Miss France Williams, wko is a
student at Cheney Ksrmal schawl, is
spending the holidsyt at horn with
her parent.
Mrs. Joseph Forest is critically ill
at St. Mary's hospital. Walla Walla
here sh recently underwent sr
gical operation.
Roily Ingrain and Ray Baker of
the engineers' force on th highway
construction, have gons to their
home in Cove to spend th holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame McLean of
Washtucna, Wash., have been guest
for soms tiro at th home of Mr. Mc
Lean's mother, Mrs. Bell McLean of
Hunt avenue.
Mr. and Mr. Ceo. Cerking wer in
Walla Walla Saturday visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Chester Davis, who
is in a hospital then recovering from
a ess of poisoning.
Cuy Matlock, movie magnate of
Pendleton, and Wm. Conch wer
among th sportsmen coming p
from th county seat to attend the
turkey shoot Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A If. Coppock are
her from their horn near Colfax,
Wssh. They cam down to attend
th funeral of Mrs. Warren Ray
mond, Mr. Coppock e sister, at Wal
la Walla.
Dirk Thompson is enjoying a vis
it from his father, James Thompson
of Weiser, Idaho. Mr. Thompson,
who was vary ill last summer from
the effects of the flu, has almost en
tirely recovered his health.
0. B. Richards was called to Port
land Monday by th critical illness
of his brother, George Richards. Mr.
Richards motored to Milton taking
into Walla Walla,
C..-.1...1 Tk.atM was afford.
4 good plctur Sunday evening al
ter th reels of Elsie Ferguson In
"Ths He" failed to arrlv. It M
cured from Weston the plctur "Hid
den rires," splendid pHur
which had been produced at Memor
ial hall Saturday night. Th SUn
dard's patrons wr thus not dlsap
pointed, and thanks ar Uu Dr.
Watta of Weston for eourtesy ax.
Mr. and Mrs. I-ou llodgen and
daughter F.thel and Miss Maud Hher
man motrM to Walla Walla Satuf
da and found th street of Milton
almost impassabl on account of th
nod of water turned loos b th
chinook . On their return In th st
oning renditions along th load had
bsrem wore and In many flare
murh troubls was eiperieneed in ne
gotiatlaf them.
Mr. ami Mr. Detbert Clor and
little daughter arrived kiunday from
their horn near Abingdon, Illinois,
and ar traeat at Um w Taylor
home. Wlill en rout her, new
was received of the destruction by
(Irs of their residence with all its
content. Mr. and Mrs. Clor hav
th sympathy of their many friend
For Pale On Oregon Special
combined hsrvester, 50-foot cut, in
good condition. E. L. Woods, Wes
ton, Oregon.
Jn rwluw Had ft Many It ftsm4
t M Sit4 U
Hard wmtse.
Vwm IeaslDroo. Ps Wblsky e
whr IBd teory drop to drioi. ws tb
awtto of Job pal ef this etty
ft stat troopers swooped dwn
ht cch and 4spotV4 htm of hi
board. T trsopsrs wC loln
rd prpf84. Tf fW "rvT"
'l?rrr te l Pshm's he. sad
thee wer rffr of thsss. ws fni4
wtth botrt f UM wVeky. TM
tv ptp M It wte. tb chimney
It share, mors bonis rwpoead In P
luM't bed. at ! thirty wr Im
mrd In th rata barret, th bslf
filled birrsl of i la th collst had
Bt been neglected sod th ft14faV
ld (1rt had aw toon fee tb V4
pendohRB to twtbf, for be wJ
thr to.
i . ... j m '. mil. . 1 '!
Daker'i Goods
Phone j'9ur dray orders,
93, or call at etorc.
Davis & Ellis
Freewater may be all right under
ordinary conditions, but one really
wouldn't care to swim in it.
It has been officially determined
that a doughnut possesses more cal
orics of food value than a pretzel
which is a heartening statement in
view of the fact that the latter deli
cacy will eoon be relegated to the un
attainable luxuries of the past
ties in 1920, and the season is ex
pected to be the greatest in tho his
tory of the seed pea Industry. Con
tracts have been closed on a
of five cents per pound.
At tht Kirlr farm hrtiiM tha cpltnr
U fiii,.J with wafer until it Imliblml th interurban
over, many other cellars at Athena wner t00k '" lr,in-
residences were inundated and crk's. ' Oscar Cutler, chief of the engl-
vcKetables, pans and fruit floated Beers on the highway construction,
about with his young brother, Print Cutler,
The basement of the Athena De- a member of the fore under him,
partinent Store was flooded and riv-, have gone to Salem, where they will
A brilliant jewel in the
nistern sky is the dazzling Sirius,
by far the brightest star in the
heavens becoming visible at this time
of year in tho early evening. Next
to the Pole Star, it is perhaps tho
best known of any individual star;
its beams sparkle like the most won-
Eleanor Franklin Egan has an ar
ticle in the Saturday Evening Post derfu, diamondj n(J ,t fa noyer monj dy water and debris,
attractive than at this season of the
on tne aosoiuieuy appalling conui
tions in Armenia that everyone in
this prosperous country should read,
even at the risk of nightmare. Her
truthful story of Armenian horrors .
. . f. 1 . A- t U1
M visira Armenia w ra . brj h(. ,uminary that commands the
truth should not alone serve to !,.
tasis ulU lapped at the door sill of the! spend th holidays at their horn.
cilv meat market. Water filled th Mrs. Seth Haworth was taken to
Watt 4 Rogers basements up to the College plae aaniUrium last Friday
south- i,l,low '" ""d further on down the for treatment, and encouraging r-
'UiocK to tne fctanuara incaire duiiu- porta of her condition hav been re-
ingr all basementa had more or less ceived. Her little two-months-old
water in them. , aun has also been receiving medical
The flood current conflned itself to attention at th hospital.
the north side of Main street and ... ... ., ,. -
miss num wiara nouin, amer oi
Mrs. Sam Hutt and Mrs, Lee John-
- son of this city, was united in mar-
vociferous murmuring V"" V " T u J
the buildings on tho south side of ti:
street escaped the usual both of mud
I.oud and
C!.:... ..., 'V J iuviii lire m, niu.nmir , , - ,
jrti. uiiu .v..v ..... !, ,t,. -1. pamoiiBg neuneeoay 01 mis weea,
. ,l I- i,, . If which permits of these winter floods ;.:
times as much light as our sun. It A , . . ... by Pastor B. B. Burton.
, .rfU ,; ,.,,-. on Main street, and it is recalled "
wcl1 worth enduring the chilliness ' t
winter night to observe this " " " ... . j.. ... .. -
south to Wild Horso creek, thereby mother on Christmas Eve, when sh
loosen the purse strings of all those . turning the water before It reaches fell at her horn in Union county and
who can be touched by humanity's wnen icftVes have disappeared and tfie streets, but nothing ha yet been broke her hip. Mrs. Hall left imme
appeal, but should convince tb most therfl fa flo ign pf ,ife jn- deeMuMW done. . ' Ait' ." he'' '"1 "'' n'W
trees, then the evergreens take pos- ' , ,,WM ". u"u'"" "- "v.-,.
session of the landscape. Fir, pmc, Waterman watershed reached Athe- Mr. ,j Mrs. Aid McKay ar
hemlock and spruce dominato waste na obut threo o slock in the after- comj from Alb(rU mtkt their
nH i.,.fi th.m a ,,-. nxn. coming after the flood from . tnm.
and its institutions. Deportation to tcr Kme fa whjch rcen8 dot east of town had practically subsid- cr nMtd M'f Md MfK
Armenia w-ould for them be a fitting thc preiient8 , picture de. eL Th ! water cempletely surrounde,! iMr fcote, ,nUf.
lighting alike the eyes of adult and . " . Mts in Albert. Their many Athe
child. uitcnes put in a coup.e years ago M fricnda fe w them
iook care or ine noou Dewer tnan nom jfjin.
formerly. The Tum-a-lum Lumber
John F. Herr, cashier of th new
and cord wood and other Athena RtaU Bank, has taken th
In th Circuit Court of th Stat of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Elsie Ella Belsh. Plaintiff, vs. Gran
will P. Bslshc, Defendant.
To Granville P. Bslahe, defendant
above named:
In tHr Naks op nit- State or On
tiAN, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of th
plaintiff filed against you in th sbov
entitled suit within six weeks of th
date of th first publication of this
Summons, to-wit: on or before lb 6th
day of February, m; and you will
tak notice that if you fail to sppear
ami answer said complaint or other
wis plead thereto within said time,
th plaintiff, for want thereof, will ap
ply to the Court for th relief prayed
fur in said complaint, to-wlt: for de
ere of the Court dissolving th bonds
of matrimony existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for other equit
able relief.
This Summons is published pursuant
to an order mad by Hon. !. W,
I'hslps, Judge of th Sixth Judicial
District, Stats of Oregon, on th 23d
day of December, 1919. Th flrat pub
lication of this Summons will be mad
on Friday, th L'Ctth day of December,
1919, and th last publication on Fri
day, the said 6th day of February,
Dated this th 23d day of December,
Petemon, Bishop A Claim
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and P. O. address:
Pendleton, Oregon.
N otic as Final Acet
In th County Court of th Stat of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In th Matter of th EeUt of A. L.
Wentworth, Dcad.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sona whom it may concern that Will
M. rcteraon, administrator of th
tat of A. L. Wentworth, dseeaaed,
has filed his Anal account and report
in th administration of th Mtabs;
that th County Judge, by order mad
and entered, has appointed Monday,
th (th day of January, 1910, at th
hour of ten o'clock a. m. as ths.tlm
nd died th County Court Room of
th County Court House at Pendleton
aa ths plae when and where all ob
jections and eiceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
settlement thereof mad.
Dated this th 6th day of Decem
ber, 1919.
Administrator of th Estate of A.
L. Wentworth., Deceased.
1 11 1 " e
Notice t Creditors
1 the County Court of th Htete f
Oregon for t'matllla Cventy.
In the Matter of th Estate of John
J. Beeler, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that
Christina B. Beeler baa been appoint
ed administratrix of th estate of
John J. Beeler, deceased. All per
sons having claims against th ewtate
ar required to present them with
proper vouchers to th said admin
istratrix ai in taw one or rever-
son, Bishop Clark, in th 6lth
Crawford Building, Pendleton, Ore
gon, attorneys for the administratrix, .
within six months of th date of th
first publication of this notice.
Dated this th 28th day of Novem
ber, 1919.
Peterson, Bishop A Clark,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
dissatisfied among us that we are
rich indeed. It engenders an added
contempt for the criminal malcon
tents who would wreck this country
Women of Chicago are undertak
ing, a campaign to reduce the cost of
living, and efforts are being made to
TTillv crlnivtnrr w i f K htncrtit riwl Ki. i"
ri.., w. ,iifflPit tn ,Ain , "Impany plant received its customary
persuade housewives to be more eco- -.,. ., .. ... . ducking and cord wood and other
nomical in their buying. In January Bvfrm. , w ' ol, loose material floated obout the yard. Vic Harris bungalow Just east of
rained thn hPrri. lvlnr th,m 1u,nB w,c "rcgon-nanningion
an "economy week" will be held when
stores will exhibit clothes at reason- wjthery, and
BOio pneen arm uulcukis win j.aiurv
the less expensive but equally norr
ishing cuts of meat .
The following arc "a ftW rcmind
ers" from the Oregon Fire Marshal's
Bulletin: "A crack in your chimney
is a sure sign that you arc going to
move. If you dream of
smoko, it is a sign you are asleep feathered licu-frutt producers in this
and had better wake up. To see a locality.
nian hanging paper over a flue hole . : f
indicates an impending loss. It is The advent of the holiday season
Wednesday. Tho hardsurfaced high
way was damaged to some extent
Singularly enough, the esteemed
Evening Tribune's circulation ap
pears to have affected thc esteemed
East Oregottian's heart.
mobile traffic to detour via Fulton
Eggs aro dropping-but in thc and the Lee street bridge at Pcndle-
smclling market, however, and not from the ton.
division of the O.-W. R. & N. were eently arrived in Athena, will raid
annuled on account of washouts bo- there. Their daughter, who is at-
tween Athena and Pendleton and the tending school in Portland, will soon
schedules were not resumed until be at home with them.
Mrs. W. E. Dobson went down to
Portland last Friday morning for
at thc Havana crossing, forcing auto- two weeks' visit with relatives dur
ing the Christmas holidays. Mr.
Dobson has been in Portland for sev
eral weeks, snd last reports were
that he was ill at th home of Mrs.
Dobsonrs mother in fit. Johns.
Geitral hsutitt
aid Real Estate
t Do you want to Bell your
property f ir it is saiaDie
Why Tom Up
Your Overcoat
AAViM! Cellar?
Get an overcoat from us
with the NEW 'CONOMY
MUFFLER unique idea
in tailoring that haa taken
the country by atorm.
i -
R. L. Reynaud
Notice to Subscribers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley will
If thin nnfifp in niRrkwl it nicml.
worse luck to look in a dark closet has given a great deal of animation fit's that your subscription expires ernvc tne nrst or January to o
with a match than to see the new to our town. Everyone is in high Jan. 1, l'J20. We would most identified with the local J. C. Pen
moon over your left shoulder. If spirits. Shops are thronged with gratefully appreciate your prompt n"v store, under the management of
you can sec your shadow from an oil customers and tabic luxuries arc ea- renewal. " ; . . Wf. C Emnwl who succeeds Mr. Tay-
lamp while filling gasoline stove it gerly sought. Even the housewives .Subscription rates by the year, tor- Mr. Dudley has been Jo Ui
indicates crowd of people arc com- have been busy putting their dwcl- $2,00; eix months, $1.00; lhre company' store In Pendleton here
ing to your house. If you smell gss lings in apple-pie order, and Christ- months, 60 cents. tof ore. Tbey wfll occupy the Coppock
or gasoline and look for it with a mas bells and wreaths have appeared The Leader is invariably discon- bungalow on Adams streer vacated
light, it foretells, that you are about at many window?. tinued at expiration. ly Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Taylor.
i Dr. S. L KORD
I: Veterimry Sageca i
Hospital at corner of Main
and Droad etrccts.
Phone Main 263 x
I rail mark wl roerrlfiiii mhutlmt or m
tM. Hi MM, MKUhd or bhtAm MMl 4m
prioOun for PHSI SRAnOrl MS report
n iorMlollltr. Soofe roPwwwoo.
rATiare suns poutuni
yon. OurfroobookWttlMloow.whMkfluvoill
tnd M- T mtHf. WriHloS7.
13D3 Saventk St., WMklsgtea, D. C.