J ,-f EST0N JEADER V0LUM1J 42 VVKSTON, OltttUON. FKIDAY, DUG. 101'J NUMBER 30 OREGON NEWS NOTES OFGEIiERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. - Pendleton's lax levy till year will i 41 mills (I against V.t tatit year. HnliArt ('. I'milii aa re-elected pres ident cj the Hab m CommnrcUl club at lb a I' fell III lt)i 1 UK. , ,t IMrn, Monlm A. Rmlth. agd n yura, n nf oldest r Ml Jon I of Lane county, dlril at Kug"ne. The 'roof of tin- oiuhnaluni of Jim Mnnmbuth high athool rav.-d in und-r 111 weigh! of id heavy snos. t'mattlla county's tax I'"')' for lh coming yer will Itn 1.1 mi 1 1. mi In erai of ij mills over last yinr. Many borees lu tli liuner Creek re- (Ion of rmitllla county ar dead ! " '"'l' A":l puf f oold and insufficient feed. Interjjetbldg receipts for Novem ber tOi3!d'$;fYc"06 t'!t, according to rport Issued by lh comiulsalnnare. Following (tin cancellation of nil rml restriction, J. P. Keck, coal t r for Oregop, rioted, hi office at buuju. Tba annual convention of she Ore ion title ti-acbera' association will t held In PorvJaml DcuiUer 2. 30 and SI. . . . HutuUcjj . of penrh. apricot , am) rharry trwa were allied lu Waaco county. Jjy. thn recent oxtrem cold weather. ..... Th.ypn i to weather anJ hv fall t atrnjv Old much damage to ii aarvaiorlta ourd by tli ,florli uar Oron city, WHU trains of ihrte coimiiunlu.n .-i to hr fuini. the Hood Itlvrr )t"d i r company filed fur i4 1 ni ,1 ui Oregon t.'i1 n mortgago rovrrliKt ,lt entire .rni i ., t"ln document rover HO I !" i nf rlnwly i i' i'.'il rIiix'K Many bird nr lv fx .I In tlir Harris lint M section during tlm aev.ro cold, due In exposure. In uiany liiatancr mow tiinla froie In Imrn lota where f.-ed tint been Ihriiw ti out fur lluni. William I.. I'llilry )ia tirutt rriuOvH u atatf liiilu(lnt nt tho Orerpn flat U iiiul kniii.' rniiiiiilaaliu. Till at toll wa luk.'ii ill a iii'-iiliiK of tin) rum iullou In M In 1'urtliiinl l riiubr It. Tim llnwliv I'u Ir ri;.ir I'ompaiiy li ilaivi mi ontr .Uli Hn- ,lln -koii City Kbuiidrjf i'iuiphiiv fur '.!if luiiiiu farlur.' of acxetnl iir v.ef iihuIiIim , wlilrli li.u.-nUn lu ilii' aat bi'ea 11111(1 fu'-t ii r i :i 1 1.' .!. , l(. iiirt liuui v.iri.n n ' loi'K of tli Hlll(i' lit.K.-ill llilit l.l'i'i l;nlllti of imtn'ix-ii uiri" fin, ii ti it r t it jc the n i i-itt teroiil 1 1 r iiklflu "li wi-a'.her. Hiiiik- fnitii'ti li:iv- milfi'rnl raihiT lu avy loam n In ilil.i r :p-!. Bi iiiitoi Mi N'nry It. pr. imrliiK a 'lilll li.iiiiii'alii 1J tlm Ity of Mmltnril lor pil Hi- mrk pur- mm i. it 1 1 it niidiliir I. Ill (uiiin U'lnii J50.0'.0 fn. the ifrcMon of a uibllc liillilliitt at KliiniMlU KuH.i. Tho I'U: nn il!i of th. I. inn tVunty (iood Kui.ila iDi lu inn,' urUlnally I for Deciiubi'r 13 pud t bi n Hm poncd one 'i k on ai''mim of the nturui. haa been polHini (I nKaln ami will lie. held aonn- i'in nlur the luillilaya. . . Klri'. lil' h i tiiouait to Itnvt aiart rd fti'm" ifn i'xplDavti of ih.'mlcnla In . th liii.otainry 'vr1 hum ov' In iho auvial i win on iho floor above, il.uic' ue(l Vnller hall at illiiiiiotlo L'ul LICENSED INSPECTORS , SHADE ALL GRAIN " IN INTERSTATE. (Jfl FOREIGN SHIPMENT Women in Japanese Factories tt, . . ... i 4 r . ..-.-f .5.-. . . ,-. A' V eT '...,. J ,:, - J-.y.r . ..i -.":,-. . I 'V v ";' ;.- --v ".;,i ,'.. r L a. J t - ' 1 -L '1- A 1 V -ffcr A-S - ri i 7 v...alty.lo lhleritV.r3.Uua, 51 Vllpll 11 A U Q A(tr U'lliUUilii. all ln.:i.ie.lii.a, ULIlillIM JflK.il I J thero reniiilnvt! Itj tlicaurplu '"n't of ,, the ftiefrin mate fnlr.luard oiv tM;Ce'm- l-y 1, lul'i, a total of J.4'i9 Jl. areord lug 10 -the oiimmlT.'iHjirl prepjiriil iy KILLED BY ROBBER Crom chapter already hoa J800 nwm- A, II. In. rr.'tiuy of iho btntd. Contrurta have been ln.d by offl data of til'- Cum n.l- national foreat and the NoriUMcatcrn TuriHinlue coin pany of Pnnlntid, whereoy till com uaiiy mil ! itliowr.l 10 lat I'ihikIih Aahley. JI,Jnc. 35, ranrher of tho jf m-ra lu ih- fuini fur urp'htlitf. J"'"" roDijcr. (kMitbern ud of Tlniullllu wunty. a - 3 .;. wililmm ami family of KuReue, . "rP Voider. -h'o worii Xio n..i:l:.'i n fatally ahot hy hl huntlnR tuiupaiilou. who were li. llevid to Jiovn Wri loat la. ,,rol HU!to 1"'f,l.v l)f forcbo u;i Edward Warner. .1.. a. .i. ...u r .1,'- Pr. hour, hcif the Morn waa filled U ra fur VMO. . Right ri iiia a pound fur the Marlon county yjeld of Injiniiberrli a for lhi year 1920 haa been offered by a inn nary at Alhay. . . . Otympla, Wash. fC. If. BchultK. au toinotiHe dealer, ui ahoi ami killed by a linlilup man who a few mlnutea bi foro 0 o'clock Monday evcnliiK rob bed Iho J. C. rennoy Company stjro of flSno. Srbultz os kllk-d ubllo i'UP the de'iP now nt tho nuiiiiiilt .of . the t K flru.lo tho baaement of rti Port- -nrBd timnntnliia hlb a'Uinptlna; to land Star workt at Portland caued Tr,t ln ..mt.ia Or-Kon with n faur damaee in the plant etiniatd at from bora.- train, are reported to to af at 111 AAA .a IIAAAAA ... i,a fine. ,. ?,000 to llon.ono Heiirx nianke and O. ('. f.uerke. of riymouth, Wl have announred that they will Inatall a IM.uno Imrdwood aaamlll at Jlarrlabura. A call hat been.lHaued Mr the eUih annual oonferenro of the Oreaop Stat Dralnai aaaorlatton to convme at Cnrrallla. January 1 and 2. , Tb"flrt caafl of aiitpuintlnn report d at Tho Dulles aa tho reaolt of frret Inn aa that of E. Clotwen, n nln-(p-brd"r, who lind hl le taken orf. tiamat by.broken ater plpen. hrok' Twelve a!eft have .if'n deported (rum tlret;oti UurlliR the'jireaejit momb uml othiK are exncled 10 follow be fore the flrat of the-yoar, ae'coriHnu to Infnrntntlon mail" prildle Ity 11, V. Puff' hniii, Vhli f nf the, ImnilKt'iKlou aervioe of thl dial riot. with Chrlstniaa ahoptiera. Ho maun aeveral purcbaapa of earing app:irei. and aa tbo clork etartpil to moke out the aala jllp the robber flopped be hind the counter fend. Covering tho clerk Hh a nun, demanded the cash. . ;Kmpt)lng tha 'drawer ou that aldo of. tho store, tho man ordered tho ch'rk . to; remain wbore he was end creased to tho oppoalto fldi1 of ttp ilinro and .attempted to rcb the cmli COMMISSION ASKED TO REINSTATE FINLEY 6alm. Or. Giving an a reaaon that the ab:l!ty of Pt ite Ihologlat Willliim 1. Klnley aa a naUimHM is needed hy tho atate. Governor Ben F. Olcott Tueaday wrctothe flh and game com inuMion recommending that it rescind an order Isaued more than a week ago 'fit a tJtar'cbumUr aesslon dispensing with Mr. Fiuley'g aervlcen. Lack of harmony between the com mi:on and Mr. Finley was the rea son for ditmifsinic him. according lo tha txaeutJva't latter, and while be justifies tha commission he declares that Mr. Flnlay'a ability Is too valua ble to be lest, and that be should be rtdni-luted. "la view of tho foregoing I believe Iho action of the commission should bo rescinded, and if this fa done Fin ley abuuld bo given a free and inde- Them ore niorn v.-onini In Indualry In Jiipnn thnn then? nr" tnen, oeionl to n fin len, (nt reiel.tly luadu by llio Wur Work Counell of the Tounjf Wo tnaii's Chrltlmi A"m hitloii. Tha world war l.ai hnmslit b.V,0J women and Rirl Int.. the l.-i ity frind of liidi)'.r) li'ei.rdlnj to t!il tui. tiiem; SiJ.Oal of IheM lltilo i:i! uich-r flfiean years of nice who work twelve hours at n wukp of h it to twenty eenta a ilny, Unit the world tony bnve allk lien- ii(,. munition. In Tokyo nliifie, u ty of vo arnl iiint-liii'f million t-oople, there ure iai,. i woiiien 1'iiipli.jeil In alxty two In dumrles and biMincsea vary Ins from work as telephoni- ofieratorv clerks, aleiiosniphors and biK.kkeej-ri to work In allk and other wrts of fur. 'uries and ilnmeMIc work. Knell )eiir tliousunda of the. wo men l,nk lo tl.cir hmiii .1 in the country, broken In henlth nail victims of tuberculosis because of the nwr coikIIiIoiis nnikr v.Mdi tbejr worh and live. They nre hou ed In ilormilories in the fuetory cijiiipotind. Thuw dormi tories are frequently unsanitary. The clrls work lone hours, hnro no rocre nllon and on r.;iisli!n their Inr.iS day ro Immediately to bed, oftftitliueii a led which a Ctrl who works tit night lias been aleep!ns In all day. Aa port of lis world eervlee for wo men, the Y0UI12 Women's Christian Association ;ilni!8 to build dormitories In manufacttirlni; towns where girls may live cheaply under healthful physical nnd social conditions, to send out secretaries who can Introduce rec reation Into the factory compound and direct games nnd social life. This Is done with the co-operntlon ' of the factories' managers nnd pro prietors. One of the most influential . of these is Mrs. Suzuki, the most prominent woman manufacturer in Japan, who Is owner and manager of a firm which exported Sll.OJO.OW worth of loan oil to America last yenr. Recently Mrs. Suzuki decided to employ one thousand women In her offices. She could not find enough well trained ones so she established a permanent school where Japanese girls qiay be trained to enter the busi ness world. The greatest danger ahead of Japan, she says, la In Its growing mnterlalism, and Japan's greatest need, the development of her women. , . RADICALS DEPORTED ON ARMYTRANSFORT "Ark of the Soviet" Carries 249 Passengers to an Un known Destination. New York. The t'nlted Slates army transport Ilufurd, "Ark of the Soviet," tailed Hunday with a cargo of soar :hlsts, communists and radicals ban ned from America, for conspiring against ita government. The f.bip's destination was bidden in seiled orders but the 249 paHn gcrs it carried expert to Le landed at some far northern port givins accesa to soviet IluMla. "Long live the revolution In Ameri ca," was chanted defiantly by the mot ley crowd on the decks of le steel gray troopship as she churned her way past the S'.itue of Liberty. Now and then they cursed is chorus at tbe Cnltfd States and the men who had cut short their propaganda here. The autocrats of all tbe Rusxlans on the transport were Alexander Berk men and Emma Goldman, his boon companion for 30 ycara. With tbem wero 215 men and two women. The transfer from Ellis Island to the Bnford of the agitators who have been preacTil::;; death and destruction, was au event unique In the annals of this .nation. Seized In raids in ali-parta of the country, they were mobilized here for deportation. An elaborate screen of secrecy was thrown about tbe preparations for sending them away. Railway Bill Passes Senate NATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS DEPEND UPON WOMANKIND t Japanese Diplomat Saya Men i- Alone Cannet Create Interna- tlonal FriendlineSv International friendship he- twoen nations depends- larpely ! upon the friendly feeling between -f 4- the women of ihoso nations, nc- cordinj to representatives of the Olfleiitla of the- Southern 'm-HIc arawor on tnat sine, tie was provow- iwm ,i.,u ,,.. m.mi5i,i ut Jnpaueso embassy In WnshlnBton. Orepon ;Hnon received , th banner awarded to the road for mnklnn the liei;l record a 111 " 11 fi roiula empldylng more than 2ioo men-lu the northweet rvKlon diiriiiK tlm recent national ae- n trees lu ibo orchards nnd death of cident piqventlon drive. stock on tlm range In Medford nnd th Rntue river valley la estimated at 1100.000. . On Its own motion tbe public serviee commission has instituted an Invent i gatlon of the distance, cIahs and com- An Ire Jam ripped out tlm fnlse work on lint now Columbia 'highway bridge over lue Uoschutea. river, In mursn of construction, find sent It down Ihi- river. Tho flo work-rcpre- aeuiul five njontha' work nnd tin outlay ed hy Mr, t'lah Itallus, a salcswomai), who ijrahbed. Uto sua, . , . , . . . v.Me,titlm.e, an alarm ha.il ben;i glvi-n. and tho robber jerked tho gun away from the woman and left tho rture. Several men joined in the chano as tho man run, and Schuliz was Killed by aVliot from tho Rubber's guu. Tho robber escaped. tho educational und biological depart ment of the commission in the end that his know-ledge as a naturalist may net be lost to t!io state," roads tho concluding pnrar.raph of the ex ecutive's comrauuicaiion to tho commission. DEPORTATION BILL PASSED xll:y" rate of the Bumpter Valley of approximately ffiooo. rallroati.- ; . A mvetingot tho North P.iclflc Fair Thi committee In charge Of plan naaoeiutlon will be held In Portland for the Inauguration, of A. M. William' January S6 and 27. ttuprtsentntivra miles east of here; Tho train was cu route rrout Okiauoiua tity, UKia., to St. Louis. Train Derailed; Two Killed, -13 Hurt. ft. James, Mo. TwA pers um .010 killed and 48 Injured when r ' i'r... :.)" paseiiaer train 'was tlciiiil.nl tltrio a president of Albany colleg haa of all northwest fairs belong to the fixed January 7 aa the date of tho organisation. Dates for tho 1!20 fairs ceremony. .';- , j will be determined, and ortier business " Nine allotnionts of land In tli I'mn- transactod at tlio.jpw Hug., , . v, fc t Ttlla Inillan vAftbrvril Ittn Inlnllnif AtlO ri...: ..w...,. I ,M An- .i,ln Ar 1. J .- li;,' Aiiuiiin vi ii vi n nil .tiitu Scout Out to Test Pershing Standing. aeres ami appraised at .io,t it, or xi.'t two plks Jonf and containing. 827; ,?9hr headquarters have -been estab an acre, are to be offered for enlo iicres, alt tinted a omer gf of lishe(1 Uw.a A mA RWllt, ( tonrius February W.; r .... . Tillamook Head, is restored to entry.' w,j,tprn states to learn the Persuing . A protest .algnrd..by. 00 parcnta ofi This nm) una withdrawn In 1SS5 for soiitlment, . t . school children haa been filed at "Itose- quarry puioae in connection with ' burg objectlng to compulsory examlntt- the Improvoniont qf tbe - CQhtmbla , : . , . U1AU 113 a BO.uil n pemeiueiu (riijeii tlou of .their children by a proposed river. county nurse. Tho Oregon Mixing polhou to kill jackrabblts In wifa ursed by tho Orogou dolesatlon in Members of Anarchistic Bodies to Be Sent Away. Washington. Tho immigration com mittee's bill providing for tbo deporta tion of all aliena affiliated with anar chistic organizations was passed by the house. The vote was unanimous. Investigation by tho foreign rela tions committee into tho activities of Russian propagandists In this country was ordered by the senate, which adoptod a resolution by Senator Ken yan, republican of Iowa, providing for such an Inquiry. Urging passage of tho bill to deport alien members advocating overthrow of tho government, Representative Johnson, republican of Washington, chairman of the house immigration Their theory is that there enn bo no Arm friendship between two nations unless the women of 'h those two countries know hud $ like one another, as co-operation ! between nations, lis In the state ! and In the family. Is based on co- operation between men and wo- 4- men. 4" Therefore, If Japan nnd Amerl- 4 cu are to have a rial, tasting 4 ! friendship, to really know nnd understand one another, tho wo- - men of the two nations must 4-4- learn to play together, to study 4- together and to think together. 4 4- The T. W. C. A. Is one of the 4 I' best mediums for bringing about 4- this , friendship between tho two 41 nations, according to diplomatic 4 representatives of Japan, as that 4- organization is teaching Japanese 4- women recreation, showing them 4- bow to enjoy out-of-door life and 4" 4- sports. It Is particularly neces- 4 4 snry that Japanese women learn 4- to enjoy and appreciate recren- 4" tlon, they say, since the great Influx of 'women Into Industry 4 nd business, as Japanese wo- 4-4- men, formerly so conservative,- 41 are going Into business nnd doing 4 4" many things which they had Washington. The Cummins bill, paving the way for return of the rail roads to private operation, passed the senate by a vote of 45 to 30, ending a prolcnged discussion of tbe measure and making the holiday recess of con gress possible. It went through with out change in the anti-strike and other' . important provisions, and was sent to ' conference for adjustment during the r. ecta with the Each bill, passed by the house. The ultimate disposition of the rail road problem, however, still is in '.dou'ot, as the senate and bouse bilta v. Ill be in conference and congress In recess on January 1, the date previ ously set by President Wilson for re turn of the lines to their owners. Unlets vetoed by the president, the ponding legislation, according to plans of congressional leaders, would require the return of the roads by anuary 31.. Viie Cummins bill was supported by S3 republicans and 13 democrats and opposed by eight republicans and 22 democrats. When the house was informed that tha senatt! had passed the Cummins bill. Representative Esch, chairman of the interstate commerce committee, who will head the house conferees, said the labor sections of the two bills were so "radically different that It seemed absolutely certain that the conferees would later have to ask the houBO for instructions. LAWS MUST BE UPHELD Interfere Legion Puroc Jersey Hwlnn' (he Tuninlo district la progressing ne t . Uuse at f0nf',,(nrC w,,h 'rrp commi,teei declared In the bouse that never thought of dofog before tho Breeders' association has- completed 5 sacka of strychnine-Impregnated ul arrangunieuU for a awluo abow to ho ta(a leoves already have been dlatrlb- hold at the state fair grounds In Gulnn utrd. The first result . noted were on February . ' '. - - . when' several hundred bunnies were Jack Humphry. Kyrnrold 11011 .of found dead after tuttus the -poisoned Nick II umphrys of Oregon- City, wan leaves. probably falally Injured when he was. prices for commotl.ltl.es In Oregon shot by n companion while pniylng have1 advanced, about lb per cent In with a .23 rifle. - - the last six months, according to u Tho 20tli annual district convention..' comparison of bids received at Salem ! of the Knights of Pythlns was held at for furnishing, supplies to the various The Pallea during tbe official visit of state liiHtlttillons "durltig "tho first" six Charles S. Davis, of Denver, Colo., su. months of -tho year 1020, with those prmo ctisnce-llor. .'' 1 received on June IV 1919. 1 The rhrlatmaa vacation tours of tho . vir tln.i utrnebxH ihrt PulmnllvA nil'- men'a"and women-, glee. dub. of tbo eompany ph.nlin Portland practically l!u. 36 ntj? f" OrPg0"; Unlveraltv of Oregon have been In- r.ed .be tbree-arorv structure allll H'ft rqualked by tho county boards of definitely' .pcHtpoaed 'oh account or raj-ecd a aeore of workmen lo flee for weather coniMt Ions. i t t!)elr lives. Ono employe. Frank Rus- The, stuo highway vouiiulsalou liaa' . u, was severely burned about the started survrjs ou the lieppnerOrnnt face when ho sought to escape tlw eouuty road which was authorized by fh)mes. The loss la estimated at $260, the Morroty counljf taxpoyrra at a per 000. clal election last summer, t vtJlxation ef 10,000 arrea of govern- Tbe Portland Railway, Light 1 Pow- meut owne4 swamp land near Klamath tnry Lane, Tho government now is neatjating, a , contract with prlvnto inrercsts to .reclaim tho .land and se cure Us use for 30yeara.- Malheur coutjty.lcods tho counties of Oregon in the extent of Its unappropri ated and unreserved public lands, ae fording to tha annual report of tln jommlssionor of the gem ml land office lust mndo to congress, and Harney rounty Is second. Malheur has a total area of 4,403,403 acres of 'remaiutug; public lauds, and Harney county has !,SS,5G0 acres. The valuo of the taxable property In all foreigners coming to the United States "in tho future must come only on probation." His statement Indi cated that later au effort would be Bin do to pass legislation for the pro bationary entry of foreigners. Pershing Unwilling to Enter Politic. Chicago. General Pershing shows little or 110 cencorn over his own po litical future. He is hot a candidate for the presidential nomination ei ther republican or democratic and the soft pedal was officially applied to anything that savored of politics during his Btfiy in Chicago. ... war. The T. W. C. A. has boon a- sured iho fullest poss-Mo co oper- ntion of the Japan. embassy 4- nnd the Japanese people in niak- 4-4- Ing Its "World Servleo nmsi-mi!" for three million dollars to bo 4-4- used for women and ;;!rls in the 4-4- Hilted P ntes, India, Ch'na. .In- 4- pan. South America, V.;r:-v'. SI- 4-4- beria. the Near East nnd Mexico 4-4- a success, 4- 4-4-4- ! 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- Washington. Tho Swedish govern ment has announced n number of lm- Members Not to With Authorities. Indianapolis, lnd. Franklin D'Olier, national commauder of the American Legion, declared here that neither "national, state nor local organiza tions of the American Legion have any right to take the law In their own hands or Interfere with proper author ity" and warned members of the le gion that such action would be sub versive of the principles and ideals of the organization. The declaration was part of a statement, made by the national commander In view of recent reports of activities of members of the legion which, he said, made It imperative that the policy of the or KanizaUou with respect to its stand ing on the maintenance of law and order be defined. ' quallrtntion and that equalised and pport1oucd by the state tax comrnls lmi totals Snu0.435.4VJ.17. according to t Hiaioroent prpared by Freuk Love II, , itae tax commissioner. Last year the cnluat ions, were $0S7.533.8!t.!7, show inS an- Increase thlo year of a trlfie oiore than $3,000,000. . . . Pass Federal Control of Sugar Measure Washington. legislation continuing federal control of sngar through 1920 but limiting the licensing power of the I'uited States sugar equalization board Y. W. C. A. TRAINS WOMEN. Yoti-iir women students from forty- portant leglPlatlve moasures to be tak- r;.;,';rt' IsllH1(K , ' en tip by tho w.o riksdag, tne state m Aniie,n Cann,,a department has been advised. m, y,.xiro nr0 r4lJ,,Ktsred ln t,,e Improvement of tho status of mar- Nat, Tr!liIllIlg S(,llool of ,he Yom rlcd women, provision for the govern- women's Christian Assoclntion In New ment omployniont of women, develop- York. , ment of the prlnclpto of tho arbltra- Tbo- are studvlng methods of T W tlon boniM, pennl law reforms, electri- c. A. v.-..rk with a view to taking up flcntlon of railroads nnd open votlntj posiit, ;is in Y. W. C A. work either in In the rlskdag are mentioned lu on offl- this oountry or In other of the coon- to tho period ending next June 30, was completed by congress and sent to tbe communique Issued by the gov- u!es where tho Y. W. C. A. Is carrying W'biio House. , ernment. on. o:.-mmr ami expanding its work.