tOOiSGftiDi i ando Bodge Service BREVITIES Ford roadster Auto Co. for null'. We will be able within two weeks to deliver Dodge Cars of all models. Christmas i.i near. Have you thought of KiviiiR u BRUNSWICK PHO NOGRAPH? It's a musical wonder -the finest phonograph made -and would be a splendid gift. Weston Garage R. G. SALING The Christmas Bazaar held Satur day afternoon and avtnlng at Mem orlal Hall under tha auspices of thi Woman' Boclety f tha M. K. Church, South, was divided success notwithstanding snow and extreme cold weather. Mr. J. II. I'rlre pre Lllx-rty aiii over the fanry work booth, Mra. E. M. Smith and Mrs. A. J. Hue ua for bob-sloda. WatU A Kog- 8Urmt r were In charge of the cooked era. Athena. display, and Meada.nea W.H Mr. and Mr.. J. L. Hodgson of U " nd Cbarlw rrica auperinUnd- (rosso are visiting in Woton. J tb ""l? of,h lin' "p' ... - r. . i n t. t per. Mna Edna Hollenbcck a Sunday Mr.. W. E. Drl.kell ha. been quit tho C(M c(rU ill he pant week, but i. Improving ,(((J wUh tmpc iU(py "l"''" ' , of dainty and novel "giftics.". The J. M. Wroe, A. C. (Jould and John prooced, amounted to about 76. Hyatt were recent visitors at Bur- Ierm(M1 nior bunk, Wash. mith Co,ff hM retun,,,! nome for C. M. .Schneider and family left lhe chrinlm holiday.. He ay. Thursday for their new home near tn,t philomath wa wholly unpn- Washtucna, Washington. 1)lrcd for the M.vcr tiM, whirh Mr. Cora Hilling of Walla Walla reached a minimum there of 18 di ll (pending a few day at the home greet below tero with two feet of of her .Inter, Mr. Ernest Ross, anow. In a region 100 mile aouth Uwcll Hyatt i here from U of Portland and 40 mile from the Crowe, Washington, looking the old cent, thi aort of weather wa. un- town over to tec if it I .till all here, prccedentcd. Water pipe are not Mm. J. M. Banister is bemoaning burlcd l rWta-lh the loss of a diamond ditalre which vcr town' n,, th PH dropped from her ring aome time du- "hivered In warm-weather houses. riiiK Tuesday. The ficree.t winter weather in W. II. i. feeding a large vn in this ection -some say the coiucii ever nirown-onwc i uesuay with a warm and welcome chinook. It Tint visited the mountain., and then awept down upon the lowland, . ' dissipating a prolonged cold map. mile . , . . , . . . IOC lowrpi u'inierKiurv w rvt;iii-u Friday night, when the official record wa 22 degree below zero. L'kiah, in tho aouth end of the county, re number of China pheasant and bob' while, in the barn-yard on hi ranch touth of town. Apple for talc extra good rulla, good keepers, any amount; 'i iat of Cobb station on the Interur bun. B. F. Haley, F'rcewatcr, Or. FORD CARS FOR HATE DELIVERY or you can order now and get your car in the spring. Liberty Auto Co. (Phone 241) O. A. ADAMS, Proprietor Butter Wrap onlirs prompt ly filled at the Loader whop. at once Second-hand Sad dles. We will trade new saddles for old ones. Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set. Whitman's Harness Store SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur Umatilla County. Iiviie C. Cuyot, I'laintiir, v.. Krncst II. (iuyoi, licf.ndmit. To Knicht II. Guyot, Defendant above named: In tho Niutio of the State of Or rKuii, You urc hereby required to ap nur ami imtwi-r the complaint of the plaintiff filed luminal you in the above entitled suit within nix week. Mini Esther Williams, who i. at. tending Mill College, plan, to arrive M CKtiimtleii minimum of 62 in um ftunoay to anare in the j,., the bulb of mercury fAyy.VAWA' William, home. Miu m WtIl)h wM hold no ft Mm. It. G. Kaling came home from niore cta5,el in nomc nTiec and Portland Sunday for a holiday c,r, of tte slck until ,rtcr j,nutry I with her family. Mr.. Saling ha 5. Cold wc,ther i, given a the rea- it been taking Icon, in both voice and ion for poatponcmcnt. piunu at Portland. r After recovering from smallpox, Hobby Graham wa. threatened thi. week with apiendicili.. While very .eriou. the flnit of the week, hi con dition ha. kince improved. Rev. A. J. Starmer ha bought a liuw Ford touring car from O. A. Adam, of the Liberty Auto Co. Mr. Starmer ha. driven hi. old Ford no leu. than one hundred thousand mile.. Mis. Thelma Anderson i. expected Mrs. Barnes is S. A. C. Hostess A delightfully informal meeting of tha Saturday Afternoon Club wa held at the home of Mr.. W. A. Barnes December 13. Owing to se- n vcre weainer conaiuons many -member were unable to attend, although even responded to roll call. Pro gram number were aa follawi: Paper Oban, Entrance to the Highlands Mrs. Ellsworth Wood. Paper Inverness, Capital of the Oregon, Highlands-Mrs. F. D. Watt. to arrive from Homestead. Monday to pass the holiday vacation paper Aberdeen, lhe Granite City at her mother' home in thi city. jirs. , R. Van Winkle. Miss Anderson is a member of Home- hour of social chat followed, K stead's school faculty. during which time light refreshments J llasKct mountain is temporarily were served by Mrs. Joseph Wurscr $ t . i m. . i i it L rA of the dale of the first publication of population. Liaron.i nnca ana ana me nosiess. ii .,ii..w.mM uii nr tif(rt xaniuy nmvc movcu mj in u in n pine wr, iv. lorriaun win vnwrvaiu Fri.Inv. thi, 2d tlav of JAtmarv. 1020s fnn tradcU by Sam Key to Tom club at V . a".... I.I L''I,...J LV.- Iitislmas living of the kind of the gifts that are appreciated is rendered easy by a visit to our store. We are sKowing Wilton and Axminster Rugs, Tapestry and Leather Rockers, Library Ta bles, Dining Room Tables, Ce dar Chests, Dressers, etc., etc. DeMoss Furniture (Phone 122) Milton Oregon to Tom club at her home the afternoon of .. . ,4 f:..i.l.l l.l..t...l h.iv An. I William War. IlM.mhr ''1 ami you win taxe notice mat 11 you " - ..... - fml to o i.piH-ur and answer said "" have movvi their familie to com plaint or otherwise plead thereto Frecwater for the winter. SLlT VXi KaSOQiC EecUonS within said time, the plaintiff, for Mr. Leon Lundell ha. returned Crescent Chapter No. 47, Order of want thereof, will apply to the Court from a visit with relatives at Mil- the Eastern Star, elected officers a. Mi the relief demanded in her said ton. During her sojourn in tho follows at a recent meeting: complaint, namely for a decree- of neighboring city Mrs. I.undell under- Korah Watts, worthy matron; C. llui t'ouit dioving the bonds of went an operation for removal of j,;, worthy patron; Catherine matrimony now and heretofore e- tonsils and adenoids, from which she Smith, associate matron; S. A. ii-tmjr between pluiutiff mid defend- is recovering satisfactorily. Barnes, treasurer; Alice Trice, sec ant mid fr other equitable relief. The district convention of tho rctary; Gladys Smith, conductress; Thi. summons is published pursu- Knights of Pythias has been post- Mamie Barnes, associate conduct ing t an order made by Honorable tuxl until Monday, December 22, ress. Gilbert W. Phelps, Ju.ljro of the cmlst. f unfavorable weather. It Weston Lodge No. Cj, A. F. & A. because of unfavorable weather. It M., has chosen officers as follows; will be held In the I. O. O. F. in- Joe Hodgson, worshipful master; stead of the Eagle-Woodman hall. Clark Wood, senior warden; C. E. Weston Mountain thermometer registered twelve degrees below xe ro Friiiay morning. Robert Hopkin KU.stiiiued a serious loss in the freer ing of &00 uckx of initatoes. I. C Hopkins and Tom ltoohcr also lost a quantity of tubers in the same way. A "little palace on wheels 8 3 Tbe Farmers Bank of Weston Established above entitled Court, on the 17th day of November, 1U1'.; and the first pub lication of this summons will be made in the Weston Leader newspa per published at Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon, on Friday the 21st day of November, lit 111. The sum mons "ill be published for six roii mutive weeks in said newspaper, the Ini't publication' to appear on Friday the said 2d day of January, 11)20. is an lutcd this the 17lh day of Novcin- apt description of the Light Four J ber, 11)10. Overland sedan bought by Dr. watts PETERSON, BISHOP CLAKK from tho local agent; Dr. Kcnnard, Attorneys for Plaintiff. a3 a Christmas present for his son Residence mid Postoilice address; Worth. It is a beautiful car, ele- J si Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co. Established 1865 ' Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty randi Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by , i Weston Mercantile Company Pendleton, Oregon, gantly appointed and finished in au- , tomobilo blue. Asked about the cattle situation, J. P. Lieuallen, president of the stockmen's association, reports it as very satisfactory. Stock came out of the mountains in good shape and is so far doing well on on winter pas ture in the stubble fields. Fortunate ly for the stock interests, the severe cold snap came early in the season. . Delayed by the snowdrifts, J, G. Jones did not get in with the moun tain mail Monday until eight o'clock. At one place he was an hour in car rying his government mules over crusted drifts for a distance of one quurter of a mile. Tamarack church, about ten miles east of Weston, is now the farthest point on Carrier Junes' route, and there he encoun tered 18 inches of snow. Rev. W. S. Payno returned homo Monday from nn extended period of evangelistic work in behalf of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At Bu- cna, Washington, hp conducted fortnight a revival that resulted in 104 conversions. Ho wa at Grace ClNrrcli, Walla Walla, for fivo days, and there 35 conversions were his re wurd. Cold weather interfered with his meeliiiKjt at Selnh, . Washington, lie" goes to Toppehish January 11. Fisk, junior warden; L. B. Davis, sec retary; S. A. Barnes, treasurer. A joint installation is planned for Friday, December 26. I LUNCHES ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Goods Phone your dray orders, 93, or call at store. Davis & Ellis "SAVE AND PAY UP" Reports from Washington state that Christmas shoppers are spending 265,000,000 a day on luxur ies. For the shopping days of December this would approximate three and one-half billion dollars. The Government views such squandering of money as a serious menace to our economic and social sta bility, and appeals to the people to give War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates as Christ mas presents. FOR SALE AT THIS BANK ll I isf III II S i sm most WESTIKI FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS NEST CASH : PRICES PAID FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES. PELTS. &c. HASS & SAUER Here GOODS HAVE BEEN HARD TO GET, BUT WHAT WE HAVE WE'LL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU. Nice Jewelry, Ivory, Stationery, Christ mas Cards and Booklets. Goodwin's Drag Store I it 2 i i 3