The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 19, 1919, Image 2

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CLARK WOOD, rkllihr
MIS. H. GOODWIN, AuUImI editor
With the dep'u'vii of ntilve Ino-
,('.' I AJnc
Th Yew 00
Six Month 1 W
Thrca Month 0 6
nUMT. PEC. It '
Ettr lh tlflct at WiU. Ott
i itcond (lot nxilinalUi.
Rular,per Inch pcfinscrtion 15c
Transient, per inch per insertion 20e
Locals, per line per insertion 10c
Wc arc grain nppreaehlnR the Joy.
ful YulCtide jm'ih nnd an? ponder-
i- - ..:.KI.. .....I ..I......!... ntfl
. u.ZI Wl, ' .lovrlovutrt of land
oMo ml not too eviu. csUe. hy J, y,, ,vl.
I "OVER THE Kill" 5
Chance l!o,:er U inrvi on I i.
grand Jury Ht IVmllctt n thi-. we.).,
The Athena library i 1 I u u-w
1 ..1 ....... -....1.1 .i..
,r,en., , : : , of meat production in the
weekly vs.t from this per. y mmtA
enter u scm 10 mm eiic . ..... ... , , ... , ,.. , ......
lillj Jlill I HI IHII'P C l ...- ... ... ... ... . .... ...
Icy state ina.l" earl.- pi-omv-w in
tho solution of meat roWci tion th-
U'20? Kach vtk when the recipient
onens ml read his "letter from
111! home" he will bless you for having
remembered him in Hits way.
out curtailment of agtivkdlctv hy the
Mr. niul Mrs. F. S. I cCio will i
to Scuttle for the tlm-cmns holul.i i
to visit relatives.
TI10 families of it. II. lit. iwtrds niul
II. II. Hill will i.piii.1 Crri-tua- .1
the C. O. Whilcman home in Walla
MU Vernita Watts, who U attend-
he I'
If you want to make money fast,
nail it down.
Would anyone be happier if he
could solve all mysteries?
Put us in mind of old I-way with,
out the bli-x-x-anl tacked on.
intrwdui Hon of science In stock blind
u .....,...l t The biir, .iii;r;ily-buitt i-Uir
llll l"i lllltl " ' .VIHVIH.11 V... .... ,
.v...M. .,f th. mi,lo. and evl. h-' "" "tf
dence Is not wanting that the people critter and he prcw to pivlitablo Wft,u;
ha-e a rk'ht to be coneerned over ." v
.t. ...-........ .,f Iwrn lot. In small number ho I
A hu l tem and bl com ra" M on nearly every f.nv of the to St. Helen. Hall In IV.iUnl
.A bUlL 'i81.'" ' d,.b ,f.:T:.T Central state., and In the ascreuate lHnd the holiday vaeat nt
inpton. The fault d.Sn't lie with nuinbew and weight total more "me in thn ef.y.
this administration nor with any ad- the Sift. the Ar- J. K. MiUmml h ooimi fi on h-
ministration, but with the antiuate.1 ". Cudnhys ami other pak- mountain ranch tin e.k, i.sii.n;
methixls which Father Time has en- '"ff conct-ma than do tho yearly con- Mih. Mt Dnnl. I. Mho i- t.-n.-hinrr in
veloped with a mistaken sanctity at 'Rnmeut of ranjrc cattlo combine-l. tho Athena aehind.
tho nation's capital. Tll ,oxv" fanner for Instance, finds Mrs. ArmiUl.l. w!ta hn . I vor) vini.
, it but small chore to have yearly iK her ilaur.hter. Mrs. I'il Kadtke,
surplus of down head of bijr, fat fr the past four month, will leave
A middle west joct Implores thus-
y: 'Backward, turn backward. O
Trying? to make other people think Time, in your rticht! Give us the
they .re rich keep, a great many Ptiow though were tight.
l-wi. Ol-uus i-uuv. ...v , ,.111ri..m th.. .,rll,ii..Hl ....,1
Otviron in particular, is in its Infancy
three, year olds ready for market
And when he sells he generally Rets
the top price, for his stock bciiiK well
crate: milk, meat and coal at a rvu-
We haven't heard from North Da- .tenable rate. 1 am so weary wk-
kota suffice to say Athena plumb- imr the earth, payintr for everything
era ar busy. twice what it's worth; going oine
"""TTr?" ka..l.. ..i.l. wn'f
. . ... , . . .. enterprise tuplaycd a silnl mKltu
A wise younir woman will not ouar- down the price, mister, cut down the , ' , , .
in the solution of meat pnnKn tion, ai
km demonstrated at the recent stink
show in Portland.
rel with her beau just as Christmas price.
is approaching.
Reporter found himself unable to
As to the national labor party, it buy any sort of a suit of clothes in
is perfectly obvious that what is Chicago .for $24.50, the price fixed ns
seeded is more labor and less party, reasonable by a board of merchants,
- but may not have had the IJ4.S0.
Another secretary has resigned However, Portland dealers assert
with more or less resignation, but that it simply can't be done, anyhow,
the administration continues to ad- One of them says he paid $43 per
Gerard has nominated himself for
the higji office of president, but may
perforce be compelled to qualify lat
er as a hopeless muionty.
what may bo evolved Inter on, re
suiting in recognition of the merits
of thoroughbred stock and careful
breeding, over present slip-shod nieth-
Vi;h it splendid $300,000 plant,
the cost of which was bornf by pop
ular subscription throughout the stale
the yearly event of the live stock
show will be the leading factor in
building up the live stock Industry h0,e. of her sist. r,
by virtue of stimulating the orgnnu- ari9l jn Athena.
ation of minor miows anil stock a.-
Norman Stump having married sociations in which pure bred stock
Martha Post at Green Spring Valley. l"cy owned, may be entered in corn-
suit wholesale for
thousand suits.
one lot of two
for her homo in Portland on tho
t'ltirenrc dirni'ii reports t!.t a
large number of chiikfiu ff.:-c .
(Uath din ing t'v t'v ti--ir..- . ! I . i
cr t tho home i.i"i h, mh.i.i i i .tl' -na.
Mih.t Ireiv; Hu'.l, '.! if tin;
However, this new ciral lli.ll l the Atlu:..i ....... .n
rived cdnesil.iy 1 1 i-t i
where she is ntteimin
MUs Iliitii l'rv.. I
over t!u week . n
l.ickwii'd at her . ..
Proebstel is eniple
ren Music house in Pendleton.
Mrs. Otis Whiteiiii.n r.:i I t.i.i i!.;l
lnn, Jack and Petty, ,.f V.'i.!: Wz.l-
la, visited over til
(Utah's Famous Product)
(Fir ami Tamarack) 1 v'
Ynui- 'i!ti-. promptly "t right prices,
l'hoiie Nos. 13 ami 272.
(ill.UI-R'l' I:LLISi Alnnasrer
int. -I.
(It. t ,
t 1:1
..I. I i I t
tii.ti. itii
..I .i
', :. i:tt!. :, . .
on ..f (!.. l'.ir.-
!l -in
. Mi-.
VtK tl-.e t
t; tW'
li:tH,iM,i i
V.r. S; j;
ut :oo,
Mr. mi I
t i Kn n.i !
li'.llH mth
l.i 1
', l.hil. .
r. ! it ii.
ll'tplH llli
til.- iliiiiook.
I ..l reel .
II i' in inn
u. , has Ih'i'ii r
Atliitiii a car of
I. -. n ill Che Mule
I" I ri -iiiy ilur-
t!(.ite the fait
.1 h.CMe coal
i ! .m the uipht
nt. t the ilnll'Uk'i'
t. t . 'ill. have gone
t i . Mi ii. I C'lirl-t-
Colorado, we shouldn't be surprised petition,
if in the course of time there were a
Most country editors are able to few chips off the old block
congratulate themselves that one of
the things it is a bit cheaper not to
own now-a-days is an automobile.
Burns, Harney county, is bragging
bout its delightful winter weather;
which reminds us that it is the good
old summer time which Bums Har
ney county.
We find ourselves at one with the
esteemed Orcgonian when it recom
mends that the senate cloture rule
be applied to La Follette. We would
add a gag, however.
We are charitably enough dispose I
toward the g. o. p. not to wish it
such bad luck as to have Miles Poin
dexter or Hiram Johnson cither, for
that matter as its candidate for
It is observed that if u debutante
wants a certain man she will entice
him into the hammock, but if a nul
ow is seeking him she will see that ho
samples her cooking.
Colonel Hofer defends tobacco in
The Orcgonian and he is not the
only Oregon editor who will expecto
rate as its champion.
We Advise the Public
that The Weston Mills, with new
management, continues the motto :; "We
Serve to Suit."
Rolling Qrinding Cleaning
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - Proprietor
These minor stock shows in time,
will not only stimulate interest in
the Bimuul show ut Portland, but will
be a basic incentive for brini'ini; buy
er and breeder together, with the re
sult that every herd, large er small,
will have thoroughbred males nt its
head. Then will tho real uplift of the
livestock industry begin.
Worthy of note in this connection
is the fait that ut the Portland show
Union county exhibitors took a num
ber of prizes while L'matillu county
with twice the numbers of live stock
within her borders, took one st-oiul
prize. The reason for this iiea piin
cipally in different methods pursued
by the stockraisers of the two coun
ties. While the stockmen of Union
county have been strengthening their
herds by importations of pure bred
stock and giving careful nttantion to
scientific breeding, and fostering in
terest by mantaining annually a well
patronized stock show those of Uma
tilla county have been content to ride
;. lis-1,-
Mill Pinkei'tnu re. iv. i . i a .
kitten from the st i ..! to ji hM (..-.
en condition, watu.v ! i I v ; : . I
it before the tire i' .i .' - I
grocery- and Stvv h.o another
mouth 'i feed.
Mitj. Seth li.-uv 'i th I::, i anivm 1 n
in a serious ci'iidr.'. v-.; ...!.. I .t
is reported betu r (it pi v.i :t. Sn
the departure of t!,e tr.i i ,; mir
she has been und r the !U. i !', i-.-,i
of Miss Lela St-K-AstiU ! Mi.-.
Samuel Hawurth.
Iiidian cay ue ..a t'i" t'. -; -t.i .-
ervntloii, tare.i pn.-fly t ,e ;:er
Meathi r and .-iin-v -u ri.!. I, .- I
made the stuhbl lieil- imp- . siKle
for fevd. and as tf linlliui hii.s ll.i
v inter feci fur hi it n . ..i.!
numbers have erihcil.
Miss Catherine Fr-x-o-.o r.r.l Mi :
Hazel Sniinii. rs of Athrim tv.-u if
the l-'i University of (-., ;eii v.opu-.i
who have organized a M-v. of
the campus, to li an JMtu
Phi. They will pett ;i- n the ..I
AtLena Guu Club Shoot
!)i e ll i
il, llhi lt
,h UKiU'
ail ..M i-
,m!.- to
r :'l. the
li. I lii.i inn
it (II I uve
i an I lille
the eiiiinty
Ctililpfte III
tin,- f -r tiii-key.i. beef and
N nl ire to Creditors
In the toiiiuy ewil f the State of
Hi. mn for Umatilla Cminlv,
In the Matter of the Flale of John
.1 I'.. cler. l'eieaied.
Nut if.- ip hereby given to all pel
m.'ii it may .eonceril that
I lui-ciim ll.,lleehr has be.-n apHillit-i-.l
a.liiiinlHtiatrlK of the estate of
It.l.h .(. Heeler, All Hir.
n.tii limine elaiiiii emnt the estate
are rcipined to pivselit them with
proper tiUt hers to the' said admin.
It-tiutiiv t the law office of Peter
t.n, tihop fi C lurk, in thb 'Smith
Crawford Huildmg. Punjh-lon, Ore
,.uii, utt.'ine) for the BiliiiitiHtratrn,
within six iiituilhs of the date of the
in t puhlit atiuii of this notice. '
!utid this the 'Jhth day of Novem
ber, IV IJ.
t uiiisriNA . ih:i:i.i:k
Pctvison, limhup & Clark,
Attorneys for AdmliilAtrAtrlx.
Delta 'Ala sororit
Mri. Warren
n i hilt t- r.
in a Round-Up saddle and head their daughter i f
respective herds with males that will Tuesday in a Nortl
merely pass muster in state luw re- after an illuoa of
f.a .-;mid.
lit.hert oppo. k ,
The l'uni iid ih i.rn .i j esi
Walla Wulla. her, i.ii.l
tended by many friends of
Mm. Clu-t..- P'lvi :, i .ci
very ncrious cunditi'.-u fnun
li. .1
ti:.;' ill
v.a-i ut
the lie-
"i he .-itdi rounds have bcrn put in
;ij : ...i 1 1 1 :ii.. a ftr the Wvf event anil
ii.;.imiiii have lcn s-.-i-.t the
;,;! - ; t ef tii(i .li Terelit yuxt clubs to
he pre-lit for t'le ores Ion Mild B biij
lime i i aiiticipati .1.
Ile-i.'. - ht. f Bl-il p !(. to ho shot for
ivrr.t -.'.- tei-ts were nifel" wliereby the
. bib i :i:i:t' into posr.-i. i.-n of a large
ir.ii il). r --f t r'.- s. T' e l-inl- were
:...riird fryii; flicks in dn"orcnt purls
nf C-.e county, l oity will ionic from lv ho breeder drccsed, reaily for
'J;.- bao I'M'ii. Tiiei'e will bo lots of
s i.-.i-i to pr.iit, sport for all
ihi Diuv attend Athenu's first bi
In -itinT i.oitch.
Notice to Creditors
. the c'miiilv ( .lirt t.f the .Stntu of
Ui;-n f.-r Uinntflln Ciiitnty.
I General Insurance I
i and Real Estate
MM: lll-.Al.TH FIKK
Do you wjnt to noil your
jirnpi'rty? If it Halabk?
t 1 CAN SV.LL 11"
i.f i:
i: '..t- i-f .). M
The New Way of
Practicing Dentistry
The Weston Schools
Miss Davis left for Pendleton
Tuesdav to take the examination for
her state certificate. Mr. Fitzpntriek
and Miss Holler.beck took her classes, contracted while prr in- appl.". nftv.-
The cards were givn out Monday they bad been i-praycd with n chem
and there was a great deal of icnl solution, has been t;;iu ;i t- Wl
"gnashing of teeth.". Once more the ' Walla by Mrs. (Jvrktnr, and i.
pupils resolved to do better work. care of a nursf. The poti i t is mi-
The school welcomes the return -of fering from painful blisters which
Jessie, Esther and Lawrence Davis, co-er her entire body,
who have been ill with the smallpo:i. - rM n. ,sati.lern leae i to.'ny
The eighth grade welcomed their f,r' a holiday' v'i.iit with l - r the'r.
teacher, Miss Love, so enthusiast!- Mre Ashpnugh, in Corva!; -. she
cally that she came to the conclusion wiU juint.( there by lu-r ::iu- ht r
she had not been so "cranky," after MjHsl Hazel, who is uLU-ndii.g U. (
O., and will spend her vner.U'-n hi
The seniors are ahend in an cxclt- Corvallis. Mrs. .Sanders is )" -over-
... vohvvo. W v.. uUSk ,wi..vo in ,nfr from a nxmt pair, n iiiji.r
wie annual, mere rias oecn a great whit., t:i(. iftrfc,0 bolie j h(.r
deal of interest shown in this publi- W0!J broken.
it .
tit 1 1
!-i t'. :. r
DM.-iti.i, l'i
Wiii-c is h
Ci'liarra i-, tht-t'ii-tl
und i.tiiiir
r ,t. m. (ruin
-.r I:,iv!i:i
i itate lire llen-l.
the : aim-, with
Cached thereto.
Westi-n, Orejron, within six months
from the i'th duv of Dercinbtr, lllf.
L. I, O'liAKKA .
i:x.-cnt.-..r of the Will of J. M.
O'lliti r.i. IH-eiuie. :!.
!n-.- ('him "in-;-iv.-it
(hut ! I.
.tpptilllteil, tpiltlt-
t t i il.-r .-f the will
', .it consi'd : ami nil
i !;.i,..-t ill an: t uriid
r. tj.;:re-l t. preitcitt
prop'-r vouchers at
to I'itiil executor- at
THE E. R. Parker
System in Dentistry
is nothing but dentistry
Eut on a common-sense
asis. Instead of one
man practicing in a
small way in a small
office, several dentists-
practice together under
the Parker System in
large offices, where there is
room for complete equip
ments. Some of the System
dentists extract teeth, some
fill teeth, some make crowns
. ana bridges, some make arti
ficial plates and some treat
diseased teeth. In this way
each patient is cared for by
a dentist who is experienced
in the kind of work each pa
tient needs. Dental work done
in this manner is not only
done better, but in less time,
making fewer visits necessary,
ana ine saving in time
help to make prices
There are twenty-four
offices where the E. R.
Parker System is used.
Dr. Tvka
located in different
cities. Thousands of pa
tients are treated in
these ollices, and the
large quantities of den
tal supplies used are
bought for less money
than has to be paid for
small quantities.
All dentists using the
E. R. Parker System are reg
istered, licensed and experi
enced. The work they do is
done so well that it can be
guaranteed. You are sure of
Under the Parker System
no charge is made for exam
inations and advice. You can
find out what your teeth need
without having to pay a cent.
Everything known in dentis
try to overcome pain is used
in Parker System offices, so
you need have no fear at all.
liie whole idea is this:
Fine dentistry, fewer
visits, moderate cost, sat
isfaction, no fear of pain.
There is an K. It. Par
leer System office at
Pendleton, Oregon.
cation and the students have handed
in a large number of contributions.
There was a meeting of the senior
class Monday nt which matters per
taining to the annual were discussed.
At the suggestion of their class ad
visor. Miss Brown, the seniors plan
ned a sleighing party for some time
in the near future.
The first and second grades arc,
getlina; ready for Christmas and are
planning a splendid time.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick und Mhs Colvin
have united efforts and their pupils
evre learning Chrhitma songs and
r-cilations together.
Tho sixth and seventh grade nniiifs
'Formers are asked by th: ,'itate
Game Commission to feed the pheni:
aats and other f-.viie ' l.-b-di duri.irf
the severe wilder w'. afhi.r. 7 he
birds are being destroyed to ;,or;io
extent on account of tha dt-cn snow
and the ice in the i.tu'jhle iVMs
wi'.kcs it iniposiiibb for tho fr-a)--..
ered tribe t ) secure food. The Corn
mission offer.-) to rmy half tho ex
pense entailed in fer-dinjf the birds.
Mr. Hunt forcmnn of tin .To.u 7.
Scott farm- baa found bo'.h nln a i
ai.Cs and quail dead it;, the result of
no' food ami the. cold weather.
' By the
:;core of 2.'! to t.r
Notice of Final Account
In tint 'limn v Court of the State of
Oregon for I'mntilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate f A. L.
Wentworth, Dvcascd.
Notice is hereby (riven to all per-
wrii.t sons whom it. may concern that Will
M. I'ttorson, administrator of the es
tate of A. L. Wentworth, deceased,
has filed his final account and report
in the ntlmiiiiif nition of thu estate;
that the County Judge, I y order mado
and entered, has appointed Monday,
tho 5th day of January, 1920, at tho
hour of ten o'clock a. tn. us the timo
riid fixed the County Court I'.uoin of
th't Connity Court House nt Pendleton
ii., t')t- j.l.'M.e when rind where all oh
tioris and exceptions to seitl final
ffcouot nut! rii-.oi't will be heard nd
u i.ettl.:-nii;i4 thereof made.
Dat'.l tlii-i the flth day of Decem
ber, llilu.
A !io ioislt .,r of rim K till:.- of A.
I., .iitv.-iii ljt.-cia.icd.
IWty Turn Up
Your Overcoat
Collar? ' '
(It't'un ovciwal from us
with the NKVV.'CONQMY
MUFFLKJt-a unique idea
in .tailoring that hag taken
the country by storm.
I R. L. Reynaud
have been contesting for the hifrhest bii'jikct hall team of llt li
jrrades in their reupcctive clauses, school took the lirnt game of t'
This month Miss Evelyn .Sowers led son from Athena in the gynii.atii'.itl
the sixth grade with an average of last evening, before a larjre aii iiin o.
'J-, while Norman I.uckenbill and The game was well played, ur.d cl
MLss Louise Porter of the seventh though the Helix players wt-r- h.: v-
grailc tied with an average of O.Vy. . i-r than the men Athena put on the
. Mr. Staggs, one of the director., floor, the affair vas hotly contti.ited
was visiting school this week. . and belonged to cither team until the
The Courtis .Standard Tests in lust was thrown. The Helix
arithmetic have arrived. They are to team was accompanied by by about X
be used in the third to eighth grades 25 loyal rooters, who came over in f I !'):; it:il at. corner of Ma
i-.i. , ti.-. i i. .... r.
oiiiurivc. air. r iizpairicK siaies . sieigns H a'.coinp.irniiie;it oi ta-; :in I'l'iiad streets
that these arc splendid tests to'de-'" merry jingle of boils. P.. fre.ihnirits
veiop accuracy, mey are now re- were served hy Athena Uir.h nft-.-r p7inn r7ii ir?
quired to be in every standard the game and a social hour was "one " S-AXl
school. pleasantly sjient.
(Telephone 83) .
Dr. N. P. Bennet
Second Floor Weston . Mer
cantile buildinp; -
Wfston, OrttGON
: Dr. S. L. Wtim I ! Liberty Bonds.
I Vetoay Surge jn
An ahsolulely safe Invest-
iiiunt. ir you havo money to In-vc-t,
buy Liberty Honds from us.
If you sell Liberty lionets, sell
to us.
We buy and sell Liberty Uonds.
Any diiiioiniuation $50 f 100 .
w-ioiw. s
James L. Elam
J. Walla Waller'-.' , Washington