The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 19, 1919, Image 1

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frlnclpil Evintt of the Walk
Briefly Sketched for Infor
initlttt of Our Roidoro.
II. i' int i. A 1'i i M nlraxctl front llio
:rii nf Kuitf Vlnt r, Wc-vtuii tomor
row will li in thu grip of Die Dokiia
fur wonto calamity if wo may
Judge from the dire proclamations, of
'Wllllea Bew, aa Oregon pioneer
at Illl. died ! Relet) Monday.
PtM Reek baa tiatwr ef cease ef
esaeJIeot, eesae af tkl quit eevere
The Nertbweei Rtllldera' eeeocletloa
III kl4 lit aett eeareatlea in port
te4, rkntrr M. IT. II.
H iwkleg M4 Sklpptag kM fOBie
la eleee at Henalttea. with run of
II serleede. retssd at I1T.0M.
A WlUkae Reffetr, II years eld. a se
ttee ee ef Oracee. trapped daad la
tfte eaetefflee at rarest Oreve
Oetkteg etisad at ebowt lioo waa
aakee fteae Alai titer t department
etere ta Peadletan by a rebber.
ItweieeU Cfceaabere af Prairie City
we tattaaUr killed at Aaetle when ha
M fee eeee by a leg gleg train.
Tee eeetk af eae ia tka Umatilla
a a Waal reteet la fear tlmee tka dptb
teewtet) at tar tlasa during 111.
Wax Wale, a raaeker IWiag atr
floeaetof. wee ftatd III end eetta for
kataf a beaver la kit ptitasslot.
fret far ftMte taedere butlaete
klee. fa Hatfield bare kaaa approrH
kf tka Wat lr af 044 rallewt
C. i. MeWeeght af Heratletea btt
feet reeereH aiacaliary for tka tree
IM af aseleesee alfalfa mm!
rertyeavea Marios rag air school
4rlaf rkt eteatb af na4
erteedeaee reeerde af M par cent or
Tka awpelaMna af tka Pastern Ore
gat at!a koapltal bta de-resd dur
taf (ka current year fraai 2 pit tenia
ta 41a.
Mra. Kilt Jelllff af Mlnaeeete baa
porrkaeed Mra, Carrie Pergoaone
raarh aaar Adsms, la t'tnttlllt county,
Tka Oraaw elate chamber af com
eaeree eeeaeetlee waa patpona4 to
Daraakar Ik. II and 11 en aorouat af
baar aaaraM.
Tkara la at a drp af aaaollaa ta
, a k4 at lUaabarg. tad tba Standard
(HI aaniaaa kalda mit no kaaa far tar
It tka aaar fvsr
Tka yrtaaat bala tra vaatbar will
radaaa ta ltl labrry rro la
Marian aaaatf akaat ana-faurtk. ae
aMIat I fraaata.
Arraataaitaia ara balnt ntda by tba
taral Laflaa af Uirart aid Lum
karaiaa at flrrlatft'ld ta latttll a co
aaamiaa atara tkara.
Oaiaaa far atara tba faat
af laatkar baa kaaa plaa4 wltk lum
bar atarakttta af Otaa a4 aabm
baa la tba laat att watkt.
Ia tka ayralaa af Atalataat Rtata En
aiaaar C. B. itrlvhtaad. tba North
taiF1arlm m vttkaut daubt tba brtt
pawnr afraaat la tba ttata.
At a aaat af H IT band af pur
blaad lad M m af klfh art da Iwy
ranla vara dlrlbutd latt k
aaaai ttaafiald dairywaa.
aranaa af tka raid wtathar. tba ta
aual Marlta Caaat Cam aha, wblrii
m ia bara baaa bald fram Darambar
II ta l, aa paataanad ana
abar'a tai laty far IMO will ba 21
Hit blaHar than tblt rar. wblcb
rati far tba raMr.f af lll.TII II by
awaaral laaailaa. at tka rata af 11.4.
Suratlaf wtiar :lata rautad aa rx
alaalaa li tls kema at Mark U riatrb
tr aaar Radwond. and laflletad Injuriaa
aaa Mra. Flatokar fraw klh tka
Tka Aatarl Maaaals ladga hat pur
ehttad a tract liertEO faat far a con
Idarattaa f ll,o.i. Tba praparty It
ta ba tka alta af a III.IOO Mttonlo
Mlat Oladrt D-abtm. 14yaar-old
dtathtar of Mra. . Dnhtra. dld nt
Aumfrilla fram atamaloe poltonlof, at
tka ratalt af aatlai aiaat at a Stlam
Tka aacaa4 trial af Harold Hawaii,
14. far.tka tnaHar of Mlllan Uutbold.
ketk af Baadaa, tprnad Mandar morn
lag la tka Caaa connty circuit court
at Canullla, '
Oraroa laadt la tba twelfth frdtrtl
raaarra district In tka talat of wtr
avian aad traaaory cartlfimtaa and
alto Ittda all itataa la tba nation with
wtaptlaa af Obla.
Datpotdant aa aoeeunt of 111 health.
Mra. Mary Valktnburt. wlfo of Par
atat r'atar Valkaaburg of Fort
Rtaraaa. aawaiittad auk'tda at Attorla
by tbaatlnf kartalf.
Maety start, att mi ba ateommo
dalad la tka maa'a lanalry of Orrgoa
Arlnlturat Mllaia ant (arm aa a
rtaolt af flaltklat (tib wblck hart
kaab bat aatbt buUdlkf .
fdp ajT t-i
m? j
WJ 1
- 4, V v.3 til
1 mjr -rtr..,f . r-fg-in i i
Activity In Washington IndlcaUt That
Alllaa May Aecapt Modification.
Watblnf ton. Frequent cooferenret
betwaea entente diplomat bera have
Indicated that their gorernroenta tulitlit
ba prepared to accept tome reeerva
tlona to tba peace treaty in erdr to
afoooiplisb lit ratification In the sen
ate. It It understood that only the (li
pase of Prldnt Wilson hat prevent
ed hlai from being to advised by tnixn
of them.
It hat not been made known h'-re to
what axteot tha autenta powers mlht
Marguerite Forbes: Little Five-Year-OId Heroine ,b nr w rmai objection to
; . '- tha preamble at proposed by tba sn-
tie foreign relations commlttet.-, by
wbfch other powers would bo required
officially to record tlirlr nccepunca
of reserratlont as part of the treaty
In substance.
republicans Blamed for Fat
of Treaty and Present
World Condition.
A. H. Gurdnir, Itoyiil Vitlrr
(larilnrricr, Koyal Vixii-r of Al Hindi
Tfiii)lr. Pramatic Order of KtiiK'hts
of K)ioraAit.
(iarcliK-ncr is a Vtmv Galoot, ac
cording to no ! comiH-U'iii au
thority tlian his own ScriU-, 0110
lluntinKtotiian, Since liis royal iv
riiT have uln-mly Ini-n tfiv ido
DK.NVKH. Mrs. Klmar rorhra, with bar twlilldrwi, Marguerite, fiva. anl
her baby brotbnr, nine tuontha old, started to a salt near Akron In th'-ir
rtr. When one Imlf mlla frotn bma tba car opaet. pinning JJra. Forhim
and llu rhlldren uodwr It Ufa. rorbaa.
seeing that none of them wera aearu
Ingly hurt, hut that sba wit caught la
such a moiuu r that sba could txt fret
herself, aski-d Msruuerlte to crawl out.
The little girl wns frea and did to.
The bsby was held down, but unin
jured, and difplte all her affortn
KorlKMi could not reletaa herself.
Then tba mother told Marguerite
to go to a neighbor's nearly a naif mlla
distant and get belp.
"es. mamma," tha llttlt ftrl re.
Germans Give Way to Allied Demands
Berlin. In her not" replying to
the last entente communication de
manding tha sUuing of tba protocol
preliminary to putting the peace treaty
In affect, which haa reached Parla,
Germany ylelda in her stand ort t!i
Bcapa Flow traue to a cor.ain extent.
It la learned that in the note tba gov
ernment reiterates Ha desire to bav?
Washington. President Wilson la-tcrvni-d
In the peace treaty dilemma
with an announcement that he had
"no con promiso or conception of any
kind In mind."
The president's position, regarded aa
peculiarly significant, in view of tka
recent discussion in tha senate of a
compromise, was aet torth In tha fol
lowing statement issued from llm white
"It was learned from the highest
authority al the executive offices that
the hope of the republican leaders
of the senate that the president would
presently make some move which will
relieve the situation with regard to
the treaty ia entirely without founda
tion; he has no compromise or con
cession of any kind In mind; but In
tende so far aa he la concerned that
the repuh'.Ican lead of the senata
shall continue to bear the undivided
responsibility for the fate of the treaty
and the present condition of tba world
treaty effected at the earliest po.Fib!e
,000,000 Tone of Shipping Constructed
The White House statement appar
ently bad no effect In changing tba
treaty situation.
Democratic leaders, indorsing tba
r, rv V;;-
piled, frightened though aha waa at the thought of the cowa In the field
throuth which aha had fn naaa and nt tlia nnmernna dors In tha nelEhborhood.
8ha croated the cow paitnra unbanned and reaching tha house waa met change of ratification! of the peae0 ,n conMquence of that fte
by (logs, but waa not molested by them. No one waa at noma and aba came
back. Iier mother tuggeated that the retuu to their own home and, break
ing a window, climb op to tha telephone anC ring three times.
"When anyone answers. Marguerite, yon Jutt apeak Into tba phone and
asy, 'Mamma la under the car."
Running back to their home then. Marguerite took a piece of coal and
breaking through the pane of glass she crawled through a 12 by 14 window
nnd dropped Inside. Then she g"t V pnll and. standing on It, rang the tele
phone at ber mother htd told her. . Three people beard the cnll and had
great difficulty In understanding the childish voice that kept repeating:
"Mamma la under the car."
Finally someone Interpreted It and told the rest and help soon arrived
upon the scene. Mra. Forbes waa found to be quite badly Injured, but the
baby waa unhurt.
The ttate of Colortdo will take official notice of Marguerite Forbes won
derful bravery and ability.
Washington The V. 8. shipplns Predenfe views, declared that It did
uuaro una oiaoo goq it picaf?" to
'onstruct 6,000.000 tona of chippies in
tie year 1919, It la announced by John
Barton Payne, chairman. Hy Decem
ber 31 the board will havo dedvercd
8.000.000 deadweight tons of si.fppir.s
On December 1 It hsd completed w ith
in the current year 5,813,500 dea l
weight tona.
not preclude a senate compromise aal
that compromise efforts would pro
ceed. Republican leadera reiterated that
be president waa responsible for the
pres'-nt status and must make the first
move toward a solution. Senators hop
ing to kill the treaty alone expressed
Dry Act Constitutional
0. M. Huntington, Secretary
publicity, it Is nccd!ca to repeat
them here. Suffice it to say that
luckless Weston will nut belong to
Itself tomorrow but' to the Dokics.
At 7 o'clock there will be n banquet
of at leant 250 platen, served by tho
Pythian Sinters. Further announce-
ceo .ding to a tfevrt receUad bf
if A r rtaf-r-ufti Af lh t'mnmm fnreat
Washington. The war-time prp reserve, Roseburg probably will lie so
hibit Ion act waa held cooblltutlonal lected aa an airplane base for forest
by the nunremo court. patrol activities next season.
i-'etleisl court decrees In New York Darld M. Glaaa. locating engineer
dismissing proceedings brought by for the ttatr highway commission, was
liryfoos, Plum it Co. to compel Inter- aererely Injured about tha bead when
iu revenue officlaJa to permit the a range in the bouse which the survey
fithdrauil from bond of whisky for crew .Is ualng near N'jIId. exploded,
beverage purposes were affirmed by
the court. a conference to Invratlgata thorougn-
The signing of the armlatlca did not iy tba question of increasing rates
abrogate the; war powers of congress, to Injured workmen under the work
Associate Justice. Braadels said la mcn'e compensation act. will be held
reading the decision of the court in Portland Monday, December 22.
The eonetituuonal prohibition The bill restoring to the public
amendment la binding on tha federal domain 7000 acres of land In Jackson
government ta wall at th states and county waa passed In the bouse through
supersede state ltw, the court da the efforts of ReprcsentatlTe Slnnotf.
c It red. The Judgment of tha court The land It situated on Lower Klamath
was unanimous. Iske.
President Able to Walk About Room.
Washington. President Wilson is
now permitted to wallc abcut Mr
room and along the adjoining hall d r
short time each day. Rear Admiral
Cary T. Grayson, his physician, an
nounced. The president, the doci; r
nald, dresser himself and w ith tho r.;J
of a cane walka unattended.
.be two ranch dors with bis fangs.
This year's ttate tax, aa cmputed by
frank 1-ovcll, tax commissioner, will
e approximately $1,381,208, as against
13,021.402 laat year. The Increase in
.bis tax, according to a letter sent to
nmnty aaaeaaora of the state by Mr.
Lovell, la due to the addition of $1S1,
1S3.44 allowed by the 6 per cent linil
ation act, $990,435.47 for market roads,
Hid $ll,087.0 for operation of the
toldiera', Bailors' and marines' educa
ional aid law.
k iv?1 1
a "' J 1
Washington. Record prices and
bountiful i-roduction sent the ralue of
farm crops harvested thia year to tha
unprecedented total of $14,092,710,004,
exceeding the value of last yeara
crops by almost 1,500,000,000. 5
Final estimates of production were
issued by the department of agricul
ture and values were based on pricea
paid to producers December 1.
Corn easily maintained Its plaea
as king of crops, with a value of
tU,93i,234.000, while cotton, including
cottonseed, was second nith a total
value of 12.332.913.00. The bay crop
waa third with $3,239,9SS7.0!0.
Wheat, combining tho winter and
spring crops, was fourth, with $2,028,
622,000. Oats, 11,000.000,000 crop laat
year, reached a total or only 1S9S,
603,000 because of decreased production.
C. L. Brill. Master of Ceremonies
menu are: "Carriages nnd Gowns at
4 G. M. Parade at C if weather per
mits." Leading Dokics are "mugged"
herewith, so that the people may
know and steer clear of them.
Linn county, which now claims to
have more breedera of purebred atock
thtn any county In the ttate. it plan
ning to form a breedera' association.
A meeting will ba held In Albany for
that purposo some time this month,
probably on Saturday, December S7.
A new Industry It to be atarted in
Douglat county by Jamet A. Will
lamt, who purchased Glen Echo farm,
the country home of Forest Supervisor
Dartrum. It It tba intention of Mr.
Williams to stock vha place with pure
bred Swiss milch goatt "and make a
speciality of brasdlug thlt class of
The biggest and finest assortment of Toys and Holi
day Novelties ever exhibited in Athena.
Make your selection out of the stock that is drawing
trade to town. .
Purchase and Sale of Stocks Authoris
ed by Measure.
Washington. The McN'ary bill, un
der which government control of sugar
would be continued another year, was
passed by the senate and Bent to tba
house. re
purchase and sale by the equaliza
tion beard both of foreign and domes
tic grown sugar is authorized by tha
bill, which would empower the presi
dent to continue the board until Dec
ember 31, 1920. to secure fair' prices
and equal distribution. .
The bill specifically provides., how
ever, that producers, refiners and dis
tributors of sugar shall not be licensed,
as has been the practice under the
Lever fdbd control act.
That is our long suit. We have lots of
them, and our prices are the best. We
bought them early, so that enables us
to give you the best possible prices on
all toys.
Dolls at all prices, dishes, wagons and
all kinds of mechanical toys, the
kind that make the boys very happy.
If you haven't paid our toy town a vis
it now is the time to do it, for all arc
going fast. Don't be the one that is
going to be too late to get a choice of
this complete line of toys and gifts.
Have you seen our carpenter sets?
We have only a few left. Machine gun
just like the large ones, and it is one
of the most instructive toys on the
market today.
The Pure Food Grocery
Quality, Quantity, Service a Phone 171, Athena . Do Your Shopping Early
Japan Concerned Over Red Advance
Washington. Conversations have
been begun between the Japanese am
bassador and Secretary of State Lans
ing on the situation in Siberia. Tha
advance of the soviet forces toward
Eastern Siberia and the retirement of
the Kolchak government to Irkutak,
on the shore of Lake Baikal, is viewed
with alarm by Japanese as 'bringing
Ihe Bolshevik menace" hearer to their
dcors. It is felt that "any "closer ap
proach of the Bolshevik! might im
peril Japanese national interests.
The flax and machine snop depart
ments of the Oregon state peniten
tiary were damaged to the extent of
.more than $2900. when the skyligh'ta
and a part of the roof of the combina
tion structure fell under a heavy
weight of snow;.