The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 12, 1919, Image 3

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SACpl Egg
FoiJ roadster
Auto Co.
for sale. Liberty
. v Ms. Eunice WiLey, popular brldn
of Ut week, waa honored at .how t r
f ln J.y the Pythian Sister, at the
Jto'n. of Mr.. Marvin Price, last Fri
day evening. A liunilnonio gift of sil
ver wao presented by tho organim
tion to Ilia young lady. . A number of
I In) younger til were present and ten
dered Oik honor guest UiixcelUncou
Mm, W. II. Could ha. been Wrest- nhower.
Iintr with . .ev, r. Cold the pa.t week. ,Uvjv(( eVcry
Nelson l. June in In Portland thi. .veiling of next week t th Baptist
week taking a pro-Christmas look .i.ur.-h. fi.-wi (.iir.,. ... .1
are reported.
We will be able within
three weeks to deliver
Dodge Cars of all
Christmas is noai. Have vu tin night
of giving a BRUNSWICK PHO
NOGRAPH? It's a musical wonder
tlu.' finest phonograph madc-aml
would bo a splendid gift.
nphraim Turkcr and family were
dinner guest. Huntlay rf Elder and
Mm. John Iionewltt.
Tho Edward Tucker ramv up from
lloliliiiun Sunduy fur a day's visit at
tho W. II. Gould lionie. ' '
Kuy I.ivUbllrn bob-alrddcd to town
Wednesday to talk over the livestock
market with local cronies.
Walter Gilmoro mine down front
the mountain Wednesday
He u for bob-sled. Walt & Itog
r, Athena.
Itoyal Driskell ia here from Walla
D.0.LL Ceremonial
'The Dokie. are coming."
Fortified with potent draughts of
morning cm, l' "'" leading their hungry
and spent few hour in town.
For Halo One Oretfon Special
eoiubiited harvester, 20-foot rut, in
good condition.' K. L. Wood, Wes
ton, Oregon. '
('. I.. I'inkrrton, assistant cashier
of the lueal bank, ha been kept at
home fur a week or moro with a
riour, lllril Hit.
Holiday cootie are being attrac
tively displayed in the local shop.
Wtston ineH'hant.i are anticipating
fine holiday trade.
.Mr. Alex .Me('orkoll came down
from the mountain Tuesday, braving
told und snowdrift, to visit
shop n few hour.
and ferocioua tiger which dine on
tyro meat with the name hearty up
petite with which the II horn-l Li
voliipuii cats a nigger they are com
ing to Weston three hundred itrong
from all point of the compass.
The inspiration 1 the big ceremon
ial which will be staged here Decem
ber 20 in High School auditorium by
Al Kindi Temple of Walla Walla.
Thli event Was made posibk for
Weston by the kindness of Athena
knight in yielding their right in
the premises, Athena having already
had two ceremonial.
There will be fifty or more tyros
und, -to cross me Burning sands, lor tne
sands of the desert do not grow cold
or you can order
now and get your
car in the spring.
(Phone 241)
O. A. ADAMS, Proprietor
Mri. Lilian Krcdelivk. ignored the
in, Iokiedom the grand
domain of
Butjtcr Wrap orrloin prompt
ly filled t the Lvmlcr tlup.
at once I
The Weston Schools
In Hintiiul glud to be bock?
Ask her. She'll ay ahe is.
Are her pupil glad to have her
Ak them. Ti.ey'll sy they are.
. L . . 1 . ' . . .
preM.iee of the Storm King Wednea- I'v ,,, Y h u n"',"n; U
day momin,; ...I mode her uu.l re be a b.g feed of g
wiekly trip to Walla Walla. ""',r,. t l , ' . . 5
,.,,,, . ,, camel a milk theac being delicaciei J
lakmg a holiday vacation from hi. t0 round wt th kut Tjje loca, Wm.
dutie on the LlUworth Wood farm, pllJ of VyXUm Slite h tHrge of
Lawrence turt.a haa gone to , Port- the banquet, which will be served in
iMtwf Mini lttvtu.-naia.'illu nil uill ... -
..... t.,e banqueting room-or the castle
hi parent, at the latter place. hM 9t .Stwm Lxlgc, Knights of
Miss Horine linker has returned I"thias. There will bo a suitablu
from a visit with her sister, Mrs. program of toasts,
t'larence Wright, at Claresholm, Al- The arrangements committee con-
berta. Her father is beaming with sirts of C. W. Avory, JjJI. Trice and
pleasure since his cook has arrived W. II, Booher.
in time for the season of sausage and -
PTrribr ... r r ,m ' Has a Fine War Record
The local lodge of Pythlans was .
nut deterred Wednesday
'I in- llrst crude ,1'egri-ts the loss of
porothy ltebhum, who is moving
Mr-'. l'itj a!rk!,':i Mom i.i bury
muk;iig pivj ;iintioii!i for Christmn.
Miss CidvinS room is studying a
pretty Jnmiifxr garden of its own
evening by
the den rlli of electrical illuwinant.
More primititve means were used for
lighting the castle hall, and alt three
ranks were confered in a session last
ing until midnight.
Wilinm Singer, Joke Knrkaus and
other cattlemen drove about 150 head
of stock through town Sunday, en
route for (iardena alfalfa fields. The
cattle have been ranging on Rock
Second-hand Sad
dles. Wc will trade
new saddles for old
Harness Oiled for
$1.00 per set. -
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton ... Oregon
People of the neighborhood north
west of Athena will remember Geo.
Norris, son of Rev. E. M. Nor
ris, Free Methodist minister. The
young man was' employed by S. S.
Parris and others prior to enlisting
in, the sen-ice of his country.
Ilo scved in Co. C, 18th Infantry.
First Division. He spent but a few
weeks m the trenches, end but four
durs in the front lines when he was
milking. The garden eunntats of two creek in tliu lilues, and owners were wounded - by a machine gun bullet
hoi.-e -radndi roots which make up th delayed in getting them out. and was taken prisoner by the Ger-
istiuuU. On otw of. these Salami n Roy Read is here from the big Cam- mans. He was reported by the war
Jiip house Mauds. The inhabitants irtll ranch at Noblcford, Alberta, department as missing and mourned
lire able to i;nss from one island to which for several months has been by. relatives as being dead, for many
tlie other by bent or over an artistic uH. KOvm, f his agricultural activi- months- The boy was eventually
bridge, Wnicr surround the tolamU iiv. jic is going back to Nobleford liberated from a German prison and
- m i generally the case. ftfter a visit, although he admits that rejoined his company in the Army
Mrs. Pinkei ton's room expects to hin service there arc not indispensa- of ; Occupation, coming home with
liave a Christmas tree, Mo, Pershiroy.
It IS reported the LMIson broke down eslon homenmkers who are for- , George held the rank of sergeant
while on duty In tha eighth grade .,,, i, ,,..,,. . rhriim and wears decorations awarded him
cactus ure eagerly watching the buds by French ""J American govern-
to nee if there is a promise of bright
blossoms for the holidey season. Tho
legend is that a quantity of these
blossoms foretells a jolly visit from
St. Nicholas.
Orell McPherrin regularly keeps
up his nuto stage run, despite the
heavy snow. Ho even has another
car in readiness to put on should tho
truffle juhlify its use. With only one
i-ii,miii,k received his official railroad train each day, the auto
of the kind of the gifts that
are appreciated is rendered
easy by a visit to our store.
We are showing Wilton and
Axminster Rugs, Tapestry and
Leather Rockers, Library Ta
bles, Dining Room Tables, Ce
dar Chests, Dressers, etc., etc.
DeMoss Furniture
room, No wonder. It probably has
"cold feet."
The high soliool is experiencing one
of thoac atrocious Quizr, Week. It
i it humdinger, too.
The Cut-lb Standard Practice Tesi
are here now for use in the third to
eighth grades, inclusive,
Kvery pupil in school is interested
In dm parent, seeing his report card
nest Monday.
mcnta. '
One Holstcn yearling bull, branded
S with bar across it, on the right
Weston, Oregon.
Tbe Fanners Bank of Weston
Established 1891
: r.
,?..,l...i,nl i,m a deleirate to the Suite k'KC becomes a most positive con
Teachers Association in Portland veiiieneo to those who must travel in
December 2t, M and 31. Mr. FiU- this kind of weather.
Patrick, Mr. Green of Pendleton and j0, Gordon, who lived in the Wes-
Mr. Irew of Echo are the delegates on C0Untry three decades or more
who were elected by the teachers ilu- K0 t.nlllt, ,own from Spokane for a
ring tho institute, to attend the Port
land meeting.
' ' Spud Ground Wanted k
1' would liko to lease some, spud J
ground in the Weston neighborhood
for several seasons cash or shares. J
W. T. Hastings S
Waitsburg, Wash. Jf
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg. Wash.
American Beauty
i Pure White
.UJKln nnrksmKlrHifitWimtl or no
;.v. Siiid niwlt l, koti4i9 or ptttW. and de
t.riutjoi fur FRKK SEARCH tunl rauit
Our f rw booklet tell how, vlxt lo mrvnt
ih1 mvo you inorwy. Wrltv today.
0. SWIFT & CO.
303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
1' Made of selected bluestcm in one of the
' best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
visit with relatives and friends. He
is the father of Mrs. R. G. Saling of
this city and Jess Cordon, the well
known young farmer of Athena. Mr.
Cordon has been handling and deal
ing in racing stock for a number of
years, and is regarded as capable
C. Day lea Baker, son of Merritt A.
Boker, a Weston veteran of tho civil
war another of whoso sons served
overseas has been commissioned a
second lieutenant in tho United
States army. Bayles is a train dis-
pnteher in tho railroad engineering
corps. He will sail from San Fran
Cisco December 10 for crvicc in Si
beriu. His family will remain
Deer Lodge, Montana, which has been
their home for several years.
Tho directors of Weston Memorial
Asociation rmvc receivea letter or
congratulation mid inquiry from War
ters nl New York City in regard to J .
tho Memorial Hall recently dedicated ' 1
in this city. The letter states that K '
Weston is one of the leaders in the ij Phone your dray Ol'dei'S,
United States in this line, and re- .
iiucsts a picture and floor plan of tho j yt r Call St StOl'e.. :
building to use in publicity work and J ' '
assist -in advising other communities j 1 ,
which aro rapidly" failing in line to I JAVIC A FK
Why not a War Savings Stamp or Treasury
Savings Certificate for a Christmas present?
These are appropriate and helpful.
Baker's Goods
auto top mm
Water proof and ,will not fade.
Try a can. For sale by
Goodwin's Drug' Store
place, as our town. f .T : , , . wwsw