The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 12, 1919, Image 2

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    Light 4 Overland
3C 9
planet will be in injunction In jfi
group In th morning Ky. At that .mUTD TUf UjM"
timo Mercury. Vmmw. Mar., Jupiter. V ,"u" jT
Saturn ana Neptune will all con.c '
into line toother, with Uranu on Mr. Kimball ami Mm. tlnedeek
the opposite ldc of the sun, and th p Pendleton, were guest this week
earth umiinjr off at right angle, at the Dinar Stephen home.
' 11 j
,r. i y.- . SMOWlrMS TMBfe NT TfTn
a n CANTiurvea spino I Jvv
it it i .
Some astronomer are predicting a
phenomenon In the nature of eel
tial firework on the tun when the
six planet swing into lino together.
If Uncle Sam Isn't a peaoo leaguer,
neither U the Hun ami we trust he
will find the latter more congenial
than recent history would Indicate.
Mr. and Mr. Chance Roger were
dinner gueat Sunday at the Dean
Dudley home went of town.
Mr. and Mr. C. U McFaddcn were
hosts at a dinner Sunday at which Dr.
and Mr. C. H. Smith and children
were the honored.
The Hrt of duck hunting lured
Marion Hanaell and Omar Stephen
Of kindly word and noble deeds to the creek Tuesday and thy bag
if vcrv well to talk; hut the man Red aevrral mallard.
this country really need one who
shovels snow from off hi walk.
One writer tell us that Germany
is exploiting Russia in order to sup
ply the inew for another world war.
A second writer asserts with equal
confidence that Germany realiie the
is jolly well licked, i sick of war
and yearns only for industrial re
habilitation. This paper doesn't
know, but thinks the Hun will bear
more careful watching than wm ac
corded him prior to 1914.
A movement is on foot to conserve
cigar ashes, which are worth a a
fertiliser about 125 per ton. Thl
does not mean, however, that the cigar farm near Lewuton.
Rev. Maloney ha taken the pas
torate of the Catholic church In the
place of Rev. O'Hagen, who has been
transfcred to Ontario,
Grandma Hill, 84 year of age, fell
and fractured two of her rit one day
this week. She is getting along as
well a ran be expected.
Mr. and Mr. Flint John left on
Wednesday for Vancouver, after sev
eral week visit at tho home of Mr.
and Mr. Melville Johns, near town.
' Mr. George Gerklng went to Lew-'
ixton, Idaho, Sunday morning to visit
her daughter, Mrs. Chester Da
vis, who is ill at her home there. Mr.
and Mr. Davis are living on a fruit
jr4S3w Jmj, JESTISS ES
(Utah's Famous Product)
(Fir and Tamarack)
Your onion promptly filled nt right price.'
" Phone Nus. 93 and 272.
Notice to Creditor
At the SUniferd Theatre
Owing to scarcity of fuel and re-
.friction, nlaced upon the sale and In the County t ourt of
distribution of coal, beginning with
smoker will be able to pose a a true
The German mark hn dumped
from twenty-four cvnts to three
cents. Still, it must be admitted the
German hasn't been making much of
a mark.
Power, service, beauty and comfort are what you may get out of thb
wonderful little ear. .No other car has ever been built with the three-point
suspension cantilever spring which you will notice in the above picture.
One hundred and thirtr-inch spring base on an hundred-Inch wheel base
that's what gives you the wonderful riding comfort over any other, car.
Select your own road and let me take yon a ride. I will take you safely
here no other car dares to tread.
- overiana peaier to Emest b.
TTTTTTnTmTT above named:
A musical critic has just announced
that there are but two grade of mu
sicclassical and jatiical.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Irene C. Guyot, Plaintiff, vs. Ernest
D. Guyot, Defendant.
A. M. Meldrum came down from
Spokane Sunday in the interests of
the Spokane Christian College, of
which he is president. Mr. Mcldrmn
preached at the Chfistian church,
where he was formerly pastor.
Unable to secure transportation tu
Honolulu at this time, Mr. ami Mm.
M. U Watts.Mr. II. I. Watts, and Mr.
and Mr. W. B. Shaffer of Waitsburg
will forego their projected trip to the
Islands and will after the holidays
go to Pasadena and other points in
Saturday night IVoember 13th, only
two regular program will be shown
at the Standard Theatre each week.
These regular programs vwill be
(wrcciied en Saturday and Sunday
nights and until fuither notice only
ono show will be screened each eve
ning. commencing at H o'clock idiarp.
This change is made to Conserve on
consumption of fuel and at the same
time afford Athena an amusement
enterprise within the limits of the
fuel restrictions. Tuesday and Thurs
day night programs have been an
nuled for the winter and tho only
how other than the regular one
on Saturday and Sunday nights,
hereafter, will be tjie big super
,! CLARK WOOD, Publlihir
MRS. H. GOODWIN. Assistant Editor
' ' ; Stficllv I'l A ifbntt
The Year 12 00
Six Months 1 00
Three Month 0 60
FUMY, PEC. U. - - - 1
entered at tht psslolficc at Wtslen. Ortgea'
'tsen4-clais mailnuitcr.
Regular, per inch per insertion ..15c
Transient, per inch per insertion.... ..20c
Locals, per line per insertion.:.. .".i.l0c
write exhaustively on financial mat
ters; men who never have nor never
will pay any taxes explain in detail
their endless and worthless theories
on local, state and national taxeo.
Of course, and perhaps to keep posted
on a few things, one must give the
newspapers the once over; at least,
all criminal and freak stunts must
be noted; but if one would be de
cent husband and father and also do
any useful work in tho world, he
California, instead.
Charles M. Brolherton, for many special picture already contracted at
year a resident of this community this time. The dates on which these
but of late year residing at Peyton, special are to appear will be annoi.n-
Defendant died at his home in that city Tuesday, cvd.
after a long illness. Interment was
made in the family lot at Athena cem
etery yesterday afternoon. The de
ceased is survive.! by hi wife, three
sons and one daughter.
Pendleton will be one of eight ii-
regard to what he reads in .'em.
Apart from the waste of much valu
able time, if one would swallow all
15c that he sees in the public prints he
would soon be eligible to join the
Bugs of the most rampant Bugville
If the w-orid ends December 17,
as predicted by an eastern professor,
the fuel problem will have been
solved for better or worse.
In the Name of the State of Or
egon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six weeks
of the date of the first publication of ties in Eastern Oregon where compet
this summons, to-wit, on or before itivc examination! will be held De
Friday, the 2d day of January, 1920; cember IS for Annapolis and West
and you will take notice that if you Point. Congressman Sinnott will
fail to so' appear and answer aaid have an opportunity to designate
complaint or otherwise plead thereto from this examination a larger num
within said time, the plaintiff, for ber of appointments than ever before
want thereof, will apply to the Court to both the military and naval arad
for the relief demanded in her said emirs.
complaint, namely for a decree of The Athena Gun Club is looking
the Court dissolving the bond of forward with pleasant anticipation
matrimony now and heretofore ex- to j,a grtmi turkey ahooti whi(.h
isting between plaintiff and defend- be held on it ground here all day
ant and for other equitable relief. December 21. It is rxoected that 135
This summons is published pursu- turkey will furnish the targets for
nn tho nmn. . t arc ImI tn .
ume that if one takes Up-to-The- ""t to'"n ordt'r mdo by Honorl1e keen sportsmen who will assemble in
It will be well to remember that
only one show an evening will
lie given hereafter, anil that the
starting hour will be 8 o'clock on
Saturday and Sunday vvening. For
the super specials, if two shows are
to be given, announcement to that
effect will be made, otherwise one
showing of the picture will prevail
and the time of beginning wiil be
8 o'clock, as on Saturday and Sunday
For Saturday night, December 11,
at 8 o'clock sharp, Douglans Fair
banks in "Mr. Fix if is the offering,
with a two reel Sennctt comedy,
"She Loved Uim Plenty."
Sunday night llillie Burke comes
in "Let's Get a Divorce," the sensa
tional society drama. Also a I'atho
News and a Lloyd comedy.
Times and the Ladies' Home Journal
and borrows an occasional newspaper
from his lowbrow neighbor, ho will
be jolly well all right.
In .these days of high prices one
should be mighty glad that he can
Gtill' purchase a few peanuts for a
"Talk Tires Poindexter," according
to a newspaper headline; and we
trust it will likewise retire him.
- 1 king" of Bucfeye, Washington, who
It distresses us to learn that the debated the question at the potato
world will be annihilated so soon af- growers convention last week. He
ter installing our new "iferg." summed up the subject as follows: "I
... will venture to say that you may
Accordmg to Editor MacLeod, who study the gTeat potato centers of the
doesn't run a newspaper but promul- world, paying special heed to the
gates Up-to-The-Times Magazine, in very centers of wheat are called the
which no word of lyhat he complains potato homes, and go where you will
is ever permitted to appear, "tons of you'll find no spot of particular cxccl
trash, piffle and bunk are published lence which is not duplicated or sur
in the newspapers these days. No passed. right here in the Inland Em
end 'of impossible interviews appear pire."
from imposible men on all sorts of .
ubjects. Men who were never On December 17 will occur one of
known to work at anything expound the most remarkable astronomical
on the -labor situation; men who events that has taken place since the
never have saved up as much as f 500 beginning of the present era. Six
Gillert W. Phelps, Judge of the
above entitled Court, on the 17th day
of November, 1919; and the first pub
lication of this summons will be
made in the Weston Leader nuwspa-
" per published at Weston, Umatilla
None of the great potato growing County, Oregon, on Friday the 21st
sections of the world including Gcr- day of November, 1910. The sum
many, Austria, England, Ireland, mons will be published for six con
Maine, Colorado or Wisconsin have secutive weeks in said newspaper,
advantages which cannot be dupli- the last publication to appear on
catcd in the Inland Empire, according Friday the aaid 2d day of January',
to George J. Cannon, the "potato 1920.
Dated this the 17th day of Novem
ber, 1919.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and Postofficc address;
Pendleton, Oregon.
We Advise the Public
that, The Weston Mills, with new
management, continues the motto: "We
: Serve to Suit."
Rolling - Grinding - Cleaning
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds; includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
- Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and FggBIash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
Athena from Pendleton, Walla Walla
and intermediate point. The bird
were obtained chiefly from Echo.
Mr. and Mr. B. D. Tharp return-'
cd home after an extended stay in
Southern Oregon, where they went
to look after the orphaned children
of Mr. Tharp' brother, the late Jeff
Tharp, whose widow died at Marsh
field. They visited at Bandon, and on
the return at Salem and Portland.
They bring one young nephew, aged
eleven years, to make his home with
them for the present.
Shelley Jones died at his home in
Pendleton last Saturday evening and
was buried Tuesday. He lived in
Athena in his early boyhood with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones,
lie was nearly 45 years old and is
survived by hi wife; his mother, now
Mrs. W. P. Caviness of Eugene; a
A Bit Chilly Id the Suburbs
(Atnona l'ren.)
The mercury dropped at a rapid
rale Thursday afternoon. At eight
o'clork last evening the thermometer
in front of St. Nichols hotel, Alhcna,
recorded 22 degrees' below cro. At
seven o'clock this murning the same
instrument recorded 28 Va below
which some old residents say is the
cidilext weather ever known in this
locality since it was first settled.
With the coming of the sunshine to
day the temperature became a trifle
inure moderate,
Other Athena thermometers did
not indicate so high a temperature
as the one nt the St. Nichols,
which is a spirit instrument.
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
t i . n !.. ..
Mrs. Netti. and Mrs. f lorence Wl.ntworth d.I
Boynton of Pendleton. v. .. , i , , .
' Notice is hereby given to nil per-
A delightful afternoon was passed gonB whom it may concern that Will
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. A. St. Piernon. adminiiitrntor of h,.
he State of
Orrgun for I'mstllla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J. Heeler, Deceased.
Notice lo hereby given to all pr.
tuna whom It may concern that
Christina H. Heeler has been appoint
ed administratrix of the estate of
John J. lleeler, deceased. All per
son having claims against the eatato
are required tu present them with
proper voucher to the said admin
istratrix at the law office of Peter
son, Bishop & Clark, In the Smith
Crawford Building. Pendleton, Ore
gon, attorney for th administratrix,
within six month of the date of th
first publication of this notice.
Dated tin the !Mh day of Novem
ber, ll19.
1'itvrsuii, Bishop A Clark,
Attorney fur Administratrix.
General Insurance
and Real Estate
Do you want to sell vour
property? If it is salable
ii Wby Turn Up
Your Overcoat
(jt'tait ovcrcout from ua
with tho NEW 'CONO.MV
MUFFLER o unique idea
in tailoring that has taken
the country by storm.
Barrett, when she waa hostess to the
Eastern Star club. Other than club
members, Mrs. Robert Proudfit and
Mrs. M. M. Johns were guests. Mrs.
Barrett was assisted in serving by
Mrs. R. B. MrEwen and wee Mis
Lucilc Barrett. The next meeting
of the club will be at the home of
Miss Hazel Burton, on Adam street.
Mayor Barrett, who recently lost
Notice to Creditors
In the County-Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of J. M.
O'Harra, Deceased.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that L. I.
O'Harra is the duly appointed, quali
fied and acting executor of the will
of J. M. O'Harra, deceased; and all
persona having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, with proper vouchers at
tached thereto, to said executor at
Weston, Oregon, within six months
from the 6th day of December, 1DI9.
Executor of the Will of J. M.
O'Harra, Deceased. '
tate of A. L. Wentworth, deceased,
has filed his final account and report
in the administration of the estate;
that the County Judge, by order innde
and entered, has appointed Monday,
the 5th duy of January, 1920, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m. as the timo
and fixed the County Court Room of
tho County .Court Houho at Pendleton
as tho pluce when and where all ob-
23 head of sheen when a dog entered Jtion and exception to sold final
the corral at night, is interested in account and report will bo beard and
tho licensing of all canines by city 8 settlement thereof made, t
and state. Athena has a dog license DuU,1 tm' tnc "th JV of Decern-
ordinance, and all dogs in the state of "r
R. L. Raynaud J
Oregon over eight month of age will
have to pay state license after Jan
uary 1, 1920, according to a law pass
ed by the 1019 legislature. The coun
ty clerk issue the licenses for all
dog in his county.
Mrs. William Kilgorc died at St.
Anthony hospital, Pendleton, Wed
nesday morning, after a few weeks
illnesai-a victim of the rare disease,
sleeping sickness. She was taken to
the hospital a couple of weclta ago
from her home near Athena. Mrs.
Kilgore was aged CO years. She
leaves, her husband and two sons to
inosjrn her loss, A son, Edward Kil
gore, died of pneumonia week before
Administrator of the EntaU of A.
. Wentworth., Deceased.
(Telephone 83)
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building
WlstoN, Ohecon
1 Dr. S. L KEHNARD Liberty Bonds f
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Hroad streets.
Phone Main 253
An absolutely safe invest
ment. If you hnvo money to in
vent, buy Liberty Bond from us.
If you sell Liberty Bond, sell
to us.
10.. i , i i. ...
T r u y mm sciu.iooriy iioima.
i Any denomination 00-tltH)
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Washington