ESTON I EADER i I. . WESTON, OKEGON.VUIDAY. DEC. 12. 1019 NUMBER 28 VOLIIMK 42 GIVE W. S. S. FOR CHRISTMAS IS U. SJVPPEAL Governor Calkins Urge Gov eminent Securities for Pres nU Initead of Luxuries Governor John V. Calkin of th a Francleco Federal Tteterv Hank bn written letter to til banke and IroM companies In th Twelfth Fed eral Reserve Dim riot orglng thorn to prtmett, wherever poimblo, the (nit f War Savlngi Stampa tad Tranry ftavisgs Certificates for Chrltms arteenta tble ar. The Increased demand fur these Oevtrnmeat eeurlllee. (ho Treasury Daring Certificates being inillr to War Savinge Su-tp la denomlnatlone f III! and 1 1 000, It tpptrtnt from Ik ftet that lh Federal Reserve ink lupplltd Mo.lOO wonh of Treasury Bar Ingi Certificate to eigb toon banke In tht dutrlrt on Novem bar 19, which tht largeat mount told la en dy ilnea too doo of the war. Oa tht faco of tht dmnd of these eighteen bank and tht In treated tall for tht eeeurltle from all poetofflee throughout tht Twelfth Federal Reserve Dlatrlct, It would total that turn Qovtroment'a holiday elogaa. "Otva a War Ravings Sump or a Troeaury Bavlngt Certificate tor Cbrletai." It htlng followed out, aad tb Government It hoping tint by giving War Saving Stampi tod Treats. r7 Saving Certificate for Chrlttmat gifts tht dlitrlct will c)oe ly approximate Ht Wtr Barlngt quota for tht yar. A portion of Goteroor Calklnt' let rr follow. Tht Cbrltimta holldaye art al most upon ut. Everything polutt to a trtmtndoua outlay of money in tho purehtM Of holiday glfta. tho greater portion of which I think I am af In taring will bo loxurle. Tho pretent Itttitlon dtmandt not that more money bo tpent In tht purchase of Injuries, but that curtail at much aa possible, with tht eouejuent bene flnlal contraction of credit, "Tbtrtfor. I appeal u you a a fallow banktr to do everything within your power to allroulaie tho purchase and gllag Of War Savm Sianipe and Troaaury Baring Certineaua at Chrlatmat preaents In pint of the ui a seed leu and pnie gift. It team to PM that tho rponllIIlty of leadtag aatn'a mind along the .i Of thrift and atmple llrlni ret to a groat Mtoat upon tho banker of the ronstry aad In aaklng ou to puli tba talet of Treasury security during tha Chrlttmaa holldaj. I am aklng you only to take sdvantnge of an op poftunlty to meet thl repensllilllty." fn addition. Chrlttmaa pottr car rying an appttl to give War Savings Btampt and Treasury Saving Coriifi ratoe for Chrletmta pretent will ha distributed throughout tho Twelfth Federal Reserve District, and all bank have been aaked to Include a tmtlar appeal la thtlr advertising. SHIPYARD STRIKERS OWN $7,200,000 U. S. SECURITIES liberty Bonds and War Sav logs Stamps Help Support Idle Workers One ot tba reatooo tha atrlklng hlpyard worker In aeren plants around Ban rrnelco bay have been able to bold out for their demand of tight oent an bour increase I that eolleetlroly thay own mora titan 17. 009,000 worth of Liberty Honda and about 1100,000 In War Savings Stamp. "Tha Liberty Boud and War Baring Blampa holding of our men hart certainly atood tt In good attad." aald Frank Miller, secretary of tbo Ban Francisco Iron Trades Council. "When we win our demand I am going to recommend that the men aara that eight cent an hour In rrenae and tnvt It weokly with tho Oovernment In War Savings Stamps. They provide an Ideal way for tho worblngman to aavo," C. A. rarnworth, awoclnte dlrcc tor ot tha War Lonn Organisation for tba Twelfth Federnl ru-awo OlHtrlct. laid: "Secretary Mlller'a fluuro on tba Liberty Bond holdlns and thrlr Inroatraant In tf'nr Pavings ore con erratlva and there Is no doubt that thay have aided greatly In enabling tba men to lupport tbemarlvc while on itrlka. Tht men er.n borrow tho face talue of their Liberty Dond without tarrlflclng tha honda and thay ran caah to thalr War Barlngi Stamp." Tha Government" Wnr BbvIiibii Stamp I tba working man' weapon agtilnit a hand-to-mouth eilatenco. It help him get ahead. Trt Battlo of tho Marno Cost Ncarl; 750.000 Men The bluodleet Imtllo of tho wurld wnr wa the llrot buttlo of thV Mnriie. (illli lul ftojirwl Jnat Iku"1 In Turin aliow Iho oa v.rre: Dead ..W.ono Wounded 40O.0UO Total ,729.000 Till meant that till ono but tlo cot nearly three-quarter of ii million men. Tim (Jtl'ire In elude, of roonp, the loe on liulli elite. Methodist Church Enters Ypres and Brussels ORCAT MEMORIAL CHURCH WILL If KRECTEO IN TEVASTAVEO BELGIAN CITY. Bru(l to B Cnr of Larfl Enttf prin On tht Part of South erner. Tenn.-A great Methodlat l hun-h. ereeled and maintained by the Molh'HlM I plaropal Church, rioulh. will ba erocted amid tho rulitt of pre, in Dulglum- TliU wa tated ly Ur W. II. Iloaurhainp. itlroetor-i;ei.-ral of tho Centeuary ComiuUalo, in. with Uliilmp Jutiie Atklna. tho b.liop In vhcrse of European mlhalon ti-lln, Juiit returned from llelslum. The tiy of Vpren, terribly devaa luted, will not be rebuilt In lt entirety. Ilio ome maKnifleont Cloth Hall, tho fluent in the wrlJ. the Cathedral, tba town hall, the chureiea. and other largo rein wUl be left a icretul n.emonal. On tlionn the dty mayor ba tauted li-n(i to be ore.-led reidiR: "Thl is holy Rrouud. N tne V till fab ric may hn tnken nway. It l a heri tage for all rlvlllned pople." A City of Memorial. Vprea is a city of memorial. Tha Hrltuh government has nijto-t.d a U ml will erect a meat mttceum n a monument to her fallen heroes Blmllar building will bo built by Canada. New Zealand. Australia and ilelRluni. In the midst of these memorial tho Southern Methodist Church wilt be erected. It will contain n library, reading room and , aocinl equipment. In addition to It auditorium and Clam room. "Vprea will always bo a merca fur travelers." said Or. Tleauehamp "Thousand nnd millions will flock to that luittUfieM. Our Church will not only minister to tho peoplo of Vprea mid the surrounding territory, but it will ulso servo these visitors." Great Plant In Bruel. The Methodists have also purchased a great building in Urussels, which will be their headquarter for Europe. It will contain offices, nn auditorium, reading and lecture rooms, a publish Ing plant and social equipment. Tb general secretaries of tho two I'rotestanl bodies Of IJolftluin, the itktt Church and the free Church, will have offices In this building, thus making It tho Protestant center of ItelRlum. Southern Methodists hnvo also pur chased a h-lf Interest In tho Protest ant hospital of Brussels, It will ba nlargod and Its capacity will ba doubled. Relief Station Ettabllihed. Dr. Boauchanip reported that thou sand of children will frceto to deutt this winter, because the German flooded tho mine and flllod them with concrete, thus making it Impossible for tho peoplo to ohttiln fuel. "Children, with their mothers." said Dr. Ikuch;imp. "aro now living in tho abandoned trenches and dug-out left by tlie enemy." In order to cope with th situation tha Methodists have arranced to open relief atntlon at Ypres, St. qttentln, Montdldier. Belgrudo and other points. A full contingent of physicians, nurses, directors, and social, woker will bo sent abroad as soou as they can bo found. The rhurrh has a fund of.f5.tlo0.000 for European construction work. Thl will be spont in Servia, France, Bel gium, Poland nnd Bohemia. , A Seattle labor leader ouya War gavlnn Stamps "because." be aara, "the interest on them will f ffset the war taxes I have to pay whenever 1 buy anything." "WHEN A FELLER , vlNyVyii' fVifjH vie -Buck,' Mm w& 4- GRAYSON: MR. WILSON'S PHYSICIAN A man w ho can aerve one presi dent a onvnl aid ami physician It en titled to consideration. A man who can serve three, presidents o different In temperament ns Theodore llooso velt, William II. Toft ami Woodrow Wilson con Justly claim credit for great professional skill and an evtu bltrber mark of distinction for diplo macy of the very first order. Carey Travis Grayson, rear ad miral. M. IX. Ph. G.. F. A. C 8., U. 8. S doesn't claim credit for anything. As a matter of fact, he Is an unusually modest person when it Is cmklntJ that upon his sturdy shoulder hna fallen the burden of keeping tlireo president In physical trim ntid restor ing them to normal health from the wear and tear of ofllce rnrea. Vott never would know that the ttulct, unobtrusive mnn with the strik ing feiitureM of au Indian, who comes I ... . .t. nlw.l.t lh Whlto Hotiso, was tho chief physician ot the president of tho United Statea nnd probably the most conspicuous man In tho public eyo during tho present illness of the chief executive. Tho president's physician Is Just on tho easy aide of forty youngest admlrnl In tbo tinvy. Personally he la ono of the most genial of men, fond lo a temperate way of tho Rood things In life and excessively fond of Mrs. Grayson nnd their two children. BUTTER WRAPS Furnished and Printed at the Loader office I THIS IS JLj gL awaaMiaaiaf' avittBt' The biggest and finest assortment of Toys and Holi day Novelties ever exhibited in Athena. Make your selection out of the stock that is drawing trade to town. va 3& crk -.-r That is our long suit. We have lots of thcrh, and our prices are the best. We bought them early, so that enables us to give you the best possible prices on all toys. Dolls at all prices, dishes, wagons and and all kinds of mechanical toys, the kind that make the beys very happy. The Pure Food Grocery lj Quality, Quantity, Service HAS A FRIEND" Have you seen our carpenter sets? We have only a few left. Machine gun just like the large ones, and it is one of the most instructive toys on the market today. If you haven't paid our toy town a vis it now is the time to do it, for all are going fast. Don't be the one that is going to be too late to get a choice of this complete line of toys and gifts. . V'Lm 171, Athena . : r Brothers, 0. A. R. Vets, Meet After 50 Yean Payton. Oj Bterm'" off train to make a chance of route. J. A. White, awnty, Xefila. and George White, aeventy-alr. Seattle, Wsh, re turning from tho O. A- R. en campment at Columbia, were Introduced by a fellow reteran. They rernmlted each oilier t brother who more than hnlf a century ngo left Townda. Ta.. one going Into tbo Black Hills of the Ookota Territory and the other coming to Ohio. Revival Planned For Entire South Wldeit Evangelistic Effort Ever Made Will Bt Launched Soon. Naahrilla, Tenn. Plan for an evangelurtie movement which will cover tha entire South and operate in 20.000 churehea at the same tln-i are being formulated by the Centenary Commission and tha evangelistic com mittee of the M. E. church, Sooth. Bisbop U. V. W. Darlington Is tba chairman of tho Joint directing com mittee and Dr. O. E. Goddard la the executive tecretary. Standard Plan Mad. The movement will operate accord ing lo a atandard plan. Thl plan pro vides for a preliminary survey of tha entire South to discover what person are not affiliated with any religious denomination. Dr. A. C. Zumbntnnen la In charge of tba aurrey, and be ba made pre liminary investigation In a large nninber of typical section as rumples to guide pastors In surveying their own fields. When these survey are completed tha evangelistic movement will ba launched in an effort to Interesj all noo-cburcb members whose name hava been secbreu. It ba been estimated that half a lullllon worker will be enlisted to personally interview 'he persona who bsva io church membership. Whichever side wins In a strike fh public may figure on enduring a cer tain amount of loss. Including that of time and posslhly temper. Some of the "fair prices" published under official auspices look so much llko the regular fiinres that emly an expert can tell one from the other. Bnt none of these health author ities who advise women against hlirh heel tell them where they can get them any cheaper. Do Your Shopping Early f SPECIAL LABOR CONFERENCE YILL CONSIDER THIUfT Oregon SUU Federation Peti tion Union Loader to Adopt String Policy. Portland. Ort. Tha Oragoa Hate Federation of Labor baa aaked tbo oa fertoea of tho btada Of latarngtiaaal labor union affiliated wit too Ameri can Federation of Labor, whloh opena ita aesaloa la Washington. D. C v eamber 1. to Include la aay erogrea tbat rbey may promulgate aa a ratal ot tbo fafluro of tbo lad at rial tea ftrtneo a plank aiomoilaliaiac t Federal GorarnniMt to continue and elaborate, if neceaaarr. Ita Tarlft aad War ftavloga Stampa movement aa a parmaneot national policy. Tbo Ore gon Federation alae baa aaked all ethtr S'ate Federations of Labor la tht United Statea to make a glmllar rt qot of tha conference. Prealdent O. R. Hartwlg of tba Orogoo Federatta algned tba latter, which follows: "Inasmuch aa tbo Called Statea Oof rnneot is engaged la advudnC th War Savings Bumps campaign la vigorous manner, and laaamorh aa the War laving Stampa are tha best pos sible form of investment for worklag maa aad women, particularly orgs isad werktra, and also beeaoao tba fo aesaloa of War Barings Stamp by worker wfcUt defending their rtghtw either while ont om strtk or otherwi, glvts them a decra of sacorlty thai ordinarily they do not posts, there fore, tbo State Federation of Labor of Oregon make tba following soggeav ' ttoa : That your Federation Join wit M 1 urging upon tbo national con ference that baa been called in Wash ington, D. C, by the American Federa tion of Labor, the advisability of in cluding in any program that they may promulgate, a War Savings Stamp plaak or provision. "Wo fee that til win materially . atreagthen tho position of organleei labor and will also girt a tbo tasw of war when most needed. TnatinA therefore, that yon will Bad it posslbi . to Join ns Id urging upon tbo matloaa conference thta provision, and thank ing you In advance for ens earring la .. this anggeatios, we beg to remain." LIBERTY BOND BUYERS HAVE 10 MILLION DUE Interest on Third and Victory Liberty Loan Buy Christ mas Presents Ban FranclscoPatriotle citlieoj . ot tho Twelfth Fodaral Resort tb triet who bought Liberty Bonds dur ing tho wsr hava eoming to tbam ap proximately l0,nJ,l00on Doenibr 15 as lntarost on bonds of tho First -and Fifth Liberty Loans. This 1 ; mora than ono dollar par capita for every resident in tho save state of the Twelfth Dlatrlet. To many tba Intereat money will come almost aa a Christmas gratuity, but the Government ia anxious that its creditors use tbo Interest aot a easy money but that they re-invest It immediately In Government securi ties, each War Saving Stamp and Treasury Savings Certificate carry ing 4 "J interest compounded quarter ly, thus making interest oars Intereat. To these who intend' to make holi day money ot it, tho Government say: "Give War Savings Stamp for Christina." Tbo total of llo.OtS.SOO dn is apportioifSd Into 780 s Inter est on tho First Loan and r,T49.- t 650 interest on tho Fifth Loan. It tho entire, $10,045,300 collectible on December It was invested in War Savings Stampa nd Treasury Saving Certlflcataa, and th securities hold until their maturity data flv years later, tho interest on th Intorest . would amount to nearly a halt mil lion. - DOG SAVES CHICAGOAN'S LIFE Mongrel Pup Attracta Attention to Room Where Matter Is Lying Unoonacloua. Mlnneapoli?. Jerry, a monBrel pun of the streets, repaid kindnesses of Ms bachelor master, William Hart sixty years old, and saved Hart's life. Hart, who lives In tho rear on th secdnd floor at 201T Washington ave. nu opened two Jets of his gas store, but failed to light one, Velghbors were called to the room by the whine growls nnd scratchlmja ot Jerry,-who was locked outside. Breaking In the door, they found Hart unconscious. The police were called and Hart was taken to tho ctty bosQiial. Neighbor say Hart found, tbo ooe lntho street about four month agn and befriended him. Hart in a uia (if5t and cmne to Minneapolis froiii ChU'ago,