The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 21, 1919, Image 1

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    st on Lead
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mttlon of Our Readers.
Ilia aonl eorn show st Coqultl
waa big success.
Ashland li suffering from a rather
serious fuel shortage.
The berry-growing propaganda Iim
taken hold In Coo county.
The Rend lode of Elk will onn be
ln ih erection of beautiful now
115,000 tempi.
Counterfeiters r flooding lb Coos
II jr district wlib spurious half dollar
nd dollar coin.
Too county taxable property, accord
log to tb board of equalisation, b a
viu or $
Tb Reaver Portland cement pUnt
at Oold Hill I milling preparations
for operation a eoon a possible.
Mor than 11,710 acre of wheat baa
been certified for seed purposes In
flhrtBaii, Union and Weaeo rounttr.
Tb annual teachers' Institute of
Lao county I to be hold at the Eu
gene bleb achool November SI. IS
and t.
Portland I'd th rarlflc coat In tb
valu of alia at Ita army quarter
master ator for tb work ending No
vember 1.
Member of tb Marlon and Polk
county medical aaolatton hv boost
ed their to mt tbo steadily ad
vancing cost of living.
A big delegation of commercial club
aecretarle of Oregon met at Halem
Monday for tb aetnl annual conclave
of association eecretarloa.
Cannery companlea cannot hold
growers to atrlct performance of their
contract, according to a declilnn ren
dred by tb circuit court In Baloiu.
Aneroid lak. In Wallowa county,
ii thrown open to hook and line tub
ing during tb winter month by th
Oregon flih and game commission.
Illgheat honor In th national ac
cident prevention drive In tb north
wet officially have been awarded to
tb Southern Pacific tinea north of
Attorney General Drown give notice
that h will proceed to prosecute any
on known to be guilty of violating the
law against profiteering In food and
other necessities,
Oregon haa been selected a th
meeting place of Ih next annual con
vention of th Oregon State Hotel
men' aoclatlon, which will bo held
on December 6 and t,
R. Hoefler announced at Astoria
tbat wltblo 30 daya he will begin work
on th construction of a new candy
factory. Th cost of th plant will be
approximately $50,000.
Governor Olcott announced h would
appoint George S. Sliemor as district
attorney of Harney county to succeed
in A Tllus. who haa reslaned. to tuk
effect December 31, 191$.
Antonio Hanlgaman, son of A. Han
Igsman. Hood River orchardlst, haa
attracted Indiana automobllo acces
sory manufacturers by tho Invention
of a map holder for motor totirlata.
Tb Klamath Falla box makers' un
ion baa decided to ask tho atate con
ciliation board to conduct an Invest!-
gation of wag condltlona and cost of
living with a view to raising their
wag scale.
Presbyterians of Albsny, Lebanon,
Brownsville. Mill City. Shelburn, Craw
fordsvlll. Gate, Mehama and Mount
Pleasant will attend a nw era con
ference In the First Presbyterian
church of Albany.
In case of an I. W. W. uprising In
Oregon similar to that which occurred
at Centralla, Adjutant-Ocnoral Stafrln
of tb O. N. Q. says h would b ablo
to recruit between 1600 and 1600 men
for immediate duty.
H. Le Noe, of Vale, won the much-
sought automobile llcene plate bear-
lng figure one at the public drawing
held in th offlc of the aecretary of
state. License number 13 fell to A. 8.
Harrison of St. Helens.
J. 8. Howard, age 17, founder and
first msyor of Medford. died In thnt
tlty after a lingering Illness. Known
Tor a generation aa the "Father of
Medford," Mr. Howard first came to
Jacksonville by oxteam In 1869.
jr. p, Smith, proprietor of a confec
tionery store at Meedy, a short dl
t.neo from Oreaon City, wa fatally
l -.t.. . niiita limn "Tnlod-d
while he was filling It with air. He
died later. The stors waa completely
A dial "entailing a con.lder.t.ou of
$lJooToO w I cloU M Astoria when
the IiIkiIkkII company of Orand Rap
I i, Mich.. ld 63u Vrea of Umber
In i;. Knappa and Hlliid slouith
I'lNirlrta to tlio fn It Timber com
itny of Davenport, U.
Hr. W. J. Plillllp. a wll n den
Hat of North Hend, member of th
board of education and relJ-nt of
the chamber of commerce, auMuliied a
fractured skull and I now lying In an
unconaclou and prerarloua roudltlon
at th Mrcy hospital a a coinninco
of an alterratlon and flit In encounter
with Mayor lleury Kern.
Uovernor Dlcott'i recent action In
removing Tliuma Nelson of Astoria
a a member of the ataia board of pilot
rommlaelonir as regular and auj
thorued by Hi" Oregon statutes, ac
cording to a h'Kal opinion given by
Attorney (iurat Ovurgo M. Drown.
The Vale Commercial Hub haa aent
roplea of reaolutloua adopted by that
body recently to tlio Oregon public
ervlcn commission urging that an In
crease In ratea be granted Ih'- Mal
heur Home Telephone company, which
operate In that eectlou of the dale.
Pufur cltUeua are Im-i-oiiiiiik aroused
by Incuralnua of bloodthirsty coyote
Into herd of sheep and pig and flock
of chicken. County Agent Fluharty
hat received an appeal to help ranch
er In that vicinity. Th coyote ar
reported unuiually ravenous this year.
Acting on th petit Ion aubmilted by
73 rancher In the Tuinnlo ectim. the
)cchutt-a county court aet Decmbor
20 a tlio data for an Irrigation dUtrict
organisation election. The contem
plated district Include the land now
within the boundarloa of the Tumalo
Irrigation project.
The building of a highway to the
Joxphln county cave I to proceed
without further delay. The foreatry
department baa approved the project
and Issued Inatructlona coverlug the
location aurvey preliminary to letting
the contract a oon a grading la po-
))) j ln gprUg
A. C. Uarbur. atate Insurance com
missioner, haa started a aearch for
W. II. Jackaon. alia J. K. Clark, who
la wanted by officer in varlou part
of the atate for collecting iiiiuranco
premtuma under tho pretenae that b
a authorUed agent of an eattern in
auranc corporation.
A total of H1&2.35 derived from S
per cent of the aale of public laud In
Oregon wa apportioned among tbo
several count lc of the atate. Harney
county. which hna 6,307.120 acre of
these land, received $431.40, while
Multnomah county, with 2S8.640 acres,
received only $19.69.
The work of preparing tho slste
menta certifying to tho various county
clcrka or Oregon the atate and district
officer to he nominated at the pri
mary election to be held next May la
progressing rapidly under the dtrec-
tlon of Sam A. Kotor, assistant secre
tary of statu, and should be completed
this week.
All officer and every agency at tho
command of the state will be used In
preventing In Oregon nn outbreak of
radicals, according to a gtgteuient la
sued by Governor Olcott. All snoriri.
district attorney, mayor, chief of
police and other officer will be In
atructed to use every effort to stamp
out radical elemcnta.
To Insure tho permanenco of the
Herman creek salmon feod grounds,
one of tho largest fish feeding points
maintained by tho state, the state IhIi
and gamo commission at its last sea-
slon requested tho atate attorney gen
oral to ask the state to begin condem
nation proceeding for the purchaae of
the property, which hitherto baa been
under lease.
By unanimous decision of a special
board of arbitration considering a
acale of wagea for the Portland street
car men and other classified atreet rail
way employes, platform men wcro
ralacd from a maximum of 68 centa tin
hour to a maximum of 62 centa an hour
and thoae of other classified employee
to a scale corresponding approximately
with that figure.
A shipment of narcUsus bulbs from
Amoy, China, consigned to a Eugene
atore, waa found to contain a number
of Argontlne anta, an insect much
dreaded by all agriculturists The anta
have never appeared In this atate be-
fore, acoordlng to C. E. Stewart,
county fruit Inspector. The Inspector
caused 12 crates of these bulbs to be
Incinerated to prevent the spread of
To assure a navai oaae ai me muuiu
of the Columbia, a slto of 2500 acres
at Tongue Polut, valued by Ita own
era at $100,000, muBt be donated to
the eovernmcnt. according to a tele-
gram received from Representative C.
N. McArthur by B. K. Stone, president
i ih A it nr Id tmrt rnmnilHHton. A
campaign to raise the $100,000 for the of the site q that It can be
3J Tnitm w mi iiMt rii s ID
Washington. Prealdcnt Wilson will
pocket the peaco treaty If It contain
the Lodge reaervationa, he told Sena
tor Hitchcock at a conference at th
White houae.
"The president ha read and con
sidered the Lodge reservations," Sen
ator Hitchcock said, "and he consider
them a nullification of lb treaty and
utterly Impossible."
The program outlined by Senator
Hitchcock after he bad aeen President
Wilaon will bo carried through la tb
senste. Mr. Hitchcock said. This con
templated defeat of the ratification
resolution, with th Lodge rescrvatlona
attached, and the offering of a resolu
tion for ratification without reserva
tions. With th defeat of tbla resolu
tion a deadlock would follow and com
promise sought
"1 find th president la very much
Improved sine I saw him last, the
senator said on leaving the White
house. " He look better, talka bettor
and l much mor aggressive.
"1 find that he has read and con
sidered the lANlgo reservations and
that be consider them a nullification
of the treaty and utterly Impossible."
Hints Make Proposal to th Railway
Brotherhoods for Increase.
WarfhhiRton. Director General
Hlnea submitted to representatives of
the four railway brotherhoods an In
nreased wage scale amounting approx
imately to $3,000,000 a month.
Tho proposal, laid before represent
atives of the brotherhooda at the clos
ing session of the wage conference,
was taken uuder advisement.
Tho Increase would affect trainmen,
firemen, engineer and conductors, but
more particularly those employed In
the slow freight train service.
Thcro are many other questions af
fecting working conditions of train
men which have not been decided.
These will be the basis for further
conforencea between the brotherhood
heads and members of the director
general'a stuff.
Plonty of Wool In U. 8. A.
Washington. Wool Btocks suffici
ent to supply America for more than
a year were on hand at the close of the
quarter ended September SO, said an
announcement by the department of
agrlcui tur;
given to the government Is to bo in
stituted at once.
A special election has been called by
the Salem school board for December
8. when the voters will be asked to au
thorise a total tax levy of 8.3 mills to
provide funds with which to Increase
the salaries of the ISO teachera em
ployed In the local schools. Because
of the steadily, advancing cost of living
and the Inability of the school board
to Increase toachorS' salaries, consid
erable difficulty has been experienced
In obtaining competent Instructors for
the present year.
Immediately following receipt at Sa
lem of two carloads of military equip
ment for the Oregon national guard,
Adjutant-General Stafrln atarted the
work of apportioning the supplies
among the several companies In the
state. Besides 28 transport wagons.
25 machine guns, several hundred mod
ern rifles and large quantities of am
munition, tho consignment included a
number of tents, bedding and msny
.other article, attendant to the com
fort of th, guardsmen.
in America
Salem. Or. Guardsmen with fixed
bayonets wore stationed about the
Salem armory Monday night while a
mass meeting of patriotic organiza
tions waa in progress because of a
threatening letter received by F. A.
Thompson, commander of Sedgwick
Post. O. A. ft., warning the war
veterans to beware of a repetition In
8lem of the Centralla massacre.
The meeting waa a gathering of
veterans of all war called to plan
concerted action against any uprising
of red that might occur In tbla com
munity. The meeting waa undisturbed and a
strong resolution was adopted denounc
ing the reds and pledging action to
down radicalism when necessary.
Pacific Northwest Must Rely Upon
Beet Sugar
San Francisco, Cal. Exhaustion of
tb Hawaiian cane sugar crop baa
made central and northern California,
Oregon, Washington, northern Idaho
and Nevada consumers entirely de
pendent upon the remaining beet augar
crop, the Pacific coast office of the
sugar equalization board stated In an
announcement that a price of 10 centa
a pound for beet augar at the factory
would be effective.
The new beet sugar price is an ad
vance of 1 cent over the price at which
tho refiners sold cane augar and makes
possible a retail figure of 12 cents, as
wholesalers are allowed a profit of
half a cent a pound, while the retailer
may charge IVi cents additional.
Governor Asks for Co-operation.
Olympla. Wash. That membership
alone In such an organization as the I.
W. W. Is sufficient to constitute a
felony under the criminal syndicalism
atatute of Washington la indicated by
Oovernor Louis F. Hart in a letter
addressed to all organisations and In
dividuals requesting co-operation with
officials In driving disloyal and an
archistic elements from the state.
Haney Accldently Shot by Comrade.
Centralla, Wash.-Iohn Haney, T
nlno possenian, who waa shot in the
hunt for I. W. W. murder suspects
Saturday ifteruoon, died from the fire
of his own comrades, through an acci
dental brush between separated
parties, It was learned when the body
of tbo deputy was brought to this city.
Three Judges O. K. Volstead Law.
New York. Three attempts to pre
vent enforcement of the wartime pro
hibition and Volstead enforcement acta
failed in federal courts here. Federal
Judge Learned Hand, John C. Knox
and John O. Rose of Baltimore, each
In a different case, upheld the consti
tutionality of the law.
Southern Pacific Loses Oil Land.
Washington. The government by an
opinion in the supreme court won its
fight to have canceled patents for 600
acres of California oil land valued at
$10,000,000 alleged to have been ob
tained through fraud by the Southern
Pacific company.
Wilson Vetoes Federal Rail Rat Bill.
Washington. President Wilson veto
ed the bill restoring to the lnterstat
commerce commission its pre-war rate
making power.
"Ah I A Romeo and bis Juliet," re
marked Mr. Dubwaite, as loving
pslr strolled past
"My dear sir," said Professor Dlggs.
"I hav a great admiration for Romeo
and Juliet ss portrayed by th Im
mortal Shakespeare. Apply Oi names
of thos graceful and romantic figure
to a bow-legged young man In a ' waist
line' coat and a calcimlned young
woman wearing a bobbl skirt does
(rest violence to my feelings."
Going th Round.
That new nursemaid of lira. Stylet
em a very obliging girl," said tb
lady In th sutlo Jumper.
"What make yon say eoT" asked her
friend In the purple gingham.
"Well, yesterday morning I saw her
ont with Mn. Style bsby. In tb
afternoon with Mrs. Style' dog, and
In tb evening with Mrs. Style's bo,
band." London Answers.
"For the past decade." declared tba
grouch, "women have been neglecting
the home more or less."
"Well," said the woman, "If we keep
that up about 6.000 years, well b
about square with the men, won't wet"
After considering a while be did not
attempt to refute ber statement-
Boost Him.
I'm verr fond
Of William Black.
II navar talk
.Behind my back.
Hr Mistake.
Annt Ton should take mora Inter
est In what Is going on. Wby dont
you resd the newspapers so that yoa
can converse Intelligently with your
Young Wife I tried to, but I mad
a mistake. I read about the League
of Nations Instead of the baseball
Easy Picking.
"Why doe this convicted stock
swindler shed tears over th prospect
of spending five years In the penl
tentlnry. That Isn't a long term."
"It seems long to him. He's afraid
by the time he gets out all the boobs
will be separated from their liberty
Merita of the Professor.
"I've Just been introduced to Pro
fessor Smart. Such a charming man
to talk to; he doesn't make one feel
like a fool In spite of his cleverness."
"Ah, my dear, that's because of his
The Sugar and the Fly.
Vestryman (at meeting) We must
now take up the problem of getting
our boys to church.
New Minister That problem will
solve Itself If we can get our pretty
daughters to go.
In the agitation to which the English
language has been submitted, even the
hyphen bus been stirred up again.
The oyster Is hailed as a nonvege
table food product which does not re
quire a long career of expensive feed
ing. One of the problems that should
claim study Is the unlimited supply
of munitions available to Mexican gun
men. In theatricals, as well as In baseball,
some of the tensest moments of sus
l'nse take plnce In the managers' of
fices. It is said thnt divorces hay
doubled In England since the war.
Trolinbly the habit of fighting is too
A new aviation nltitude record cant
expect so much attention these days
when prices are breaking altitude rec
ords daily.
Thnt man who has Invented a dust
proof sugnr container would have a
better tblng If there was any sugar to
put Into It.
Fntlier.'who pays the Mils, reports
that the difference between a "fall
dress" aud "autumn apparel" is
about $20 a stilt.
Speedy Action on Treaty Fol
lows Invoking of the Cloture
Rule by Senate Leaders.
Washington At last clamping down
the lid on it paaca treaty debat. th
senat ubstltuUd action for discus
sion with a vigor that quickly ad
vanced th ratlficatloa fight into ita
final stages.
Working under cloture for U first
tim la history. h'aU adopted la
five hour 10 more of th reservations
written by the foreign relations com
mittee. Republican and democratic leaders
worked together to Invoke ciotim, pil
ing up a majority which far exceeded
the two-tblrd necessary for adoption.
In the count of 7$ to 1 th two parti
contributed about evenly.
Majorities ranging from 11 to 21
marked the adoption of the tea reser
vations. Tbey related to domestic
questions, th Monroe doctrin. man
dates. Shantung, international com
missions, expenses of the league of
nations, armamenta, the economic boy
cott and alien property rights. .
In every case except one the repub
licans voted solidly for the commltt
proposals. They were Joined oa every
rollcall by from four to nln demo
crats. The sole defection from th re
publican ranks wss on the Shantung
reservation. Senator McCumber of
North Dakota swinging over to tho
Four of the 12 democrats who balped
put th reservations through voted with
h; raonbiicsns on every one of tho
10. proposals considered. They war
Senators Reed, Missouri; Gore, Okla
homa; Shields, Tennessee, and Walsh,
Massachusetts. Senators Chamber
lain, Oregon, and Trammell, Florida,
voted for two each and Senators Owen.
Oklahoma; King, Utah; Kirby, Ark
ansas, and Myers, Montana, for owa
aca. .
House Passes Railroad Bill
Washington. The Each railroad bill,
providing for private ownership and
operation of rail carriers, nnder broad
federal aupevision, waa paaaod by th
house, 203 to 159. The meaaur goea
to the senat but It will not b taken
up there until the regular session In
By a provision of th Each bill, th
Interstate commerce commission win
hav authority over Intrastate ratea
to the extent that it might order re
moval of any "undue burden" on in
terstate commerce. -
Railroad workers scored a complet
victory through incorporation of their
plan for voluntary conciliation of labor
disputes In the Each bill. The house
rejectees a plan of compulsory arbitra
tion, including an anti-strike provision.
In brief, th plan divides the rail
road workers into three clause nod
for each it establishes an adjustment
board and an appeal commission. N
penalty against strike or lockout ii
imposed and membership on all sis
boards would b restricted te th work
ers and their employers and divided
equally between them.
"He's got money." Admit that Whsi
rou har that said of a man y in
itlnctlvely look him over look hint
sver pretty respectfully as a rule.
Whether you want to admtt it of not,
rou have a bit of admiratloa for hint,
Because ha la a man abov th gtt
iral run of human beings. H la a masj
who is independent a man who look
th otbr tallow In th y and tail
aim to "go to-aell." He can't b bul
lied. He know hi right and la III
position to demand them. Hi xaoney
gives him that power.
independence Is the open doorway
to happiness. Only th possession Of
noney or of things worth money can
rive independence. Ther 1 only oa
legitimate way to get money. Earn It
and aave It All th capital la the
world today wa first earned and then
You everyman and everywomna
ran be ladependeat. lack wk r
nonth take so much out of your wag
ar salary envelop and tnvst in Thrift
and War Saving 8tamp. Lv
what la left. Meanwhile the meay
put Into th govsrnmaat aeenriU
go to work oaralnf Pr cttt inter
est compounded quarterly.
Make them tay "H' got SaT
whan ran go by.