The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 14, 1919, Image 2

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CLARK KOOD, Publlihtr
MRS. M. OOODWIN. Aiitat tailor
mr-t- J
Six Month
Three Month , 0 60
ritlDlT. MOV. !-' ti
tsttitd t lh peitollic 1 '!. Ortge
.iiecond ti lesllmstUr.
Regular, per Inch per insertion 15c
Transient. per inch per insertion 20c
Locals, per line per Insertion 10c
We would advocate summary sus
pension of Red activities and inci
dentally of the Reds.
A freezing nation isn't apt to be
especially regardful of the coal min
ers' right to strike.
, It would perhaps be an illuminat
ing experience or both if the work
ingman and the employer would ex
change places for a period long
enough for each to learn that neither
has a sinecure.
. Correspondents draw a doleful pic
ture of conditions in Germany, which
distressed and distressing country is
learning a lesson far different from
the one drilled into it for years by its
war-mad leaders.
About the only satisfaction gained
from these days of profiteer leech
ing is the knowledge that a hundred
years hence we "will not be worrying
about it
- "Laugh and grow fat" is comfort
ing old adage, but in these troublous
times it is sometimes difficult to do
What is known as the "white-collar
man" is getting all the worst of
it from old H. C. of L., and the over
all brigade includes the real aristo
crats in the great centers of industry
according to recent statistics. The
drivers of bread wagons are said to
draw pay at the rate of $5000 a year
in the big cities or as much as the
employing bakers have any prospect
of earning in profits. Some workers
in the metal industries draw down
from $30 to $120 a week even in
these times of piping peace; while the
bank- clerk, the preacher, teacher,
writer and general highbrow worker
has hard time getting by on his fa-.-from
sufficient stipend. His only ad
vantage lies in the fact that he draws
salary instead of wages and holds a
I Standard Theatre
Saturday, November 22
fe . . 13
I n I
""MB I Q n rj 1
q -iV zfA SK : I
3 - 4' V "'s 1 B
B V- , p
It rhll
H I ' "if V B C
iw'iV 92:4 I
IK 'mW'"' a
- - '" " ' $
I -J Aurora Mardiganian, herselF
I ... and a companion e
3 .- ftj in 'Auction of Souls"
fjTlie true Story zf Blighted Armenia 1
7:30 TWO SHOWS 9:30 ji
M Admission 45c, Tax 5c, Total 50c. Children under 16 N
Hyea'jfs'of age not admitted to witness this production
1 T-&r.7IT 1
?f. -
"position" that command respect,
although at the same time compelling
him to maintain the inevitable and
quite exacting "front." Even tho
Umatilla county farmer with sec
tion or ao of land makes but little if
any more clear money than some of
the best paid urban workingmen- -and
the latter have neither invest
ment nor responsibility. In thesu
restless and unsettled times there is
one fact that stands out clearly; and
that is, the workingman in general
is getting all the best of it. The
striking laborer is assuredly "cutting
off his nose to spite hi face."
The fortieth birthday of the incan
descent light bulb has just been cele
brated. On the 21st day of October,
1870, Thomas A. Edison annou iceJ
thut he had ierfected an incandescent
thoritiea declare that the use of elec
tricity for lighting is yet only in the
bulb that would really "light." Au
first stages of development.
Once the United States constitution
was attacked with the same bitter
ness as is now the League of Nations
covenant; but the constitution sur
vived to bind together into a com
pact and powerful whole a miscellan
eous collection of jealous and sus
picious states, each mindful of its
sovereignty. Imperfections in the
covenant should be left by the Unit
ed States Senate, wo think, to the
competent hand of that great ad
juster, Time, and to the leagne gov
ernment. This covenant is the prod
uct of months of deliberation on the
part of representatives of the five
greater victorious powers; and the
senate's yammering reminds us of a
meddlesome tinker attempting to re
adjust the engines of a superdread
nought. Either we will have a
League of Nations along lines iden
tical or very similar to the articles
adopted at Versailles, or the most
promising movement ever known in
the direction of world peace will hao
been thwarted by peanut politics on
this side of the water.
Umatilla county has grown enor
mously in wealth in the past two de
cades, but to an extent hardly ip; e
ciable in population. The reason lies
of coudse in the economic hv which
decrees that wheat is grown more
profitably on an extensive scale. Yet
inevitably we will some day have real
and not sporadic and casual diversi
fied farming in this rich coir.ty; then
old Umatilla will have more than one
good string to its bow and wiil grow
enormously both in wealth and popu
lation. Even now a leaf might be
taken from the book of til's Fuirneld
district, Whitman county, WaahinR-
ton, which produced a million dollar'
worth -of pea tht year. The pea
crop is largely "velvet," a it ia the
third crop on wheat ground that
would otherwise lie fallow. The acre
age sown waa twenty thousand
and a million dollars from twenty
thousand acres is enough to make
even a bonania Umatilla county
wheat farmer sit up and take notice.
The Dalles claims poet of distinc
tion among its citisena. II. L. Da
vis, a bank clerk of that city, has been
awarded the I-evinson prise of $-00
for group of poems entitled 'Trim
apara. " This prise was founded in
1913 by Salmon O. l-cvinson of Chi
cago, and previous award have been
made to Edgar Lee Masters, Whel
Lindsay, Carl Sandburg and John
Curtis Underwood,
We admire the altruism of Whit
man College in its campaign for the
general uplift and enlightenment of
the small towns In its territory. Vet
we fear there may be breakers ar.ead
for this well known and well mean
ing institution. Not a few snail
towns may neither desiro nor invito
uplifting, for the same reason that a
hardshell turtle may not yearn for
ribbed wing and a Liberty motor In
order to soar like a bloom in' biplane.
The influence of habit and environ
ment is sometimes greater than the
elevating force of inspiration; and
it is difficult to overcome deep-rooted
prejudice against any kind of
change. At the same time, the task
of Whitman College will be far easi
er now than it would have been a
decade or o ago. We wish it well
and would by no means discourage
its helpful spirit.
An outline of the Whitman plan is
below Riven by the college press agent:
The studvuta of Whitman College
In tho department of Political Science
will make a study of the Small Town
and 1U Importance. In Wsshlnirton,
Oregon and Idaho there are thrae
hundred and ninety-two Incorporated
towns with from 100 to 2S00 people.
Questionnaires will be sent to the
mayors of all these small towns which
have special promblva distinct from
those of the city and country. Alto
gether, these smnll towns have J,15
Inhabitants, more than were In 1110
In either Seattle or Portland. At the
same time there were nearly 10.000
mall towns In the United States, hav.
Ing a totul population of about t.OOO,.
Ooo. Although theso . 000.000 sturdy
Americans are as virtuous and Indus
trous as any citizens they have been
an a class almost entirely neglected.
They comprise a cltlienshlp as larg
as that of all the Pacific and moun
tain ntates together. plu the Dukota
and Nebraska. Greater New York has
about half as uiany. nnd Chicago
about a third of the population ot
these humble little towns. Thousands
of vnlumos have been written on the
multlfurious activities and problems
of the cities nnd the farms, but the
unpretentious village denlsen has gons
unsung and almost tinhonored. The
problems of the small town will be
stuilleit l.y Whitman College thla year,
and with the cooperation of the
mayors and townspeople It Is hoped
to do much for the thousands of vil
lage cltlrenB of the North coast.
The unspeakable outrage at Cen
tralia by which four service men lost
their lives shows to what lenirth tho
dastardly traitors in this country arc
willing to go. And all Reds, Bol
sheviki, I. W. W.'s antl creature of
whatever ilk whose pestilent hands
are raised against organized govern
ment, will be shown to what extent
the loyal people of this country are
willing to go to protect society. Es
pecially are they apt to get short
shrift from tho American Legion.
November 10 to 15 marks Children's
Book week, a national observance of
interest to parents, teachcre, librari
ans and all children everywhere. It
means progressive booksellers and
librarians throughout the United
States are featuring the best in chil
dren' books this week.
And now to knock the prop from
under the Red propaganda.
The newest food product I canned
shark. Rut what a large con It must
Munich has martlul law about as
often as a lot of us hove a touch of
The tireless honeybee might buzz In
now with a load and relieve the short
age of sweets. '
Mexican culture 1 sweeping the
world. Cafeterias are being opened
even In Europe.
America ought to produce greot
deal more of everything except discon
tent and discord.
Then arise the question as to who
Is rich enough to buy food to speculate
with at present prices,
As was to lie expected, the coffe
men-limits are finding plenty (
grounds for boosting prices.
While the dollar can purchase only
half a much as formerly, It maneges
to make twice as much noise.
. J
))) )
Mr. Areta Clinton attended the
Adah Losh Hose production of Mad
am Huttorfly at High School auditor
ium in Walla Walla.
Forest Zerba, proprietor of the Zer
ba Garage, has been taking treatment
at Walla Wala for rheumatism. He
ia improving in health.
Her many frlenda will lie pleased to
learn that Mis Zola Keen, who was
seriously ill for a time, ha nearly ro
gained her former health.
Lloyd Gilli. a former Athena boy,
now of Washtucna, Wash., was a
prominent figure in the Pullman and
Oregon football game. He played
on the Pullman team.
Charles William has moved hi
family in from the farm south of
town to send his children to school.
They occupy the homo of Mr. Min
nie DvPeatt on Adam street.
Mr. Hugh Mclntyre ha been in
hospital at Walla Walla this week,
having undergone an operation for
throat and lung trouble. Shi Is re
covering nicely, her friend are glad
to learn.
Watt Brothers completed seeding
their fall acreage and others are wait
ing for a day or two of favorable
weather condition to compU-to this
work. A number of farmers have
done some plowing, the soil turning
Miss Velma King, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Y. King of St. An
thony, was recently married in that
city to Mr. Arthur Anderson. The
bride wa formerly a school girl of
Athena, where she lived with her pa
rents in her childhood.
Mrs. W. K. Wall is enjoying a visit
from her istcr, Mrs. O. V. McBride
of Bloomingtott, Illinois. Mrs. Mc
Bride has been west for some timo
and has also visited her sisters, Mrs.
Thco Danner of Milton and Mrs.
Charlc Dudley of Pendleton.
Mr. and. Mr. B D. Tharp have
gono to Central Ore?o.t. being called
by the death of Mr. Thatp'a sister-in-law.
They may n main for some
time to attend to bt. sines matter,
the deceased being widow and leav
ing three young sons orptums.
Ralph McEwen and Homer Walts
returned Monday from Portland, after
witnessing there the football bauic
betwen University of Oregon a-i I t'-.e
Washington State College. 1 he game
went wTong-sidc-out for the boy. Lot
they enjoyed the scrimmage neverthe
less. Orel McPherrin, driver of the
auto stage to Pendleton, is in Spok
ane this week and will consult a sur
geon about his injured arm. He is
accompanied by Mr. McPherrin,
and will visit relatives there. The
stage run is being taken care of by
Kay O'llara of Weston.
Mr. Will Wyrijl of Pendleton
was a guest Wednesday of Mrs.
Omar Stephens. Although ivit n
teacher, Mrs. Wyrick is nn enthusi
astic school worker and mine here in
the interests of the Parctit-TenchcrV
Circle which it is proposed to organ
ize in Athena.
The plans for the Library boll on
the night before Thanksgiving are
taking form under the direction of
the ladies of the board and promise
to attract a argc as.cmlluge at the
opera house on that evening. Tho
hall will be appropriately decorated
and themusic of the best, assuring
a grand success.
That W. E. Dobson must submit to
a triple operation, is new received in
a letter received from Mr. Dobson.
The patient was examined under the
X-ray in The Dalle by Dr. A. B.
Stone and the trouble was located
with the above conclusion. Stomach
and kidney trouble will necessitate
the operation. Mrs. Dobson will ar
rive home tomorrow to resume her
school duties.
The banquet and entertainment
given in their castle hall Friday ev
ening by the local Pythians was one
of the most brilliant in the history
of Pythian Lodge and is an auspi
cious opening of the social season,
readings was given, and the feast
A splendid program of music and
served by worthy Knights was one
long to be remembered. The spac
ious hall was comfortably filled witb
well pleased guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kick are
showing with commendnMe pride a
splendid present made them by Mr.
Severcnce of Alaska, n tho livin;
room at their home is spread a nmm
tnoth rug, 7x9 1-2 feet in dimension,
made from the pelt of an Alusknn
brown bear, killed by Mr. Severence.
.That the bear was a nionstor in size
is attested by the size of the head
which Is mounted on the rug, it be
ing exactly 24 inches- brond.
The second meeting of the Athena
"Civic Club will be held November 18
at the school auditorium and a short
program of Roll Call, paper by Mrs.
C. H. Smith and music ha been ar-
(Utah's Famous' Product)
(Fir and Tamarack)
Your orders promptly lillotl nt right prices.
Phone Nos. 1)3 and 272.
rnngvd by the committee, in con-m-ction
with regular business, re
ports of committees, etc.
A iiievliiik' will be held at the Park
er bather shop Monday evening next
at seven -fifteen o'clock for the pur
poso of organising a local branch of
the American Legion. The mviiiU-r-ship
roll will include service men of
Athena, Weston and Adams, and all
are invited and 1-euuei.tcd to attend
this meeting.
Tom tltlkey, Jim I'K-venger. Herl
Anderson and Millard Kelly returned
last evening from Kly creek in t'n
ion county, where they had been
hunting for several weks. On their
arrival they hung up seven bucks,
tho trophies of their hunt. Each
member of the party cured hi
limit of two bucks, two of which
were fine specimen.
The fiirnii mill imo'liiiltli-K tiro ex
pected to f'.w all ill" argument
din-fully, hut not t" l-t tliciii Interfere
with the duly of llret Inipuriaiuv
It Is Interfiling l know In these
strenuous times Unit tlimi-lng l In be
reformed. Tl times tlii-unelves lutvo
been Jazzing so that It Is small won
der the public Is wearied of the puce.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Hilda I-ovb. PlnintilT, vs. William II.
I.ove, Defendant.
To William II. Ive, defendant alve
In tub Name or Tin: Statb or On
HOON, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint of the
plniutilT tiled against you in the above
entitled court and cnuse within six
week of the dnto of tho llrst publica
tion of this summons, to-wit, on or be
fore Saturday tho iSJth day of Novem
ber. PJltf; and you will take notice that
if you fail to appear nnd answer said
complaint or otherwise plead thereto
within said time the plaintitr for want
thereof will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in snld complaint,
namely for a decree of the Court die
solving the IhhkIs of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plain
tilT and defendant and for other equita
ble relief. This summon is published
pursuant loan order made by the Hon
orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the
above entitled Court, on tho 1.1th day
of October. lt19. The first publication
of this summon will be made in the
Weston Leader, published at Weston,
Umatilla Counly, Oregon, on the 17th
day of October, 1919. and tho Inst pub
lication will be made on Friday the
28lh day of November, 1919. It will
be published for six consecutive weeks.
Dated this the J.rth day of October,
1919. Petehhon. Bishop & Ci.abk,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and postolnce address,
Pendleton, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Claude Linn Lloyd, Plaintiff, vs. Shir
ley M. Lloyd, Defendant.
To Shirley M. Lloyd, defendant above
In tub Name of the State op Or
egon, You are horeby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
plaintitf filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause within six
weeks of tho dote of the first publica
tion of this summons, to-wit, on or be
fore Saturday the SHRn day of Novem
ber, 1919; and you will take notice thut
if you fall to appear and answer said
complaint or otherwise plead thereto
within said time, tho plaintiff for want
thereof will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint,
namely for a decrco of tho Court dissolving-the
bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for other equit
able relief.
This summons is published pursuaut
to an order mado by tho Honorable
Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the above
entitled court, on the loth day of Octo
ber, 1919. The lirst publication of this
summons will bo mado in tho Weston
Leader, published at Weston, Umatilla
County, Oregon, on tho 17th day of
October, 1919, and tho last publication
will be made on Friday the 2Mth day of
November, 1919. It will be published
for six consecutive weeks.
Dated this the 15th day of October,
A. D. 1919.
Peterson, Disiior & Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and poatohVe address,
Pendleton, Oregon.
l "...J
Notice to Creditors
In the fount v Court of tho State of
Oregon fr fmallll County.
In tho Mallei" of tho Ette of Malcolm
Mi-PoimUl, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to nil P""-'"
whom it nmy concrn that V III M. re
tron lis been wmMihited adminis
trator with tho will annexed of the
estate of Malcolm McDonald, De
rensml. All heinous having claim
sgnicst the estate are required tc pre
sent thvnt with proper voucher to the
said administrator nl hi lW olllce In
the Smith frawfonl Building at Pen
dleton. Oregon, within six month of
the dnto of the llrst publication of this
Dated this 24ih dsy of October. 1919.
Wll.t. M. I'KTRltaoN
Administrator with the Will Annexed
of the Estate of Malcolm
McDonald. Deccsscd.
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital nt corner of Main
and llrond HtrootA.
t Phone Main 263
1 1 ml.- murks "! um.w4 r
J,.,w, M-Salt IIAftOM smllwsrt
MPtirmuHKr, I iwrm.
)im. iMr fiw fau,kM l.-II h", ! t In!
tk.i.t ovsisr W rtt ItatU.
Got an overcoat from us
with the NEW 'CONOMY
MUFFLEU-a unique idea
in tailoring that has taken
t the country by storm.
i R. L. Reynaud
(Telephone 83)
Dr.N.P. Bennet
Dentistry ,
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building:
Weston, Oregon
Liberty Bonds I
An absolutely safe invest
niunt. If you huvo money to in
vest, buy Liberty lionds from u.
If you sell Liberty lionds, sell
to us.
We buy and sell Liberty Ponrl.
Any denomination $50 $100
$&O0-1000. i,
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Washington
"1"" , " "
-,f)3 Si-venlh St., Washington. D. C.JO
illy lira ii j
: Your Overcoat j
j Collar? i