The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 14, 1919, Image 1

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    Weston ? Leader
Principal Evintt of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mitlon of Our Readers.
It will coat 11.171,000 to operate (he
Portland public tchoola during th.
Bernard A. Nathmao. resident of
Oerval for mora than 40 yeara. died
tbera at tha age of 74.
C.aetructltia f a 115.000 plant by
tha Concrete pip company of Tort
land haa alerted a tlend.
Tha 20,000 road bond latua alec
tloa held In Crook county met with
alatoet unanlmoua favor.
Tha Weetern Walnut association
will hold Ita annual meeting at Port
laad Kovambar II and II.
Action haa been taken by. the Bap
tlata of McMlnnvlll to erect a new
church building tha coming year.
Mr. Nenoy Emily Tharp, on of tha
eldaat and beat-known resident of
folk county, died at Corvallla, aged
Smtlt frnrln. pioneer dentut of
Oregon, died suddenly In Salem at the
home of hla eon. Ellla Purvlna, at the
age of to year.
At atomlag special elecUon In Roe-
burg a bond Issue of probably 1500.000
win be voted on tor a municipal ugni
and water plant
Tha Springer ranch, thro raltee ,cr,ury 0f stste for the past n liT nl membership
above Larson Inlet. In Cooa county. ,sht yMrii h. announced hlmwlf aa ,0 l'. 85 l- Viv dm-
waa destroyed by a great landslide , c,ndldate for the republican notnlna- crate-Senator. Reed (Ml.wurl). Oore
during the recent rata. Uon lor ocrelry of state at the neat (Oklahoma). Smith (Georgia). Walsh
While wading la Thomaa creek, near primary election In May. 1920. (Ma.aachusotts) and Chamberlain
Tboma. Arthur, lyearld aon of AU record for cattle ahlpmenta (Oregon l-voted In the affirmative.
Qulntla Underwood, got beyond hla from the Rogue river valley have been hH 8-ntor Shlolda democrat (Ten
depth and waa drowned. broken thla year, from the Apple- ' P' or of the
Douglaa Laren of Cove haa been (te district alone 1000 cattle have reaervatlon.
convicted and fined 1100 for refusing been .hipped to Portland tiila fall. The reservation. flr.t of 14 proposed
to help fight a foreat fir In the Grand which bring, a cash return to the cat- "" out a pro-
Rond dlatrlct laat aumm.r. tlemen of approalmately 1100.000. " hln u 'P0,"n h"
r hr..M l. imm It. H. Stle n.n.'. rn tm min.1 bMa pledged to a safe majority
gert of Bend haa received from the
,ii. ,a a.
fens a British military medal of silver,
Dka.n fmm lUltllt ere the
heaviest on record. Two hundred and
ality four carloada already have been
aent oat and IS more car are con-
Two winter short courae. dairy
manufacture and tractor operation,
will be offered this year by the Ore-
gon Agricultural college achool of agrl-
Governor OJeot la urged to call
slate meetlna ! auaiest remedies for
tha high coat of living, In reaolutlona
adopted by the Yamhill county Po-
mon sranae
mona grange.
inn . ncklnc record were broken
.tTood l Pear. 8..,,
man. who packed 140 boxea of fruit
on the E. E.P U.e In four hour,
ana m niinu..s,
rarmera weat of Eugene ara signing
n a ... ).. of their lands for a
oil and gaa lease of their lanna ror a
term of three yeara. for which they
ar. to 1100. About 6000 acre.
. m
. .
nave oeen leasen.
A total of 13.114.J79 acrea la em-
braced In feder.i foreat r.aorve. in
Oregon, on which th. .Ut. dr.wa for
apportionment to th. countl.a In th.
reserve, iiimolt..
ueorge i, uenaon, game wr0u,
haa been Informed that no permlta will
be given thla aeaaon for trapping on
th. Lake Malheur bird reaorve. owing
to low water and acarclty of feed.
Th. rmw .::tamtte Paoer com-
paay haa announced that a new mill ahlpped to Oklahoma, wher. a new fntiier burst Into loud, mnnlucnl laugh
will b. .reeled Immediately at Weat railroad la being built In on. of th. ter.
. . , L ... I A . All H 1 tf If t
Linn, wniso win pru'iu. iuiuu.vm. -
for about 200 more men continuously.
Happner la reeling me eiieci. 01 mo
coal .trlk.. th. .hortag. of fuel hav
. .. . .
ing forced H.ppner wgm vv.r
company to cut Ha light and power
arvlc. from 24 hour, a day to .Ight.
held on th. Pacific coa.t will b. .t.gcd
during tha annual .xhlbltion of th.
Sic international Llve.tock ...o-
elation at North PortUnd. November
"Helton farmer, hav. petitioned
th. county court for authority to form
th. Hermlaton IrrigaUon dlatrtet for
Improvement to tneir tanaa. An eioo-
tlon to vol. on the will b.
h.M is
held December IS. ...
Only on. of th. 461 acc dent. i re-
ported to th. .tat. Indu.trl.l accident
comml..lon during tb. week ending
November we. fatal. Th fatality
K ofIV. a"" '
mi,., .outh of Bend. hav. completed
which, a now proposed, will in.-iui
a.ipr' iin('ly 44,000 term.
Ti" ti ! run inn of a railroad ltij
mlle.i l iik frmn Mi ilf rl In a point In
tha vicinity or Kuroka. Cel., It the
avowed purpoM of the Moil ford Coast
Railroad company, which recently
filed ni-tlde of Incorporation.
A. ('. Allen of Med ford, former atate
horticultural commissioner, annouiirea
nil Intention of tenting, the eonstltu
llonallty of the Oregon vehicle law
providing for the taxing of automo
bile (or g od roada maintenance.
The 147.000, reinforced concr.t.
bridge across Rogue river at Rock
I'olnt, three mile below Gold Hill,
under conduction Jointly by tha high
way commission and Jckon county,
I nearly SO per cent completed.
Tboniai Cunimlng, engluner; N.
Ileltner, fireman, and Fred Sherman,
timber feller, were erlouly Injured
when a donkey angina In togging oper
ation of tha Willamette Valley Lum
ber company, above Ulaok Rock, ex
ploded. A summary of the activities of the
aoldlera' and aallor' commission of
the slat of Oregon alnce that body
wa created by tha last legislature
how that a total of 119.521 4 lie
been expended In tha Intoreat of for
mer service men.
There will be no mora traveling
Mrn,Ti, corowmi,, Medford If the
city council can help It. At Uie
... .... .... ...... .
"""" ,...... -
wfte iucb MrnW,u wnicn ( t.
MrlwI prghlbltlve,
8am A Kol,r d(,pul, c.ry of
undnr nen w. oicott. who haa
covered M.715 mllee and located 12S
., ... ... .,. ,...
the foreat fire aeaaon thla summer, ac-
Atln. . n a Mn.r4 tA with Pnlti...!
,. II. Arnold, head of the air aervlce In
the western department of tha army.
Two airplane were used.
At a special election In Warrenton,
ISOO.000 of municipal bond. In two
aeparale block, were authorlaed for
ealenlve Improvement of the har-
bor and the purcbaae of 100 acrca of
1nJ bordering on the Sklpanon and
Columbia rlvera within the city limit
for the erection of docka and plera.
The Silver Lake Irrigation district
haa filed an application with the irrl-
gallon aecurttlea commission, request-
,.,,,. ini-rest
ng the state to guarantee interest
1300.000 In bond, of the dlslct
for a term of five year. Thla Irrlga-
t.on I. located at Silver lak.
and covers approximately S000 acres.
- . -
Coyote, aro doing moro damage m
Oregon at the preaent t me than tor
" " .;.., t0 D. w -
many yeara. according to Dr. w. .
Lytle. .Ut. veterinarian. Becau.e of
th. aarlmia l.u.A. r..llltllliT rrnitl 111
.,.. , -nimm. the stste
actlvltlea of theae anlmala the slat.
now ha. .even experienced hunter.
In th. timbered districts, each of
in. .nrinn. iim.A. reauiuiifcT rrom iua
wnoin araw. '"9'-
" -Xl ":rZ
... -......... .--
west la an order Juat received by the
Valley Tie and Lumber company.
wholesale and manufacturers of lum-
bor, with headquartora in fcuKene, ior
250 carloada of Douglaa fir Ilea to be
The newly-constructed concrete dam
,. 'a,.,.,.-
u. - ,
home, near th. mouth of Lake creek.
.ulu n..... ur.thn hari .hnllt fin.
" b
(shed and which wa. to have been
u.ed In connection with a large .aw-
mill there, wa. washed out by the high
water. The dam wa. over 100 feet
long and Mr. Warthun had expended
over 17000 upon It
In an attnpt ,
for th. Cty of Ro.eburg ha. ordered
a considerable quantity of government
food.tuff. .hipped there, to be placed
on .e v cm.-"
.. ..
by mercantile house., me cur wok.
thla atep experimentally, ana u me
;"" worka aatlsfactorlly larger
Innovation worka " '"rolorU' wrer
quantltle. will b. .hipped In
All countlo. In Oregon which failed
to aend to the .late trea.urer their
P.T interest on the delinquent re-
wni nu t
Blind Man's Duff
Washington. A reservation propo-
,n ,0 aafeiuard tha nation right to
withdraw from memberhlp In tha
league of natlona wa adopted by the
... ,
enaie who every repuuuean senamr
and lx democrat, voting for It or
paired In Ita aupport
The final count waa 50 to 35. and
pair announced for the absenteea
tl'rouRhout the reservation, provides
"The United bute so understands
and construe article 1 that In case of
notice of withdrawal from the league
f "V'T' M .V
the United Statea ahall be the sole
Judge as to whether all Ita internation
al obligation, and all Ita obligations
under the said covenant have been
fulfilled, and notice of withdrawal by
the United Statea Hay be given by a
concurrent resolutpft of the congresa
of the United Statea."
Oeth. Occu r In Honokona,
Shanghai and Manila,
Seattle. Wash. Cholera la causlug
..... , . ,
by U, CM . The e
mnA ,eQ ,,.th. in .-.a1t
- -
Mnv "eatha nave also occurred in
Hongkong and Shanghai. No whitea
, h d d howBVer
,llhn0"" r '
. ...rr..., ....
fhe authorttlea were hopeful of hav-
disease In check when the
n chk when the
.med tor thla coast
nrntlvel ea.y tlme,
when the most conspicuous foreign
aou (he country had to worry
e Ultle FIUl)n0, ARuinaldo.
Ano(hcr ..,, for the high price of
gUoM wlW (0 be tm, failure of the
.,. croll i im(i, hearing which,
,hi-i, hot vet remitted incluuo
which have not yet remiuea inciuae
Benton, Gilliam, Harney, jacKson.
.,,.,,. M.rinn and Polk
Malheur J"J JJ;
SO rapiQiy OBB OB l
So rapidly haa the state highway
commission developed and carried out
JJ Jf ava,lttDl8 up t0
tw. ' c-ssitatea a .low-
J".1' for alx Ir
ng down on new project.
ZT l Z tZ ou!
Uve beyond j time when ne
eral "JJjJj;,,,,
AUyilVnMUll ant 1anl In th AntfllODfi unit
- -
- - -
received by the state deeert land
boar The ,ppllcation atSlg. that all
w- h
c U ,ed "
to" .Tor. .ufflclont water for Irrlga-
jlon of the U th
STb. S2?t Pro't U Lied
Toklo. Tha conciliatory and dignl-
fled nature of Japan a reply to tha
American not of laet September, com-
plaining of lack of cooperation of Jap-
i. ,k. .r ik.
w wy- m VF.w - ....
trane-Blberian railway, la believed here
to have relieved any danger or serious
complication between Japan ana me
United 8tatea over conducting the rail
In effecttae reply ratlflea the ar
rangement reached ht Vladivostok by
Roland 8. Morris, United States am
bassador, and General Ol, commander
of Japanese forces In Eastern Siberia,
and commlta Japan to co-operation In
the future. Under the circumstance
It I considered unlikely here that the
United 8tatea will further pursue the
Corn Yield 2,910,250,OOt Bushel. 89.1
Per Cent
Waahlngton. Crop production ee
timatea Issued by the department of
agriculture In Ita November crop re
port include: Corn, 2,910.250,000 bush
els; buckwheat, 20,120.000; potatoes,
352.025,000; aweet potatoc. 102.946.
000; tobacco, 1.316.553,000 pounds; flag
.eed. 9.450,000 bushels.
Other estimates are:
Pears, 13.62S.000 bushels; apples.
(total). 144.429,000; apptea (commer
cial). 24,416,000; sugar beets. 7,298.000
tons; Kafirs (li Utes), 123.343,000
bushels; clover seed. 967,000 bushels.
Joshua, who made the sun stand
still, niny noon have some near rival
In the persons of men who. It will
have beeu proved, mmle the moon
ahlne. In England a school for husbands
la being agitated. The danger would
be, of course, tlmt with men better
posted there might be fewer husband
to achool.
Those Madrid dnncera, who have
organised a union should rcnlhse that
In case they strike anybody could be a
Sp8nl8h llancor who can get a set of
The extensive ndvertlslng of the
hiKh cost of living Uoea uot prevent a
number of nations from desiring to
turn their affairs over to Uncle Sam
under a mandatory arrangement
The National Association of Wast.
Material Dealer estimates that Amerl-
Cana throw away J700.000.000 worth of
foo(J ,f on)y oM ounM Qf
food la wasted or .polled In each of the
20.000.000 homea of America, the total
loa. I. 1,300.000 pound, a day. A. much
co 1. wasted annually a. all the mine.
.country could produce In-two
,t and .vlng needed not
S'e'dlvld dS
bmmM 0, pr0.
ductlon and consequent fall In price of
hn Ht,,.lA.l 41r.nn. I. a
. . . . ..
eaa an obstacle to tn. reduction or i.v-
j" n m.u uuuuu iuicucm. mai
re ,in,ons ot doura Idle In the
United State, through lack of proper
wh,ch shou,d m
put t0 work would constitute th. new
0sew,vJwt.y food val-
Nation-Wide Raid on Radicals
Wnsblngton. In a general warfare
on radical alien advocating forcible
overthrow of the government, agent
of the department of Justice, alted
by the Immigration bureaa, rounded
op nearly (00 men and women In raid
In more than a ecore of clll, includ
ing the capital.
Primarily the raid, which occurred
In practically every industrial center
In the eat and middle weat were aim
ed at the Union of Rulan Worker.
' Attorney-General Paimor described
the Russian union aa "even more rad
ical than the bolahevlkl," and declared
Ita purpose wa to amalgamate all of
tha Russian group In the United
Statea Into one organization. Mass
action. Including armed action in time
of "great national strife" la the prin
cipal function, he said.
Plan of the Union of Russian Work
era to bring about an overthrow of the
government through a general atrika
waa revealed in document Belied In
the nation-wide raids.
With the government overthrown
and everything "wiped from the earth
that la a reminder of the right to pri
vate ownership of property," the Rus
sian workers, according to their mani
festo, looked forward "to the magnif
icent, beautiful form of man without a
God, without a master and free of
Edward Cooklngham. Oregon War
Loan Chairman, who aende Armistice
Day greetinga through local Liberty
Loan Committee.
Permit me to extend greet-
logs to yourself and your citl-
sens, and to join with you in
a the celebration of the first an-
niversary of that day destined
to become memorable in hla-
tory, which commemorates the
glorious victory of our country
and Us allies In the great world
t) war. I again congratulate the
people ot your community upon
the overwhelming success which
they achieved in the several
Liberty Loan campaign. The
record, of your district la a last-
ing monument to their Belt-
sacrifice, and will be an tnsplra-
' tlon to Americana whenever
their country again stands In
: peril.
On thla occasion ahall we not
pledge anew our lives and for-
tunes to our country and ita in-
4 Btitutlona and resolve to bear
4 our obligations of citizenship
today with the same serious
and highminded enterprise that
was shown in the dark days of
the war? Let us not give lees
' freely to our country now In the
face of domestic peril than we
gave when It confronted foreign
On thla anniversary we cele-
brate the fulfillment by our sol-
dlera and Bailors of their obll-
gallons, but our citlten army Is
not yet discharged. It haa aa-
aumed obligation, which must
be paid In full. '
Your record during the war 1b
undoubted' assurance of quick
response to every call of your
country for financial support.
t 1 tm sure It is only necessary
to remind your citixens of the
deficit in Oregon a War Savings
quota to make certain its
prompt subscription. Oregon
haa never failed.
Director War Loan Organixa-
tlon tor Oregon.
A trade Journal reports that under
wear will be one-third higher next Bum
mer. Georgettlcally speaking, it could
not be expected to go any lower.
It Is said the ex-emperor of Austria
wants a home in England. The royal
fugitives are getting rather too un
popular lu the small neutral nation.
'J V " ' "s-A"'r .' -'
'it , ' :
" ; g f - ' '.-X.
Y ;
Local Secretary of I. W. If.
Lynched by Centralla Mob.
After the Shooting.
Centra!!, Wash. Tor foraer rv
1c men (lain beoaua of their activity
la opposing L W. W. propaganda:
eecratary of th. "red" organisation
lynched; aoldlera guarding tb. eity t
prevent a renewal of th. rloilng tal
la th. I mined late remit of the attack
on th. armlatic day parade.
" On of th. victims of tha dragnet,
Barnes Lamb, an L W. W. follower, haa
confessed that th. (hooting of tb f ea
rner soldier had been plana. lav
Dead and Wounded.
Th. dead are: , . .
Warren Orlmm, Uaivriry of Wash
ington football star, lieutenant In tajs
Siberian expeditionary fore, ot tka
American army and commander t
Grant Hodg. poet of th. Anuria)
Legion. . ;
Dal Hubbard. 2 year old. waa af
R. P. Hubbard of thla city and a vet
ran of It month. in Franc.
Arthur McElfrMb, manager ot Pr4
more V Sear pharmacy, wa an eretv
seas veteran. - -
Ben Casagranda, 27 year old, aa .
oversea veteran.
Th. wounded are: . ,
Earl Watt, condition eertoua. .
Eugen. Phi tier, Chehalla, over
veteran, allghtly wounded.
William Coleman, ex-oldler, (light
ly wounded. - .- v
Company F, Third regiment Nation
al Guard of Waahlngton, arrived her
early Wedneaday from Taooma, a ad
went on patrol duty In many part of '
th city. , . .
The firing started when th para,
proceeding down Tower aveaa. Cr
tralla'a main street Passed th corner
ot Second avanu. where the I ff. W
haU Is located.
Nineteen Placed Under Arrest
About nineteen alleged radicals wer
arrested, whit, their hall was wreck,
having been raided by a mob after
the shooting. ' ,
The crowd ripped out the front t
th balding and mad. a bonfire of th
furniture and paper found. . - T
Among the men In Jail was Elmer
Smith, Centralla, attorney for th. 1
W. W. Smith waa arrested In his of
fice by W. H. Grayum, principal ot th
high school. 3
All night long the Jailed radicala
paced their cells, Jallera aald. fearful
of the lynch law that waa applied la
the case ot their secretary. Former
soldiers stood on duty outside th. Jatt
throughout th. night Lamb. wh
made the alleged confession, was tak
en to th. Chehalla jail Tuesday.
Lynched Man Shot Hubbard. 4
. Brltt or "Brick" Smith, secretary of
the I. W. W.. waa, according to observ
ers, th. man who ahot Dal. Hubbard
after Hubbard and several other f ea
rner soldiers had chased Smith lnt
a river bed near her. . Smith was
taken from the Jail when all th. light ,
ot th. town .udd.nly mapped ui at
7:30 o'clock Tueaday night In aa a
tomobile without lights and ertt
by several' other dark machlnea, hw
was taken to a bridge on th. edg. of '
town on th. road to Chehalla.
Palmer Saya Law Will Be enforced, t
Washington. Warning waa given
the United Mine Worker of America
by Attorney-General Palmer that re
lutlon ot conventions and order ol
officers ot organisation are not abovt
th. law. Describing th. strike as a
violation ot the federal statute, Mr
Palmer, speaking with full authority
ot th. government announced that alt
th. power ot th. United Statea would,
be exerted to enforce th. mandate.
Victor Brgr la Unaaated.
Washington. Victor L. Berger, M1K
waukee aoclallat was denied his seal
in th house by an overwhelming vole
th. house holding h. waa Ineligible for
membership because ot his open op
position to th. war with Germany. Th
vote to unseat Berger waa 309 to JU
Representative Volght. republican,
Wisconsin, being the only member as)
support (he Wisconsin socialiit
Terrific Blizzard Hlta Middle W
Chicago. A severe atom) sweji.
over the north and mtddl centrr
atates Monday.' Train were dlap;i
from four to 12 hoar. Snow was I
high on the track running &rV4
Nebraska, ani Colorado. .- --- -