The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 31, 1919, Image 1

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WESTON, OREGON, Fill DAY, OCT. 31, 1919
Membership Rather Than Mon
ey It Asked to Complete
War Relief.
Red Cross Chapters, branches and
auxiliaries In Ilia Northwestern !)!
Itlon, comprising Alsaka. Idaho. Ore
fun and WeahlngUin. will partU'leaid
In the Tllllll) HKI) CIIOH8 HULL,
CAM. November 1 to November II,
Armltllr Pay. The American Itcd
Croaa, the groalnat relief organliallon
In recorded hlatory, the "mobilised
heart art Ion nf I ha American people,"
III engage In do mora "drives" fur
huge auuia for war relli-f, but will
continue I'a annual roll call, which la
(Imply tha occasion on which tba
Amnrlran people express their boiler
In Iba Idnala and work of lha l(d
Croaa by enrolling aa members. "All
you need la a heart and a dollar."
For lira reaaona, ay tha loadre of
lha Red Crow. Ibla T1IIIU) RED
CROSS ROLL CALL abould enroll
every loyal an4 publlo eplrlted Amerl
fan cltlieo among lha mllllona of mom
bars of lha orgsuizstlon that served
our boys at home and overseaa, aaved
tha moral of Franca aud Italy In our
aarly daya In tha war, relieved lha
mllllona of refugeea. fed lha starving
babies of Europe, saved whola nailona
from extermination, stood as next
friend lo those famltloa In America
whoaa dear onea wara In lha eervlce,
thraw Ita tremendoua reaourcea Into
tha fight agaloit Influenza, dealt with
great national disasters of flood and
fir, and now tardea on to do Ita part
lo serve America and to make the
war worth having been won.
Theaa flvo reaaona ara:
1. Tha War Taak ef tha Red Croaa la
Not Vet Fully Performed.
To men at III In service, and lo their
families at home, to dlarharged sol
dlera not yet fully adjuited to the
routine of civilian life, lo 30.000 boya
suffering or eonvaleacliig In Military ,
iiiina aiviiixr man tne naaa i our
in hi In a year and a half nf wai :
hiiinlr. ;i i t thouaanila of peoplo U
II pruia of Ufa d!i In the Uull'-d
Hi. lira every year from wholly pre
vriilahle diseases. Thla la nollilng
abort of a dlaaater which la a coiitliu
lug one and will be permanent unl. aa
the people cooperate with one en
uthar to uae the knowledge and wraiih
already In exlatenc lo bring the nu
tlun Into better day. The Red Cros
through Ita mllllona of mumbera com
prlalug every alemeiit In every com
munity, man of them themaelvea vie-
The End of a. Perfect Day
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
The weatern Oregon corn ahow will
be held In Kugena thla ynar.
An agricultural department baa been
. ' : . ? J -
Armlatle Holiday Called by Olcett
Salem, Or. Tueaday, November 11,
tha flrat annlveraary of tba signing of
tha armlatlce, baa been declared le
gal boliday In a proclamation Jaaued
by Oovernor Olcott
Guard Called to Quell Ohio Riot.
Columbua, O. Fire hundred Ohio
national guard troopa were mobilized
at Akron where they were held Is
readlneae for atrlke duty at Canton.
War Task Not Finished-Public
Health Problems Must Be
Solved By Red Cross
Wilson Says Means Will Be
Found for Protection of
Country's Interests.
low enougn down to tie out ot Danger
of being snowed In.
Sawmllla In all section of Lino
Washington. With the declaration
that the Impending coal atrlke la not
nre only unjuatifiable, but alao unlawful.
In a etatement la-
orgahlted at tha Newberg high achool. C0UB(y are unuaually buay and a large
Nina care of bf cattle were ahlp- quantity of lumber and railroad Ilea
ped from Durkoe lo the Kanaaa City ara being ahlpped from many railroad
"rkt polnta in the county.
William Bnayd. Civil war veteran The Hend city council haa approved
and for many yeara a realdent of 8a pani for $133,000 eitenilon of the
Tha American Red Croaa, according
to a etatoment Just laaued from Waah
Ington, D. C, bellevea that Ita flrat
duty la to finlah Ita war taak, one hun
dred per cent Tba Red Croaa muat
alao continue to carry on area more
effectively than in tha paat, Ita aatab
liahed aystem of National and Inter
national relief. In mitigating tba aaf
ferlng cauaed by famine, fire, floods,
and great national calamltlea. It muat
alao render every neceaaary aervtca
to the Army and Navy, and muat con
tinue the work undertaken prior to
the war In the field of nursing and
Flrat Aid.
The reaponaibilitlea of the Red
Croaa are greatly Increaaed aa a result
of the leesona taught by tba war, the
etatement continues. Higher stand
ards of responsibility have been aet
to prevent needlesa suffering and loaa
In orchards in the foothills.
bears have been killed within tha past President Wilson,
month in the Jordan district east of wl,B tbe support of bla entire
Sclo. cabinet, called on the coal miners of
The McKenste pass road over the the nation, both union offlcera and of life. The Red Cross, with its trail-
summit of tbe Cascades la closed to members, to rescind the atrlke order tiona and ita established organization.
traffic and will probably remain closed effective November 1.
until next summer when tha anow Tha president declined to enter Into
the merits of the controversy between
lem. died at Seattle. Mer aystem and ordered engineers' m, n0W( but principal reason for the miners and operators, but empbat-
, ..rmt.n rfi.n cuu.,.y mimhm on grading and aurracing or blocking the road la the construction ,cI,r declared that tbe atrlke, which
have im jnckaoa county MVeral mile, of atreets. work on M8t d. of .ummlt be cbMWterled a. the moat f.r-reach- KorfUii. rtuWttal classes In
J . 7 . w . e.w.n .wvv,wv .n ..uww.wwv v- W'ork which baa been under way tba ,n Proposal in tne nation a niatory to dletetlc8, home caro of the alck. and
Noonday dancing aa a cure for brain ern brook trout egga will be taken pa.t .ummer ,nd early ln the M. reatrlct production and dlstrlbuUon of First Aid, the extension of Red Cross
fag has been adopted by tba etudeute from Elk lake thla winter for the Tu- urgemcnt 0f the Hawley Pulp Pa- nec-warles of life, bad apparenUy been Home Service, an Increaaed Junior
maio natcnery, accoroing to tne piana - p.r company'a plant in Oregon City, ordered without a rote of the Individ- program, and co-operauon in develop-
will aid in maintaining theaa stand
ards by cooperating with all recog
nised agenclea engaged in conserving
human life and happiness. Activities
already authorized Include the en
couragement and support of Public
of Read college at Portland.
Tba flrat livestock ahow undertaken 0f Pearl Lynee. superintendent.
In Deschutes county was put on In On account of HI health. Mayor E.
connection with tha Tunialo fair. v. Jlinman of Dufur resigned bla of-
Klght achool districts In Douglaa flc, at the last regular meeting of the
county are atlli without teachers, ac- city council. Tba office la atlll re
cording to Superintendent Drown.
Herman Roaenberg, a well known
Umatilla county farmer, bought tha
IWl Smith farm of SI00 acres near
F.d Plogg. a realdent of Dallas, dis
cs nt, no one being willing lo accept
tha place.
Inheritance taxea aggregating $211,'
495.10 were received by tbe state,
treasurer during the period from OoV
providing for the accommodation of n' lnra.
all more grinders and water whetla For tnl r80" h Prealdent served
at an expenditure of nearly $150,000. "White notice "that the law will be
is expected to be completed within an- ""forced and the meana will be found
other week. to protect the interests of the nation
Homestead U no longer able to care ,B nr emergency that may arise out
for the people who have been attract- of thl wnhappy business."
ed to tha Snake river mining district. Tb prealdent a autement waa issued
according to word received In Biker, "er bla cabinet had gone over the
The Iron Dyke mine alone la now em- entire a'tuation with Secretary Wilson
tober 1, 1917, to September 80, 1911,1 inV.- ton mon u i. mh.j .a of the labor department whose efforts
appeared October 13. and official and according lo a report prepared by toM; development work in nearby copper to Dr'n miners and operatora together
bla brother In Portland are trying to department. J ,llYM ,nd goId mlnef nM underg0Ba' la negUialtona bad falleJ. ,
i. f 'vi
: l A?
locate him
Ileara and cougara are caualng con- n? vo,a f 130 ls "eppner aa-
alderable losses of young cattle in ill horlied an Issue of JlOO.OtiO water
Dry creek aectlon of tbe SlaUra Ma- n""1 rr e construction of a gravity
tollua range. . water aystem from the headwaters of
A sawmill three tlmea the alio and Wlllt,w reck to the city, a distance of
ranarltv nf the one riantrnvml bv fire about IS 111 I lea.
Mt Naval hospital, the American peo
ple still glva cheer, comfort and sorv
Ica through their Rod Croaa.
In certain portlona of tbo Old World
the American Red Croaa atlll feuds
and clothes tha undarnourfahed and
ragged babies, care for tho aged and
lha Infirm, and assist the people of
these dlsease-rlddou, famlnostrlcken,
war-ravsgod countries to organise
their own resources. Since the sign
ing of the Armistice, this work haa
steadily declined, but It I not by any
means fully completed.
S. The Red Croaa la the Disaster Re
lief Agent of the American People.
The speed and efficiency with which
the Red Cross met emergency . noeds
at Corpus Chris tl Illustrated the value
of nationwide Red Cross organisation.
In case ot dtaaster, whether It be for
est fire tn the Northwest or a great
Mississippi Valley flood, tbe first ef
fective relief will hereafter come from
nearby communities, working through
their Red Cross Chapter.
t. In Caae of Epidemic Local Red
Croaa Organisation la Indlspans-able.
During the- Influonsa epidemic, Red
last July la being erected at Peoria by
Liggett A Austin.
The freshman clans of Willamette
university haa voted to donate a walk
' to the university, and haa appropriat
ed the necessary funds.
One thousand gallons of grape wine,
confiscated from Italian residents,
were poured Into th Columbia river
at St Helena last week.
Preliminary plans are being made
for the Orngun Christian Endeavor
convention which will be hold In Al
bany February 20, 21 and 22.
Seven rural schools In Lane county,
throe ot them Union high schools, sre
closed because the boards ot directors
are unablo to obtain teachers.
Pire, stsrtlng from the explosion of
an oil atovo, completely destroyed the
women'a living quarters at the plant
ot the Dufur Orchard company.
At a special election, Monmouth by
a vote of 20 to 1 went on record In
favor of a gravity water system, vot
ing 960,000 In bonds to pay for It.
Tho application of sulphur to alfalfa
land haa Increased the yield so mate
rially in central Oregon that Umatilla
alfalfa grower are going to try It out.
Judson T. liowman, 75, a veteran of
the Civil war, was instantly killed
when he waa atruck by a Southern Pa
cific passenger train near Grants
Bids for approximately 157 miles of
Tbe army atore at Portland sold
$97,876 worth of goods from the date
of opening September 25, to October
13, ' according to announcement made
by Frank P. Tlngley, In charge of the
Portland district
"Recreation In tbe Southern Cas
cades" Is the title of a fbldcr just
issued by the forest aervlce, contain
ing a wealth of data. Including maps,
regarding the Crater lake region and
'surrounding territory.
Four armed men held up omployea
of the Portland Railway, Light & Pow
er company at an east aide car barn
and escaped with about $300 which
had been turned ln by conductora from
the day'a collection.
Dr. R. Lee Stelner, warden of the
Oregon atate penitentiary, haa return
ed after three weeks apent ln the mid
dle west and east inspecting prisons
and investigating Industries best suit
ed to the Salem Institution.
Half a carload of T. N. T. waa ex
ploded under Windy Point on the Mac
kcmlo Pass highway Friday, lifting
hundreds ot tons of rock. The rock
removed waa 200 feet in length, 30
feet high, and with a minimum width
of 12 foet.
N. O. Favell, of Lakevlew, has filed
application with Percy Cupper, itate
engineer, to appropriate one and one
half second feet of water from Hot
Spring, for the purpose' of supplying
a marked revival.
Clarence Johnson, charged with tbe
murder of Mrs. Eunice W, Freemsn,
elderly W. C. T. U. worker and his
benefactress, pleaded guilty at Port
land, waiving all rights to delay and
was sentenced to life Imprisonment
In the Oregon slate prison at Salem.
Johnson killed Mrs. Freeman August
15, with a piece of gss pipe.
There will be no special session ot
There waa no direct intimation of
what atepa the cabinet bad discussed
to prevent stoppage of work should the
preaident'a aolemn warning to rescind
tbe atrike order fail of result. It waa
regarded aa significant that attention
was drawn in White house ctrclea to
the statement made by Secretary Ba
ker In a recent address ln Cleveland,
when Mr, Baker announced that de
partment commanders bad been direct
ing community health centers.
War time developments have given
every community In tbe United States
a recognized and organized center ot
Red Cross activity through which tbe
people ot that community may, if they
wlab, serve themselves, with, all the
advantages of national leadership, na
tional standards, national and inter
national contacts. It rests with the peo
ple of every community t determine
for themselves just how fully they
have need of a movement which under
the associated Red Croaa Societies is
express the effort of tbe peoples
of the world to free themselves from
needless death and suffering through
neighborly cooperation and service.
the Oregon legislature to ratify Jho ed to furnish troops at the request of
woman's suffrage amendment to the
federal constitution unless the legisla
tors voluntarily request auch a ses
sion, agree to waive mileage and per
diem and pledge themselves to con
alder no legislation other than the
amendment at issue, according to Gov
ernor Olcott
During tbe week ending October 23
there were 480 accidents reported to
the slate Industrial accident commis
sion, of which six were fatalities. The
fatalities were Cbarlea Foltln, Port
land, logger; Lara Hansen, Portland,
construction worker; Gilbert Arm!--tage,
Dallas, electrical engineer; Geo.
R. Sanders, Leons, logger; Isaac M.
Glnrtch, Rainier, logger.
Papera were served on Attorney
General Brown In the suit brought by
tho Bebe Company of San Francisco
to enjoin District Attorney Evans of
Multnomah county and the attorney
general from prosecuting the corpora
tion for sales of Its syrup in Oregon.
The contents ot one can ot syrup man
ufactured by the corporation, when
treated according to directions, Is In
tended to make a quality of beer con
taining 2ft per cent alcohol.
governors without referring to Wash
graveling, grading and surfacing will , hot water to the city of Lakevlew for
be opened at the Portland offlcea of heating purposes.
the atate highway commission on No- Cooperating with the Deschutes na-
vember 4. tlonal forest service, the SIsters Meto
Official Representation by United
States Awaits Senate.
Washington. All allied and neutral
cbuntries listed in the covenant of the
league of nations will be allowed to
vote at the initial labor conference
here this week, if the views ot Arthur
Fontaine of France, chairman, and
other members of the organizing com
mittee now here, are followed.
Tbe United Statea cannot be offi
cially represented at the conference
unless the senate approves the treaty,
regardless ot the election of the con
ference Itself. Samuel Gompers, pres
ident of the American Federation of
Labor, however, was present at a
mooting ot the organizing committee.
The question of seating German. Aus
trian and Finnish delegates must go
before the conference itselt The su
preme council has approved their com
ing, to this country, and it is reported
that an American army transport may
bring them.
Proposed Trtaty Change Deflated
Teacher Urged to Mine.
New York. Male achool teachers ot
Washington. The Johnson amend-
oflmDanv of California liua Livestock association Is working 'thla city were urged to petition for ment to the peace treaty, proposing in
paid lo the secretary of slate a total to eradicate a rank growth of poison leave of absence and "take up the pick effect that tho voting power ot the
of $1176.93 for gasoline and distillate hemlock found along the banks of and shovel" it tne tnreaienea cosi united States in the league m
4 v -.v.'
v - - - -
if" 1
Tbe Shell
Dr. Livingston Farrand, the great
est authority on public health in Amsr-
Cross action and co-operation saved sold in Oregon during the month of Lake creek, between SutUe's lake and miners' strike went into effect As- tions be increased to equal that ot Ca. served ln France as the bead ot
uiree tnousano lives, because the Red Snnumhar the Metollua river. sorting that President Wilson s deciar- jreat Britain and her dominions, waa tne ngnt against tuuercuiutm. . v-
L, II. Llnhnrger, a cattleman, bat W. W. Gardner, mayor of Baker, has atlon waa a "call to duty," Homer n. rejected by the senate, ine voie w.
Croaa was fully organized in every
community In the United States.
Against a possible recurrence of In
fluenza thla winter tnd agalnat a dan
ger of epidemic In the future, con
tinued universal membership In the
Red Cross Is esssntlsl.
4. Red Cross Pssca Program Calls
For Universal Support and Co
operation. The American Red Cross Is still an
emergency organization. It must be
Juat shipped 200 head of cattle from filed with Percy A. Cupper, state en- Gray, president of the association of jg for the amendment and 40 against
glneer, application to appropriate wa- men teacher and principal of New jj. Senator Chamberlain - and Me
ter from the Samo spring for a muni- lYork city, Usued a call for a meeting fjary 0f Oregon voted against the
clpal natatorlum to be located In that next Saturday to consider possible-' amendment while Senators Jones and
city. The development will cost ap- action. POlndetfcr'Ot Washington voted tor It
proximately $75,000. . Although senate leadera hope to ex-
Creawell to Uklah, Cel., where they
will be fed and sold later to buyers
In that state.
In response to a call recently issued
by County Agent Hunt representative
farmers from all parta ot . Morrow
county met at Heppner and organised
a farm bureau.
succeeds Henry P. Davison as bead
of the American Red Cross. Dr. Far
rand recently visited Seattle, Spo
kane and Portland and conferred with
representatives of Red Cros Chap
ter ot Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and
Washington. 'The Red Croa face
problems ln the post-war period more
The government, through Lieuten
ant Terry, recently disposed of the
entire cut of the Warren Spruce com-
iShut Out Middlemen, Object of Labor, pedite the German peace treaty thla serious, if possible, than the problems
Cleveland, Ohio. Cooperative buy- -week by disposal of amendments and of the war itself. Not a great amount
ing. with the elimination of all the by beginning consideration ot reser- of 'JfJ:
K-l., Ik. form nrf tha .lnn. Wh hnliBAl convened MOO- umij iin,j....
Tne rianermen a strme on tne sius- pany s operations in tne xaquina oay mmaiemen oeiweoa m mm uu vauons, uum .,.,. .,, . jaj hin tha
realized that tfiere la Such a thlna as law and Umnnua rivers haa been called district. It ia renorted that the sale home, 'is one ot the big objectives day with decreasing prospects ot ad- , nrnhinma.
continuing uiaasier: suu.uuo babies off. The fishermen are selling their Involved a total of 30.000,000 feet or sought ny tne conrerence oi moor ana journment ot tne specim whlcn threaten our national vitality,
under one year of age die every year
because ot ignorance; thousanda ot
mothers die unnecessarily In child
birth; It la still possible for an epi
demic like the Influonsa to take a toll
within a compass of a. few week five
salmon for the same price aa before,
8,4 centa a pound.
Morrow county waa covered with a
blanket ot anow laat week. Most ot
the sheep are out of the mountains or
spruce logs at a delivered price of $16. farmera in Washington, December 13, November 10. In view ot prospective d .hicn uniegs solved, will rob us
Because of the scarcity of huckle- Thla announcement was made here in delay on the treaty, house leadera dts- of the fruits 0f victory," said Dr. Far
berrlea thla year, bears, which inhabit an addresa by Warren S. Stone, grand ussed plana for a separate recess o( rMa.
the Cascade mountains ln eastern Jchlef of the Brotherhood of Locomo- the lower body without waiting for
Linn county, have been seoklna f q.-3, itive Engineera. ' . the senate. - Butter Wraps at Leader office.