The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 24, 1919, Image 3

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equipped with Electric Self
Starter for immediate delivery
0. A. ADAIilS, Proprietor
S.A C Anniversary
Th. slsth anniversary of th. organ
Isutlon of lh Huturday Aft.rnovn
C tl attractive country horn of Mrs.
J. I laud. Price. October llth. Th.
Ik-served so.t. o ..I. at Frank ch"r,ul low vt ,h' '"""" ,0,,
1'rlce'. ofllc. for WwUinCh.uUu.iu. guest. wi. ih. ..nil. of hoplt.
FmIIvbI, October 26-30. I,ur""f u, """
The social m.cUng. conducts by "'"-' V ""'j V'V0"
Evangelist Banger .tth. Church of ,r,u '50 " -"U. fund,
th. Brethren are maetlng with .ncour- 1,1 U""rd 'urn",h"' rert
aging Interest. A .Inglng .v.ngellst, room- '
Miit. Myers of Portland, conduct, th. Jo.cph Hodgson, Klmer
ong service. Turk.r, N. 1', Ilennett and Robert
Luat-A back comb .tt with brll- '''' mem"
Hants. Finder will kindly return to " " Th. follow.
Mr.. It. C. Baling. ,n I'rorn much nJod:
Mr.." W. E. DrW..II returned I Sun. " S'S oreetlng from
d.y from a week's visit with th. It. C. Vrt. a0. froeh.t.1. Br., first presl-
Fuller family, who ar. nicely located dent of th. club, now r.illnar In
at FreewaUir. Tort land, Oregon.
Under th. .up.rvl.lon of A.h- ""a .S2T
worth, altractlv. Improvement, are Edl,on phonogrph election, "My
being mad. upon th. J. II art William. Aln Countrlo." property. '. Hocla! Affair., Mr. K. M. Smith. annual Kebekah conv.n- ,.K c" "TaT . w V.
., . .I. .... . o , "Urotttoh Chiefs." Mr J. Wurser.
tlon held in thi. city la.t Saturday wa. .... ,
a decidedly euccaaful .vent. Th. , r r"h"U ""V
lodge, .ending delegate. were the, of l " - DeMo"
Helix, Adam., Athena, Freewater, lh ub"'" be,n " wl,h
Pendleton and th. local organization. buwta of dutiful iream and yellow
Th. Initiatory work wu exemplified by toi v" wor ' torou"1'
i . a .-ir i , ...... member, and three ". Mr. Z. C.
Pendleton degree .lff. A moat PI'" .r,ce. Mr.. Mary C. McNee and Mia.
tiling banquet wa. .ervedat fix o clock Anna Lavendar.
by the Weston lodge. The club will meet with Mm. H. A.
Cr.ig Driskell ha. accepted poal- lrne th. afternoon of November let.
tion a. guard at th. Wellington atat.
The llttlo Mn of ISrma liaviilnon
wa. orlod upon title Meek by Dr.
C. II. Hmlth fur theh csclelou of ton
.tie and adenolda.
zi 2 Li ri hi ts trf. tn tfs f,i it rp. rnf rv vsm
Kd Hall waa a vlnltur in 1'cndlelon
A conrrvl. leveling device for the uf fjokneii.
Red Cross Lessons
1 The followinr la an nutlln of the
fifivi'ii chnptcra of the textbook
whk'h ha. been adopted by the Amer
ican lied Croea a. th. bull for th.
couth In Home Hygiene and Car. of
th Hick:
uivh and Prevention
Mash. Bone. Shell and Grit
for your chickens.
for your calves and other baby
stock. Raise them without milk.
Jo Hodgson
leveling of gang plowe a great con
venlence that W.alon ha. hllhii.
been without ha. been Initialled In
hi. blarkeinllh .hop by E. It. Hall.
Charle. t May baa added to 1
holding, in th. upland, by the pur
cliemt of the C. M. Hchnvtdvr place
a very drelrablo uortcr .ection.
Ueorge Waldun ha. recovered from
hi. recent lllneaa.
Carl C. NeUon wa In
luon : Health and the Home.
lyeiwon 1. liable, and Their Care.
Ix-Mion 4 Indication of Sickneae.
IBoon . Bed. and Bcr-making.
l.con 7 Bath, and Bathing.
LeMon Appliance, and Method,
for the Sick Itoom.
Iraeon .Feeding the 8lck. '
UKn 10 Medicine, and Other
leBson 11 Application of Heat,
Cold and Counter-irritants.
heiMon 12 Care of Patient with
town till. Communicable dlMaaea,
"week from the eceno of hi. activities Inn U Common Ailments and
on the Hnok. river, where he I. con- 'r' in the
m-ctml with the O..W. payroll. cr. of children. Convaleeccnta.
pta abb Mm m mmm k n aax :
mil vrirnii iioiff :
In Large Variety and
Dainty Design
Goodwin's Drag Store
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburij, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Ilev. V. It. 8lorm in In Portland
thl. week attending tho Baptist con
vention, and will be absent until Mon
day. Except Sunday achool, no serv
ices will be held at the Buptlst church.
rtoy Keitur, lata of th. United State,
navy, was in Weston thla week to visit
his brother. Bert Kelxur. and aunt.
Mrs. J. W. Hyatt, lie served two
year, and six months part of the
time aa American mall currier In
During the course of a four days'
hunt last week in th. Lick creek
neighborhood, J. B. Jones, George
Kesblt and It. B. York, saw JO deer
at different times, but never In good
shooting distance. Bmtw and fog In
terfered with the httnters. Jones
crippled one doer at a distance of 600
yards, but finally lost 1C after follow
ing It for two days. IU has gone to
tho mountains again thla week, ac
companied by J. M. AHbw-orth and
Joo Wuner.
P. J. Vun Winkle, ono of the first
members of the Weston Normal fac
ulty, Is reported to be quite III at his
home In Portland.
The Weston Baths. Betrbar and Tail
or Shop will close at even o'clock
hereafter, except Sundii.f evenings. R.
L. rtoynaml.
Mrs. It. W. Brown and family are
I unit oil for tho winter tin "Walla Walla,
where tho children nre attending
school. Before leavlwthe ranch at
lone, smallpox visited the household,
causing much discomfort and annoy
ance but no fatal results.
Hoy Winn, n, prosperous farmer of
this locality, was united In tnnrrlnge
with Miss Wclsser, at Dftvton. Wash
ington, Sntprday, October 18th. The
newly-weds then proceeded to Sjk
knno where they will spend a few days
nnd a welcoming se.onnlo Is In or
der when they return home.
October 23rd, Mother Nature don
ncr her cloak of ermln for the first
tlmo this season. Tho eMail boy pos
sessing a sled Ih jabilact, and the
farmer likewise rejoice over the as
surance of abundant mobrture.
Louis Oberson, nged 35, won first I I
prises on II varletle of garden vege- 1 v-"
Csre of Children.
Chronics and the Aged.
Lesson IS Question, for Review.
Anyone desiring to enter the local
clans will please notify Mr. & J. Cul
ley. The lesson, are free.
The Rod Cros. universal
mother to the distressed children
of men.
Service done our fellowmen 1.
the most beautiful thing In tbe
world. JOIN.
Your Roll Call Button I. your
distinguished service cross.
All you need Is a dollar! You
hav. a heart.
Since tbe armistice, twenty-five
canteens, operated by Red Cross Chap
ter. In Idaho, Oregon, and Washing
ton bave dispensed 23.379 gallons of
coffee, and 224,236 dozen sandwiches,
to soldiers, sailors, and marine, en
route. The hospitality ot these can
teen, was accepted nine hundred thou
sand times, often by men who would
have gone hungry but tor the Red
Cross service thus rendered. Figures
how that these men, through the
courteay ot the Red Cross, drank 8,
497 gallon, of Iced drinks; used 6,663
bar. of soap, and 87.713 paper towel.;
ate 67,491 chocolate bar.,' 16,629
pound, of candy, 14,754 doten cookies,
74,913 doien doughnuts, 9,488 doien
hot rolls; wrote 436,400 post cards
furnished and stamped by the Red
Cross; and to their own discomfort
during a certain period, wore 12,250
influenza masks. All this, to say
nothing of 22,956 full meals.
During this time 1847 sick men were
aided by the canteen, seventy-nine ot
them being removed from train, as
too sick to travel, and receiving Imme
diate hospital attention.
Canteen work Is nearly over, tut the
Red Cross still has vitally Important
work to do. Every membership in the
Third Red Cross Roll Call will be a
vote of confidence In the American
Red Cross.
until you call
Downey's Met
Phone 600
Pendleton, Oregon
We will pay you five cents
more a pound than you
have been getting.
Our regulir $15.00 value, specially priced at
is a wonder-working contrivance. See it at
our store. It is not an electric cleaner but just as
effective. It is an "every day" sweeper
because it requires no wires, plugs or connections.
DeMoss Furniture
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop,
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred.......... .-.... 0 75
"It's a Long Way to Tlpperary," but
the Red Cross Is th.r.
tables In the boys and girts clubs com
petition at Whitman county fair held
In Colfax, our children In the B. F.
Kammcrsell family took prises In the
Wilcox exhibit. Canning" competition
honors were capture! by the Sookum
club. '
A. n. Orovenor, plomeer rancher on
Peone Tralrle near Soknr claims
the record for blue apjilea. He Is
showing four 8pok.n Beauty apples
aKRros-atlna; three pound, fourteen
nnd a half ounces. '
At tbe present time tn the North
western Division alone comprising
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washing
tonthere are 750,868 Red Cross mem-.
bers. Alaska has 13,663; Idaho. 103.
055; Oregon, 343,614; Washington,
Tbe Fanners Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Do you want a farm loan this
fall? If so, call and see us.
We may be able to help you.