The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 24, 1919, Image 2

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    The Greatest Mother Turns to
Tasks of Peace.
CONGRATULATE YOURSELVES that your name is on thin aubecription list, for
you have made possible the first building of its kind in the State of Owgon-a memorial to
our Pioneers, Soldiers and Sailors-a beautiful and useful Community Hall. GIVE IT YUUK
G W Suggs 150. F D WatU 200. S J Culley 125, J H William. 160. F C ritxpatrick 00.
K M Smith 100. E C Kogm 100. Farmer.' Bank 100, J M Banister 200. V letton Mercantile Co 00.
K G Sali I 00 Jones & Jones 100. V C Greer 150. Joe Hodgson .100 , J F SnijrJOO.A J Mc ntrye
100. Hoy Winn 600. Aliok Johnson 100. J II Key 160. II Gotnlwin OO.DrWIIMcK inney 100, CO
, ,.. i pa oa i . iri..ra.n rinh 7S. Krnk he GO. L K Van Wmklo CO, W b
The iron cross U black death and
bard at human hat;
The wooden cross U white and still
and whispers us, "Too Late."
But tha Red Cross sings of life and
love and hearts regenerate,
Th iron cross is a boastful cross and
marks the war-mad slave;
The wooden cross is a dumb, dead
cross and marks a shallow grave.
But the Red Cross reaches out its
arms to solace and to save.
The iron cross is a kaiser's cross and
narrow is its clan;
The wooden cross is a soldier's cross
and mourns its partisan. x
But the Red Cross is the Cross of One
who served his fellownian.
Edmond Vance Cooke.
50? Wnn 60 j H 1V,75 F L Woods 100. J I Lhuallen 60. Mr. Z C IMco 85. Emory
. i. i w...- os uK MrtKn os 1. 1 (VILrra 25. Joseuh Wurxer 25. W M Blakeloy 50,
una 10. C W Prinx 25. Ralph Tucker 25. Tioneer Society of Pendleton 25. C W IXraw 6,
eGraw 5. You Go I Go Club 6: Watts & Rogvrs on new site in consideration of old site, 400.
Banister 50.
Staggs 25, K
. O A Adams
r vi r t op. c c vticr.n or vt.. (VHarra .15. J A Kimr 25. Robert ProudfU 25, W
H Booher 25, Jas H Beamer 40. Dr S L Kcnnard 35. J W Porter 35 E O DeMo. 60. Clark Wood 60.
G DeGraw 60,
P T Harbour !
John Beamer :
o : . w in r 11
SSer 107 John widS 10. Crl I Bmteher 10. L B Pavis SO. W H 1 Gould 20. A I jDta ; 10. It
Alexander 10. Albert Gould 10. W L Raybom 10. A W Lundell 10. Rom Kin 10, Mr. R C Beamer
10, .Mrs F D Watts 10, L W Hebert 10. J E McDanid 10, Edna M Holienbeck 10.
Eliza Morrison 10, Ruby Price 10. Leon Lundell 10. N J AtiKins iu, y e. risa iu.
J M Price 50, 11 J Taylor 25, Mcuriue tiros r u Keynauu -'" " "
25. J S Ueuallen 25, W L Smock 25, L D Wilsey 25. J C Price 50. R G Blomjtrcn 25
30. Joe Paiant 25, W A Barnes 25, mas M Tice tut, wrs n worrwn iw,
AiKr ivu.rra in Krnmit Rosa 10. Rev Mark O Phinney 10. Mrs Bertha
10, Mrs A A Kees 10. Elmer rerjruson in. ft n koss iv. uoya r k i.
ham 10. D F Lavender 5. Mrs Alice Kirkpatriek 5. Allen Kirkpatrick 5. Gilbert Lllis 10. Rev K r
Wriggle 10. Mrs Amy Van Skiver 10. A Phillips 10, C F Bulflneh 20. Larl b Olayn 10, Waller R
t m I,. kk in Mr. J E Ktnfi..M 10. W M Johnson 15. Iven O Harra 10. Marion
O'Harra 10. Gladys Smith 10. Henry Schroeder 10. John Banister Junior 10. Haas & Sauer 10. Mrs
Fannie McBride 10. J E McLean 10. Mrs Clara Eagleton 10 Charley Be 10 .JJ"W Jf
Powers 10. Frank Montgomery 10. W S IVice 20. J E Bowker 10. Loren Hall 10. J M O Harra 10.
Geo Nesbit 10. Chas L May 5, Grandma Saling 5. J S Harris 5, Miss Rintoul 6. Mabel Staggs 6, Mr.
J E Jones 5, J H McGibbon 5. C E Lane 5.
I K Garrett 5, Henry Beamer 5, Ella Lavender 5, Frank Taylor 5, Andy Harriett 0, iien
5. J M Compton 10. Sylvan Kcnnard 5, Mrs H L Hedriek 5. J E Jones 6. E D Llioti ; 5. Mabe
Invest a dollar In Red Croa and cut
happiness coupons the rest of the year.
il Tl
Crofutt 1, Ira Crofutt 1. J W Blom 5, S wyatt a, wrs twrtna jowers iw, gonn . . . . ..
R May 6. Mrs Ira Crofutt 5. E W Fehr 5. Geo Banister 6. Geo Kinnear 5, W m Oliver 5. C A Scott 5. Al
len Richal 4. James C Turner 2.50. Mrs Dan Sowers 1, Mrs A Richal 1. Mrs W II Beathe 1, Mr
Sna-ora i. Mrs E BFaust 1. Mrs Hildebrand 50c. Mrs Eva O'Harra 1.
The Red Cross service flag, indicat
ing membership in the great organiza
tion of mercy, will appear again in
November In every window in the
Northwest In every farmhouse, in
every city home, in the cabins of
homesteaders, in the huts of fisher
men in far Alaska, will appear this
symbol of affiliation with the one great
organization that knows no politics,
no distinction of creed, no high, no
low but unites the hearts of all for
service to fellow-men. The window
service flag this year has one more
Each of the following contributed the work of a man and team at grading one day:
McBride Bros, Jas H Beamer, Geo Winn, Claud Price.
Original building tl200 00
New Site 00
(Building moved by exchange of old barn deal.)
Walla Walla Lumber Co. 1954 00
Walla Walla Lumber Co.. extras 300 00
Wiring and fixtures 3.5 00
Picture machine 441 00
Work on fire box
Painting, papering, etc. 60
Watts & Rogers material 3 00
Jones & Jones material 250 00
Brick work, sand, draying. etc 157 88
Cement foundation 95
Printing and supplies 16 14
- Films. ,90 00
Estimate of cement porch 150 00
$6320 47
Total Subscriptions 5745 00
tes- The payment of balance due on original subscriptions will be greatly appreciated.
(F D Watts, Mrs II Goodwin, E O DeMoss, Iley Winn, G W SUggs, F C Fitspatrick, J C Price.
Board of Managers.)
CLARK WOOD, Publi.h.r
MRS. H. GOODWIN, AstUUnt Editor
maple, sumao, hawthorns and poplar,
fascinates the attention and garUfies
it. But this enchanting season Is ( (ca(j at the All American Festival In
closing to leave the woods to the grays
Strictl I'l Afbnct
The Year $2 00
stripe than last year, indicating tnree gix jjontD8 1 00
years of membership in the Red Cross. Three UontZZZZ"ZZ:". 0 50
and browns of winter. The process
es of chango are Inexorable.
Entered at ih poftsllicc at Wtlon. Ortgon
Maccond-clait null nutter.
next week's insue of the Leader.
For the Red Cross, the war did not
end with the armistice, and even yet
there are thirty thousand soldiers and
sailors still under treatment in army
tml navv hnsnttala. The Red f!rnfta
convalescent house at Camp, Lewis Locals, per line per insertion.
Stands -next to home Itself In the af-
lections of hundreds of boys who, sick A full report of the Memorial Hull
or wounded, looked forward to the day dedication exercises will
when they might leave the bare and
cheerless ward in the base hospital
and spend part of each day enjoying
Its easy chairs, its music, its books,
Its pictures, and its good cheer. Even
now, a year after the armistice, there
are .overseas men, patients at Camp
Lewis, not yet well enough to be dis
charged, who sit before the great fire
place these autumn days, thankful that
The Greatest Mother is still mindful
cf them. The picture is duplicated in
Very few publications seem to have
survived the war times as well as The
Red Cross Magazine, a monthly pub
Iication owned by the American lied
Cross. The October number is partic
ularly uttractlve and features a story
r r:: ' ::r " v::.::' z f o.r great Northwest iy An,.
iransieni, per iiiuu yvt uiocruuii vw
jOc unannon aionrow, jhuhmbwu
Charles Sarka who knows this coun-
New York City.)
T cannot be with you, and so all I
cart do Is to wish you godnpeed. There
muirt be no sagging back In tha fight
for Americanism, merely becauso the
war Is over. Thore are plenty of per
son who have alorady made the tumor
tlon that they believe the American
people have a short memory and that
they intend to revive all the foreign
associations which most directly in
terfere with the complete American
liatlon of our people. Our principle
In this mutter should be absolutely
by simple. In tho first place, we should
(Utah's Famous Product)
(Fir and Tamarack)
Your orders promptly lilletl at right prices.
Phono Nos. 93 and 272. '
Insist that If the Immigrant who comes
K h A ui I n triii f nit ft Itoan im A II fl
Hardly less Amerlcan and ,ua,imllates hlmnolf to
"Theodore u, h8 Bhai te treated on an exact
Herman equality with every ono else, for It Is
try as he knows his prt.
Interesting is an article,
KooHcvelt. the Father." by
Hagcdorn. A number of Itnerestlng n outrage to discriminate against any
Jutt about as much in a week as a col
lege irofexsor does in a month.
More toarlsts have visited the i'a
clflo Northwest this year than ever
before, according to statements issued
by the Northwest Tourist Association.
army hospitals all over the land, and Judging from the number of automo
wherever throughout the world Amer- bl,e parties which Dassed through.
lean boys are still in Uncle Sam's serv
A month with un V" tha eeusjon
for bivalves Is with us again. He f as
a bold man who first ate an oyite.:
A series of Red Cross "club days"
are to be held in all parts of the United
Slates during October. Granges,
Church Societies, Business, Commer
cial, Rotary, Kiwanis, Advertising,
Fraternal, Woman's and other clubs.
are being invited to set aside a regular ...
meeting or a day for a special lunch- VoI' a man does not n as
eon at which plana will be made for much change back frofm a doUg r as
aiding the Third Red Cross Roll Call, he used to receive from a dime. -
to 'be held throughout tha country s
November 2 to 11.
these days a brick-mason eanu Photographs of the great American In of orgn
In his family life are a feature or tins J!ut ,nlM j predicated upon the
article and one may recognlzo Thco- man's becoming In very fact an Am
dorc, Jr., and Kcrmlt. who as a flyer, erloun nnd nothing but an American.
... ,i,.u-,i w. If ho tries to keep segregated with
igave his life in the World War. m(.n , uwn orl omj separated
Ellis Parker Butler, Dr. Frank from ,ne rent ot America, then h
Crane, Frank Ward O'Malley, and n't doing his part as an American.
Walter Prltchard Katon are but a few Thers can be no divided allegiance
of the well-known names in the mag- "
azine world who contributed to the Bn Amerlcan nt all.
October number. Much Illustrators as We have room for hut one flag, the
James Montgomery Flagg 3. K. Allen American flag, and this excludes the
und Maglna, Wright Knrlght have JSSZ
tosmouwu uuKurauuiw. w viv.-u. much M lt excUd0g any foreign nag
When a wife asks her husband wnat art tm0l,Pher ot lodlne anA bon1- t a nation to which we are hostile.
ages In tne Koa cross .Magazine ana vo nave nun iw
It Is a relief to find instead good lie Jcro. and that I. .the English
, , , tor we intend to see that the eriicliila
tion and Jnterestlng special articles, tunn )Ur peopiw out Bs Americans, of
i American nationality, and not as
dwellers In a polyglot hoarding
Weston this summer, tho wheat field
of Umatilla county received their por
tion of attention and admiration.
he is thinking about, she wants bin
to reply that he is thinking of her.
One who studies magazine advertise- h0UM. fln4 we have room for but on,
mcnts will appreciate the following ,ou loyalty, nnd that is loyalty to the
anonymous ode. It sounds a little as American people.
If Horace hd composed It In some iROOVELT.
lost language of the past: '
Chipeco thermos dloxygen. temco, so- . .
nora tuxedo Latah county. Idaho, land values
Resinol fiat bacardl, camera ansco are reported to be advancing sharply.
wheatena; rtecentiy several Instances occurred
The clubs will call for volunteer "u" " iviie sucn, necentiy several ininc
orkers. Including prominent jnem- ,harp 1tUT whe" w consider that Antiskid pebeco calox. oleo tyco ba- f farmorl repUrchasing at consider
workers, including prominent .mem'
bers for,, speakers, in the interest of the h'Sh cost of living koeps tjhelr
enrolling members for .the peace-time now to the grindstone,
program of the Bed Cross. Many of '
the speakers on the war-time activl- , A . .
ties of the Red Cross will be former La,e October lv of -
ervlce men and women who came in ?ga- co'or and texture which no ot i-
contact with the Red Cross on the er season presents. The pJioephoret -
field of action, cent quality of coloring appearing a
Postum nablsco! aoty ennancea us" ""
ITustolite orco congoleum, karo Uiy had sold shortly before. A high
aluminum kryptok, iy improved ten-acre tract adjoining
Crisco balopticon lysol, jello bellana, Moscow waa purchased' recently by O.
AmplcoXr.cdU.woboda, pantasot. P. Mix at ,00 per acre. The MU fam
necco britannlca V no has more than 1000 acres Just
K.ncyclopcdia! north of Sfoscow.
8lxten thousand mothers die In
childbirth every year in the I'nlled
Htatea of America, more than are thus
sacrificed In any other country of Im
portance in the civilised world. The
American lied Cross has aiinounted
Its bolluf that these mothers, the very
flower of the womanhood of America
and herolnra every one, shall no lotigor
die through Ignorance or neglect, ff
the public health nursing resources ot
the country can possibly be extended
to give them Ihe necessary csre. Tbtg
Is one of the roaaons for Ihe Third
Red Cross Roll Call which begins Sun
day, November 3.
More than 1.000,000 women and girls
participated in the sewing and knit
ting of the American Red Cross dur
ing the war. Most of these workers
will be active in soliciting members
for the Red Cross for 1920. during
tho tr-n days ending Armistice Pay.
When It Is rnn.MiibiTrd that thnse
women aud girls In two years' lime
produced nearly worth of
surgical artlt-los and garments, Includ
tng more than. 375.on0.00O surgical
dressings, the fact that they are to
assist in tho Roll Call Is a practical
assurance that universal membership
will be achieved.
In the Circuit Gurt of tho Stale of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Hilda Love. I'lninlilT. vs. William It.
Love, Defendant.
To William B. Love, defendant above
In the Name or tub Statk or 0
EUON, You are lu-reby required to ap
pear and simwer the cnm;ilint of the
plaintiff tiled against you in the above
entitled court and cause within six
weeks of the date of tha I! rut publica
tion of this summons, to-wit, on or be
fore Saturdsy the 2)th tiny of Novem
ber. ltfl'J; and you will take notice thst
if yeu fail to appear nnd answer said
complaint or otherwise plead thereto
within said time the plaintiff for want
thereof will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint,
namely for a decree of the Court dis
solving tho bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore extniinir between plain
tiff and dufendnnt and for other equita
ble relief. This summons Is published
pursuant to an order made by the Hon
orable Gilbert W. I'lielps, Judge of the
abovo entitled Court, on tho 15th dsy
of October, 1919. The first publication
of this summons will bo made in the
Weston Lesder, published at Weston,
Umatilla Counly, Oregon, on the 17lh
day of October, 1919, and tho lat pub
lication will lie made on I'ridnv the
28th dny of November, 1919. It will
be published for six consecutive weeks.
Dated this tho 15th dny of October,
1919. I'ETKHHON, KlHIIor A Cl.AHK.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and postollice address,
I'cndlcton, Orogon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Claude Linn Lloyd, Plaintiff, vs. Shir
ley M. Lloyd, Defendant.
To Shirley M. Lloyd, defendant above '
In thb Name or the State ok Or- i
EOON, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause within six
weeks of tho dste of the first publica
tion of this summons, to-wit, on or be
fore Saturday the 29th day of Novem
ber, 1919: and you will take notice that
if you fall to appear and answer said
complaint or otherwise pload thereto
within said time, the plaintiff for want
thereof will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for In snid complaint,
namely for a decree of the Court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plain
tiff and defendant and fur other equit
able relief.
This summons Is published pursuaut
to an order mado hy the Honorablo
Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the above
entitled court, on the 15lh day of Octo
ber, 1919. The first publicntfon of this
summons will be made in the Weston
Leader, published at Weston, Umatilla
County, Oregon, on the 17th day ot
October, 1919, and the Inst publication
will be made on Friday the 28th dny of
November, 1919. It will be published
for six consecutive weeks.
Dated this the 15th day of October,
A. U 1919.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
' Residence and postollice address,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors
In the t'otintv Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tho Matter of the ICslate of Malcolm
Mi'Donalil, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom It msy conrnrn that Will M. Pe
terson has been apmlnld adminis
trator with tho will annexed of the
estate of Malcolm McDonald. De
ceased. All persons having claims
ngsirst the rutste are required tc pre
sent them with proiier vouchors to Ihe
sstd adminiotrator at his law olllco In
the Umilh Crawford lluildlng at Pen
dleton, Oregon, within six months of
the dale of the llmt publication of this
Dated this 24th day of October, 1019.
Wii.i, M. Prrgaso
Administrator with the Will Annexed
of Ihe folate of Malcolm
McDonald, Deceased.
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital ot corner of Main
nnd llroiul Bt reels.
i Phone Main 253 t
I f iltt tttnrk. await rl rieM aMiliiar4 M
t,A ftM fMKlH. rtesUbe -h.4u .twj eta.
9M isettonfstMIMjr. I rtm9,
ttv-i. Cur f ra bouhltH. UU tWs. wU Im lne
litl M yM rSkOAwf. Wflle) teaeU.
103 S-vi-nlh St., Vmhlpnton, 0. C
A, em
Why Turn Up
i Your Overcoat
Get nn overcoat from us
with the NEW 'CONOMY
MUFFLER a unique idea
in tailoring that has taken
the country by storm.
R. L. Reynaud
(Telephone 83)
Dr.N.P. Bennet
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile buildinp;
Weston, Oregon ,
I Liberty Bonds j;
vent, buy
ahsulutoly safe Invest-
If you have money to in-
iy Liineriy tionas irom us.
If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell
to us.
We buy and soli Liberty Bonds.
Any denomination $50-$100
James L. Elam
Walla Walla Washington