The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 24, 1919, Image 1

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Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Dream trail will lir compelled in leave
f.f IMmt levels ami fotniiD'ix'n work
frum 1. ,'nit of Calibaxn hill, between
I'i'iiili' ion unit I .a (J. r.nrle, heading to.
ward in ikIIuIoo, Grading an thla u
Hon of the (( highway hm progrcee-
Principal Events of the Week '4 ""'' wutb.t from ti,. foot or
Trunk L. (lain, grand exalted ruler
of the I)"iivi)linl mid Protective Or
der of Kike, llm chief of Klkdom In
thli country, on visitor In Portland
Saturday. He was accompanied by
Mre Haln. the two unking lour of
the United states. v
A dlifiw known lit the Ktnui horse
plague haa broken out villi conald. r
able force on emn rcniml Oregon
ranches. V. II. Lytic, stale veterin
arian, reports. Georgp Uodmaii. Jef
ffi'mn county farmer, has lost 23 out
of IiIk herd of 30 horses.
foiitrort fur Iho DKilula to bo Riven
by l hp lnto of Oregon to all soldiers,
sailors nnd marines entering iIip serv
ice frnm lliU state, was awaided by
!hi state medal roniiiiluilon to White
head A HoaR, New Jersey firm. Th
price will be IS con la each.
Right reels of motion pictures allow
In preventable accidents In the log.
Ring Industry will bo shown In all the
largo Industrial rpiitprs of Hip state
under thn auspices of the state labor
burrau, according to plana now under
way by Labor Commissioner Cram.
The Orpgon Federation of Women's
Albany school teachers want mors
Thfl asseued valuation of all pi op
rty In Lau county thla rer la IIM..
351 Iraa than laat year.
Tha paving of ih Columbia river
0 highway between Caarade lM-ks and
Wyeth has been completed
Teachers of Coos county hava on
gsnlsed for ths purpose or Upiiiandlng
a minimum salary of ooo pr year.
Approval of Sunday, October 2. as
"go to-ttunday school day" la given In
proclamation Issued by Governor 01'
Th recently organised Albany Fair
association la planning to raise IIO.Ooo
to prepare grounds and purchase equip
ment. An unidentified ex service man was
Inatantly killed at The Dallce while
attempting to board a westbound
freight train.
Multnomah county faces tha largest
tag delinquency In Ita history, unpaid
taxes on the 1918 roll totaling more clubs has filed artlclce of Incorpora
tion $1,000,000. tlon. The organltotlon haa properly
Tha large mill on Cooa bay of C. A. valued at 110.000 and the officers are
To the Ronaevclt Memorial A Hon,
Itoy W. Ititnrr, County Chairman,
Pendleton, Oregon.
t herewith luliw-rlbe the sum " ,
to the KooMvsi.T MtMoaiaL Ptxo.
Addcctt .
IV above amount U fnelotrd herewith.
Aeeiirillnf to the plana of Hi Roosevelt Memorial Aamrlatloa. Ile Ronsevetl
Mrmnflol fund of H.HO.HIM la la be ullliw.l la erert National Monument la
V a,liiiirlii. I). ('.: tu arquire and mainl.ilii a piiiilie park at ler Bar. N. V,
ami ultimately t Include MffaWmre Hill, Ilia Koneevelf iKmie, Ihrrein, In be
prraenril lika Mintot Vernon and IJneeln'a heme at SprtnsSelU; and to endow
a Nalluual hurlely lo perpelaala Hat prlnrlplea and Ideal, of Theodore Kocwcrelt.
Kuril rontrlhu'.or to the fund will receive a eerllftr.ile of nuaibenbip In the
Rmiaevelt Meetorlal Aaauelallnn. A frtUt ate will alao be preaented to every
etuuol cunlrilHilio to I la) land.
Tha name of every contributor will be placed on the Hat of
la Iha National Monuawnl to be elected at U attalnetoo. D. C
Man to Cam Horns aa Soon aa Affairs
Are eled.
Paris. Tha actual number of Amer
ican troops now In France la fees than -
16,000 and la rapidly diminishing, ao- Program Agreed on to QoaJif
coraing w uenerai w. u. connor, com
manding the American troops fh
France. Within a month, be stated,
virtually all the eoldlers will be gone,
as the task of repatriating the German
prisoners la now completed.
Only a few Germane now remain
under the charge of the American
forces, and liiese are 111 In hospitals.
They will be sent borne through Co
blenx aa soon as they can travel.
The work of completing tbe liqui
dation of army supplies, squaring ac
counts and the policing of American
peace conference headquarters are
now the only taska detaining the sol
diers and officers in France, and Gen
eral Connor said be expected that thla
liquidation work, too, will be termin
ated within one month.
Ratifying Resolution With
Hmith, Idle for over nine months, hsa
resumed cutting lumber with a small
force of 200 men.
Tbe Clatsop County Dar association,
at a special meeting, derided to raise
all the fees for legal services approxi
mately (0 per rent
Mrs. Mary Catherine McQueen, sis-
Mrs Charlie II. Csstnrr. president;
Mattle F. Heady, vice-president, and
Mrs. F. II. Buchanan, secretary-treasurer.
A grand total of $35,484,032.22 baa
h-cn provided by stale, federal and
county governments for road work In
Oregon elm-e 1H and Including work
Price of Sugar Set at 10 Cente.
Washington. Steps to prevent an
abnormal Increase In tbe price of su
gar because of the existing shortage
were taken by tbe department of Jus
tice. Attorney General Palmer noti
fied beet sugar reflnere who bave been
withholding their products from the
market until tbe price aituatlon be
came afablllxed that tbe United Statea
sugar equalization board bad deter
mined that 10 centa waa a fair price
to be charged tbe wholesalers.
ler of the late Hubert Eakln, justice of already contracted for, to be completed
tbe supreme court, died at the Halcm
hospital at the age of ti years.
John W. Gruner, geologist from Min
nesota, has arrived at the Oregen Ag
ricultural college to take up hla duties
aa assistant professor of geology In the
school of mines.
Nine veteran foresters of Ubsnon
and vicinity bave left for tbe Hantlnui
national forest, wbere they will plant
60,000 fir and white pine trees on
South Oreltenbush creek.
After burning over 800 acres of yel
low pine and second growth timber,
fires which bave been raging In the
I'rlngle Hutte section. 30 miles from
Iiend, were brought under control.
Daniel Schnell of Tlgard was In
stantly killed when the motorcycle on
which he was riding collided bead-on
with a truck, about a balf mile from
Multnomah station on the Capital
Apple shippers In Oregon were de
nied a commodity rate fur tbe ship
ment of applea In bulk In refrigerator
cars, for use In manufacturing pur
poses In the esst by the railroad ad
ministration. Tbe special city election for the
purpose of submitting a charter amend
ment to the voters. Increasing the
annual city tax levy from 8 to 11 mills,
will be held In Portland on Wednesday,
November 12.
A fatal accident occurred at the Dig
Creek Logging company'a camp near
Knappa. when Charlea Fulton waa in
stantly killed and hla companion, John
Warner, waa ao severely Injured that
death la expected to result.
Profiting by the experience of recent
years, when fall grain has yielded
much better than tho crops planted In
the spring, farmers In tho Willamette
valley are rushing now to get aa much
grain aa possible planted this fall.
A warrant for 1115,405.74 waa re
ceived by Governor Olcoft from the
United Statea treasury, In payment of
the sum due the state of Oregon from
revenuoa collected by the government
from national forests of ths state.
An organisation of good roada advo
cates waa effected at Coqtillle. Ita aim
la to become an advisory committee to
the county court, which requested as
sistance and advice from men ac
quainted with the county's needs.
Tbe Hood River apple crop haa even
surpassed pre-season estimates, both as
to quality and quantity. The yield will
exceed 2.000,000 boxes, and the applea
are running more than ever before to
the extra) fancy grade and desirable
Creation of a park on the summit of
Rpencer'a Butte, a mountain 2000 feet Hlghwaya under construction In Ore
high, six miles south of Eugene, to be gon at present total 380.95 miles of
reached by a scenic road, Is suggested pavement, 234.8 miles of macadam and
by a number of Eugene men aa a suit- 686.1 miles of grading, according to
able memorial for Lano county so. (ho summary compiled by tho slate
dlers, sailors and marines who gave hlghwsy department. The construction
up their lives during the great war. now going on represents an expend!-
With auveral small flurries of snow lure of 119,824,396.25 bid prices, and
already encountored, It w ill be only a including 10 per cent for contlngon-
short time before crews on tbe Old sles and 10 oer cent tor engineering.
during 1920. according to a summary
prepared by the slate highway depart
ment. The Standard Oil company aold
2.445.15.6 gallons of gasoline In Sep
tember, according to a statement filed
In tha ofrire of Deputy Secretary of
State Sam A. Koter. The tax, at the
rate of I rent a gallon on gasoline and
one half cent on dlstlllato, totala $25.
799.10. Producers, aosoclatlons and others
Interested In the marketing of Oregon
applea are being requested by the pub
lic service lOiiiWilaalon to express ail
opinion relative to the establishment
of a freight rate on bulk shipment of
apples, with a view to encouraging the
shipment of cull applea Into eaatern
Dorothy Sinnott, 17, eldest child of
Representative and Mrs. Nicholas J,
Sinnott of Oregon, died at Sitranne.
Lake aanltarlum, New York, according
to a telegram received by Mr. Sinnott.
Mlsa Slnnntt'a death was unexpected,
although she had been a patient at
Saranac sanitarium since 1917, suffer
ing from tuberculosis.
At a meeting of tho North Hcnd city
council a resolution was adopted or
dering a special election to bo called
early In December to submit to the
voters of the city the question of In
creasing the special tax limitation
from 10 to 15 mills, to secure revenue
to meet the financial requtrcmenta of
the city for tho year 1920.
After coming all the way to Klamath
Falls from Santa Crux, Cal., to gratify
a cherished wish to bo married in the
home of'Jier grandparents, tho house
In which she was born, Miss Ivy Pearl
Martin found that tho Oregon law
prohibited her marriage to Wesley II.
Gibson of San Francisco, because nei
ther was a resident of thla state.
Plans for a north and aouth road
along the summit of the Cascade moun
tains to connect the Mount Hood loop,
the old Willamette valley and Cascade
mountain wagon road over the Snn
tlam pass, the McKenxle road and tho
highway to Crater lake are being de
veloped by Wilt O. Steel, superintend
ent of Crater Lake National park.
Five fatal accidents were reported to
the state industrial accident commis
sion during the week ending October
18. Tbe workmen who lost their Uvea
were: Allen Shumate, Portland, con
struction; Alfred H. Govo, Dend, log
ger; Paul Cantrell, Brighton, logger;
Glen Wllhelm, Grants Pass, logger;
James W. McElvaln, Portland, construction.
Washington. Aliens who withdrew
' their first clllxenshlp papers to escape
the drsft cannot be deported because
of treaty obligations, Secretsry Lan
sing formally advised tbe house Immi
gration committee.
Passage of the proposed legislation,
which would deny forever to tho per
sons affected the right to become
American citizens, might cause con
siderable embarrassment to the United
States, said tho secretary's letter to
Representative Johnson of Washing
ton, chairman of the committee.
Accompanying the state department
communication wore proteats from
Norway and Sweden against enactment
of the pending legislation. The pro
tests pointed out that the treaties be
tween the United States and tboso
countries exempt Americans from com
pulsory military service over there.
To the surprise of many members
of congress who have been urging the
passage of the deportation bill. It de
volopod that only a comoaratlvcly
small number of aliens escaped duty
by abandoning their Intention to be
como cltlxens. According to Informa
tion supplied by the assistant secre
tary of labor tho total of draft regis
trants under this head was 1745.
Washington, with 293, had more
aliens to obtain exemption than any
other state.
New York. Five hundred soldiers of
the regular army were landed here
from the transport George Washing
ton to attempt to end the congestion
at the army piers In Brooklyn, caused
by the longshoremen's strike.
The men are under ordcra "to shoot
If necessary," according to a statement
made by Brigadier General Peter Da
vison, chief of troop movements at
tbe port of embarkation.
"The troops will aid in moving
transports or do whatever else Is nec
essary," said General Davison.
Washington. Secretary of War Ba
ker refused a request of Mayor Hylan
of New York to withdraw troops from
the waterfront, sent there to replace
striking longshoremen, so that army
transports may be unloaded.
Indigestion Now Troublea Wilson.
Washington. Having obtained relief
from the prostatic condition which re
tarded his recovery last week. Presi
dent Wilson was the victim of alight
digestive trouble. The president's
general condition waa regarded aa sat
isfactory, notwithstanding the slight
attack of Indigestion. Further progress
by the patient In recovering from his
attack of nervous exhaustion waa In
dicated by his physicians.
Washington. Tbe long treaty fight
In the senate la about to enter Ita
final phase. Leaders hope daring the
week to clear away alt proposed -amendment
and to make aubsUntlal
progress In tbe framing of a ratifica
tion resolution.
Virtually confident that aaseaii
ments will be adopted, tbe opposition
managers are determined to qualify
the ratifying resolution with reserva
tions and Senator Lodge, republican
leader, declared In a statement that
a decisive majority would stand for
reservations that would be "unequivo
cal and effective."
Tbe long-debated Shantung amend
ment to the peace treaty, presented by
Senator Lodge and approved by the
foreign relatione committee, finally
waa rejected in tbe senate with a ma,
Jority of an even score againat It
In tbe vote of 85 to 55. 14 repahll-.
cans swung over to the pro-treaty
forces, while three democrats lined nn .
with those supporting tbe proposal.
Of tbe six senators absent, two repub
licans were put on record aa in favor r
of tbe amendment and one repabllcan
and three democrats aa opposing It
Senators Jonea and Polndexter of '
Washington voted for tbe amendment,
while Senators McNary and Chamber
lain voted against it .
To Penalize Strikin $ Employe! .
Episcopal Marriage Laws Unchanged.
Detroit, Mich. With much stronger
opposition than was offered in the
last convention three years ago, the
proposal to amend the canon on mar
riage was defeated by vote of the
clergy and laity of the Protestant Epis
copal church here. The proposal would
have made It Impossible for the clergy
to officiate In the marriage of any dl
The cent of Investigations doubtless vorced person wbose husband or wife
will go up because of the Increased WM still living,
The point has been reached when
theconsimier Is bearing all the don
key enn carry.
The shoe price outlook sujrcests thnt
It Is even going to cost more to kick
about high prices. -
Nation-Wide Report Made on 22 Staple
Articles Show Decline.
Washington. Food prices are on the
decline, the department of labor's bu
reau of labor statlsUca announced In bout i400iooo,000 owing by the car-
a statement asserting mat me retail rton lhgII carrled by the govern
Washington. After adopting provi
sions to end railroad strikes by pen
alizing employee who go on strike or
others who foment strikes, the senste
interstate commerce commission com
pleted tbe draft of s bill to establish
a permanent railroad policy. Govern-,
meat control and operation of tbe
roads would end SO days after enact
ment of the measure.
Provision waa made for the estab
lishment of n federal commission on
wages and working conditions. Thla
commission would have a number of
aubordlnate regional committees for
prompt settlement of local dispute
Persona convicted of fomenting or
engaging in strikes would be held
guilty of misdemeanor and punished
by a fine not exceeding 1500, or by
imprisonment not over six months, or
The plan for adjusting the financial
obligations of the government and car
riers growing out of government con
trol nrovldes that a net balance of
After all, there Is nothing thnt af
ford some people more real pleasure price of 22 staple foodstuffs showed a mpnt at c ntereet for at leaat
Lnnd sharks nre worse than sea serpent
than agreeable work.
Who remembers when a dollar was
worth a dollar?
Snuce for the gooce Is sauce tor the
Happy Is the region thnt, undis
turbed by greater cares, worries about
visitation of mosquitoes.
decline of 2 per- cent at the end of yeal wta new note of y,, rall.
septemoer, aa comparea wun me last roa(jg u security.
of August. . ..
What the trainmen menn in their
reference to the living cost la that
they can't make the grade.
Kat Ices while you discuss prices.
Thnt will help some.
Wearing old shoes Is the latest dec
laration of Independence.
Now they are blaming tho con
sumer, who should have more sense
than to pay such high prices.
Onions and potatoes showed the
greatest price decline, of 17 and 14
per ce'nt, respectively. Cabbage,
meats, cheese, flour and sugar also
were lower. Raisins went up 8 per
cent during the month and were fol-
The increasing travel to Crater lake
snd the exceptionally large travel in
general thla year, together with that.
In view for nest season, haa led Alfred
U Parkhurat, president and general
minivo, Af (Vim Pralae T .akA Mmunv
lowed in a climb of greater or less hM M Cfter Mtlon
degree by rice. eggs, salmon butter u. t0
When nlrshlp traffic Is established
exigency mny laugh at railroads!
If everybody Insists on hanging to
nil his present profits, how Is the high
cost of living to be reduced?
beans, canned vegetables, coffee and
A woman loves to wenr a sweater on
a hot dny If the sweater Is new.
How- can the United States be In a
hole, when everybody you meet has a
perfect cure for the situation?
decide to build a new hotel In the park
at White Horse. It will be In read!-
. neai for the early travel next sesson.
Armeniana Rout .Enemy. Contracta were let to the Warren
New York. Turks, Tartars and construction company on Monday for
Kurds, who Invaded Armenia, have the building of the complete system
been routed and the Armenians have 9t tne gjiver lake Irrigation district,
reoccupled their lands, according to The .yatem will consist of three large
a statement published by James W. damg tnd approximately ten miles of
Gerard, chairman of the American mam cnala, diverting the waters from
committee for the independence of silver creek. Buck creek and Bear
Armenia and former American ambas- cree to the southern and eastern
aador to Germany. "bench" seetiona of tbe valley. . There
- 1 11 are some 8000 acres In tbe district and
' Petrograd Reported Taken. the landa completely . surround the
Washington. The fall of Petrograd town of Silver lake. j
and the occupancy of both that city
and the fortress of Kronstadt by the
Russian anti-bolshevik forces has been
reported officially by tbe. general ataft
of the Finnish army to the Viborg rep
resentative of the northwest govern
ment of Russia, according to tbe state
Alarmists have been preaenmg aire
calamities since Cain slew Abel, and
yet the old world putters along. .. .
"After the Profiteers," says a bead-,
line. That's Just the trouble, we've
been riding In their dust too long.
Workers' Rehabilitation Bill Paaaed.
Washington. The houae haa paaaed
and sent to the senate a bill providing
for vocational rehabilitation of persons
disabled in industry. .
Higher wages, higher freight rstes I
higher rates and higher cost ef living.
Tbe endless cycle that gets nowhere.
The profiteer can stand almost any
thing except the limelight of publicity.
In the war on the cost of living
there most be no pence without vle-
It remains to be seen whether ne-
cesslty knows any flag when It fonies
to the purchase of goods sccordlng to
one's means. -
Bela Run seems to lose bis Job about .
as often aa they used to kill tb Ger
man crown prince In the early days
of the war.