The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 17, 1919, Image 2

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Another Carload of
CURK WOOD, rublithcr
MRS. it GOODWIN. AiiUUnt Editor .
Slrictlv in Adhtnct
The Year
Six Months
Three Months
FRIDAT. OCT. 17. - -
...$2 00
e 60
Entered at the patloflict at Wtilon. Oregon
it ttcand-cUif mail matter.
Regular, per inch per insertion 15c
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c
Locals, per line per insertion 10c
Remains of a man 32 feet tall
were discovered .in Mexico, and he
must have been pretty long in the
Although deeply and continually
moved anent h. c. of 1., we are yet
unable to work up much sympathy
for the bald-headed man over the
increased cost of a hair cut.
material and labor
High -cost of
difficulties are combining to make
the book problem a serious one. If
labor conditions do not improve,
book buying will be very difficult.
Harper Brothers, the Century Com
pany and the Scribner Company
threaten to go out of business if
their expenses increase.
Congress cannot repeal the law of
gravitation; cider apples are fall
ing, and there is bound to be some
Wise is the Weston citizen who
has laid in his winter coal and paid
his subscription to the home paper
for a year in advance.
Citizens of Weston should know
that the best place to do their
boosting is at home. It is a fine
thing to go away for a little visit
and boast of the many good points
of your community, but the remain
der of the time when not visiting
be generous with your praise
right here and now, thss your
neighbor may hear and feel encour-
r " ' 'sb'p r ir tu
iver ruiverizeo
ready for immediate
(Phone 761) Milton, Oregon
ntrprf thereby. One good way to
thereby. One good way to
help a little would be to visit the
school in which the young people
are seeking an education, and boost
the morale of that institution
Call on the teachers in whose hands
the children are entrusted, ana m1Uw
your recognition of the good work
. .. . 1 1 .1 ..
they are doing. Boost here at home
and let the school feel some of the
inspiration of your hopeful and
helpful spirit.
Turn back the hands of your
clocks and watches October 26, or
thereafter you may not have the
A brilliant aurora was observed
here Wednesday evening. In wit-
nessing the changing lights and
fantastic shapes, spectators recalled
u v., nvr, .
the lines from Burns.
But pleasures are like poppies
You seize the flower, its bloom is
shed ;
Or like the Borealis race,
That flits ere you can point
Boston poultryman promises to
produce a super-chicken, but wc
think we've seen her already.
It is seasonable . to observe that
the woman who can make a tooth
some pumpkin pie renders her hus
band immune to the wiles of any
designing vampire.
A girl doesn't like the Idea of work-
- , . i.vIn niD. ., i. m.,rrii
fng for a living unless she is married
to a shiftless mun
Thinking up Issues for the 1020 cam
paign naturally becomes a fascinating
occupation at this time.
It Is a poor hand. In the?e profiteer
ing times, that, does not contain at
least one accusing finger.
If your war garden Is In good condi
tion It should help very materially to
swat the hlpli cost of living.
There Is blame enough for all. No
one profiteer or set of profiteers should
be permitted to monopolize It
The ultimate consumer doesn't con
sume as much as he did, and he Is
much more ultimate about It.
memorial aau vomnuiwxa
mm t-t VT-.II ilk u
Dr. F. D. watts, president of
Weston Memorial Association, has
PP""u u.: w......v.
to supervise the various details
atf..nHintr tho ili'rlii'ntion of Mem-
rja HaI October 23:
p,. A. Barnes, M. L.
vVatts. J. H. Williams, A. W. Lun-
dell. F. C. Fitzpatrick.
Advertising Clark Wood, Mes
dames H. Goodwin, J. W. Porter,
F. D. Watts, F. C. Fitzpatrick.
Grounds-Claud Price, G. W.
Staggs, Joe Key, Sim J. Culley, E.
M. Smith.
Chairs and Seating E. O. Dc
Moss, F. C. Fitzpatrick, G. W.
Decoration Mesdamea E. O. De
Moss, J. H. Williams, K. Morri
son, C. M. Price, E. M. Smith.
Refreshments Musdames II.
Goodwin, Hattie Wilsey, L. S. Wood
Clara Price. William Brown, Rich;
ara" Beamer; Miss Ruby Price,
c,ub RoomMeBdaniB,
Fisk. Alice Price, A. J. Mclntrye:
Miss Doris Barnes, Miss Eliza Mor
Pioneer Room J. M. O'Harra, S.
A. Barnes, Mesdames H. N. Greer,
W. A. Barne3, L. R. Van Winkle, G.
Evangelist S. F. Sanger of the
Church of the Brethren will begin
a series of meetings next Sunday at
the local church on south Water
street, to which all are invited.
The meetings will be continued
every evening for two weeks or
longer. Evangelist Sanger comes
from Empire, California, and is
late of Virginia. He is regarded
as a very able student and expound-
er of the Bible
Ford Commercial Body
Manufactured by; E. R.
The cttituh grade lias In-en en
joying the Edison. For ft change,
tho pupils have been bringing rec
01 da from homo, o their pleasure is
greater than usual.
last Friday afternoon, the eighth
graders took an hour off from
school work ami Industriously wash
ed tho window. They consider the
time well spent.
jst wwk was examination week,
in the grades and in high school.
The pupils worn to dread the exam
ination, and are truly glad when
they are over.
The third graders took their
first examination. Of course, the
exams are ahort, but the pupils find
them quite a novelty.
Henry Dowd. one of the seniors,
ha been alwwnt for three or four
duy. .
Hitch school students found it
especially hard to study during the
Chinese pheasant season. Several
of them went hunting and a few
were successful in "getting" n
pheasant or two.
The senior class regret to part
w ith William Wriggle. He has Urn
in the class since it entered high
school, Mini is sorry that he can't
graduate with the r-st.
Terence Terhune, who has been
quite ill, is improving.
The sophomore class has organised
with the following officers: Harvey
Lundcll, president; Maynnrd Jones,
vice president; Kva Lundell, sec
retary and treasurer; Kldon Mo
Intyre, sergeant at arms.
The school library has taken a
new aspect since the books have
boon replaced in their proer places.
New books have been ordered and a
place has been made for them.
Ruth Vanderpool, a popular soph
omore girl, left Sunday for Califor
nia. The party is driving through
in a car and expects to be two or
three week on the road. Ruth
will attend high school in California.
Civic teacher "What do people
vote on at primary elections?"
Student -"Ballots."
Jewish Relief Worker Finds His
People Living in Holes in
Polish Town.
Nw Torlc. Typical of the condition
of Jewish commmiltlr throughout To
Innd and Rdjntfnt roimlrle la thn
stnry of ItrtHiM4toTk, n recounted
by Ir. Ilorl l. nwutlre direc
tor of JcwUh ifllrf work In Tolnnd, In
a rrport received recently at tho head
quarters of the Amerlcfin Jewish Hellef
Committee, 15 East Fortlotli itreet,
The population of the town whero
n couple of years n(to the Oeminns
tried to dictate a "enc of violence"
to tho Kusxluns la now reduced to
about 2.1,000. Of thla number 18,000
are Jewa, wrltea lr. Bogen. 8o com
plete waa the war time destruction of
I lie town that irtoxt of the people are
forced to live In mere holea In the
iiround. There la a aemblnnco of a
hoNpltal without windows, doors or
menus of heating, but so prevalent nro
typhus, tuberculoid and other diseases
hrouKht on by malnutrition that thla In
stitution, like nil oilier Jewish hos
pitals In eastern Kurope, la over
whelmed. "The Jews of America," write Dr.
lliiKon. "must tuke Immediate stops to
provide for the housing, clothing and
feeding of the thouands of destitute
Jews In eastern Europe. It will re
quire considerable additional funds In
re equip the hospitals, old folks' home
and orphanage that tho Jew hare
maintained throughout Poland to care
for their alck and poor, but these Insti
tution must be eottcn Into shape for
the coming: severe winter.
"The people are In a terrible con
dition everywhere, and in great need
of the veriest iiccchhIHc. Homes
throughout thla region nro entirely de
stroyed for the most part. Refugees
w ho months or Tears ago w ere evncu
ated from the cities are now return
ing, There Is practically no work for
i hem, however, and they nrs In dlreat
To provide the funds for remedying
these terrible conditions, the American
Jewish) ltelief Committee, under the .
chairmanship of liuls Marshall nnd
the directorship of Henry II. Itosen
Mt, Is now engaged In conducting a
series of state cnmpalgns throughout
I-.. I.,., Tim .( iiMwiiint iiaH.
..,,, ,BOBH.urv t.. flnmi the p-
entai relief work for another year Is
HALL, Weston, Oregon
4 -4
(Utah's Famous Product)
(Fir and Tamarack)
Your orders promptly filled at right prices.
Phone Nos. 93 and 272.
nV WUIlId you ll-' I" he
while the inivcriim.'iil In
n "iiiiiin
those pound food Miki)!fiT
Tim question I, what did Hi prof
iteer rwt tinder Hi" circumstances
a distinguished nice ,ll?
Kven Hi" wisest "f III" economists
hnve not s fisured out how strikes
re suing to reduce
llio cost ( llvluf.
A pedlTe with each nrtMe showing
what It cost I lie uiiomfiii'Hiri'r, Hn Job
ber ami Hie retailer might hlp
Even If you tis" mir f1"
saving cards, you enn doubt recall
lh subject matter nnd net seenrdlngly.
Milk profiteer do not car I'"
babies Ibid IS cent h i)iiurt fr milk,
knowing Hint the babies must find It or
Cutting n pi" Into seven pieces ami
charging IS cuts a portion should
tend to popularise U-e cream and
Think of a ten "lory aulomoblls ho
tel, and old I.tbllu In all hi year of
faithful service never a ten-story
livery stable I
Department of hibr statistic re
port the first dc Un lit food prices
one-half of I per cent, t'au't they
make It 2.75?
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Hilda Love. Plaiiitiir, vs. William H.
Iive. Defendant.
To William It. Ixve, defendant above
In thk Namk or thk Statk or On
KC.on, You are. hereby required to ap
pear and auwer tho complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the alx've
entitled court and cause within six
weeka of the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, lo-wit. on or be
fore Saturday the 21Hh day of Novem
ber. 1911); and you will take notice that
if you fail to appear and answer laid
complaint or otherwise plead thereto
within said time the plaintilf for want
thereof will apply to tho Court for tho
relief prayed for in said complaint,
namely for a decree of the Court dia
olving the bunds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing1 between plain
tiff und defendant and for other equita
ble relief. This summons is published
pursuant to an order mmlo by the Hon
orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of ths
above entitled Court, on the 1 .It h day
of October, 1!1. The first publication
of this summons will bo mndu in tho
Weston ladr, published at Wcstoif,
Umatilla Cotinly, Oregon, on tho 17th
day of October, 1911), and the Inst pub
lication will bo made on Friday the
2X1 h day of November, 1919. It will
be published for six consecutive week.
Dated thin tho IMh day of October,
1919. I'ETKitsoN, Bishop & Ci.akk.
Attorney for I'lalnlllT.
Itesldunce and postollke address,
Pendleton, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Claude Linn Lloyd, Plaintiff, vs. Shir
ley M. Lloyd, Defendant. y.
To Shirley M. Lloyd, defendant above
In the Namk or tub State op Ok
EOON, You are hereby required lo ap
pear and answer the complaint of tho
plaintiff filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause within six
weeks of the date of ths first publics
tion of this- summon, to-wit. on or bo-
fore Saturday the 29th day of Novem-
her, 1919: and you will take notice that Min Mnd Colrt Btrents, Pendleton, Or
if you fail to appear and answer said ef(on wiln )rf).,er vouchers, within six
complaint or otherwise p ea.r thereto ,nK(mths from t(ie date hereof.
thereof will Bpply to the Court for the
within said tlmo, the plaintiff for want
relief nraved tot in said complaint.
namely for a decree of the Court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plain
tiff and defondnnt and for other equit
able relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable
Gilbert W. Phelps,. Judo of the above
entitled court, on the Kith day of Octo
ber, 1919, The first publication of this
summons will lio maiio in inn Weston
Lender, published at Weston, Umatilla
County, Oregon, on tho 17th day of
October, 1919, and the Inst publication
will be made on Friday the 2Hth day of
November, 1919. It will bo published
for six consecutive weeks.
Dated this the ISlh day of October,
A. D. 1919.
I'etebsow, Hihhop & Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and postoftice sddreaa,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of. Main
and Iln.Mil atrvctn.
Phone Main 263
I rmUt innrka l wentait 4i. a m
I,, H.iwt mm M l fctr r 4m4. 9i
.,iHk.q If SRSI SSASOM aailntntt
1N,l,-nUUIll. ItwS
luv, t, ) UM l b. Mt.atrf
ai4 aaw I w.r w Hta tn4y.
fatint tAwrsas,
103 Seventh St., Waahlngloa, 0. C.
' ' FOR
I! made to order. Twenty
!! five percent diacount from
I ! regular prices.
I R. L. Reynaud
(Telephone 83)
Dr.N.P. Bennet
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building
Wkston, Okegon
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of tho St a to of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Hezo
kiah Key, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, James S. Johns, has beon
appointed by tho above named court
administrator of the above entitled e
ta(e, and that he haa qualified a tha
law directs. All periona having claims
against the estato are required to pro-
ent tna gnrn9 t0 me Bt tne offlc-0( the
n-i. i..i., r
Dated this 16th d'iy of
September, iuiu.
Administrator. .
Stephen A. Lowell,
His Attorney.
: I Liberty Bonds f
An absolutely safe invest
ment. If you have money to in
vest, buy Liberty lionds from us.
If you sell Liberty lionds, sell
to us.
Wo buy and aell Liberty Horn!.
Any denomination $50 $100
James L. Elam
Walla Walla Washington