ESTON Leader VOLUME 42 WESTON, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1919 NUMBER 20 OREGON NEWS NOTES IF GENERAUNTEREST Prlnclpil Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor matlon of Cur Readers. - room, tod dwelling hou... are at premium In Dallai. Heed River poat of tha American Legion wat formally launched with II mambara. - Tha Coo county teacher' Institute we bald lu Nenh Band October 11, 14 and II. (tut Rionay on deposit In lha bank throughout Oregon on October I ag gregated 1,I4T,I1I IT. Tha building fund for tha nw Laua anna hall at Willamette university haa raachad aaartr 140.000. , Bumpier will vol on new charter, embodying tha commission form of government, on Iecmtr . It la believed that the total pruna production of Douglaa county for lll will ba about 1.900,000 pound. Thirty four pupil of Middle Orov .aehool Id Marlon county aarnad a total of 11100 during tha itinnir vacation. Of 4000 achoola In tba aut of Ora gon, ISO htv ban unable to open thla fall on account of lack of Uachcr. Tbomaa A. Drasflold. II year old, one of Baker county' earliest settlers, died at the borne of bla ton In Dakar. Captain cf all ah I pa coming to Portland boreerter will be antartalned by the Portland Chamber of Com merce. Plan of the Silver Lake Irrigation j. . i . . a.o - . ... . " ... m . A , .7 1 , It (pitted to the stale engineer for ap proval. Marrtagea In Marlon county during tba quarter ending October 1, out numbered divorce practically three to one. Rev, William Rldgely Powell, on of the oldeat clergymen In Oregon, died at bla bom In Portland at tha age of tl yewre. For tbe first Urn In aeven year, Baker baa a city Isolation boapltal, established to accommodate a cat of mallpox. Mitt Roaallnn Eapluoaa. gradual of tha University of Colorado, It the new professor of flpatilsli at the University of Oregon. The Dalles district Columbia river conference of Methodist Episcopal ministers was hoW In Tho Dslle Mon day and Tuesday. Miss Anne Klisabetn Arnspiger, a resident of Oregon since 11(3, died at lb horn of her slater, Mrs. Mary Rbodea In Tbe Dalles. Multnomtb county road budget for 1920, as tentatively prepared by th road department, calls for a total ap propriation of $1,200,000. Organisation of a county farm bu reau waa effected at a meeting In Klamath Fall or farmers from all sec tions of Klamath county. Eight Eugene dentist will care for the teeth or 73 children In the Eugene public school during the present school yetr free of charge. Demand were presented to the board of education by tha teachera of tba NortbBend achoola for an Increase In aalarlaa of $20 'a month. Pbyalcal examination of Umatilla county school children la revealing that tha majority are In need of medi cal, optical or dental attention. Plana for the enlargement of tha fish hatchery on tbe north fork of the Umpqua river baa been made by the Oregon fish snd game commission. Heavy frosts laat week killed plant In the big tomato and potato field around Dalle and damaged the ripen Inn; fruit to the amount of teveral hundred dollar. With tba discharge from Good Sam aritan hospital of Portland's first case of Influent for tbe winter aeason, tha olty la now without a single case of tbe dresded dlsesso. Wi D. DeVarney of Portland waa ap pointed by Governor Olcott ma a mem ber of the child welfare commission to luoceed Fred Lockloy, also -of Port land, who ha realgned. The thirty-third grand encampment of tbe Grand Commandery of the Kdlghta Templar of Oregon met In Eugene with 70 delegates from dif ferent part of the atate, Flv thousand boxes of tomatoes from five tore of land at Dillard 1 th record mad by T. B. Evan at Sou. The fruit brought a price of more than 40 cents a box. Curfew ordlnawt which require all boy and girls under th age of 18 year to be off the streets by 9 P. M. after October .will be strictly n- forced bnroarini' In flaleiii. A rotnrullte of flt of th Portland liill ii (! i tniunt appeared bnfor Mayor 4likir, with r-quet that there be horlinntal Increase In salaries of approximately 120 month. The aeveniyflfib anniversary of lha founding lha Oregon ( II y Congrega ttonal church will be made (ha oeeu alon for tha holding of tb 71st stale eonfaranra of tha Congregational rhurrhes of Oregon, a three-day e- ! WI Nov.mb.r 4. and I. Eleven parent of land, the property of various member of the Indian col ony on tha t'matllla reservation near Pendleton, will ba offered for aale to Ibe highest bidder on November :i. laauauce of $800,000 In bond to fl nance Irrigation of 21,000 acre of the t.ange valley 10 mile east of Kit math Ktll waa approved at a apodal lactlon of taipayara of the district. To tudy method of logging ud In the central Oregon white pine bolt, nearly HO member of tho Pacific l.oailng enngreaa which held It tenth annual aeaalon In Portland, visited Pond. Hundred of centu enumerator are wanted and the aupervlaort of Oregon are wondering If they will e rur enough to make the canvaaa. Oregon will require about 160 enu merators. Enough money waa taken In at the atate fair at Salem over and above ex pense to pay off the entire debt con tracted for the. conatructlon of the atadlum there and to leave over $10, 000 aurplua. Mothera and father of Oregon boy with the Amerlctn expeditionary forcet In Siberia may expect their aona home In abort time, the war detriment ha. advised Ben S. Planer tone home In abort time, the war or Marshfield. Clatsop post, American legion, Is msklng good progress In Its campaign to Induce Astoria business men to withdraw their patronage from tha Toverl, tbe Finnish dally, accused of disloyal utterancea. A nurse whoa duty It will ba to visit the homes of children who are absent on account of lllneaa and to upervlae health In general In the achoola of Eugene la to be employed by tho board of education. Paid-up membera of tbe American Legion In the tal of Oregon number 9002. according lo the report which I'rescott W. Cooklngham. state treas urer, was authorltnd to forward to na tional headquartera of tho Legion. After thoy bad boon made by 10 ex-aervlce men to klsa the American flag, the eight I. W. W. member who wore held In the Baker count Jail pending action by tba authorities, left Baker quietly upon being requested to do so by the police. Following a reorganisation of the board of directors of tho Central Ore- gon Irrigation district, George Moore becomes president of the district, and an order haa boon Issued for a bond election on November 26 to vote on bonds amounting to $240,000. That tho present basic price for wheat I fully Justified by the condi tion of tho world market and the dearth of world production was the declaration In Portland of Julius H. Barnes, federal grain director, In an address before tbe chamber of com merce. A klsslosa . wlnterl This 1 tha edict of tho Portland municipal bu reau of hoalth. "Ding bust It," com mented Health Officer Parrlsh, with professional dignity. "I know this it going to mako me one of the most un- , ., popular partlea in th little -eld atate. Washington -The coal strike Nov but it can't b helped. Influent ta ember 1 la expected to paralyse the , responsibly" . country Industries. Th resignation of W. L. Thompson aa a member or tlte state highway commission became effective October 15, Mr. Thompson having made this request in a letter to Governor QlcotL J, N. Burgess, of Pendleton, began hi dutle afbjMr. Thompson' successor on that date. Since the organisation of a atate highway department In 1914 there has been expended and contracted for up to date the aum of $21,071,660.97 oi atate and federal funds. To ,llls It to be added approximately $2,000,000 of county fund expended under the su perintendence of the state highway department. Tn veara in the slit penitentiary for stealing an autonfoblle was the sen tence banded out to Walter Willie oy Judge Galena of Portland. Rnd th same Judge sentenced Joo Gonla to five years In the samo Institution for 'the same offense. Judge Gatens has publicly announced that no mercy may be expected by automobile thieve in hi court. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND To the Roosevelt Memorial Aiutrlatlon, Hoy W, Itllncr, County Chairman, Pendlrton, Oregon. I hrrewlth auhsrrihe the sum of to the Itooacrtir Mrxosut Krxo. Name Adders ..... - The flxne amount li Inclosed An-oHlnr In th plan Boonetelt Memorial AaaoH.lkiB. I Ik Rnoamlt Memorial rutt nl , uloht utill-4 In erert a National Mnnumrnl la W anhlnalon. t. r.i lo afiiu're el maintain puhlle purl! al o.lrr Bar, V ami Uimalelr lo liv-ltid eaamnr lllll. Itw Kwrll Nome, Ikvrem. lo be trrwtr.l like M'Hiel Verenn awl Murom's lmm al rfirliMi'M : and la fiw a National Sodrtr rprtuat principles and Meal of Throrfora RooaeveK. F.arh contributor to ll fund will R.viavTrll Memorial Aawialion. A rltoul rontributln to th fu4- lha nama of wrry eontribulor will be In IM hatlOBal MonuaMOt to ba ataclrd SPEEDY ACTION ON -TREATY IS PLANNED Waiblngtoo. Imminence of another teat of (trengtb In tbe aenato contro versy over the German peace treaty ovenoppeq m iniorr.i ...u m.u. HI matter, likely to com. before con- overtopped In Intareit and Importance greaa this week. Leader In the treaty fight regard a vote on the Shantung amendments to tbe pact late thla week as aiwured and hope that within ten day all other amendment can be dis posed of. Followlug disposal of the Shantung amendments, sensto leaders plan to take up the "tlx to one" amendment., of Senator Johnson of California. By the time amendment to tho treaty are disposed of and reserve tiona coma up for action, democratic loader hope President Wilson will have recovered ufflclcntly to silo uie nouimg oi comorencoa. The bulk of the democrats still are declared by party, leaders to be solidly against the republican reservation pro gram, while continued progress toward complete agreement of the republicans on the reservation Is reported, The bouse will consider compare- tlvcly minor measures this week, In- eluding disposition of the bill for vo- rational education of persons Injured In Industry and that to establish a federal budget system. . PROFITEERING BILL PASSED Congress Hits at Hoarding and Ex tends Food Control Act. Washington. Senate and house adopted tho conference report on amendments extending the food con trol act to Include clothing and food containers and providing punishment for profiteering and hoarding. The bill now goes to the president, who asked for this legislation as a weapon against the high cost of living. Hoarding and profiteering under tbe act are punishable by two years' Im prisonment and $5000 fine. That Winter herewith. ree a rertlSrate of m. mSrnhin rriliflral will a too be prnrnted to Ik tba etery placed on lha lltt of aaa al Wathtuftoo, l. C i depoalUd MAYNARD WINS FIRST LAP IN BIG AIR RACE New York. Lieutenant B. W. May nard. the "flying parson." won the first coast-to-coast leg of the army air race, It waa announced by officials of --- - -- : . . the American Flying dub which .a- slated the army In tbe conduct of the race. His actual Hying time for the 2701 mtlea from Mineola, N. Y., to San Francisco was 24 hours 69 minute and 4m aeconda, aa unofficially reported aa the flight time. While Lieutenant Emit Kiel touched the ground t Roosevelt field 20 sec onds before Msjor Carl Spatt In the dash from west to east. Major Spats, was credited with second honors, hav ing left San Francisco three minute behind Lieutenant Kiel. K0LCHAK DEMAND ALLOWED Ruaaiana to Get War Material Cap tured by German. Paris. The supreme council haa ac cepted in principlo a demand present ed on behalf of Admiral Kolohak and General Deulktne, asking lbat Russian war material captured by the German army during the war should b turned over to them for the use of their ar mies. Tbe Interallied commission of control In Germany will supervise the execution of the measure. The council further approved a re port regarding the formation of an International commission sitting at Berlin, which will have charge of the Interests of Russian prisoners still in Germany. Prohibition Enforcement Law Paased. Washington. Enactment of the pro hibition enforcement bill was complet ed by congress with the house adopt ing the conforence report, already agreed to by the senate, and sending the measure to the president for ap proval. Preceding the house approval of tha report by a vote of 321 to 70, vain effort was made to send it back to conference with instructions to eliminate a section permitting state authorities to Issue search warrants. Comforter Al Whil . Point Po. HopeDk? y Nf AL McNIAL. Haa human endurance any llmltt At Just what level of poverty, of fering, bnnger and disease doe th laat flicker of hope fade out In th hu man breast and merciful Death bring welcome obllv'nnT Certain It 1 that hnmaa beings bare In th past survived day, weeks, even months, of .l.lmllevsble physical tor ture and mental anguish and, surviv ing, have returned again to normal. It I equally certain that all previous record of what human beings ran en dure and yet live have been broken by the experience of th 0,000,000 Jew -lh men, women and children In East ern Europe during tb four year Just past Now that rellrf worker have pene trated Into the affected portions of the Old World, the full story of European Jewry' four ears of horror I coming K light. The majority of the Jew abroad, according to report now In th possession of the American Jewish Re lief Committee, have lost tbeir homes, their possessions, their health, on or more member of their fnmllleo have been bereft, In fact, of everything that nmkes life worth the living. In hun dreds of thousand of case these un fortunates areso deadened by their endless misery" that they have all but lost tbe desire for life Itself: The Jewish population of whole district ba not known full meal in years, while there re almost 1,000,000 chil dren alono who have either forgotten or have never known what milk taste like. Aa result all tbe diseases at (milant npon sts nation and lowered vitality are raging. "It la difficult to believe," write Dr. Boris D. Bogen, executive director of Jewish relief work In Poland, "that humanity can endure suffering to such an extent as Is found here. The situa tion Is so depressing that I think it miraculous people still continue to live. Tbe number of homeless cbiluVea seen on tbe streets Is appalling. . "The aiuouut of food is very limited. and, practically sieaklng, none la to be bought In tbe open market It Is remarkable that the people still con tinue their schools for educating Hie children according to ancient Jewish custom, and In this respect do not lose heart" Tbe above Is typical of tbe accounts of the plight of the Jews In Europe that are received at tbe American Jew ish Relief Committee headquarter at 15 East Fortieth street. New York. These reports furnish the answer to the question as to bow much human beings can suffer and still live. The present condition of the Jewish peo ple abroad, according to all the Infor mation available, Is tbe last word In human suffering and tbe utter limit of human endurance. ' Relief Work Must Go On New York. Private charitable and relief organizations must now take over the work of feeillnir and succor ing the poor of Eastern Europe, which was formerly done by the American Relief Administration, Herbert Hoover asserted in Paris just before his re turn to this country, according to a dispatch from the New York Times' foreign correspondent Outside help Is imperative, be stated, especially in feeding and clothing the 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 children In Europe whose health and strength are being danger ously undermined by long malnutrition. The work of feeding these children Mr. Hoover considers the most lmpor- taut single thing yet to be done. Of the total number of children affected about 1,000,000 are Jewish. Of this number at least 100.000 are orphans, according to information In the hands of the American Jewish Relief Com niltee, and most of these youngsters have uo home save the streets of Pol ish cities. A Inte report from Dr. Boris Bogen, executive director for the Joint Distribution Committee of Jewish re lief funds In Polaffli, states that 875, 000 Jewish children In that country are now being fed dally by his agency. Careful estimates based on a partial census show that more than twice this number f Jewish children must be cared for. It Is for purposes of ex panding this work to care for all these needy youngsters that the American Jewlth Relief Committee is seeking a fund of ?3,0O0,0 this year. Without widespread and adequate help from charitable and relief organ isations, according to Mr. Hoover's. In formation, literally tens of thousands of these liuls and lassies will not sur vive tlie comius wluter. After a heated contest in which the relative merits of La Grande and Pen dleton were at Issue, delegates from La Grande at tbe state federation of labor convention in Bend Von the se lection as the 1920 convention city. Tbe convention deiegatea voiced their disapproval by a vote of 61 to 27 of a resolution to petition President Wil son for the immediate release of all individuals imprisoned under the es pionage act (jgjJQ JQ RQQyfY : FOR VlLSOtl SLG'.V Physicians Seem Satisfied . With Profjress the Presl- k dent Is Making. Washington. WhUe President Wil son I believed by hi physician t be on the road to recovery, th process will be alow and tedlou. Th presi dent. It was reiterated at tb White Hons, must resign himself to strict observance of th phyaiciana' orders to pot aside all thought of his office while convalescing and remain in bed until danger of a relapse has passed. Rear-Admiral Grayson, th presi dent's personal physician, and th phy aiciana he called In, continue to eon fine themseve to terse bulletin twice a day. That they are satisfied with tha progress their patient is making Is apparent from the spirit of optimism that pervades the White House, and the resentment with which various rumor as to the president's "real" condition are met by While Moos of ficial. Dr. Grayson and tb other physi cian have adopted a policy of "stand ing pat" on their bulletins and will not even comment on the daily crop of rumors concerning tbe president ' that spring up over night Th physician' announcement waa not taken to mean that Mr. Wilson would be prohibited from sitting up la bed, and it waa considered entirely possible that h might be permitted to sign a few Important bill and or ders each day as hi progress coa tlnues. Discussion of rumor that Wilson will be 111 so long it will be necessary to have his work delegated to some one else, probably the vice president, at least temporarily, waa one of the principal topics of conversation aroond the government building. Many be lieved that If th president' case war as aerloos as ttaX kta physician would take the initiative In Informing the country of it Instead of letting things run along until the question is opened up In congress. Bomb Plot Suspect Arrested Chicago. Federal authorities at Gary, Ind., where military control was established by MaJor-General Leonard Wood after the' situation growing out of the strike of steel-workers became too threatening for state authorities to handle, have arrested the alleged maker of the bomb exploded on the night of June 3 last in tbe doorway of the home of A. Mitchell Palmer, Uni ted States attorney-general at Wash ington, and have obtained evidence clearing up the terrorist bomb plots of May day and June 2, according to authoritative Information here. Evidence also has been obtained, it was said, that revealed the entire ter rorist organisation responsible for at tempt against the Uves of law-enforcement officers throughout the country, who had been active in the arrest and prosecution of radicals. . Secret service men announced also that they had uncovered a plot to assassinate the mayor of Gary, dis covered great store of dynamite near Gary, and traced the printing of red circulars to Indianapolis. They said they had arrested the man who blew up an entrance of the Chicago post office a year ago. Since the 1600 soldiers of th fourth and sixth divisions took control of Gary Investigations have been shroud ed In secrecy. There have been many arrests made and a strong stockade was built to keep the prisoner in. ; Seattle Woman' Death Investigated. Seattle, Wash. Walter P. Miller is held in th oounty Jail on an open charge, while the prosecuting attor ney's office la investigating the cir cumstances surrounding the death of. hit wife, Mrs. a "Elinor Miller, di vorced wife of Mayor George Baker of Portland, who drowned In Lake Washington shortly after noon Mon day. Miller, who is a photographer and former deputy sheriff, inststa on his innocence. Council of Japan Acta on Treaty. Tokto. The privy council ha ap proved the peace treaty and submit ted it to the emperor for his ratifica tion. The privy council is an advis ory body consulted by the emperor on important matter of state. Ratifica tion of th treaty by rh Pr- -liament has not been effected yet. --...-.---