The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 10, 1919, Image 4

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;,,,,,,,,, MMtt:
Rev.. A. J. SUrmcr U transacting
business in Spokane this week.
' Victor Thoeny is reported to be
ill with smallpox at the Garmichael
' V. J. Crawford has soM hi up
land farm of 155 acres to J. V.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Humes have
gone to their mountain ranch for a
month's stay.
i A 6tronsr. high wind quite simi
lar o Eurwlydon visited this boo
tion Wednesday.
A. rhillis. perhni the nut
njjvd of Weston's citixens, has been
quite ill the past week.
G. Y. . Stages and Joe Wuner
fpent part of the week on a busi
ness trip to Columbia river points
The books, notes andac
count of th firm of R.
Lieuallen & Son have been
assigned to me, and I wish
to (rive notice to all who are
indebted to said firm that all
such obligations are- imme
diately due and collectible.
Those owing R. Lieuallen &
Son will best serve their
own interests by paying me
at once and saving costs.
Weston, Ore., Oct 3, 1911K
Mrs. Matt Vanderpool is visiting
relatives in Milton.
M. A. Thrasher and wife of WaN
la Walla were Sunday guests of
the D. F. Lavenders.
Miss Alma Rarnott and Mrs. An
dy Burnett and children ar visit
ing relatives in Portland.
W. W. Smith and J. Smith of
Bickleton, Wash., spent the week
end at the D. 11. Wilaey home.
Jackson, Nelson, pioneer resident
of Athena, Oregon, died at his homo
in that city October 6 at the age of
82 years.
A good attendance of l'ythian
Sisters is desired on the next regu
lar meeting night. October 13. Hy
order of the M. K. C.
w t u
Daker'a Goods
Thono your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
General Insurance
and Real Estate
hass & sauer 1 1 Davis & Ellis
Mrs. Stella Kennedy, who has
Discovery that Turkey Red wheat been visiting her iarent8. Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. O'llurra. returned Mon- A
day to her home in Sjwkane. X
Frank Lavender is at Keating, A
Oregon, with a surveying crew. X
He requests the home folks to for- Jt
ward him the Weston Leader regu-
larly, as he is lonesome without it.
Jack Parker, since early years
proprietor of the IVrker barln-r
Ml dead Wed-
of Dr. A
tn this region win produce more fcnarp. iur. turner nau long ueen
revenue," says Mr. Shinn. ailing with heart trouble.
The Bachelor Girls' club held its Otis Gould, an enthusiastic stud- A
initial meeting of the season at the ent at O. A. C. writes that a most T
home of Miss FJiia Morrison, Mon- thrilling experience befell him last j
day evening. Needlework and con- week his. first witnessing of i y
Having concluded a pleasant visit versation occupied the early hours, football game. Great excitement
with relatives and friends, Mrs. W. after which refreshments highly prevailed and college spirit ran A
A. Graham has returned to her pleasing to the taste were served by high. The Weston young people A
home at Reedsport, Oregon. the hostess. Those present were: are delighted with life at the Cor-
t . t Misses Doris and Mamie Barnes, vallis institution. t
:: . t ,. 0 prominvnt union peopie visuea x
i rr . mTJ- Weston and Athena Tuesday in the '
Love ahd Eliza Morrison. i.. k,,.,fw u.r.inmnt A
Do you want
property? If
to sell your
It Is salable
routed with peas in the Inland
Empire is a success will add mil
lions to the crop valuation and will
make history in the milling'indus
try, according to County Farm Ex
pert J. R. Shinn of Spokane. John
Clarence Jones, prominent Walla ''SS
Walla florist, was attending to busi- r 7w'.lK' ?' .. Ji
ness matters in Weston last week. P th,s :ear- but netted
$26.15 more to the acre than on
Joe Fayant and waiter Cameron the other varieties of wheat. "The shop at Athena, droppe
were called to Portland Wednesday discovery means that 500.000 acres nesday evening in the office
'jy tno serious illness oi meir
James Baldwin and family of
Adams have moved to Weston and
taken possession of their property,
known as the Mosier place.
in, Zona cauienne rrice, ai uie
Mrs. Z. C. Price farmstead.
Trajan Tucker, extensive spud
grower of Wild Horse mountain,
has invested in a motor truck to
facilitate his hauling operations.
Mr. and Mrs.
Burt Pell, formerly
values oi ",u,, of rtroit. Michigan, have come
pecuimr w .. uii Weston to make their home. Mr.
prominent Milton people visited
Weston and Athena Tuesday in ths
interest oi me ocneiu enieriainimrm
Mrs. Mary C. McNee has receiv- given last evening for the Milton A
ed from the Bureau of Biological public ilbrary. In the party were
Survey, Washington, D. C, sched- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cockburn, Mr.
ules upon which to chronicle infor- and Mrs. Geo. A. Price; Mrs. H. E.
" Mrs. S. A. .Beard of Boise, Idaho, mation regarding the bird life of McQuary, Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mr.
who has been visiting her sisters, this vicinity. During the past year S. A. Miller.
Mrs. J. M. O'Harra and Mrs. A. Mrs. McNee has noted over sixty
G. "Winn, left Tuesday . for her varieties of birds many of them
Miss Josic Lavender writes the y7ZZ Pe" has a Pit'wn with R- G-
home folks that she has completed V? Saling at the Weston garage. Ho
her course in business college and the rccords at the natl0naI caP has had long and varied exporience
has taken a clerical position with ltal as an automobile mechanic, having
the Pacific Telephone company of Miss Lillian Jennings of Virgin- worked in a number of different
Portland. ia, who has been the guest of her factories and service stations in De-
tu 1,1 t:kv w-f cousin, J. N. York, will enter Whit- troit in order to famliarize himself
the month of September shows 123 " coIIe' WaIIa al'a
books and nine periodicals circu- M?ndy for post graduate work
lated. Two books by Mark Twain Jennings is a normal school
were recently donated to the libra- paduate and wishes to complete
The old reliable red chaff con
tinues to be a favorite wheat in
with as many makes of cars as
Mose Taylor was defendant in two
actions this week in the circuit
court at Pendleton. He lost the
case brought by Iley Winn, resulting
from a land deal, and won two case
brought by the Elmer Turners, who
sought damages to the amount of
$10,000 on personal grounds.
Mose is plaintiff in another action,
her professional training. She re
turned Mondav with Dillard York
Before breaking his fast Sunday from an enjoyable motoring trip to
morning, Will S. Price journeyed Lewiston and other points in the up
into the fields to test his skill as a p.r country.
mmroa witn ine resun mat me
family, together with the Misses
twJnn I-T-l !nKxWL- an1 Cj"jw
partook of a savory pheasant dinner. );he JV'eston country. S. J. Culley brought against Mark and Alma
has shipped in pure red chaff seed Sturdivant,to recover $5000 alleged
The beautiful season of St. from La Grande for 40 acres of to be due on a promissory note.'
Luke's summer has arrived. Au- ground thus insuring that such :
tumn coloring beautifies the land- 5 n future will be above sua
scape, which is always cheerful pjcion. The purity of this partic
now, however dull and gloomy the Miar lot has been certified to by
skies may be. The variety in color Professor Hyslop of Oregon Agri
among trees of the same species is cultural College.
noteworthy. The Epworth ,eague hc(1 its firgt gRe;j
The "You Go, I Go" club met meeting since the summer vacation,
Tuesday evening at the home of last Friday evening at the Metho-
Miss fcva Lundell. Only a few dist church. After a short business
members were present, as many session; the young people adjourned
of the girls are away to college, to the basement for games. Three
Dainty refreshments were served deep. Flying Dutchman, Bird, Beast
by Miss Lundell, assisted by Miss 0r Fish, and similar amusements
By winning yesterday from Chi- jfc
cago, tne Cincinnati nationals oe- j
came baseball champions of the
world. (
Tom Cerwine Comes With Remarkablt
Sound Imitations.
Vera Morrison.
Auto Owners
Having just added new
machinery to our auto
trimming department,
we are now prepared to
do all kinds- of auto
trimming with neatness
and dispatch. A large
assortment of PLATE
GLASSES on display
at prices to suit the
Also leaders in home-made
harness and saddles.
Repairing of all kinds neat
ly and promptly done.
Harness Store
(J. D. Whitman)
Milton - Oregon
kept them so busy that they went
home under protest.
Charles Schaal and family of
Pendleton motored up Sunday to
spend the day with the R. L. Rey
nauds. The friendship existing be
tween. Mrs. Schaal and Mrs. Ray
naud had its incipiency in Ottawa,
Kansas, and extends over a period
of fifteen years. Mr. Schaal is an
overseas veteran of the aviation
service. ,
Edward Tucker has bought 760
acres of wheat land in the Holdman
neighborhood from Ed. Gcist of
Pendleton trading his mountain
eighty in on the deal. Mr. Tucker
has already begun operations on his
new holdings, and will move his
family from Weston to the farm.
The deal was handled by F. G. Lu
cas. Mrs. Jane Gilliam of Pilot Rock
was visiting with her sister, Mrs. '
Newton Loveridge, a few days last
week. Mrs. Gilliam is the mother
of Umatilla county's efficient treas
urer, Miss Grace Gilliam. The fam
ily is a prominent one since early
pioneer days, and one of Oregon's
counties will perpetuate the name.
Tom Corwine refutes the old saying,
"Nothing new uniier thn sun." He Is
a humorist and polyphnnlst or Imita
tor of sounds unquestionably the
ft r,M,.,,,,v,
on the
American platform.
, The concert-recital of Lela Saling
and Gail Miller Williams given in
Walla Walla last Friday evening
was highly eulogized by those in
attendance. A number of Weston
people motored over to be present
at the event. '
Mrs. Roy Pambrun, Mrs. Maggie
Sand and Mrs. Mary Brouillard of
Pendleton were recent visitors at
the Ernest Ross home on Normal
Ho can crow I!k a. whole flock of
roosters, stage a dog fight and Imitate
o many things that ht will keep yon
Is constant wonderment and In a con
tinuous roar of laughter. The sawing
of wood, popping of corks, Imitating
locomotive whistle all , theie are
child's play to hlra.
Skirl sre in bp Kliorti-r or lighter,
find since tlipy ennnot le tlgher they
fnunt be shorter.
. A yet, man's control of the air Is
not much better developed than man's
control of bis wife.
V S3 tVa
One of our good customers brought to us an in- &
voice from one of the well known mail order grocery y
houses, asking us to make comparison. We find we
can fill the order from our well-selected stock of
standard goods such brands as are . familiar to
users and not "any brand" or name. The figures
below should be sufficient to convince any fair-
minded man or woman; and this is no exception but
will apply to all our prices. Our constantly increas-
ing business is evidence that we are right, but we $
agents of the mail order houses who take the liberty
to quote our prices incorrectly; and we ask that be- X
fore sending your money out of the country you
first; let us figure with you. We have no quarrel
with the mail order houses. If they save you mon
ey you have a right to trade where your money goes
farthest. But do not be deceived. The figures be
low show how this man lost. He was misinformed:
25-lb. bag coffee, roasted blend $14 00
3 lbs. cocoanut 1 92
1 lb. pepper, white 80
1 lb. 'pepper, black 52
8 oz. vanilla ext 1 10
One-half case Klenzaro (klen-za-ro) 3 75
5 pounds rice 75
1 doz. toilet soap 1 93
" 5 lbs. noodles 70
3 lbs. cocoa..... 120
3 lbs. corn starch 33
5 lbs. tapioca 70
Freight on above
Total cost to customer at depot..!
25 lb. Hills Bros. Blu can coffee, scaled cans,
ground : $12 50
3 lbs. -Dromedary Cocoanut ; 1 50
1 lb. white pepper, Schilling's 1 00
1 lb. black- pepper, Schilling's 75
8oz. vanilla ext., Schilling's 1 25
One-quarter case Old Dutch Cleanser 2 40
5 lbs. Fancy Jap Rice, whole grain ' 85
1 doz. Fairy Toilet Soap. 1 00
5 lbs. Oregon Noodles 65
3 lbs. Ghiradella's Cocoa or Chocolate .- 1 35
3 lbs7 Kingsford Starch 45
5 lbs. Tapioca, Preferred Stock... 90
$27 75
$28 60
Total delivered either to your door or gr
(A saving of $4.00 for better merchandise.)
$24 60
Note that these are all standard brands and high grade. For tho price this party
paid we can sell the best coffee money will buy. Note that his coffee is just coffee not
ground nor put in steel cans insuring the keeping qualities and aroma.
Which is the best business policy to give us your trade and save money on .high
grade, reputable goods, or to send to the mail order houses for just ordinary merchandise?
illlo t