The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 10, 1919, Image 3

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    Memorial Hall
Weston, Oregon
Oct. 23, 1919
If YOU come, everybody
will be there
(Thitt space donuted)
Egg Mash, Bone, Shell and Grit
for your chickens.
for your calves and other baby
stock. Raise them without milk.
Joe Hodgson
In Large Variety and j
Dainty Design
Goodwin's Drug Store f
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena. Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Clarence IicutU Is vinit Intf friend
in Milton thin week.
Mr. unci Mm. Charles Hall were
visitors In Athena Monday after
noon. James K
McDanlel is harvesting
a fine crop of Gravenstein
n apples at
his mountain ranch.
K. 0. DeMoss left for Portland
Wednesday on a buying trip for
the DeMoss furniture store.
Horner L. Hedrlck, formerly of
Weston, Is now connected with the
Overland garage at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tucker and
Mis. Dorothy HuMnch were Sunday
guests at the C. F. Bulflnch home.
Miss Florence Simmons, a popu-
lar member last year of the Weston khUhI under the leadership of
school faculty, is now teaching Mrs Ai w. Lundell. Fifteen mem
in the Miles City, Montana, high .n,i three vibitorsMrs. Mar-
Miss Louise Rintoul and Miss
Elza Love of the Weston school fac
ully are comfortably domiciled in
the Wililum Davis home on north
WgU-r street.
W, L. Itayborn, who has been
taking "bake oven" treatments for
rheumatism at Walla Walla, is much
improved in health and says he feels
like a new man
J. N. York, well known wheat
lUlllliri liuo iin ttiv ii"ni !! i'im-
ilege of welcoming another gran
son, . 7,"J"
VI iir. HUM iUIB HOM17 vii
the Walla Walla river.
A viimrr u.'rtrtr mills At. thf J.
v. ........ - -
E. Jones place playfully jumped
on a fretful porcupine and got nia
forelegs filled with quills. The
mule was snubbed to a tree and
the quills withdrawn with pincers.
Lon W. Booher of Athena, broth- the United Brethren church in ex
er of W. II. Booher of this city,1 tending a welcome to the new min
passcd away October 6 at Pendleton. i8ter.
at the age of nearly Hi years. The E1,BWOrth Wood8 and family and
funeral wrvlcw wcr 'held Wednes- gnd Mrs R Morrison left
ady in the Christian church at Alh- Monday on B I110toring trip to Lew-tna-
iston, Idaho, where they will be the
D. K. Garrett has arrived in guests 'for a few days of Mr. and
town from Northport, Washington, Mrs. Wilbur Woods,
and has installed his jeweler's w-ork Mf and Mrs j 0 Wood and
sliop in the City drug store Thto .ve ved from Wall Wal-
newwmer commenU favorably upon Redmond, Oregon, where they
the friendly attitude of the Weston wi, the farm of Rev N, a
!oPk'- Wood.
It is reported that dogs have house with mod-
been used in chasing deer, contrary anDointmcnU d six lots for
l h triime laws, in
the game laws, in the uyote
rrwli nirion of the Blue mountains
In such case the owner of the dogs
if convicted, is subject to a heavy
Thursday, October 23. has been
designated as the dedication date of
the new Memorial hall. Commit
tin are beinfir anuointed to take
charge of the various features, and
this should be a time of rejoicing
and jollification for the community
at large.
Mrs. M. J. NorDean, for many
years a 'resident of this city, but
now located at Clayton, Washingon,
writes that she and her husband are
well and very comfortably situated.
The crops in thnt section were good
this season, while fruit and live
stock yield satisfacory revenue.
Following is a list of pupils re
ported by the teacher, Merle Heid
enrich, to have been neither absent
nor tardy in Wild Horse district
No. 11 during the school month
ending October 3, 1919: Armond
Bell, Lee Foster, Marvin King,
Marie Foster, Helen Foster, Lois
King, Juanita King.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Swart of
Donald, Washington, were here Sat
urday and Sunday visiting relatives
of Mrs. Swart. Mr. Swart, who be
longs to a pioneer Umatilla county
family of, railroaders, is now joint
agent of the O-W. and Northern
Pacific at Donald, a small station
near Yakima. Ho was O-W. agent
at Athena some 15 years ago.
Dr. W. H. McKinney has had
unusual luck in securing pheasants
since the season opened; a few days
ago a friend gave him a quantity of
venison, and then a fine duck from
the Pamburn ranch appeared in the
ice box so this household's larder
is running over with fatness just at
present. "It's either a feast or a
famine at our house," remarked
the genial doctor,
The Saturday Afternoon club
was most pleasantly entertained Oc
tober 4 at the home of its new pres
ident, Mrs. H. Goodwin. The pres
ident appointed Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre
as vice president and Mrs. W. S.
Payne as reporter. After the busi
ness session an interesting program
on "Scotland" was carried out as
follows: "The Country,"' Mrs. C.
L. Pinkerton;" "The People," Mrs.
W. S. Price. After a social hour,
delicious refreshments were served
by Mrs. R. Morrison and the
State highway locators were at rtWMSWsa
work again thia week on the Wanh- 1
lnrrt,.n Main and P.rnitl streets I
rout through Weston indicating
that thl route has cither Uen de
finitely selected or is favorably con
sidered ly the comnilwion. It is U
said that this route shortens dis- A
tance and in other resjMvta lessens a
cost of construction. Klimination a
of the corner at Washington and y4
Main streets is made possible
throuirh an offer by a local citizen
donate nroocrtv on which the K
rnrmiirn an miir iiv n iin-hi uilivC'ii r
rhiiiir, truraaa and barn are ii
located; An expensive
detour U
through the W. A. Barnes
avoided by this route.
place is
The reKU,ar monthly meeting of
the Woman'a Missionary society of A
the Methodist church was held j
Wednesday afternoon at the home U
' M. F. Uwnder. It was A
h",drf hrm? 'n J
13th day of Dtber An ,n- fl
teresting program, covering prog.
rM - 0f rnimfions in China, was pre-
vin Price and the Misses Hintoul
Love were present. New
mmlMra registered were: Mrs.
A. 3. Starmer, Mrs. Bertha Sowers,
Miss Edna Hollenbeck and Miss
Mabel Colvin.
Miss Frank Harris Davis of the
High school faculty, who has been
in Oregon but a short time, was be-
moaning the fact that she knew
noimng oi uic uoimw wi
pheasant meat. Quite opportunely.
kind friend presented a fine bird
of this species to the Misses Holien
t -t a.. Ik., u.uo llf.lli.n
an(J Q,vjnwhercupon these wwwmwwb
energetic young ladies prepared an
apH'tizing game dinner and invited
Mix. Davis to dine with them. In
energetic young ladies prepared an H
such ways as this the benefits of liv-
pull aj -
jng in Oregon are demonstrated.
Out of courtesy to Rev. Phinncy,
the Methodist church dismissed the
evening service last Sunday and the
.,ncmnitinn joined with that of
. o: . iaP0.ain. Terms. Robert
Bundled wheat hay, near Athe
na, for sale. L. V. Warner, 333
Whitman street. Walla Walla.
Mrs. Eva Brehm of Albee, Ore
gon, spent Friday and Saturday
with Mrs. Mary Reeves.
GET a package today. No
tice the flavor the whole
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many "regular
men" buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There's the big reasonit's
toasted, and real Burley. Make
. Lucky Strike your cigarette.
r i h n rzrv ra jse
for decorating and beauti
fying walls and ceilings.
We have it in white and
many attractive colors,.
Deftss Furniture Store
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Do you want a farm loan this
fall? If so, call and see us.
We may be able to help you.
Guaranteed bv
. . C