WES ton- Lea DER VOLUME 42 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEBEST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infer mttlon of Our Reader?. Linn rant hank new bav drpoelie aggregating 88.o.304.78. Tba convention of lb BUI Federa tion of Labor opened In Bend Monday. Marten county' apple crop ihla year III nt tba grower nior (ban 100. i too. Prrkhaade and firemen of l'or(lanl'i river aioamboaia went on strike laat week, Hood River apple growers bar nev er eaperleneed M vre n ehortage of appla park ere, Tba price of milk in Pendleton baa raised to IS eenta for plnia and 20 ranti for quarta. Mora than IMO waa cleared at a danra given by Tba Dalle Hoapltal Alumni association. Flra which atarted In tha upper atory of tba Maaonle temple In Woodburn reused a damage of IS000. J. L. Stalker dlspoeed of hla 10J era ranch eltueted la tba vicinity of ftllverton to Edward Oleen. Tba Oregon Dairy Council will have tour delegate to tbo national dairy ahow tbla week In Chicago. Road eonelruetlon In Oregon will be preesad forward through tha winter by Ui atato highway commleelon. Cranberry raleer naar Marehfleld are ahort or help and bar tba btggeet crop In recent year to harveet. Tba Salem Phes company expect to pre mora than 3,000.000 pound or apple during tba present eeaaon. Two new paving plaote. rach coat ing In tba neighborhood or f 18.000. am to be purchase by Marlon county. Pear growara of tba Hood River val ley In a number of Instance will real ise 88000 an aero from their cropa tbla year. Forty five tliouaand gallona or vino gar will be manufactured by the Eu gene Fruit Orowera' aeeoclatlon tbla year. Tba accumulation of materlala await ing ablpment la rapidly nearlng a con geal Ion at the Rout barn Pacific depot In Brownevllle. Taspayera of Coqulllo have voted a bond laaue or 150.000 for purchaee of a alto and to conetrucl a new bleb achool building. Advertisement have been laaued by the Umatilla Indian agency Inviting blda for tha aalo of 787 acrea or choice Indian allotment Two raialltlea and a total of 688 accldenta were reported to the Indue trial accident coidiuImIoo for the week ending October I. The aecond annual dahlia ahow given In Oregon City under the auaplcea of tha 8t. Paul'a Eplecopel church guild waa largely attended. Dr. William Sunderland Mott. for more than 10 yeara a realdent of Salem and one of the beat known pbyalclana In this eeetlon or the atate. la dead. Salarlea or all county employee wboae pay la not regulated by atate lawa, were ralaed by the Douglaa coun ty court from 110 to 120 per month. With the number of motor cara con atantly Increaalng In Portland the trar Ho problem aa ahown by the September record or accldenta, la becoming moro acuto. Home nuralng will bo a part or the curriculum or tho futuro high echool girl In Portland, according to plana of tbo Portland chapter, American Bed Croaa. A largo touring car ran ofr tho Co lumbia river highway near Rainier and plunged down an embankment 100 feet, Matt Armatrong of Aatorla auffored a " broken leg. Because a large picture of the former kalaer appeara in tho new geography, tho Parent-Teacher aaaoclatton at Eu gene baa paaeed a reaolutlon condemn ' Ing tha book. A. C. Barber, auto Inauranca com mlaaloner, haa aent out more than 1000 circulars calling attention to fire prevention day, which ha' been dee Ignated for October 9. Tha atato board of eontrol haa atart ed an Inveatlgatlon to dotermlne tho reaponalbility tor a fire which do atroyed much property at the atate training achool for boya. Jame Davldaon and hla brother-in-law, John Field, wealthy farmcra of Nebraska, have purchaaed three Lane county farma aggregating 1541 acre or land ror approximately 180.000. i R. Lee Btelner, warden or tho Oregon . , r. i . AM atato penitentiary, uae ion mi a trip aa far eaat aa New York on a vlalt to ai viral or the brat nianegd a id laryat prlnona In the country. A HiiU i 're than a quarter or a ctl II ton dollars more than waa paid laat year will bo paid by Umatilla county taxpayere neit year, arrordlng to the estimate or County Aeeeeeor Strain. Tbo government haa preaenii-d to tho atate, through Adjutant Uenral Hisrln. official battle flags of the 102(1 Oregon Infnntry and tiie OSth Coast artillery: alao a large natloual flag ror the 1121. George W. flhend. oatier of the Hal em Iron Worka, baa taken ovi-r the Dnuglae Mlnto prune orchard, lorali-d about five ml Ira eouthof 8alm. The roniiderellon la aald to have beeu In the neghlrhood of 30.0W, The recent remonatranre filed by Hood Mlver bualnraa m-n aaalnat the location of a new home for a Hood Itlver poatofflre, according to Mlere just received from the Ort-gon arna torlal dob-gntlnn. haa come to naught. Manned by vetofan of Atm-rlrae naval fnrree and sailing in the elinduw of the Wan and Stripes, one of tho moat dr'-aikd of Hie ex kalser'e under aea terrota. the U-88, paid Portland a four day vlalt In tba Internet of naval recruiting. Conatruct ln haa atarted In Hrrmla too on permanent bulldlnga for tba annual Dairy and Hog ahow, sched uled thla year for October 22. 23 and 84, with the atate dalrymen'a conven tion. October 24 and 2$, to be h-ll In connection. A propoaed amendment to the atata conatitutton. Intended to lower legal Interest ratea. Initiated by J. F. Al bright of Oregon City, baa been pre sented to tho aecretary or state and will be referred to Attorney-Central Brown for a ballot title. Though gaa-drlven machinery la rap Idly replacing horaea in farm work around Albany, what la probably the first abaolutely boraeleea ranch In Linn county will be operated near Knot butte, about four jnliea eaat of Albany, by Otto J. Karstens, Baker county'a targeat recorded tim ber deal waa concluded by tho filing of an option and aa agreement luvolv ing 80.000.000 faet of yellow pine lim ber purcbaaed by the Stoddard Lumber company from the Hewitt Land com pany of Ta.-oma for 1205.844. Plana have been taken up by Eugene cltUena to co-operate with the people or other cltlea along tbo Pacific high way In a movement to plant ahruba and trees along the entire highway in Oregon aa a memorial to the state" fallen aoldlera and aaltora In the lata war. - Danger of a atrlke of Portland atreetcar operatives, which had loomed as an Immlnont probability, waa re moved with the announcement that the Portland Railway, Light Power com pany and Its employee had agreed upon arbitration or new wage demands pre sented by the men. . Turkey Red. Early Baart and Mar quia, three varlctlea or hard wheat, aro commanding a premium in the Pendleton grain trade. During the past week a quantity of Turkey Red was purchased for $2.28 In Books, 14 centa above the basic price. ,Soft wheats are at basic, and there Is little movement t present. Enforcement of the provisions of the motor vehicle laws In. Oregon la a matter entirely In the handa or tha peace officers and la In no way con trolled by tho secretary of state, ac cording to a letter prepared by Sam Koier, assistant aecretary of atate. In reply to a communication received from Robert Booth, state highway commissioner. . Several teacher In tho rural achool or Clatsop county have refuaed to teach from the Tarr and McMurray New World" geography dealgnated by the state, school book commission for uso In tho state schools becauae It contain a - large llkenesa of the ex kalaer or CTermany and a long laudt tory article on the military prowea or tha country over which ho ruled. Tho three Pendleton men who hav taken over the Aatorla Budget from John Oratk filed artlclee of incorpor ation at tho office or Corporation Com mlaaloner Bchulderman. showing a capitalisation of 260.000, and declaring the name of the company to bo the Aatorla Budget Publishing company. Tho Incorporators are E. B. Aldrich, F. W. Lampkln and M. R. Chessman. , And when nrmy worms, rf wonth er, cinch lings, tnke-nll nnd 'other things do not Injure the crops, a hail storm nlwnys can be counted upon. When aircraft become a plentiful aa automobiles and (ly about dripping oil and spnre parts, the cities to he safe will need to erect gigantic steel umbrellas. WESTON, OREGON, THE TAFT ADVOCATES "BUDGET SYSTEM Washington. Enormous war eg pendltures have forced tho attention of congress to the question or adopt ing a budget, rormcr President Taft told tho house committee investigat ing proposed changes In governmental flacal affair. Mr. Taft recommended that cabinet officer be required to come beforo congress to Justify esti mates contained in a budget Secretary Glass also urged that budget system be ndopted,. lis M the burden of bonds muat bo met by tho present generation, and that this could be done only by Intelligent econ omy In government expenditures. With the statement of tho ex presl dent, Mr. Class and Representstlve Mondell, republican leader In the house, who also urged a budget sys tem, the bearings were closed ami Chairman Good announced that the commltteo would begin working on Its recommendations. WILSON'S CONDITION BETTER Thought By Those Around Hlhvto Bo Recovering. Washington. Tho favorable trend of Prealdonf Wlleon'a condition con tinued and thore were indications that those attending him thought he mlRht be definitely on the road to recovery. That Mr. Wilson waa nbln to eat and sleep with moro regularity was considered particularly promising, since those are the two most Import ant requisite for cure of the compli cations which followed his attack of nervous exhaustion. His digestive or gans have been sensitive for years and his respiratory system, weakened by an attack of Influensa last spring. Is said to have Interfered during his present illness, with his ability to sleep aoundly. Judging by the unprecedented de mnnd for labor, about the only nble bodled mnn out of a Job In this -neck of the woods Is the bolshevlkl orator. The End of a JJM1 Y''2r 1k3 'tT FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1919 DAWN a WIDESPREAD NEGRO PLOT IS DISCOVERED Elaine, Ark. Discovery of what Is believed to have been a widespread plot on the part of organised negroea for a general killing of wbitea led of ficials to tighten up on emergency measures. The existence of the supposed con spiracy was brought to light by the committee of seven appointed follow ing the race ' orders here last week. AceordlnK iO committee members, negro captives readily revealed to Them the Inner workings of the plan. October 6, the negroes declared, waa tho date aet ror the uprising. Women are said to have been mem bora of the organization which the au thorities say was known as tho Pro gresslvo Farmers" and Household Union of America. Twenty-one white planters in this district, according to the confessions, had been Blngled out to be killed first The killing of the 21, It waa assert- ed, was to be followed immediately by a general massacre of whites, after which the negroes were to. take over the land and till it. TREATY RATIFIED BY ITALY Three "Great Powers" Now Have Vir tually Agreed to Pact Paris. King Victor Emanuel of Italy has signed a royal decree ratify ing the German and Austrian treaties, according to the Milan dispatch to the Eclair. Ratification of the German treaty by tho royal decree of the king of Italy virtually qampletes the ateps necessary ror putting into effect the pact between Germany and the allied powers, which stipulated it would be come operative when ratified by three of the great powers. Tha British parliament has already ratified the treaty and the document now awaits only ratification by the last of Great Britain's dominions to act upon It, the Australian common wealth, before becoming binding upon ID Perfect Day ureal unum. Approval was given tbo convention by tbo French chamber of deputies last week, and tbo senate Is oipactod to lake similar action. Fargo Bankers Arrests. Fargo, N. D. Warrant ror tbo ar rest or President II. J. Itagan and. Caahler P. K. Sherman or tho Scandinavian-American bank of Fargo wero laaued upon complaint or P. E. Hall deraon, temporary receiver. Tho men are charged with having made falsa statements to tho bank examiners. Homo Brow Kill Four. Colusa, Cal. C. Martin died here, tbo last to succumb of four persons who partook or homo brewed liquor at Stoney Ford, two weeks ago. An investigation made after the men were taken 111 showed tho liquor waa made of canned tomatoes and fruit Juice. Strike on British Railroads Is Ended. Ixmdon. The strike of railroad men, which has been In progreaa on tbo British railroads alnce midnight, Sep tember 26, waa settled Sunday. Colonel Houas 8a I la For Homo Pa ria. Colonel E. M. House, ac companied by Mrs. House, sailed for the United States Monday on the steamship Northern Pacific Highway bonds In the sum of 85,800,. 000 have been issned alnce March 1. 1S1J, according to a report "prepared by the aecretary of the sUte highway commission and submitted to Governor Olcott The several amounts, together with the date of Issuance, follow: May 1, 8500,000; June 1. 81.000,000; August 1, 8800,000; September 1. 81.000,000; October 1. 82,000.000. Prevloua to March 1 there waa issued 82.840,000 in atate highway bonds. Portland la without adequate police protection. Unless 100 patrolmen can be added to the department no Im provement In the crime aituatlon can be expected. To make matter worse, the city lacks money and is unable to Increase Its revenue by abided tax Mayor Baker, who says that the rais ing of 8150.000 by popular subscription to improve tbe police department loom as the only possible solution of the problem. Rev. T. B. Ford, district superintend ent of the Salem district; Rev. W. W. Youngson, district superintendent of the Portland district; Rev. Richard N. Avison. paator of First church of Sajfi and Ror. i). H. Leech, pastor of the Eugene church, were elected general conference delegatea to the Methodist conclave at Dea Moines, la, next May. by the annual Oregon con ference of the church in Salem. Alter nates are Rev. Joshua Stanafield of Portland and Dr. Clarence True Wil aon. To Equip Omaha Police With Guna. Omaha. Neb. In response to a rec ommendation of Major General Leon ard Wood, who was assigned to quell rioting in Omaha following tho lynch ing of a negro and the burning of the court house, the city council voted to appoint 100 new policemen and carry out a proposed semi-military organiza tion. . X Poles Take Dvlnak After Hard Battle. Copenhagen. Polish forcea have carried the fortification of Dvinsk. between Old Russia and Poland, after two daya of hard fighting, according to Berlin advices. All the city except a portion south of the Dvina river 'Is now held by the Poles, it is said. UUh Ratifies Suffrage. Salt Lake City. Governor Bamber ger signed the national women's suf frage amendment adopted thls week at the special session of the Utah leg, islature. Norway Wanta League. Christiana. The parliamentary com mittee, appointed to discuss the en trance of Norway Into the league of nations, has reported unanimously in favor of Norway joining the league. Canadr reports that If has 15,000 golf players and probably about the same proportion as we have of those who think they can play. War gardening continues. The coun try Is at peace, but the gardener is at war with the potato wart, the cabbage worm, the but space forbids. The public Is rapidly losing Interest In scientific Investigations of the high cost of living, and only asks that some nwans he found for calling It down. NUMBER 19 "seiiate"leaderto""! push peace treaty Disposition of the Pact By First of November 1$ Hoped For. Washington. With disposition of the peace treaty expected by Novem ber 1, congressional leader aro die cusalng tbe prospect, of clearing the extraordinary session, which begaa May If, so aa to hav a month' rest before tbe regular December session.- Pressure Is planned thla week In the senate to dispose of treaty amend ments. Leader hope that by tbe mid dle of next week all amendments will be disposed of. Reservatlona will then be considered. President Wilson' illness msy have an effect on the treaty aituatlon. It is not expected to cause any substantial delay in considering the pact while tbe amendmenU are before the aenat. bnt when reservations are reached the president's counsel is deemed highly ' necessary, a democratic leaders have not had opportunity to discuss with him what reservatlona would be ac ceptable. The senate swept aaide In quick succession 36 of the 45 amendments which bad been written into the doc ument by the foreign relations com mittee. The smallest majority recorded against any of the committee pro posals was 15. and the largest waa 28. All of the amendmenU considered bad been Introduced by Senator FaU, re publican. New Mexico, end were de signed to curtail American participa tion in European settlements result ing from the war. Gary Under Military Control Gary. Ind. Gary, alt of one of the ' United State Steel corporation' greatest plants, affected for mora than 11 nr Uf-'-wy M VMKMyorw Mr .w w In the steel industry. Tuesday eras un der military control of approximately 1100 federal soldiers, commanded by Major General Leonard Wood, com mandant of the central department of the army. The call for federal troops waa ' made by James P. Goodrich, governor of Indiana, after thouaanda of strikers paraded and held mass meetings after being forbidden by the mayor, the po lice and the approximately 300 atate militiamen stationed at Gary. Upon the arrival of the federal sol diers and the issuance of a proclama tion by General Wood proclaiming military control, the state militiamen were ordered to Indiana Harbor and East Chicago, InoV where Governor Goodrich declared martial law. It waa made plain that martial law had not been declared at Gary. Picketing by -strikers will not be stopped. Captain Cbarlea Bolte, offi cer of the day, stated. It wa not in tended to Interfere with the general course of the strike except insofar a disorder and destruction of property waa concerned. The British army aviator' whe w "resting" by touring America on a mo torcycle must love the noise of battle. Every investigation into the h e of I brings the ultimate consumer back to the same point he pays the freight. Another tradition Is passing. Most of the green apples nowaday go 'nt Jelly, not Into stomachache for little boys. --a - -ai---ssae Paris must have funny Idea of a "cheap restauranf when It can be op erated by serving food bought in this country. Another perplexing problem la how the burlesque show can be made to pay while the bathing beaches are la operation. - Bolshevlkl are making the discovery that somebody has to work In order to provide material to keep the loot game going. However, the feat of the aviator who crossed the Mediterranean' 450 miles will be pooh-poohed, probably, a a week-end trip. - German nobility are to be allowed to keep their titles, bnt not their priv ileges. They would probably prefer It the other way about There may be eome good narored disputes over the question, Who won the war? bnt there are not two opin ions a to who lost it