The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 26, 1919, Image 2

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    - - r -Tr:- r . t.t : ; rrr."; j; ti it itt t m t m im j
1 r
te5i5xis r l ?
Another Carload of
cire readv for immediate
Miltea Clara
(Phone 761) Milton, Oregon
CLARK VOOD, Publisher
Slficllt in Annc
The Year 12 00
Six Month - 1 W
Three Months - 0 50
am certain that Oregon will help
to make your plans for a national
memorial the success that it
should be."
Follette of Wisconsin? asks Port
land Telegram.
: Maxino Kidder lias moved away,
itn Mii Klntonl has one lew in tlio
first grade.
In Miss Colvin'a room the mats
are- being adjusted for the pupilu.
Klwain O'llmra is going hu k to
school in district, and tlio plipils
of hi room will ml him.
Two pupil of the eighth irrude
have been idwnt tlii.n wk on itc
count of illness.
The eighth grade boys niv guing
to organise a imaket dull tt iiin.
There are two nevy pupil in high
school thin week--Henry Pnwd.
nnlr, ami I) In Montgomery,
The seniors luivo oriranied their
flu.- and Imvo started to work early
in the year. Tlio fiit semester
titl'uvrs elected were: !ail Wil
liams, president: Anna lavender.
vict president; JeNie Pavis. see
rvUry and treasurer: Worth Wat in.
sergeant at arm. Mini !rown i
the chuw ndvij-nr.
The kenlors are going to yiw
imrty Friday titKlit for tho frli
mow. Many iiilcretting tltinut me
being planned for a general i;o'd
Kendall Smith Im.s returned homo
aftor ending the summer with the
rid MirveyoiK in Wallowa county.
Two of tho alumni were high
school visitor his week- Minnie
Johnson, who in leaving Friday for
University of Washington, and
I-ela Powell. Clara Starmcr was
also a visitor.
Out of lot graduates In dentistry
who mi appllcsilnn (or certificate
before the state board of dental rx
joiner and took tho required exam
inations during tho tssi year, "1 were
Despite the high rlcrs o( material
and the scarcity of carpenters, more
thaa 25 new packing houses have been
built In Hood Klvtr couuty during ttia
present season, at prices ranging from
12000 to $10,000 each.
Eastern Oregon gavs liberal tupport
to the subscription campaign for the
women's building st the Oregon uni
versity, reported John W. siraub, desu
of men. on his return from a three
weeks' csnraanlne trip.
H. R. Crawford, census supervisor
for thfflrst conKresnlooal district of
Oregon, bss opened offices In Salem
and is orgsnlslng his forces prepara
tory to beginning actual canvass as
provided under the census lawa,
A blanket Increane of 120 a month
In the aalary of every teacher em
ployed In the Astoria grsde and high
schools Is saked in petition! algned
by approximately 100 Instructors and
presented to the school board.
- ;t7 wV' -I
us. ;fsrt .
iIlllsjIgafcBjBati . .
it. J
Admission, tax includctl Zoc and 50c
In these troubloua timea the rest
ful nuict of a trulv rural commun
ity like Weston's suburban neighbor JY SYSTEM
over the hill, has its advantages.
(Utah's Famous Product)
(Fir and Tamarack)
Your orders promptly tilled at right prices.
Phone Nos. 1)3 and 272.
(ilLBBRI liLLIS, Manager
Thrift in vnilth nflVS in old
;v;,J,.nB nnH th- irovernmenfs idea of a man with an eye to
"" thrift ,mr;m has the endorse- husiness, remarKS tne wrvania uaz-
f.,.,.s ih. ...uific. t Ortsoa thrift campaign has tne enaorse- ......... .... t
.,c.nd...,.B..i.m....r. ment of the wisest philosophers of eue-itmes, " '"
H ohn hondR everv viuuui vviiu iij-uc nw '--
all time.
effort to lay by a store of govern-
son-in-law put up a bond properly
Men who do much work not only
can do it better, out cio u in less
ime and for less money. That is
the underlying reason for the suc
cess of Dr. Painless Parker, dentist,
whose name and fame nre well
Regular, per inch per insertion 15c ment securjties-the best of all to support the bride for a period of km)wn jn Weston e comuct8
Transient, per inch per insertion uc 6ecuritiesis merey protecting nve years.
Locals, per line per insertion 10c , ,,. IV,,
' v himself and those dependent upon
vicissitudes of the 1 he man who tries
following statement endorsing
Durnose of the Roosevelt Memorial
Association, which is planning to even glve
twenty-four complete dental offices
under what is known as the E. R.
Parker System- thus being at the
him from the v c ss tudes of the inc man who ine w Kii.
future, when age bends his frame quick gete poor quicker," remarks q th(j JngaA organiz&.
r-,r Olmtt hna issued the Palsies hJs hand- Mlow- Vne0n Voter-an we ,7", " tian in the world. One of these
Governor Oleott has issued tne t.. Rrth rhanm.n Umw ih min
ho mg statistics win sunen me reouiu- t offices is- in I'ortland, where several
tion of the human ant, ana snouia now ivjng j(J thi(J city hnve
the human grasshopper natj tjieir teeth looked after. An-
We would have Kernel Boyd take other new omcc U8ing the E. R.
rouiw nntrthntiona from the cit- Pau
izens of Oregon during the week of What will become of 100 average notice
on on : i.Mi .ith men after they pass the age of 25? Wood
X t 4u At the age of 35, five will have communication from Captain Her-
the nation-wide movement for the
erection of a fitting national mem
orial in honor of Theodore Roosevelt:
died; 20 will be in comfortable
will be virtually no better off than jereey
they were before.
it the acre nf AS. Kl'xtppn will be
"It appears to me that this move- . d four, in8tead of 20, will be
ment is one worthy ol our Keenest con,fortable circumstences; 65
that the rank of Colonel pBrkcr System has just been open
is recognized in a courteous in Pondlteon. The character of
the dental work riow being done in
this Pendleton office is as high as
that done in the Portland and other
Parker offices, and the prices arc
just as moderate. Under the E. R.
E. R Hall
(At Old Lieuullen Bhop.)
man E. O'Harra of Camp Dix, New
Publisher's Statement
Statement of the ownership, man- Parker System a number of dentists
A high . standard of ZSS'T' J'lZ practice together in one office, each
Veterinary Surgeon
llTntaJn lusTof tte S1. t w.V1"' 24, 1912, of Weston Leader, pub
LffLrif? ..1U1f.5sr dependent upon friends or charity. w
citizenship has been fn will he wholly or nartlv 5? "J" T.-Y0"? " AUKU" doing that kind of work in which
x i ( . a a. - ... vj iMi ii vvpflinn jnnpr nun.
he is most skilled. The result is
not alone fine dentistry, but the pa-
Publisher, editor, managing cd- tient need not make so many visits
itor and business manager, Clark n the dentist, and what is enuallv
important, the prices are made con-
I splendid examples which have been At t. . nf r,s tuntv. will
9, ..x: 11.. ,u. - '
conunuaiiy ueiure me uui i u. nave passed away; four will be in
lished weekly at Weston, Oregon,
for October 1, 1919:
land in the citizens who have been
prominent in national affairs from
the earliest beginning of our . na
tion. The name of Theodore Roose
velt, I firmly feel, will last as long
as American history lasts. His
ruling passion was to be an Amer
ican, and he stood for what was
highest in American ideals. Such
a life as his is the kind of life to
which I referred when I 6aid that
. our citizenship had been maintained
to a high standard largely through
the examples which have been held
up to our youth. For that reason
I believe your project is worthy of
f the greatest consideration. The
proper kind of a memorial will not
only be a fitting tribute to the
memory of one of our great Ameri
cans, but will assist in passing on to
generations to come the benefit of
IUn AmrMmnlA n.lflrth ha V-! 1 U Viu 1 1 lilt
in Itnlh his umrrts and in h'm Htxarin. laV W
Oresron had a warm place in the
fair circumstances; 45 must still
i . . i nt :n 1 .1 1
WOrK 10 eat, ana ou win ue uej:uu- , .
ent upon relatives, friends or
charity. ,
At the age of 65, thirty-six will
have passed to the Great Beyond;
five will be in fair or good circum
stances; five will be able to do some
work and must work for an exist
ence, and the other 54 will be
objects of charity from their child
ren, friends or the 6tate.
Ninety-five percent of those who
live to be 75 will not leave enough
for a decent burial (unless insured)
and 37 of the original 100 will live
to 6ee 75 summers and winters
Owner, Clark Wood.
Known bondholders or mortgag
ees, none. CLARK WOOD.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 26th day of September,
1919. 8. A. BARNES,
Notary Public.
(My commission expires Nov.
13. 1920.)
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
x Pnone Mam 253 1
made to order. Twenty
five percent discount from
regular prices. ,
R. L. Reynaud f
siderably lower.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court
Oregon for un
London reports that the case
against the ex-kaiser is ready.
suggest to the defendant
the expediency of engaging as coun-
heart of Theodore Roosevelt and I sel the Honorable Robert M. La
Washington. Swedish press reports
from Petrcgrad say deaths st 1'etro
grad from cholera and dysentery bays
risen to 200 to 300 a day.
Sanitary conditions are reported In
tolerable, and many of the hospitals
have closed for scarcity of food and
medicine. Bolshevik robbers for the
third time within a short period have
sacked the Russian state bank, taking
wore than 2,000,000 rubles in cash and
roany valuables.
of the Statu of
inutilla County.
In the Matter of the Estale of Hese-
kiah Key, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, James S. Johns, has beet;
appointed by the above numed court
administrator of the above entitled es
tate, and that he has qualified ns the
law directs. All persons having claims
against the estate are required to pre
sent the same to me at the office of the
Hartman Abstract Company, corner of
Main and Court streets, Pendleton, Or
egon, with proper vouchers, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this 16th d iy of
September, 1919.
Stephen a. 1-owpxl,
His Attorney.
Mistake !
If you want the best COAL
in the market, give ME
yoflr order.
I want to poll COAL to Bat
wiled customers only.
(Telephone 83)
Dr.N.P. Bennet
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building
Weston, Oregon
Liberty Bonds i
An nliHolutuly aafe Invvst
mutit. If you havo money to In
vent, buy Liberty llonds front us.
If you soil Liberty Bonds, sell
to us.
Wo buy Hnd still Liberty Bonds.
Any denomination fOO-flOO
James L. Elam
Wnlln Walla - - Wsahlngton