The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 26, 1919, Image 1

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jsEPT. 20, 1019
ty Every Day of Oelay ruti World
In Imminent Pttt of New War
Paint la National
New fork. (Apeclal ) Two hun
dred and fifty loading Amerlrans, Re
publicans and Democrats representing
forty different states and every prom
inent activity hava Joluod In a non
partisan affort to Hrlnt about tha
ratification of tba Peace Treaty "with
out amendment and without delay."
Tbolr nsmee ara atlacbad to an ad
drees to tha United ttatee nata,
which waa made public today, through
tba League to Enforca Peeee, after It
bad boon aont to every member of tba
Tbo signers, almost without eicep
Uon, ara moo and woman of national
imputation. Tbay Includa auch promi
nent eltltena aa ai President Taft,
George W. Wlckaraham. attorney gen
eral In tba laat republican admlulstra
Uon; A. Lawrence Lowell, praaldeut of
Harvard; Cbarlea C. Moore of Ban
Francisco, president of tha Panama
EipoalUons Judge Oeorge Gray of Wil
mington. Del.; rrealdenl 8amuel Goui
para of tba American Federation of
Labor, Harry A. Wheeler of Chicago,
retiring president of the chamber of
commerce of tha United States; Mra.
Carrie Chapman Catt, president of tha
National Amertcao Woman Suffrago
association; Cyrua H. K. Curtis, the
i-niiaaeipnia puotisner; rres.nem i.e-
ber J. Grant of the Mormon church,
and Spargo, leader of the socialists
who supported the war.
The signers declare that every day
of delay in ratifying the treaty puts
tba world In "Imminent peril of new
Their statement follows:
in tba senate at Washington, now
that the committee on foreign rela
tione baa reported the treaty, tbo lines
are sharply drawn between tha Imme
diate ratification of the treaty of
peace with Germany, aud Its amend
ment with a reassembling of tbo con
ference and a reopening of negotia
tion! that would bring great delay and
prolonged uncertainty In nettling the
great Issues of the peace. No partisan
plea can be made. Party lines are al
ready broken.
Standing at a distance from the
conflict in thn senate chamber, we
plead for Immediate ratification with
out delay. Our land requires It, A
state of nervous strain, tenalon and
unrest eilsts manifesting Itself In die
turbancea, which In aome caaea have
no self evident connection with the
war, but which are, In fact, Its after
math. The world la put In Imminent
peril of new ware by the lapae of each
day. Dtasenslona between ua and our
former allies are being aown. We
firmly believe and aolemnly declare
that the atates and cities In which we
dwell desire Immediate peace.
Tbe waging ot war ateadled and
united the American people. Peace
will bring proaperlty, and prosperity
content. Delay In the senate postpon
ing ratification In this uncertain period
or neither peace nor war has resulted
In Indecision and doubt, bred strife
and quickened tbe cupidity of those
who sell the dally necessities of life
and tho fears of those whose dally
wag. no longer fill, the dally market
We beseech the senate to give tho
land peace and certainty by a ratifica
tion which will not keep ua longer in
the shadow! of possible wars, but give
the whole world the light of peace.
Reservation! In the nature of clarifi
cations In the meaning of the treaty,
not inconalatent with Its terms, will
not require the reopening of tho ne
gotiation! with Germany and with out
associates In the war, which we all
and each united to win.
But mere is no po,u...i, wi
that amendment of the treaty, as le
sow proposed by the eenate commit-
tee on foreign relation!, would require
negotiation and a reopening or all the
question! decided at Pari. Montis of
delay would follow. The perils of the
present would become tbe deadly dan
gers of the near future. All the doubt
engendered would aid the plots for
violent revolution In this and other
landi. The Issues her and elsewhere
between .capital and tabor, the con-
piracy of apeculatnr and profiteer,
Mul l all grow and become more per-
Ihla taimut be. T! American peo
ple rannot, after victorious war, per
mlt Ha government to petition Ger
many, which bai accepted tha treaty,
for Ita consent to rhangee In ton trea
ty. Yet If the t'nlted Btatee should
amend the treaty for He own piirpoee
and policy, Germsny would have full
right to aak for ronceeeluns. Germany
baa agreed to make no claim In regard
to enemy property aii4 lu this coun
try to an amount of eeven hundred
million dollars. Our recent fo cmild
ark for a reopening of Ihla Imuh end
of the l.unlliinl claims. It coulil rle
every question open In fore tullttls
In retard to aubmarlne warfare and
the treatment of Ita nationals In tlil
country. All the provisions f'r our
trade) In Cnrmsny raised by the eco
tinmtr rtaiisna of th treaty, nisny of
tdorn vital to our Imtuatrlra snd our
farms, as In dye patents, dye supplies
and feHllltnra. the. working of the
reparation commission, which super
intends tha trade of all with German?,
could all bo brought up by lUrlln for
rearljuslnient by our negotiator", ail
ing for the t'nlted States slmie nd no
longer ssaorlated with other victorious
powers or supported by a victorious
American army on tho German border.
Peace Itself, tba peace of the worlJ.
la delayed until ratification cornea.
And any amendment post pones peace.
Germany and England alone of the
principal powers have ratified. The
other principals neceesarlly await our
action. Influential and powerful ai we
are today in tha world's affaire. Tba
ravages of war on more than a acore
of fighting fronts are continued by
any needlnsa delay. Lot the senate
give the world peace by ratification
without amendment.
Even the amendment for wblcb most
can be aald. tha provision In regard to
Shantung, will aecure nothing wblcb
C(umol fllne, ch)nti Ucke, by
no-..,,.! .d.ocacv of the United
States, addresses itself to the machin
ery for righting International wrongs
and meeting Just claims created by
tbe league between nations. China,
after eighty years of oppressive trea
ties and despoiled rights, by which all
the great powers have profited direct
ly or Indirectly, has for the first tlmo.
In this covenant and treaty, the means
and method to secure Justice and tbe
removal of the oppressive economic In
terference of stronger nations whose
clliseus are within ber gales, protect
ed by a long succession of Interna
tional agreements. Moreover, It should
be remembered that tha clause regard
ing Shantung was made upon tbe state
ment by Japan that ahe will return
tbe territory to China and. therefore,
upon that condition, compliance with
which promUo the league can require.
The peaco of tbe present and the
righteousness of the future can be best
secured by the ratification of the cove
nant and treaty without amendment
Let the senate take no action that will
give any party to tho treaty, and espe
cially Germany, ground for maintain
ing that tho ratification of tho United
Statca Is not complete and that
changea requiring a resumption of con
ference and negotiations have been
made In it.
Among the algners in Idaho, Oregon
and Washington are:
James II. Ilawley, ex-Governor.
Charles H. Carey, Judge.
Richard W. Montague, Lawyer.
Walter Taylor 8umnor. Bishop.
William D. Wheelwright, Lumbor Mer
chant Washington.
N. D. Coffman. President Washington
Bankers' Association.
Cbarlea W. Fassett, Mayor of Spokane.
Frederic W. Keator, Bishop.
National Education Association.
A westbound train crnshed Into an
automobile at Wing crossing, near
Baker. Instantly killing G. H. Rush,
a Portland contractor, and Injurlug
William IlermUton of Baker.
Assistant Secretary of State Koser
has received from the Standard Oil
company a chock for I34.0ti2.73. cov-
rlnir Ilia mnlor fllftl nil Sales of the
CMnpl,nv -j orogon for Augunt.
conference of the Moth-
r,lllrrh wm bo hem
' Mnii,rtit ehurch of Salem
1(1 vav a siw ..w.
Sontambcr 29 to October 6. Bishop
Matthew 8lmpon Hughea will preside.
Thomas J. Tweedy, postmaster of
Pendleton, died In Portland at the age
of 6!. Ho had been a resident of
Umatilla county for tho past 39 years,
first settling In the vicinity of Pilot
Festival Audiences Assured Musical Treat
-'it i . . .
A flash of the most delightful vocal music a beautiful solo perhaps, or a pleasing duet or quartet followed
by an equally delightful program of instrumental numbers, violin, cello or piano solo. Instrumental duets, quartets
and eusemble numbers such Is the program of the Sierra Serensders to be presented on the last day of the
Chautauqua Festival. Probably no other organization of five young ladies combines In Itself as much artistic
takut aa do the Sierra Surenadera. Few programs offer auch originality, such a varied and ever-changing suc
cession of melody and entertainment.
Weston Chautauqua Festival-October 25, 27, 28, 29 aud 30
Principal Events of tha Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
The lnumlry workers In Portland
are out on strlko.
I-ark of lubor la retarding progress
in tho Lost Lnko highway.
Hood River valley has one of tl
best potato crops In lis history.
Apple picking lu tho Hood Klver
valley will opt-n about Spptomfcor JT.
Astoria, with 22,000 populutlon. 1ms
become tha second largest city In tho
Lane county hops aro being crabbed
up by British buyers and exported to
A state wide advertising campi'lcn is
being plnnncd by the stuto board of
the Christian church.
The dates for the Imperial Shrine
In Portland next year have been fixed
at Juno 12, 23 and U.
Baker now claims to be the lurgest
city in eastern Oregon, the population
being estimated at !500.
Maria A. Miller, a resident of V.nn
county for tho entire 63 years of nor
life, died nt her home near Albany.
Helix, in Umatilla. county, with two
paved streets, Is tbe smallest city in
Oregon to boast auch Improvements,
Announcement Is made that the Eu
reka and Excelsior mino properties,
near Sumptcr. will be reopened soon.
Pledges of $3000 were obtained from
Umatilla county toward the now wo
men's building at the University of
P Ho. Hum! . '
1 1 Bpi I ill jSm
Eamcnn IM Valera, president of tiie
Irish republic, will be in Portland No
vember 6 to 8, and will speak at sev
eral gatherings.
Good progress Is being made on the
Deschutes county section of the Mc
Kcnzto Pass highway over the summit
"of the Cascades.
A teachers" institute will be held In
the Roseburg high school October I S.
More than three hundred teachers are
expected to attend.
Increases In the salaries of the
teachers in the Bend school! are to
be made at once, according to a vote
of the school board.
Reports received at the offices of
tho Oregon public service commission
indicate that the car shortage is be
coming more serious.
First Lieutenant Edward J. Himes,
former city engineer of Dallas, baa
arrived home from overseas service.
He will reopen his office in Dallas.
Joseph CaBtellon, tenant on the
ranch of former United States Senator
Levi Ankeny. near Rickreall. will leave
shortly for his old home In Bolgium.
Statistics recently compiled cover
ing IS of the principal lumber mills
of Portland and vicinity show an ag
gregate employment of more than 5000
The mammoth sawmill of the Peli
can Hay Lumber company two miles
north of Klamath Falls, the largest in
this district, was completely destroyed
by tiro.
Fifty-nine inquiries from prospective
settlors in Oregon have been received
recently by Secretary George Quayle
of the Oregon state chamber of com
merce. Throe thousand kegs of powder were
used In one blast to remove tho rock
along the right of way of the now road
In Curry county just south of Fort
- -!
Arrival cf Night Shifts Signal
for Disturbances at Sev
eral Places.
Pittsburg. Disorders, so much fear
ed by police authorities In the steel
strike tone, were in evidence in several
places In the Pittsburg district. The
most serious occurrence was at New
castle. Pa., 60 miles from here, in
which nine persons, two women and
seven men, were shot in addition to
tho stabbing of one policeman and in
juring of another with a club in an
attack on the plant of the Carnegie
Steel company.
With the exception of a small dia
turbance In Clalrton in the morning,
the opening day of the big strike pass
ed In comparative quiet. With the
coming of night, however, when night
shifts were going on duty there was
disorder reported from a number of
Strike headquarters in Pittsburg
Claims that 284,000 men bad taken
their places In the ranks of the srikers,
but, although no statement waa forth
coming from the steel corporation"!
headquarters in New York, company
officials in the xone of action hastened
to challenge the estimate of labor lead
ers. The steel corporation, against which
the main offensive is directed, was
able to operate most of its plants in
the Pittsburg district according to
company officials. In the Chicago
Bteel center, some of the largest plants
were forced to close down, but othera
operated on a reduced scale.
It was In the Mahoning valley that
the strikers seemed to make the most
headway for three large mills in the
Youngstown district shut down and
othera were running only part capa
city. Rochette Bonnie, a Jersey cow,
valued at $10,000. died at tuo fa-m of
J. B. Stump & Son, south of Dallas,
a few days ago, as a result of an
' Since it is possible for men to earn
from SS to $10 per day picking ever
green berries, Liun county highway
employes are leaving their work to
pick berries.
He is not a candidate for the United
States senate, but will seek to return
to the lower house, declares C. N. Mc
Arthur, representative from tbe third
congressional district
The Clarke hotel at Glendale in
southern Oregon has been sold to
J. W. Close of Lewlston, Idaho, Frank
Ryan, the former owner, will make
his home In Portland. .
Inform! Them of Uvea and Treasure
Poured Out U sVave
(By Mt Clemen New Bureau)
Aboard PreetdtfU Wilson Special
train Carrying hia war against too
who oppose the adaption by tha Uni
ted States of tba peace treaty and tha
covenant of tha League of Nation In
to their households, President Wilson
laat week Invaded California.
And there, where the que Uon on
which. league opponent! have ham
mered the hardest, that of Shan Tung
Is of moat Interest, tha president found
tbo same enthusiasm among; tba peo
ple for peaco and for Insarauc
against future wars. Tbe people wnnt
tha lone controversy ended. They
want this country to be sble to again
torn its undivided attention to social,
economic and Industrial development
Their leaders may not feel this way,
bnt judging from the expressions
wblch met tho president on every aide.
Tha leaden hava overstepped tha
limits of tha peoples patience in their
stubborn determination to force a
chance In tha great document.
Must Take Thla League.
"We must take this League of Na
tions." aald tha president, tor them
la no way in which another can bo
obtained without compelling recon,
alderation by the powers. And it
would ait Tory 111 upon my stomach to
take It back to Germany lor considera
tion." "AH over tha world people ara look
ing to us with confidence oar rival
along with tha weaker nation. I pray
God that tha gentlemen who are da- -laying:
this thing may presently sea It
In a different light'
Germany, the president declared, la
taking new courage from oar delay in
. ratifying tha treaty and her news
papers and public men were again be
coming arrogantly out-spoken.
Deeply impressive were tha figures
of the cost of tho lata war, to Uvea
and dollar. It waa tha first tlmo that
tha official statistics have been made
jmbllo and tha tremendoua total
shocked tho president's audiences.
6howa Coat of World War.
"The war." aald Preaident Wilson,
cost Great Britain and and her Do
mains J38.000.000.000; Franco $26,000,.
000.000; the United States (22,000,
000.000; Russia $13,000,000,000; Italy
(13,000,000,000 and a total. Including
tha expenditures of Japan, Belgium
and other email countries, of (123,000,
COO.OOO. "It cost the Central Powers as fol
lows: Germany (38,000.000,000; Ans- -trta-Hungary,
(21,000,000,000; Turkey
and Bulgaria (3,000.000,000.
The United States," tha preaident
aald, "spent one million dollars an
hoar night and day for two years la
Ita struggle to save civilisation. All
thla, however, fades into Insigni
ficance when the deaths by
battle are considered," declared
tha president. Russia gave I,
700,000 men; - Germany 1,600,000;
France 1.380,000; Great Britain 900.
000; Italy SS4.000; the United States
60,300. In all, almost 7,600,000 men
perished In the great struggle, or
1,500,000 more men than died in all of
the wars of the previous 100 years.
Should Remember Recent Horrors. -
These are terrible tacts, and we
ought never to forget them. We went
Into thla war to do a thing that waa
fundamental for the world and what X
have come out on thla Journey for is
to determine whether the country has
forgotten or not I have found out.
The country has not forgotten and It
will never permit any who stands
In the way of the fulfillment of our
great pledges, ever to forget tha sor
rowful day he made the attempt,"
Arbitration and discussion, tha prea
ident pointed out, must replace force
of arms In the settlement of world
controversies. Constantly ha dwells
upon the fact that all the nations In
the League agree to do one of two
things, first to submit their differences ,
to arbitration. In which case they
agree to abide by the decision ren
dered, or, it unwilling to arbitrate, to
have their case discussed by the Coun
cil of tha League, in which ease aix
months la granted for discussion.
Three months must elapse following
tbe result of this last step in arbitra
tion before tha nation concerned can
declare war. i