The Teachers An Welcomed A brilliant toe a cwnt of lml Mr. and Mm. J. A. MeKa w.-tv visit intr in Weston Wednesday from Walla Walla. Lit Fflrt rim and casing, between Weston and Athena. Liberal reward. J. M. Banister. Mrs. James Kirkpatriek and daughter, Mr. It. G. Biontsren, left Sunday for Orifino, Idaho, to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Affleck. ' Returning from Forest Grove, Hurry Shick and family have moved into a brick cottage on north Water street purchased by Mr. Shick from J. C. Turner. Krnest Smilev and family have returned to Paris. Missouri. Mr. received S195 wr bushel, less a ulty, was. not present. .1:.,. kl hi iftf smith .11 .Ul., .. lk ..rnitiilur avniilulilv detullUHl at shop interests to his partners, the cf the farm Mr. Follett raised liar- much to the regret or the rapresen- Peak brothers. .. ley and secured $43 per acre, tative eitiiena of the Weston n;ntnt Bennett has sold his C5rw proceeds front grain were immunity who were happy to wa greet our splendid corps of in. A . I . !.: in....... $1205. Mruuor. V".."': w - ... , ,., .... , At nine o'clock a short progr. ,or . . ;,""r, , " ' .r.: inaugurated consisting of 8. rVWiAl iw nuau u'uuij iiv.v. f nnw I liti 1 19 tais and Mr. and Mrs. II. Goodwin were Ml I cat v " - " Wash WESTC!!' CASH MARKET f.VMVAW.V'AVAVWAVfl ii lunches ii A.W.LUNDELL FRESH MKATS OF ALL KINDS 1$ ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Goods Rev. W. It Storms, pastor of the Baptist lliuivh, was the honor guest at nn enjoyable donation party re- ) reeeolioM riven KU eently given by the meiulier of his evening in honor of the We- congregation. Among t x urn school faculty by tho Saturday was $70 in catdi, all of which the Aftermion Club, at Society hall, good pastor was admonished and Artistic basket of golden-rod and instructed to end for Ute best suit iack.yed Susan gave the hall an of clothe t be had in Weston. anwtive appearance. Guest were I Dikr huhilimenLa to matrh Were . . I .I.-... I ,,.t i.ivmI. X provided. and eatable were brought ,JonU of the club. Meadamo V. IX X fniPT ChKW for a fine spread In the reception WatUndE.- 0. DeMoas.Mn tl laiUUiJl ViUIr room of the cnurcn. Mr. oiorms -.tyi,,- m were Mr. II. GoooV is 64 year old, began jninistertal win lno imH,miny proaidont. and ja-ork at the age of 12 in Missouri, Mrs M- Smithy the retiring prea- and for 44 yi-ars has bion an active Wcnt 0j lhu ru) wjtn tnc f(4uw. Vfcstir. ing nH'inbers of the school faculty: Thomas Follett, a pioneer farmer Superintendent and Mra. F. C. of the Tekoa. Washington, sectiim. FiUjwlrick. Mis hdna llollenlieik, owrating 180 acrs. ha received Miss Lurline Brown. Misa FUa a ehtvk for $6438.70 for the fall Love. Mrs. Luella Tinkerton, Mis STW Sin Su.: Mis vZv H.7ri. i $w$w&$$$$&Mrt$W$&WrWW$&b$$&WWL wd f6 bushel per acre and he the only hew member or the. lac A rRono your dray order, tj 1)3, or cull at store. I PRICES PAH) FOU LIVIST0CK, IIIDtS. PELTS. &c. MASS & sauer j ! Davis & Ellis I ftVAW.VA'AV.V.Vi.'.V.V.V I General Insurance and Real Estate : LlFl'J HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE to sell your it in eutuble Do you want proiH'rtyT If I CAN SELL IT wife of I)r. Brown, and her oeugnwuny en nmcu jtenistor nnd Mr. Wph Ihalgann, j .,-.u; !.. altenioon dv iir. ana airs. ... n. to visit her mother. Mrs. Ken Smith at their eoay new home in O llarra, and attend the Round Up. Athena. War trophu m& a very , , , . . intert tsing collection of huropean Judge Warren A. Wood of Gold uvjrg were inspected while Dr. Beach, Oregon, arrived Wednesday Smjth many aneCAloti con evening to join Mr. Wood, who has wrning his Cxptriencea on foreign Uet-n visiling ner parents nerv. in cidenUlly, he saw the Pendleton Round Up for the first time. Repairs on the dam above town were completed this week by Super intendent Avery and Councilman Wurzer. The local water situation is improving, but conservation of the supply is still regarded as quite essential. . fronts with division. Rev. E. F. Wriggle Neft Tuesday t..r Tti. ln!l.i 1, tt.iml th. ITnitixl WTiile motoring through to the 3,,, inference in session there. Kound up Mr. ana airs, ueorge t s . t ., . m v I chairman 01 me iHiani 01 rxiue- tion; a response by Superintendent Fitxpalrick and a vm"! duet by Mr. V n.l Mr. Roll.h r. rUmt. An hour of good fellowship and conversation ensued, after which thii mi.! to the baimuet room, which was tastefully decurat Emery Reynolds returnetl yester- od with fluffy pink and white chrys- tlay from overseas, aftr serving 28 anlhemum asters, rose and palms. O montlis in the Marines, Sixth rcgi- Candles, with pink shades, gave a ment. He was twelve months in pleasing lighting effort. Presiding A Europe, and saw action on two at the coffee urn were Mrs. A. J. x the celebrated toecomi Mcintyre ami nn.(n. o. i nre. j being un- X a nCAIITICIII 1CI I CCI CPTCn CTfrlf ftZ IVndleton, Y M DCMU I IlUL. If LLLOLLLVj I LAJ J UU vl A t T ? ? X r X ram j U-e- Md- T. X X X X t AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION At the Store where the Customer is Considered and Profiteering Not Countenanced MEN'S HATS MEN'S HATS. J. Harl Williams, F. D. Watt and 2 Many handsome in honor of the Miss Susie Beathe is ill with ton-sititis. GreeUss to New Minister Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Newman of Wallace, Idaho, stopped in Wes ton for a few hours yesterday to visit relatives of Mrs. Baker, who is a sister of Earl Rose. , Demand for upland soil is in- Episcopal church a reception under creasing, profitable crops having auspjoes 0f the Woman's Mis been raised this year. Alex Kling gj0Mry Society was tendered the , has bought the old Tom Lessor new mjnjster. Rev. P. J. Starmer, place, 482 acres, of F. H. Heilman an(j famj)y. . for $21,000. Mr. Kling has been The church .was comfortably filled farming the place for the past six witn Weston citizen when Rev. W. years. R. Storms, pastor of the Baptist Jim Massey "bulldogged" a steer Church, opened a short program at the Wralla Walla frontier show with an address of welcome on tie in fourteen seconds. On average half of the Weston Ministerial As time, however, he took second to sociation. .Mr. J. W. Porter, super Ray McCarroll. Art Bleamister, a intendent of the. Methodist Sunday buckaroo from Reno, Nevada, rode school, in a well-worded talk a-vicious bucker named Coyote extended a hearty greeting to the ' said to have thrown 270 men. new comers. Mrs. Hattie Wilsey, on her return home to E. 0. DeMoss. gown wore worn event. The affair served to strengthen community spirit and launched the social season of 1919-20. New lines just received of the newest novelties in all the late color and blocks. PRICED .....,.......$3.50 to $6.00 The yoimjr men's hats in ahapes becominj? to boys wearing their first long panU. For boys too large for tho kids' hats we have just what they want in shapes to suit and priced-lit from 1.50 to 3.50. " f after an extended visit mother, Mrs. M. W. Van Winkle. Her son, Carl Ray, remains as a member of the ranching force at the Bell place, after finishing the harvest season with the Vennard Bfll outfit. Despite the beautiful autumnal Th. nr .until itatnD cmDtm in Tuesday, evening at the Methodist 3regon h hern placed tn the Unit it the Oregon Stale Elks' SMoclatlon, tccording to an announcement made oliitly by Edward Cooklngham. direct Mr for the war loan organisation In Oregon, and Harry O. Allen, president f (be Oregon State El kg1 association. The 88 Oregon banks reporting dor nant deposit of more than seven rears' standing ander the recent blea ilal call," ha been notified by Altor ley General Brown to remit the ssrae x the state treasurer, by whom they UI be credited to the state' public ichoot fund. The fund aggregates $12, S 15.85. ' 1 So. 2061 -i il 1 ...:u ,t ...-.i . Portland exPrcaoru u,c w" m rePOKT OF TUB CONDITION OF with her " r1? ou? Y " K " The Farmers' Bank of Weston, at Wee- ment of the church. Rev. Starmer responded in a pleasing manner to the felicitations so conveyed. A piano duet by Misses Anna Lavender and ,Mina Price, vocal duet by Miss Lois Porter and Claud Price, vocal solo by little Miss Florence Ross and a brilliant ton. in the btale of Oretrnn, at the eloee of business September 12, 1919: BESpURCKS. Loans and discounU..... ...... $178,911 62 Overdrafts, secured and un- . secured 900 40 Bonds and warrants H.iXi U Banking house 3,600 00 V..rriitnr Mild fixture 1.000 00 weather, winter is undeniably ap- piano solo by Miss Ruby Price Other real estate owned JW.&95 33 proaching. The Leader s weather constituted musical numbers which Due from banks (not re: fxlitnr nril! h porrohorated in this tvoro nit ormtlv pninved. Asocial serve oanKs; a&rtion by T. C. Gettings, who hour was followed by light refresh- "ulA. " T 409 66 reports the first snow ol the season nients. - . on Weston mountain. He saw a Rev. Starmer and family are few feathery flakes descend Thurs- cordially received into the corn day night of last week, between the munity life of Weston, hours of 9 and 11. " Checks and other cash items Cash on hand , Other resource 88,527 63 1,263 67 11. W 24 3,088 25 Just received direct from the factory a handsome assort ment pf the famous AMIS fit sure to see them before placing your order. Total W26.925 94 ' LIAB1L1T1E.S. Capital stock paid in.. .......... I 30,000 00 Surplus fund... 15,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex- ' penses and taxes paid ...... 8,768 86 Individual deposit subject ' to check 222,07192 Demand certificate of de posit Z.1ZB II saving oeposiis oo , w An Alternoon Party' Mrs! Warren A. Wood of Cold Beach, Oregon, was the inspiration for a recent delightful afternoon party for which Mrs. Lilian Fred ercks was hostess at her home. Progresisve games afforded much Time and amusement, the . highest honors Other liabilities being won by Mrs. Ralph G. Sal- . . ing. who received a . beautiful j potted Arftaricum in recognition of county of Dmitilla. ( her ability. The honor guest was i e. M. Smith, Cashier presented with a dainty bonbon dish above-named bank as a souvenir of the occasion. Dur ing the final hour light refresh ments were served by the hostess. The guest list included Mrs. War ren A- Wood, Mrs. Ralph G. Sal ing, Mrs. J. Harl Williams, Mrs. Mary McNee and Mrs. H. Goodwin. 8326,925 94 I'im EDS Harness Store (J. D. Whitman) Milton - - Oretfon - Notice to Subscribers If this notice is marked it signi fies that your subscription expires Oct. 1, 1919. We would most gratefully appreciate your prompt renewal. Subscription rates by the year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; three months, 50 cents. The Leader is invariably discon tinued at expiration. I of the do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. M. Smith, Cashier. Correct-Attest: J. II. Price, F. D. Watts, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of September, 1919. . 8. A. Barnes, (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expire Nov. 13, 1920.) Rotice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Heze kiah Key, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, James 8. Johns, his been appointed by the above nvmed court administrator of the above entitled es tate, and that he has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claim f X X r ? X y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? y t f ? ? X ? y t 9 ? J y r y j f y I: !V "' f b tr wi lt.iP" mmmi mf.f'tm-r j Vy' tm - t f J ? ? '4 X '4 Y WEN'S SUITS - Ju'tst in, a shipment of the famous CLOTHCRAFT SUITS in browns, bluea and novelties. Theae wo own at the old price, which means a substantial saving to you. ' ; ' ; We flnnounee th aeencv of the famous LAMM line for inch's Special" order suits. These are strictly high grade, all wool and of the very, best material. What is more, de livery is guaranteed. t , We are just in receipt of a wire that a general price advanco will take place on all orders received after September 21. Let us have your order now, and save at least ten percent. .-. '. ..,'... - .' . ' l "' -y- '!-v MILLINERY Four dozen new trimmed hats just received this (Friday) morn ingl New shipments continue to come in and our line is very complete. Our sales have been larger than in any previous season, and we invite you to inspect this line. We are proud of this department and leave nothing undone to have complete showings. COHTS Do not hesitate to place your order for your fall coat. Coats are jelling rapidly, yet our big line is complete. Prices, however, are going higher and goods' are very difficult to get. Our prices will not advance so long as our stock lasts, but we will be compelled to pay higher for re-orders, riushes, heavy cloths, trimmed becomingly. Some are as low as $12.50, some flsjiigh as $78.00, but you can buy a very pretty and a very ser viceable coat for $25.30 and 35.00. An attractive lino of children's coats. SHOGS Late shipments are arriving and arc what you have been asking for. School shoes pretty dress Bhocs boys' army shoes men's army shoes men's new tan English ladies' pretty two-tone -and the prices from $6.50 to $9.00. A very few at $10. ' One lot of children's shoes, odds and ends, to close out at $1,93. f y X X t ? X y ? ? ? ? ? ? against the estate are required to pre Rlackhpak. blotches and Dimnlcs sent the same to mo at the affic of the are generally causea cy tne lm- """" w..k. r months Irom mo date Hereof. Wted this 15th diy of ' ' ' September, 1919. JAMES S.JOHNS,- Administrator. Stephen A. Lowell, His Attorney. ; Drowr action of the lxwcls. Hol- lister' Rot:ky Mountain Tea rojru-latt-s the bowolw, cleans the stomach, clears the complexion from the in side nature' way "Get that healthy, happy look," H. Good win. Adv. X V nn n n nn H B T?I Y Bi m ma sra m -m r m mm mm b turn k k ic. skb st m om mm . mra i si m mm sra arm v hs sn mm k. a mtm ma mm sjaa 'saea r jj wwu itfiiiii iiiiiaiaaii- wD t