The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 12, 1919, Image 1

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finpAAii lni IIM--A Ther was'a total of 821 accidents
DREGDii NElS ilOTFS ty,,'on durln " k du
UilbUUII IIMIU IIUILU (rrnb. r 4. ar-ordlng to a report is.usd
flf PCIITOII UlTCDrOT tu ttrll erO'. nt commission.
Ur UUlLllAL lilltnLOh electric light plant It Florence
- st the mouth of the Hiualaw rlvsr ws
hi , , - , - .. u, , destroyed by fire and I ha town wfrr
rrinClpil tVentS Of lni Week be lu darkness for seine lima to coma.
Briefly Sketched for Infof- ,..""'r'' "'blto"
air "rnnal II lit inr Amu mm UilHaJaii
September 17. throughout the state li
urged Id a latiar iaauad by Governor
Olcolt 1 ' '
Workers In tb steel shipbuilding
plant of Portland will receive an In-
Ttie End of a Perfect Day
mitioii of Our Readers.
Eugsa will soo bit a commercial
airplane of III own.
K. f. Blade. ...miner In tbe .lata CM,M , , ewlt , Bour , ,
crafia and ft bour weak will be
granted thwn.
Mla Bell Grover, dean of women
at McMlnnvllle collage, died In Seal tie
banking department baa realgned.
' The peach crop of Clackamaa coun
ty la tbe largest knows for many
a i tta a. . - .
crap.,, om roso o enroll ta wwg Bh, n,d ,00, (o ,,,,
100 new rn.mb.rt In the Sslsm Com- ,0 uhe , tpm,M courM ,t WmI.
merelal club, ,, Ulllvw,,r,
fifteen hnndred students arc count- i.WBIBM,. nr..niMn..n ,.t ...
4 on ts- enroll at the University of ,0 B0, ,nnu Uin , Al.
Oregon thla fall
bsuy wai effoctod at tbe meeting of
New York. General John J.
A tout of IJ.OM.000 waa paid to reel- Un representatives from various
dents of Oregon lait year by Ufa In- wrU lf ,h, tomtr
auraoca eompaolee. Amtm "NicUott- rm,iim of Llnn
Dueret brother, of flberldan received eounly fur mri ,t tt hom,
a check of 121.000 for their crop of of bl Mn JiroM vtMi Br Pln.
wheat aad oata from a local miliar, vi... aged 3 year. II. ... a v.t.r-
A larje vein of coal three feet In l0 0( u,. cltl ,f
thtckneaa haa been discovered In the Tn, nMf Brro,D,ham. , ,Ur,n
Warm Spring, reservation country.- -rui... of 0-,h. i tnr.
..m1l! Cm,,,b!!, ' ,ro,n;0; ''' algn w..M.. d .quadroa of al ,blng. commander of Amerlca a U
t!!!.. -?'en!: . ,orpw, b0l antroyan. paid a five- torloua cruaadera. reaponalble he.J of
, ri.vmi iviiuwlua BIIUU1 vpvrw flay Vlall to rortU&d.
"? Secretary of the Navy Joaephua
Ralurned aarvlca men ot Redmond. 0,0191, arrived In rortJand Tueaday
have effected an organisation and ap- trur .pending Monday afternooa els-
plle4 for a charier In the American ,, tt- propoa naval base alu at
Legion. ' i : Tongue Point, near Astoria.
A rich ledge of gold eaeavtng f 10.000 Uoo4 Rlv Kn,shu cf Py,ba,
a ton haa been uncovered on Rose Wge has employed C. 11. Schulu. for
creek la the aouthern part of Coo. awiJ , miimbr ( , pranclsco
conntv. orehoaua. to Instruct a band Just or-
' . """ ganlsed by the fraternal body. .
. Dr. D. R. Wallace of Albanybaa been
rri?s iap com q1
7 Will' W ifiwJSsi
Jr I-1 ii I, y i H-- -- - in i n, r -. .ir i an -
Seattle. Seattle had a gaale.s Sun
day aa a result of a strike of 13 la
borers at the varloua plants of the
Seattle Lighting company.
Restaurants, relrlng on gas. closed
Monday In triumph, after more than at noon; earlier editions of newspapers
two years In Prance. . , went on the street with Urge handset
Juat after tbe general walked down type; suburbanites and dwellers In all
Nshvilie Tenn. (flptfsl Corre-tpond-Dce
)-Oa Augoat Wth a com
missJoa eompoiad of Duhop James
Atkins, ot North Carolina, Jobs JL
Pepper, of Tennessee. Vr Balls H.
Hnntt. of Kentucky, sad Mr. Lake
- C, Johnson, of Georgia, e.lle for a
rope to arrange for the opening of v
tunslve religious and philanthropic
work la Belgium, Prance and ether
war torn coantrfre.
Tbey represent the Centenary Cons
mU.ion and the Board or Mla.ioaa ot
tbe MeUiodtst Episcopal 'Chorea,
South, which have set aside U.OQOfiM
ot Centenary (uivda for rellgkras re
construction la Borope.
They go with authority to purchase
property and open work at core to
Belgium and to make a careful survey
of tbe aeeds la other countries and
recommend an adequate prorram.
Orphanages, schools, social centers,
religious literature and direct evance
Usm wtll be the methods employed.
fa soma of the countries to be en
tered tbe work will be conducted In
co-operation with the Methodist Epis
copal Church, which la already operat
ing la France, Italy and the Balkans,
and Is planning to expand its work
greatly as a reeuit of the Centenary,
which In the two churches brought
misslonsry pieties aggregating more
than 1150,000,000.
co:.":ittee ro;is:;is
Four Reservitions to
Treaty Which Three Powers
Must First Accept
the army that turned the tide ot battle
at Verdun and St Mlblel, camejtoraa
Because of a change la the ached ule
of the presidential train. President PJKlnd eiamlner for. Linn unty
for the bureau or war risk lifeuri
WUaoa will not be
step at Sslem
able to make a
and Is examining Lion county dls-
the gangplank at Hoboken ha re
ceived the flrat reward which a grate
ful country has offered him. In the
name of the nation Secretary of War
Baker banded blm hla commission ss
full general in tRe American, army, a
rank held previously by only three
men, Grant. Sheridan and Sherman.
General Pershing led tbe parade on
his charger, "Kldron," which he rode
residence sections flocked to the city
for their Sunday meal when they dis
covered there was no gas on hsnd,
only to find a waiting tine at these
restaurants using coal ranges.
So many returned to take their even
ing meal In the food old fashioned way,
over a camp fire.
It waa no Infrequent eight to auto
mobile partlea touring the boulevard.
Ksshvtlle Tenn. The Centenary
Commission of the Methodist Episco
psl Church, South, has named Aueusl
I3th as a special day of fasting and
prayer for the two and a half million
members of the church. The Commis
sion has alto started a movement to
establish 100,000 Family Altar., by
having that many home pledged to
observe dally devotions.
This Is the revival of' ancient cus
toms In the church. It Is the part of
aa Intensive campaign which tbe
church , haa launched la connection
with the spiritual side of the Conser
vatlon program ot the . Centenary
Washington. -Tbe aeaate forelga re
lations committee finished its work ea
the peace treaty with Germany, and,
after adopting four reservation, to tbe
league of nations covenant. ordrtd the
treaty reported te the senate with
about twe score amendments previous
ly Incorporated.
Weeks of debate la tb senate before
the final vote, are eipected. Tbe first
contest will be aver the committee's
amendments, with the final and dect
alve struggle over tbe reservations,
which, tbe resolution provides, must
be specifically accepted by three f the
four great powers Prance, Jap a.
Italy and Great Britain.
The four reservations which were
sponsored by Chslrmaa Lodgs and
written Into a reeolutloa providing for
conditional ratification of the treaty,
FirsC tor "unconditional" withdraw,
al of the Called 8 la tea from the
Second, refusal of thla Ratios to as
sume any foreign territorial guaran
tee, under article X of the league
covenant of mandates without action
by congress.
Third, exclusive action by the Unit
ed Slates on domestic affaire, and
Fourth. Interpretation ot the Mon
ro doctrine eoieiy by thla nation.
aonal color-bearer carrying the gen- some wealthy borne.
eral'e four-starred flag on a red fh ld. Tba strike la said to have been call
Next In line the general's staff fuilow d la aa effort to put alt of the unions
ed by the composite regiment which whose members are engaged at the
has formed his guard ot honor la tb gas planta on a one big union basis.
European victory parade. 1
Tba Ubltd States government bag charged soldiers with disability rec- th rarl. and London reviews. lm- to ae the kitchen queen bent over a Movement, through which the Metho-
med lately behind him rode bis per -kettle in the side or back yard or lists raised 153,000,009 U an eight-day
drive last May.
. The object of the present csmpaien.
ar stated by Rev. S. A. t'blett. Sec
retary of tbe Department of Spiritual
Resources. Is to enroll at least 40
of the church members la the prayer
league known as the Fellowship of
Intercession, to establish 100.000 Fam
ily Altars, and to asaiat In finding a
thousand young people to go abroad aa
missionaries. -
August 24-31 ts known aa Enlist
ment Week. During thic period the
seven thousand pastors will urge their
aiembera to Join the Fellowship ot In
tercession, to establish Family Altar,
and to obeserve the day ot fasting and
awarded a contract for 10.000 barrels nrda.
of Pacific coast soft wheat flour to Ae the roault of a vote, taken at a
Pendleton roller mills. . session of the Portland fair price com-
-Mrs, Mary Jan Heater, who came utttee, lettera will be sent lha Oregon
to Oregon with th overland Immlgra- delegation In Washington. D. C urg
tlon ot 1180. died at bar bom near ! hat itepa be taken to iwlnstato
SprlBgbrook. aged W year. - waMlm food regulations requiring
v Ross Ulckarnoll, th new Instructor licensing ot dealera and limiting pro
on lb cornet In th school of muslo At V
at tb University of Oregon, arrived v ' ' ' " ' '
In Eugen from Warren, O
tieppnar lodge of Rika awarded
their contract lo L. N. Traver of Port
land for tha construction of the new
lodge building to coat 130.900,
Army goods at army price will be
offered to th people of Portland at a
t retail store to ba opened by the Uni
ted States army September iS.
' Th second annual convention Of
the International Association ot Fire
Fighter convened In Portland Mon
day and continued until Saturday.
Th monthly financial statement
Just Issued by tha slat Industrial ac-
Ao average of 70S names ar called
for dally ai the general delivery win
dow of tha Bond post office, according
to the count kept .last week. In ad
dition, there ar 74S rented mall boxes.
One Thouaand Vial tors on New M.xlc
When Blase Starte Escape.
San Francisco. Reports of lha death
of three members of tha crew of the ate without a record vote and virtually
Paaae Enforcamsnt . BUI Without
Amendment to Localise War Act,
Washington. The prohibition en
forcement bill was passed by the sen-
retary of Ibe Eugene chamber of Coot'
morca and leader In patriotic work
during the, war, haa gone to Wood
burn, whnra he has purchssud a farm.
At a meeting held at Coqullle, at
tended by a large number of ropre- ,nnounce4 tt,t , 0f Inquiry
semauvo cmsena irora various parts wouM assembled on the vessel at
ot uie county, tne coo. county Lt-
In the form It came from th commit
tee. The measure now joes to con
ference for discussion of amendments
Inserted In the house bill by the sen
ate. , ...
Aa It passed the senate and goes to
conference, tbe bill defines as an in
toxicant any beverage containing mora
than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol.
Tb aenate modified, however, aomo
once, but ha did not believe her of the most rigid provisions ot tha
luperdroadnaught New Mexico and tha
Inturir nt 4A olhra In a ftr hna rA
Jerome 8. Workman, formerly aec w, ver, conflr(Ded hy
officers who directed the tire fight
ing. . '. ' , . ' :." -,
Unofficial estimates placed tb
damage at $100,000, ,
Admiral Rodman waa aaid to hav
cident commission sbowa a balance brary association waa permanently lcheduled sailing for Seattle would b bouse bill, Including thst affecting pri- . a v
In tha accident fund of 11,114.014.59. organliod.
. delayed. .
Approximately 1000 visitors on board
when tbe fire broke out were cleared
from the vessel's side in half an bour
and there waa no contusion.. .
vate stocks of alcoholic beveragea held
for peraonal use.
Nashville. Tenn. That Jspaa win
moderate her .rule la Korea is the pre
diction of Dr. S. T. Uager. recently
returned missionary ot the Methodist
Episcopal Church, South. Dr. Hager
has spent more than a quarter of a'
century In Japan doing religious work.
"Japan Ik learning that her auccesa
Is giving good government to Korea
Is fraught -with difficulties, and that
tolerance and good wtll must take tha
place ot harsh and sever methods.
"The military leaders aim mainly at
making their rule thorough and perma-
Austrian Assembly Votes Peace
Vienna. The national assembly by
a rote of 97 to 21 decided to sign th
peace treaty.
Tbe assembly, however, protested
against the violation of Austria's right
of free disposal of herself.
The German " nationalities voted
against signature ot th treaty, while
some members of th South Tyrolese
party abstained from voting. Th vote
waa taken after adoption without dis
sent ot th government' resolution of
protest, presented by Christian Hauser,
declaring that the territorial clauses
of th treaty grossly violate the na
tional claim to self-determination and
the basis on which the armistice waa
concluded., :' ;.';. -y ..
The resolution also declare that ulti
mate anion with Germany la an abso
lute necessity and expresses the hope
that when the hatred ot tha. war dies
down this anion, will pa consummated.
It ends by placing responsibility , for
steeping Europe la revolution and con
tusion on the shoulders of the entente
and looks to the league ot nations to
repair the wrong .done.
'Oregon Your,' aaya Sec Daniels, .
Astoria. Or. "It Is. yours," said Sec
retary of tha Navy Daniels when Gov
ernor Olcott asked him for the perman-'
ent assignment of the historic battle
ship Oregon to Oregon waters. Tha
secretary said the navy department
waa prepared to shoulder half of the
upkeep of the veteran aea tighter,
and estimated that tha atate'a share
would be between 190,000 and 125.000
annually. ' J
California- Starta Fight on Japanese.
Sacramento, Cal, A movement for
the organisation of a state-wide and cent, and naturally there la
then Pacific coast body to fight th temptation to the man ot the sword
immigration ot Japanese la under way to mal e hla rule aever.
hure - , "But democratic ideas are growing
' ' . In Japan, and more temperate treat-
. . ... . inent ot the aubject race will coma
Death for Edith Cavell'a Betrayer. about
Paris. Georges Qulen, charged with Dr. Hager asys the Christian mls-
betraylng Edith Cavell to the Ger- aionarlea In the Orient are elated at. cannot .r;0nl to stay here when better
mans, waa convicted ana conaemnea tne success w tne tenteu.ry s..r . ottenA .iawi,.r.
, Oregon News Notes
The Eugene chamber f commerce,
at a special meeting, indorsed the
plan of the Oregon, state chamber ot
commerce to raise a fund of $200,000
by taxation tor the purpose of adver
tising the resource of the state
throughout the United States.
The Sheridan schools hav been hit
by the high cost of living and a a
result the school board Is having a
hard time filling vacancies caused by
resignation ot teachera who feel they
to death.
(Hi -
0. A. ADAMS, Proprietor
Pershing Pralsea "Doughboy."
New York. "The American 'dough
boy' la the finest soldier in the world,
and It didn't take the Germans long
to find It out." declared General Fer
hlng Ifi an Interview granted newspapermen.
Million Members Veterans' Goal.
New York. A national campaign to
increase it membership to 1,000,000
veterans of th great war, was an
nounced by the American Legion. -
ment, through which the church raised
$53,000,000.00 for' missionary work In
all lands.
Millions ot this will be spent In the
Orient Hundreds of new missionaries
will be sent and there will ba a great
advance movement in medical work,
education and evangelism.
Two armed and unmasked highway
men mad an unsuccessful effort to
rob th Moutavilla aavlnga bank ot
Portland. They were frightened away
when George Pickering, bank clerk
and bookkeeper, tired three shots
from a revolver to attract attention.
Columbus Entertalna tha Grand Army.
Columbus, Ohio. The gates of the
ospltal city were wide open In welcome
to thousands of veterana of the Grand
Army of the Republic and Women's
Relief corps, who opened their na
tional encampment here Sunday.
Strikers Shot When Resisting Arrest
Hammond, Ind. Five strikers .were
killed and 15 wounded In a battle be
tween 1000 former employes ot the
Standard Steol Car company and the
police. , '
From a survey of the luxuriously
printed "reform" journals It appears
that 'tha more a reformer ts endowed
the more Ulsnml he becomes. -
trnn Tri-rrr'n'rTii'r3',T1iT'''TrT'T'T'"T?Tr
V Walla Walla's new exclusive Ladies'. Apparel Shop opened this week with
a most excellent and unusual showing of New York's latest creations in Coats,
Suits. Dressed, Skirts, Blouses, Petticoats and Novelty Sweaters.
You are most cordially invited to pay us a visit
t.ul 4 ''kt tiki i-jLiiJntt LikiU-iliUi .xU.lwLkliil.i