The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 29, 1919, Image 1

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W its 1 UJN JuiL A JJ JtL
Principal Events of thi Weik
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Renters.
, The Rom burl fruit cannery li ?
perlenrlng a terloua shortage In brio
A otl of Iho A mar Ion Legion, U
be fcnaan tb Arthur K. Glovti
tvwi, was formed at FomII.
John ft. Nnvlut of Portland has bt
appointed Instructor In farm rrnpa al
Oregon AirrlrtilHiral rellfi,
Meaator MrNarjr baa Introduced a
bill la donate a raptured German can
non to tht city of Pendleton.
A big . black bear aelgblng JM
pounda waa kllltd In tut I'olk station
neighborhood, north of Pallas.
Uldi ara bring advertised for a wa
rrnte bridge orrr Canyon rrwk at Joba
Pari on Uw John Day Highway.
Ontral Oregon's potato crop v. Ill be
tba blffst nd brat Ibat baa ever
ben produced, according to reports.
, On. account of tht pruna and bop
harvest, opening of tht acboola at Pal
laa baa been poatpon4 until Brpi, 21.
Ta rvtlgnatlona In tht clerical font
of tha Hottburf pottofflct leave ona
vacancy, for which there la no appli
cant Pendleton thee ablppcra ara ta
pressing anxiety at present, owing to
a ahortaga of cara for ablpplng their
stock. ,
Forty-tight teacbtra bsvt been cm
ployed for Tba Dallta ac-boole during
the next term which opena here Sep
tember 1
1 Oovtrnor Olcott baa recelvtd an In
vltetlon from Secretary Panlela to re
view iho Pacific fleet at Ban Francltco
on Ubor nay. "V
.Portland tailora and ahoa repairmen
have made demanda for substantial
advance In wagte to go lulo effect tha
flrat of ntit month,
i Boston attorntya have approved the
validity of flOO.OOO vroiTr of Oregon"
atate highway bonda recently aold to
eastern bonding boueee.
Contracta aggregating tlo.Wg. for
tba I'uyallup and Sumner f ruit orpw
r V aewM-iatlnn In Albany, which will
I nni- u,' largest plant! of the klad
I M Hi.' ntuK'. Ix-mm w-k Monday mora,
The selection of J. N. liurgete ef
I'eudlrton to aucceed W. I Thonipeon
aa a member ef the atate highway com
mlMlon follow hig the latier'a removal
from eautrrn Oregon to Portland n
January t, 1"20. baa niH Ith aiirov
al In all art lone of the atate. a ccord
ing to lettera, telcgrama and pervonal
nieeeagea reaching the executive of
flrea. , ,
Mrmbrra of tba Hymn- Wirino rrtio
Ing In Una county will form a Hhrln
rra club for the purpoee of aaalallng In
Hit entertainment of vlaltlng Hhrlnera
al the national convention In Portland
next year
gfcugona i. Farrrll. widely known
through St yeart' connection with the
rommlaelon firm of Everdlng A Far-,
rell. ofTortland. died at tha Clood
Hamarltan honpltal, Portland, after a
major operation. '
Chief of Police Johnaon of Portland
haa requested the governor'a office to
offer a aubatantlal reward for the rap
ture of Clarence Johnaon. who la aua
pected of having murdered Mrs. Eunice
Freeman In Portland.
Salmon caught outalde the three. '
mile limit at the tnouth of the Colum
bia river during the rloaed aeason may
not be lawfully aold wlibln the atate
of Oregon, -according to Ocerga M.
Droan, attorney general.
Appointment of Alex 8 week aa reg
later of tha United Sutra hind office
He Has Hfld His Day
1 " , -
Washing ton. Postponement of tha
aettlement of wage demanda until nor
mal economic condltlona are reetored,
wat announced by PreaMent Wllaon
aa the policy which the administration
will punue la dealing with aueh quee- Senate Foreign Relations Com-
tiona. - particularly tboae aftecting
railroad workera.
The prealdent announced alto that
It waa neither wlae nor feaalble at
thla time, when the moat Important
quea tloo before tha country la a return
to a normal price level, to attempt to
Incroaae freight ralee to provide fund a
for higher wagea.
"We ought to poetpone queationa of
tbie aort until wa have the opportunity
for certain calculation aa to the rela
tion between wagea and the coat of
living." the freaident declared, "it la
the duty of every cltlxen to tnalat upon
a truce la eucb conlcale until Intelli
gent eettlemente can be made. I ap
peal to my fellow cttisena of every
employment to co-operate In Inaliting
upon and maintaining auch a truce."
Mr. Wilaou'e atatement waa laaued
In connection with the deciaioa of hinv
eolf and Director General Hlnea on
demanda by railroad ahopmea for a
21 per cent advance la wagea.
The deciaion of the prealdent and
, . - tha director-general waa announced to
The Director of Weston Memorial Association desire to .col- committee of loo, representing the
lect all unpaid subscriptions, or portions of Subscriptions, "it Once, "bopmen. In reply to their demanda
We must have funds with which to complete and equip our build- ,or 25 pr.c?t, tacre"
"via vav eaereww vw tavwgv aaaa anajuav-
ment of their pay to the baaia of 1
houra' pay for eight hoara work. Thla
meana an advance of the baaic pay
front IS to 72 cents an hour, whereas
In Inland bM been '''n.d I T tha Amount t0 date..... ,$1415.95 " ,ncre" of " t0 M MnU
aaaaflkallaa Ihn HA Will f nl II 41 ItlSI nil 1 aa tJ WwCt IT k rmm .mamJIA
mlttee Votes For Araeni
mentto Peace Treaty.
inff. A statement of receipts and expenditures to date is herewith
submitted, which we trust will receive your consideration: ' ' ' .
Amount subscribed ......7.' ......$3520.00
acnatt and be wilt take bit office upon-
notification from Washington that bla
bond baa been approved.
Representative of the atate foreat
er'a office who vtalted Bllverton to
Investigate the fir that baa raged In
the camps of the Silver Falla Lumber
company reported that the total loss
would not exceed $100,000.
Proceedings to condemn the Central
school building at Bend probably will
be taken within the next few days aa
the result of a recent Inspection of
tba alrncture .by a representative of
tha state fire marsbara office.
A move Is on foot In Salem to send
a delegation of prominent men and
women to Portland to receive officially
hour waa demanded.
bualneaa nd residence dl.trlcta of !1,,m' h'ch f
. , ine racuic iievi, now on na w
tend, have been awarded.
John Vanderveld. Danka postmaau-r,
baa resigned. Ilia rcelgnatlon bia
been accepted and Henry At lee baa
been appointed bin successor.
Jeannette Rankin, of Montana, flrat
woman to bold a aeat In congress, la
In Portland vlaltlng at tba home of
her slater, Mra. Herbert Ilragg.
Block to a total of IS2.000 has been, three members of
eubecrlbed for tht new hotel which It
la proposed to erect In North Deod.
Tba total coat will be 1100,000. i
In the opinion of several cltltens of.
Bllverton, the city council elected last
November Is not qualified and all bual
neaa tranaacted by that body Is Illegal.
Tho Salem Fruit anion, shipped to
points In Canada a carload of dried
loganberries, for which the organisa
tion will receive approximately
000. ' :-,,.,, ; .-i 3 ;
More than a doxtn carloads of sur-'
plus army canned food Is now en
route from Fort Mason, Cal., to Port.'
land for distribution throughout Ore-
the mouth of the Columbia river.
The Oregon hop crop this year wilt
be only a third as large as It wss be-
fore tho war and prohibition began to
affect It, yet the services ot 10.000 or
12.000 men, women and children will
be required to get It under cover.
' Investigation of spruce production
in Oregon during the war period will
open In Portland" this week, when the
the congressional
To J. M. Aahworth $ 700 00
ToBelvall for brick work 75 00
To supplies and ad vertisinar . - ........ . 7 39
To labor bills for work on foundation. 67 95
To light bill. 1 00
To Clark Wood for printing ,'. . 8 75
To Watts & Rogers for material furnished 169 53 v
To P. T. Harbour for sand 16 97
To Weston Transfer Co. for drayage . ... . . - . 53 89
' :' 11100 48 -:
To fire protecting booth (worth $150T0O) . . . . . . . . .$ 65 00
To Walla Walla Lbr. Co. for remodeling building. 1954 00
To 200 chairs at $1.85 each...... .. 370 00
To picture machine..' j. .......... 441 00.
ToMr. MacKenzie..;.. ............ S00 00
To re-arranging, painting and papering interior. . ;
To site secured for building, advanced by Watts &
Rogers ........ 800 00
PacKle Flset Will Visit Puget Sound
:' and Columbia River liTSepUmber.
8anU Barbara, Cat The Pacific
fleet will enter Puget Sound Septem
ber 12. It was announced aboard tha
flagship New Mexico.
Admiral Rodman'a tentative plana
call for visits of the cruisers Birming
ham and Chester s,hd a division of de
stroyers under command of Rear-Admiral
Wiley to Portland. September S
to 10, and of the prdreadnoughts
Vermont and Nebraska and two de
. stroyers, under command of Rear-Admiral
Williams, to Astoria, September
1 to 11. . .
: If the pilots of the Columbia river
think it safe, the plana call for a visit
of Admiral Williams and the Vermont
to Portland. The data of this possible
visit has not been aot as yet, even
Washington By a vote of I to I
the senate foreign relations committee
adopted aa amendment to the peace
treaty by which German rights la
Shantung province, China, would go to
China Inatead of Japan. All tha demo
cratic members and Senator. Me
Comber, republican. North rMkota.
voted agalnat the amendment
Chairman Lodge offered tha amend
ment ander which the word "Japan
would be atrtckea from the Shantung
lectioDS of the treat and the word
'China" aubetitutcd.
The committee also instructed Chair
man Lodge to rtqocet President Wil
ms to send tba senate tha treaty be
tween the United Slate and Poland
signed June 2t at Versainea and such
Information aa be has regarding the
trestles now under negotiation wiu
Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey
Extending the scope of Its public
Inquiry regarding the peace treaty, tha
senate foreign relatione committee
announced a schedule of hearinga
that promise to occupy most ot
Ita time for the stext two weeks
and to lead Into the Intricacies of po
litical and territorial problems la sev
eral parts of the world. The disputed
questions to be touched upon include
tho disposition of Flame, ot the Aland
Islands and of the Genpan,colonle In
Africa, and the claim of Ireland for
Independence, On the Uat of 'wit
nesses are representatives of tha Ital
ians, Jugo-SUvsl Hungarian Ameri
cans. Creeks. Irish, Lithuanians,
Ckralnlana, Esthoniana, Letts and
American negroes.
(This last item is to be raised by additional subscrip- ,
tions outside of the original sum.)
Watts & Rogers moved the Opera House -at a cost of $390.00,
committee who have been holding bear- in even exchange for the barn on the new site. Much labor and
Ings in Seattle will hear testimony. team work has been done gratis and cheerfully. We are making
How to copa with tho practice of every dollar do the greatest service possible.
Portland junk dealer, who purchase w th fi j h W()rk d t h M)pera-
aecond-hand automotive and soil the , . , , ...
iiccnae tag. to buyers of new machines t"- P'eas let ui have 8 prompt response from you and we will
for 75 ceuta each la tha problem that push tfte good work along. '
la confronting the secretary of state. . ', , . ,:,
Captain' Prank B. Hamlin ot Rose
burg baa Ihio n elected by the school
board of Springfield aa superintendent
of tht schools of that city to succeed
N. A. Baker, who haa accepted the
prlnclpalsblp of on of tb schools In
When a married man laughs In his
sleep Ills wife IniHfflnes be la dream
ing that ho Is a bachelor.
There are a few rlslug young men
In tbla world, .but the majority keep
their seats In a crowded street car. '
You ' can't tell what a boy learns
at" college by the amount It costs bis
Herbert Nunn, statu engineer, baa
received samples of road signs which
: It Is proposed to install at conaplcuoua
points along the atate blgbwaya of
Oregon. .
' There were a total of 666 accidents
. In Oregon during the week ending
August 21, according to the weekly re
port ot the atate Industrial accident
. commlsslss. . .
An effort la being made to have the
county courts ot Linn and Benton
counties take over and operate thd
ftrry across the Willamette river at
' Ingram Island.
An ordinance haa passed tba rendit
ion city council providing fine and
Imprisonment for any person making
any unnecessary disturbing noise with
In the corjorats limits.
Numerous violators of 'the state fish
. and game laws were convicted In vari
' out parte ot tht state during the last
few days, according to reports made,
to the game commission. , "
; Just at tha last toad of bay bad boon
baled In the flolds of William Roberta
and George Bowers, near Brownsville,
w tba atacka took fire from tba euglna
' and were tolallx destroyed.
, Klguly-flvc dollars a ton for pears
delivered at tho cannaritt at Sbtrldnn,
Woodburn and Lafayette Is the pike
received for tho Salem Trull union
' pool, according to announcement.
The tint unit of the big cannery of
The necessity or loading cara to fun
capacity and prompt releasing ot cart
In order to avoid a shortage ot equip
ment during the busy transportation
aeason is called to the attention of
shippers, consumers and the railroad
administration In a letter Issued by
the Oregon publlo service commission.
At a mooting of tha state board tor
vocational education In Portland. New.
ton Van Dalsen. of Fort Collins, Col
orado, was selected state director of
vocational training at an annual salary
of 13000. Mr. Van Dalsen also will
serve as state aupervlsor of Industrial
education. The appointee has been
asked to report for duty September 1.
lie will mako hla headquarters In the
offices ot J- A. Churchill, state tuner.
, Intendent of publlo Instruction.
Directors of the Oregon Dairy coun
cil, at their regular monthly meeting
In Portland, decided to meet In con
ference with the executive committee
of tho Oregon Bankers' association to
arrange for extension of credlta by
banks to enable dairymen tb Improve
their herds by the addition ot pure
bred stork. It ia also proposed to ob
tain credit to add newlierda and swell
thi production of milk. , V -
1 nr n r
if n y
Of r
- ' Roumsnla Haa Big Wheat Crop.
Berne. The Roumanian bureau
here announcea that Roumanla will
export more than 100,000 carloada of
eareals from tha present harvest
eutembei II - 12 - 13
See the World's Greatest and Best Riders and
Ropers in Keen Competition, for Champion
ship Titles and $6000.00 in Purses.
. Yakima Canutt Scoop Martin Ben Oakes Eddie McCarty Harry Walters
Pinky Gist-Hugh Strickland and scores of other
. equally well known riders. , vV
The famous' Bucking Horses "Culdesac," "Coyote," "Speedball," "Mon-
key Wrench, " : ' 'Sundance, " "Black Diamond" and others.
v TIIE W01
, and Harry Walters, the World's Star: Trick Rider, Performing Skillful Feats
! ; : . ' ; , of. Exclusively Attempted Daring.' . :
Relay and Pony Express Races Steer Roping and Bull-Dogging Immense In
t : dian Congress Saddle Horse and Wild Horse Races , r
'.v , - .Tiitjk Roping and other thrilling events.
Baker Upholds Military Courts
. Wahlngtoo- In apveorkeg tba re
port submitted to him by Major-Central
Pranda X Kernan, head of the
special war department board on court s
martial and their procedure. Secretary
Baker took the official aland that the .
present system should not fe changed
except in minor details.
Inferential!?, the secretary upheld
General Keraan'a view that , "eoarts
martial have alwaya been agenclea for
:rcating and maintaining the discipline
ot armlea" rather than agencies for the
"nice Interpretation of technical rulea
Of law." .
The war board 'a report reflected the
opinion of S25 officers who were cir
cularized. More than half of these
gave hearty approval to the present
system. 43 condemned it as basically
wrong and the remainder, a total ot
57. pointed out specific weaknesses,
which they thought should be rem
edied. " J". '
The most serious defect in the exist
ing system.- the report asserts, arises
from "the lack of competent trial
Judge, advocates and counsel," and aa
a remedy it is recommended that de
tense counsel be appointed for each
general and special court-martial and
that special Inducements be offered
young officers to study lsw in order
that they may be fitted.
War Department to Sell Surplus Sup
plies and Continue aa Dealer.
Washington. Retail etores for the
tale ot household commodities includ
ed in the surplus stocks of the war
department will be established Sep
tember 25, it waa announced. The
stores wtli be located in depot centers
and other lsrge cities and they will
accept and fill mall orders. '
Continued purchase by tha depart
ment of 'certain necessities so that
these stores may be continued indef
initely as a part of the government
campaign against the high cost of liv
ing Is understood to be under consid
eration. Prices on all commodities offered,
for sale will be so fixed as to prevent
discrimination between the purchasers
who buy over the counter and those
who purchase through tha mall.
First Division Llkea Francs.
Paris. The officers and soldiers of
the first division ot the American ex
peditionary force, who are on the
point of embarking for Mme, have
aent an open letter ot farewell to the
French soldlere. The letter expreeses
admiration for the courage od sacri
fices et the French troeps and adla:
"After America, we love France best
of all." , -