The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 01, 1919, Image 3

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. Fully throo-fourtha ot thla tig block ia ahnrpiy reduced
for thla !e.
In many line we have aucceeded in accumulating con-,
alderable atocka-fortunately for ua, bh it turna out, for fur"
nitura pHcea are advancing continually. Thla meuna that
our preaont regular prlcea are under the market Conaidcr
thia and tho apeciul reductions made for this auto and you
can readily aee that thia aale U tho opportune time to buy
Home Furniahlnga. Davla-Kaaer'a August Salea have at,
waya been-genuine, worth-while bargain eventa, but'alt
thinga considered, thia one ia the moat opportuno of all. Let
nothing keep you away from it. The red toga are all over
thla big atore and every one tells a atory of money to Ihj
saved. Come prepared to buy, for you are sure to find
thinga you want. , . . ;
The Davis - Kaser Co.
Complete Home Furnlahing' Department Store,"
. Planoe Phonographa Mualc. ' t
10-20 Aider St. : : . : Walla. WuIIu,' Waah.
.Fred Dupuht has taken a position
im plumber arid general rejwlr man
with Jones & Jones. '
Tho Ladies' ' Guild will meet
Thursday afternoon, August 7, with
Mrs. Lilian Fredericks.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson of
Gibbon were visiting Sunday and
Monday at tho J. E. Jones rci-
dencc. "' ." ,
Church Announcements
Church of the Piethren Sundny
school at 10 a. m. i 'reaching nt
II a. m. C. W. S. at :3u p. m.
tllblw Study, l.ifv of Christ, at 7:90
p. m. J. H. Gordon, elder.
Methodist Church Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Preaching services at
11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Epworth
League at 7; 30. Waycr meeting
Thursday evening. 3. E. Powell,
pastor v
United Brethren Church Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. rn.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Junior C E. at 2:30-p. m. C. E.
m. Prayer meet
evening. E. F.
meeting nt 7 p.
ing Wednesday
.Wriggle, pastor. ,
Baptist ChurchThe Church with
a cordial welcome for. all. " Sunday
school at ten o'clock, preaching at
eleven. Also preaching at eight
o'clock in the evening. W. RJ
Storms, pastor.
Christian Science Society Ser
vices Sunday at 11 a. " m., and
WednwHlay evening at 7:30. Water
street, near Main.
Good seven-room house with mod
ern appointment and six lots for
sale at a bargain. . Terms. Robert
lYoudtft. 4 ,
and Poultry Supplies
iDteraalional Stock Food;;
,-'aiid Tdnits .
.... "-, " ,. . " . ,
' . ' -
Gromore . '
Do you want to Increase
mileage on gas and power ol yourj
machine by 20 percent? If so, tee
A. W. Lundell. .' ' '. '
T. C. Gettings, apland pioneer,1
was In town the other day and bad
the honor of meeting and greeting
Weston's leading journalist.
Mrs. Robert Pardew of Fox Park, ,
Wyoming, and Mrs. F. M. Godfrey
of Oroflno, Idaho, have been visit
ing their father, Porter Graham'
Senior. ' (
PrtvaU Lvo Read landed July 22'
In Nvwiwt News, Virginia, after',
serving 13 months overseas in tho)
artillery. lie is expected to rach
Weston within a few days.
Having had his foot jammed
harshly against a piece of railroad
steel, Marion . Dixon, is. limping
around. He has temporarily sev
ered his connaction with the O-W.
track department. ' '
The following rates, which took
effect July 28, now apply on local
residence telephones: Individual
line . $2.25, two-party line $2.00,
four-party line $1.75. The raise ia
25 cents in each instance. '
L. L. Mann was in town Monday
from Pendleton. Replying to In
quiries from our crop reporter, Mr.
Mann said his yield is exceeding ex
pectations from his holdings south
and east of Adams. It is running
from S3 to 38 bushels per acre.
W. M. Davis, whose farm resi
dence was destroyed last week by
Arc, has leased the . brick residence
oh north Water street now held by
Capt; C. H. Smith. The house will
be occupied by Mr. Davis and fam
ily so soon as vacated by the pres
ent tenants. .
At the head of Gee r Springs,
which for the past year or two has
been showing the pace to the rest
of the county, a remarkable yield
of wheat for this season is reported.
Parts of the Thompson and Martin
holdings are said to have yielded an
average of CO bushels ht acre.
. Having often wished to take part
in one of Weston's harvests, II. L.
Hedrick did not find himself foot
loose until this season
t "1 ill i J
T .TTl If
r 1 rli''rMru1r,iH
We are obliged to announce a slight
advance in LUMBER.
' NAILS, however, have receded from
8 cents per pound to 7 cents.
Hardware, Implements and Lumber
Weston. Oregon
P. S. FRED DUPUIS (Frenchy)
now with Jones & Jones at your
service. v . .
gajniik-gtaiBjajiHga faJBiiMa'waisWi'wJ
1 inii7ifNirK-'!''' ----LriiSaast-.ate.iJ Mk.0iiqiiaia0'lit'f
to get your
you spoil
EC. 13. Hcill
(At Old Lleuallun ahop.) '
If you want the best COAL
in the market, give ME
your order.
I want to sell COAL to sat
isfied customers only.
insurance go lor uie nonce, ne is
serving as header tender with the
John Banister combine. Mean
while, Mrs.- Hedrick and children
are rusticating at Meacham. .
Jasper O'Harra was here from
Central Point, Oregon, during the
wcek, visiting Ids Weston brothers.
He went from here to Lehman
Springs to see his brother Frank,
and expects to take the latter with
him when he returns to southern
Oregon. He will remain in this
county until after the Round Up.
J. M. Maynard has about com
pleted a deal for the purchase of
the John Bonewitx fruit and gar
den tract in the upper end of town
Letting life c tract contains a profitable cher
ry orchard, and is improved with a
commodious residence which will
make a nice home for Mr. May
nnrd's seven children.. Mr. May
nard is a Nebraska pioneer, having
farmed in that state since 1880 un
til he came west with his. wife and
family in search of a new location.
He says that Weston justs suits
Rreston-Shaffer Milling Co.
: Established 18(56
"Athena, Oregon . Waltsburj, Wash. ,
American Beauty
Pur White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the"
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
i v r Sold In Weston by ; i
Weston Mercantile Company
Corporal " Ed. L. Wood, who has
served more than three years in
China with. Uie 15th U. . Infantry,
expects to leave Tientsin for "the
A. L. Swaggtot. who has long w. hometoWeston 80 goon bj,
been prominently identified w-ith ho is relieved from duty,
the pork industry, wasA in town the . , ... .
other day from Athena. He looked "About September 1 Athena is to
f rghtenod, and admitted that he Is. have a new Btore known as The La
He feared, he said,- that the gov- dies'. Style Shop, where an exclusive
ernment would not stop at the "big line of millinery, suits and dresses,
five" in, its investigation ' of the coats,, sweaters, waists, corsets,
meat trust,lut would reach out and etc., will be shown by Mrs. A. Mat
gather him into its dragnet thews of Pendleton.
A. W. Lundell of this city has E. R. Hall has bought the inter
extended the real estate end of his est of his former partner, L. "J.
business by taking over the real es- Harman, in the Lieuallen black
tate department of Joe Kerley's es- smith shop. Mr. Harman has gone
tablishment at Pendleton. Mr. Jo work at the Weston garage.
Kerley will continue to handle the Mrs. Lydia Rosa and the Alisses
insurance and grain buying end. Florence, Mildred and Geraldina
Mr. Lundell expects to spend about Rosa were jn from their reservation
half his time In Pendleton, devot- ranch Tuesday on a shopping expe
ing the remainder to Ms Weston jition. .
business. , , . - Maynard Jones continues to im-
Sergeant August Maugg and Ser- prove, and it is thought that within
geant Dennis Howard were here a week his condition will permit of .
Saturday and Sunday while return- his discharge from the hospital. -ing
home from overseas to Grange- , M c w Avery and daughter
ville,-. Idaho. These , Waho boy8 from their
enlisted at the same. time and serv- ,oif ,ifi, iof,M i.
An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation.
Are you doing your utmost to prepare to leaa in its solution r
Oregon Agricultural College
o - - Trwm tar tfdcrhsp lK indtwtfif wad proftwaoaM m Mem i
.nv.A. .miMTinu nun Irivr-.IMEirBINn RUtFTRtF AL ENGINEIRING.
Tht Coltrn trninf includra coanA la Enluh. Kranomin. Art. MlbiMtlci. Mntera Imun.
PKrK Elwwwi. Indwuwl JowMlam. Itttwl Stwcn. mkI H mmmimlt ol m tacK.
Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919
roc CMrf Catalog. ItlttttrMrd BwkM cm! MlMf ufacmMlOT tddrn
THE REGIBTHAK, urta AirminurM kouei..
ed at St. Nazaire, France, with
Sergeants Blomgren, Kennard and
Kirkpatrick of Weston. They stop
ped here to visit Blomgren and
Kennard, and the quartet had a
jolly good time together. ,
Gross receipts were $40 at tho
lawn fete given Saturday evening
by the .Saturday Afternoon Club.
"With oriental illumination, the City
park lawn and pavilion presented a
flecidedly pleasing appearance es
pecially in the absence of electric
lights, which were temporarily out
of commission. T'e 'u' " ladies
took care to make all comers feel
at home. They will sponsor anothV
Walter Webb is in town enjoying
a metropolitan holiday after a long
period of industry in road construc
tion..' ; r..;..v; ., ...
Lawrence Pennington and family,
formerly of Weston, have moved
from. Montana to. Clarkston, Wash.
Mrs. E. M. Warren and Miss Fay
Warren are both recovering, after
quite a serious illness from grip. .
Henry Schroeder is doing repair
work at the school building this
Mr. ' and t Mrs. , Robert Proudfit
Be Fanners Oaiilioi Weston
EstaSlisW 1891
enables one , to take advantage .
"of any opportunity.
Bank accounts supply
ready cash.
er event of this kind on Saturday were visitors rrom Athena last bun
evening, August 9. - day. - .