The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 18, 1919, Image 1

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    Weston r Deader
Him Navy !Mtilil will visit llm Co.'n rive harbors ln-n tli m-w"i' dlv'fl'in of Ami-rua't navy In
emit i lkw up Hd pnuitiou cm tli
western coast.
Una million dollars aorth of. mat
-,,, ' ' , highway bond wero. dllred by
rrlnClpil tVentl Of thi WieP Htate Treasurer llorr Id a syndicate
. Sketched for Infor. STta Jf E ZXZl
OlltlOD Of Our Rtldert. ' Hui of the highway commission la
. . . - ' Portland t f4.2(l. the Issue netting
IHm to the rspld growth or Wheeler the state $42,00 with accrued into
(be locsl postotUce hai brta mate t t from J una. , ' .. j
third els office. . '. llnresfter convicts who vlelslo tbalr
All Portlsnd hog price rroords were piro,, by the commission of a crime
smashed Saturday when boa acre returned to (ho tat prison,
quoted at 33 hundred pound. to arm (he fun maximum senMnco
The Ubsnoo rannery Is iail,lo wthout any hop of further eonsld-
II utmost to rare frjlhe'lnanbrrlc era Hon for parole by the governor or
offered for canning at hU time, . Oi elate parol board.
Tha Oregon atate blshway cominls- ""Blame for tha rpldcmlofTiiilirpUi
'Ion baa let contracts for approximate which h resulted lu 150 esses In
ly 109 mile of road paving, to cost I'urlland since tt began In December
.$1,713,113. Is fsstened by Dr. George Psrrish. city '
Records at tha I'ortlaiid city health health officer, upon Inefficiency and '
'bureau show that blrtha from January rd tape In tha I'ortlaiid oilier of the
to July have exceeded the number of I'nlted Statea shipping board.
deethe by 171. . v Dr. T. V. Holllstcr of Portland was 4
1 r
: -: ' i
, .1., ... . I Wj
4'su iimai ssssv '
. I ft'
! t
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! - j
I 5
1 t 3Hf
v ,4
1 r
Claimed F, A. Dowsey Slain
When About to Charge Prom
inent Men With Graft
- J i
. .4 W" I
W. A. Held, aeeretarjr of tba lrb- electfd president of tha Oregon fltata
field rbamber of commerce, baa ra Dental aiworlatlon at the cloae of tbe
celrcd an otfr of tea aecrataryahlp annual conrentlon In Portland. Ho
of Tha Dalle chamber. , baa been aecretary of the aaanclatlon
David C Sandereon, publlaher of for the paat year and I a member -of
tha rreewater Tlmea, died anddenly tha atate Itoard of dtotl examiner.
In bl room at tha Denaon hotel In Pendleton" nowt.t financial Inml-
Portland, auppoacdljr from heart die- tutlon la the Inland Kwplre bank. It
aw. i " aurtcd with a capital of 1250,000.
Deputy Secretary of State Koaer which la exceeded by only two bauka
announcea that the 1911020 volume in tbe atate outalde of Portland. J,
of tbe Oregon Blue Book will be ready W. Maloney, for T year a resident
f I
1 Turkish dclecnte to the puni-e conference lio bare been aent onck to Contantlnojle. 2 I'rlvme I'nul
Itollu and Corporul Inurd J(iillple with tlu-lr nlven about to lnrt from New Tork on the second leg
f their journi' from 'Trance to f'r:w". A American circua perfonnasce for tbe Tank at Bordeaux,
France, awaiting trtintnorlatlon Iwn e. , '. .
Conetantlnoplo. EntT Paislia, To-
tion of the lofts.
Waahtngton. After weeka of prelim
for distribution the latter part of tfala of Umatilla county, la president of tbe Inary dlicuslon and maneuvering, the Wt Bey and Dj.?mal Pasb. the lead- rotlbed J(Mj xarvlch, an Anstrian. of
month." . - bank. - . . actual ngui over nnreaorvea rauuca-era ov,m mraian Bovernmcni aunng pjj,,,. ;oo0, was Saturday
Ooveraor Oleott tppolntH Arthur Prod M. Hee, of the Hesae-Martln ln of the peace treaty with lis league the war, were condemn. lo death by Bcntence4 u, imprisonment for the
DerrWge, of Portlgnd. a member of Iron work of Portland, baa been ap. of covenant began Monday in a Turkish courtinartlal investigating erlma
tbe itate board of accountancy to auc- pointed by Governor Olcott member tho aeuatc. the conduct of the Turkish govern-
feed W. It McKeMle. who baa re- of the atate board of engineering e aenaw roreign reiauoua cow went aunng uio war penua.
Igned. "amlner. lie will take the place of roltlce, beginning consideration of the Enver and la two lpadlng assocl:
Ownere of nearly 1000 acrea of c. Ptrange or I'oruana. who was -.- . .....v.. nam8(J ag Aiaerican ,mblgsa(ior to
. n..l,i. t ni ih. tnr OIUUOIIS ocanns ou me entsHU'a nw ilea iroiu lurm-y Bvcrl UIOIIUIS BXO .
prvnea is uana couniy net sin o mem- - -r " - . .,, . , iau.
n r,u r.M r. r- buslneaa -reawna. gotlatlona., , and their whereabouts la uncertain. .
. operative s.socl.Uon at a meeting held With tbe ehlpmeut through Bend of The reaolullon. reported would call David Bey. former mlnbtcr of fl-
la Eugene. Iwgo quantity of lumber and tank P President and the tat de- nance, and Aluw MeUaa Klai.lm,
Bend. McMlnnvllle, KUmath Fall materlala by Jaaon Moor who bolda Prtment for Information regarding an mer Sheik I'l lalara were aentenced to
nd A.torla are the laleat Oregon option on the nitrate depo.lla at ,wrt't " hefeen Japan IS ycarj at bard labor.
.mi.i. r, flnrnmeeandAbertlakealnLakeeoun. and Germany; eg.rdlng a protest aal a Tb court martSal acquitted Rifaat
satlon of local chapter
can JLeglon.
dh..j ,... ..i..4i i-.i,.. n... i... mw ttnnnnnnn in Coata Illca "waa not permitted'
siRn ine peaue irvtij.
. In the aenate chamber the debate
for ratification waa opened by Sena
tor 8wanson, democrat, of Virginia.
A charge that Japan secretly se
cured pledge from Great .Britain,
franco, Italy and Russia early in 1917
Of the Amerl- ty. It I. Indicated that there wit) be to.h.vrbeen made by Ceneral B i.s. Bey .former president, of the senses. ccr8((o chalrman. w. w Con.
comiderable development of these do Secretary Lansing and Henry W hile and Pachlm Bey. iormer minister of former eaker of ,he 8tatehoUM
Mayor Baker poalt. this aummer, , lt the Shantung settlement; why posta and telegraphs . of wpro8WltaUwBi tour depoty BheT.
n i. m -'t. Costs Blcs "waa not permitted" to ... . .,t
Seattle. That Fred A. Dowsey, gov
ernment secret service agent, was
murdered on the eve of filing papers
that would send prominent men to the
penitentiary 1 the opinion of secret
service men now In Seattle, who are
working on the case, which is one of
the most myateriona In the history of
the secret service.
. Valuable papers which were aaM to
be In Dowsey'a possession when be
waa killed in the washroom of tbe Se
curities building on the morning of
Hay 2, were missing from the. body
when It waa found by G. H. Donglas.
clerk in the disbursing office of the
Emergency Fleet corporation. .
With the announcement by Coroner
Tiffin that an inquest into tbe death
of F. A. Dowsey, federal agent Investi
gating shipping-board affairs on the
coast, would be held, leaders iq tbe
shipbuilding Industry in Seattle be
lieve that the investigation of tbe
crime will fall 'into Insignificance in
comparison with the scandal that will
arise In connection with wood ship
building during tbe period of the war.
Many were free In their assertions
' that tt baa' been known for s long
time that all waa not right with the
government department handling ship
building and they have told federal
agents in the last few days that they
are ready and willing to take tbe atand
Brand Whitlock Goea to Italy. tM,lfy w,t vtxyt know
Paris. Brand Whitlock has been garding the alleged crookedness of
certain officials connected with the
shipping board. ...
Federal agenta stated that sffldaviU
are on file st .Washington, D. C, giv
ing the nsmes of the men who en
deavored to involve certain Portland
shipbuilders into participation, in their
fraudulent practices. - The probe now
in progress has narrowed to a point .
where arrests may be expected st any,
time. - ..
'Life Sentence la Given Robber.
Roseburg, Or. Mike Zclock, leader
of the quartet who entered a bunk
bouse at the government rock crusher
betow Scottsburg s month ago snd
Seattle, Wash. Superior Judge Clay
Allen. Charles G. fner, former dem
Hon to President Wilson to accom- highway building funda in sight for
pany the new Pacific fleet when It vis- the years of 1919-20-21, according to
, Its Portland. . Informstlon received by the dopart-
Conatruetlon of in Port of Astoria's ment of Industries of the Portland
1.0U0.00O export pier No. 3 will be chamber of commerce from Roy A.
v started Immedlstely by the rounds- Kloln. secretery of the Oregon stste
:.r:irrr:r:z . T::,:r ,h.o r.,,, .,.. n tem,t
W Vlg)llWI SB I V HW fit M V I -- " C- "-i,- --n,.
Sheriff Anderson of Baker baa re- egstion was present at a hearing on
turned from Ban Franelwo with the Hawicy bill appropriating $3,500.-
( harlea Connors, the alleged Hsines 000 for the Roosevelt highway held by
bank robber, who Is now locked op the house committee on public roads,
- In the Baker county Jail awaiting trial. In Washington, An appeal for the high-
Senator L I Patteraon of Polk coun- way was also msde-by Louis J. Simp-
ty, mentioned ss a possible selection on of North Bend, Or.
for wsrdeu of. tbo Oregon siste peul- , Stolen property . worth sbout 1000
, tentlsry, denied smpbstlcally that he was recovered by tbe Portlsnd. police
is or ever bed been s candidate for after s workman had plowed up two'
the position, " H welts of sllverwsre snd other srtlcles
' Excavation has started for the I70.- from a cache at Sixth and Main streets.
iffs, one superior court clerk and one
superior court bailiff, were Indicted
by the King county grand jury that
The law intended to prohibit the
movement of cattle across the ststo
Return to EnSland Made Without h,4 been Investigating the disappear- ljne ,nt0 0regon Mon tnef have ba
Mishap In 5 Hours. .anCe of whiskey from Judge Allen's in8pected ta inoperative in that it P-
lulham,, Norfolk, England.-Great court room on tha night of June 4. only so shipment of cattle" by
Britlan's mammoth trans-Atlantic nir In all 12 persons were Indicted. . common carrier and not to driving;
plonoer, the dirigible K 34, arrived at Two indictments were returned them. This wss- the opinion of Attor
the air station here, completing her against Judge Allen, who waa former-'" yf.enerai Br0wn n response to s
nunlnsiila. hnulit for rertain rniiHlil. .-- . uey-Vienerai oruwn in rcsyvira v m
mttotolZrSto rUnJ lr'P frm U'e BriUsh l3leS 10 'y Cn!t8d S,atM Pr08ecuU8 "'torney comnlsint filed by S. a Correll of Ba-
by Senator Norrls, Vrpubllcsn, of Ne
braska, who produced what he de
clared to be copies of diplomatic cor
respondence embodying tbe promises
of Great Britain -and France.
voyage from ixmg isiami was compiet- mcr speaker Lonnor, one, in eacn anj Horee Raisers' association, who
ed In spprbxlmately 75 hours. "The case, charging unlawful possession of chanted that many district attorneys
Gold Rush to Central Idaho.
Spokaue, Wash. A. gold rush, said
to alnioot rival the rush of 1884. la on
000 engineering laboratory building st The atolen gooda bad been burled nn-. n cmtnl Idah0 A r,cn g-ol(l glrike
In Oregon, outside "of The largest vessels In the American proceed to Flume, where there have city and wiped out 21 residences, is 'J? Austrian treaty, which meant J
he month oi 52? .5 b.ttle fleet, soon to .tart to the P.- . boon disorder, between Italian estimated at approximately J100.000. JJ pjet
Mt. sccordln, lo s clflc coast, can safely and easily be troop, and other elements In the. tores Insurance figure, are not availabio but ulTT
the Oregon Aarlcultursl college su- der tho porch of sn old house, which
tborlxed by the legislature, the con- hss sines been torn down,
irscl bsvlngbeen lot to Hoover Mo- Jerome 8. Msnn, formerly csshler
Nell, of Albany. ; of the First National tank of Llnnton,
A group of Scandinavian merchants,, was found not guilty by s jury In tbe
financial men and trader visited In .federal court st Portland of a charge
Portland and placed contracts for big of having misapplied $123,000 of the
quantities of foodstuffs, msnufactured funds of ths bsnk In connection with
good and raw product and for the the financial manipulation of the
construction of hlp. - J. At rattlHon Lumber company,
Fire losses
Portland, for the
gresalod $446,
statement b State Fire Marshal Her- brought Into Portland harbor. Tula
vey Well. Albany, Hood River and wa established st a mooting of a spe-
Msrshflcld suffered the hosvlest loss, clsl committee appointed by Mayor
Clatsop county Is in need of school Bsker to Investigate actual chsnnol ,
teschers snd unless application ars re-, conditions from Portland to the sea. .
celved for existing vscsncles soon, Upon the recommendation of Conrad '
several country schools will be with- Stafrln, adjutant-general. Governor 01-
out instructors next fall, according to cott sent a letter to the ws depsrt,
O. H. Bylsnd, couniy superintendent, ment st Washington, D. -G, requesting
Beth L. Roberts of Portlsnd wss sp- thst Msjor Percy A. Willis be sppolut-
pointed by Governor Olcott to succeed ed Inspector-Instructor for the Third
J. W. Ferguson as a member of ths Oregon Infsntry. Msjor Willis served
' stste board of sccountsocy. Mr. Fer tor eight years in the usttonal guard
guaon resigned when he becsme ft of Oregon, previous to his entrance In '
member of tbe Industrial accident com- ths United 8tates army. ;
mThsgraln yield of Clackamas coun- Pu"r 8UU Se".Ier wu,w A M- )
ty for 1919 Is to be Isrger thsn for rof M 0 rU froM
many year, and the farmera. who ou P01"" in ?eutr1 0ron tt,
have plsnted much of their l.nd this f " representing
"ha been made at the Center Star
mine, near the mouth of the Crooked
rtvor on the south fork of the Clear
water. . .'.
voyage homif has. been without in- intoxicating liquor and tbe other keep
cldent," aald Major Scott, commander in intoxicating liquor with the intent
of the dirigible. "We estimated we unlawfully to dispose of the same,
would make it in from 70 to 80 hours," Their bail was fixed at $500 each. .
he said. "We made it in 75. When we Tlie other indictments were against
left we had a strong wind behiud us Deputy Sheriffs Stewart Campbell, F.
and we covered the first 800 miles In A. Brown, Matt Starwich and Roy Mur
about eight hours. When we circled dock, Superior Court Docket Clerk Os
over New York wo could plainly see car Springer and Superior Court BaH
the crowds on Broadway waving to Iff George Gau, F. A. Martin, Dr. J. H.
us s, we passed, but we could not Lyon and. Dr. Frederick G. Nichols. ' .
hear them because of the noise of tha '
throughout Oregon were neglecting to
enforce the law. ,
The industrial welfare commission
has accepted the recommendations of
the special wage "conference regard-
lug houra and wages of women work----.
. ers in Oregon. The new regulations
will go Into effect early- In October.
They provide briefly for a 48 hour
week, with a minimum wage of $13.20.
' with proportionate Increases for ap
prentices, forbidding the employment
Allied Warships Ordered to Flums
Paris. Three allied warships, one
each from, the AriiQricau, British and
French navies, have been ordered to
engines. ,' - All matters concerning the peace of sheet music demonstrators or elevs-
' ' ' - trenties are now In the hands of the tor operators In lodging houses, with
: new-council of tlve, comprising Lan- certain exceptions, after p. in., a
$100.000. Mug. Mclion. Balfour. Tittonl and m,nimum w,ge0i $60 a month of
; Lose in Brownsville Fire
. Albany, Or. Loss caused" by -the Maklno. Tittonl let It be known that
Brownsville tire, which destroyed one- Italy wished all territory tnfcen from
third of tbe business section of the Austria to be definitely disposed of
experienced adult office workers.
of occupation
Butter wraps at Leader shop.
V much of the property destroyed wss
not Insured aud the total insurance
will cover, a relatively small propor-
Working His Way In
year to oats, whest and other grsln,
sre optimistic over the outlook for a
himself to be an employe of the de
partment of weights and measures, Is
...... I .1 -fain- n.l jnl.
large harvest - "'"a "Vlu'" ...v- ..... v,-.
The war mineral relief committee lec'mS 'ecs therefor. Mr. Daliell calls
will arrive In Portland July 21 and lt ,0 rct ""deC th!
"will remain one day Investigating tho P61 8," 0,0 ",c " "ot
claims of chrome mining Interests In P000. Jhat capacity.
Oregon for reimbursement of losses
but that a scaler Is Iocs ted. In. each
jt.,.i.. . . .1 .. . 1. 1 ,a, m nA
sustained whlis producing ore for the " "
, Inspect sll weights and measures, snd
Teeordlni to report, from Ws.hlng. thst no fee wh.tever 1. collected for
ton tho Pacific fleet and Socretsry of tntt OTTlc' '
' 7 - Jtt
President Wilson Holds . Up Agricul.
tural and Sundry Civil Bills
tion especially. Washington.-The daylight ssvings
The Chinese delegates said they ex- . . , . .
pected to n'Sn the treaty with Aus- rescued froffl repeal by Presl-
tria. In which they found nothing ob- ient Vllson's veto of the agricultural
jectiontible.-and thereby gain admls- appropriation bill. .
sion to the League of Nations despite The president also vetoed the sun-
the withholding of their signatures dry civil appropriation bill because,
from the German treaty. China prob--he said, by restricting funds. It crip-
ably will muke a separate peace with pled the work of rehabilitating and
Germany, tn refusing to sign the storing dissbled soldiers and sailors
German treaty the Chinese delegates to cljj
doUeyed their, Instructions- from The taUer vet0 apparently waa ae-
2 !T c"P,ed b' ingress without contest
China revolutionaries. - . . - ... . , . . ,
- tod the sundry civil bill went back
to committee to be retrained.
Washington. The dayllght-jsavinB
plan under which the clocks of tho
country are turned forward an hour
in March and moved back in October,
will be continued indefinitely. This
was assured when President Wilson's
veto of the $33,000,000 agricultural ap
propriation bill because of Its' rider
It was nredictiMl In Washington thnt
with tbif return of President Wilson
, there, would be a radical change In
the government's policy toward Mex
ico. Senator King of Utah, Democrat,
said the administration would prac
tically Issue au ultimatum to Carran
sn, demanding guarantees for the pro
toctiou of American lives and prop-,
erty In Mexico and hlntfns; at Utter-
reutiou by the United States. Tito repealing the daylight-saving act, waa ?
public has Jitst Jcnrned the facts con- sustained by a vote of 247 to 135. i
coming the brutal murder of John W.
Correll, an American' citizen., near
Tamplco on June 10, and the assault
on his Tli.rt is eerv nnson to
believe that Carrnnsa soldiers were France, arrived here with his staff
the perpetrators of . those shocking Tuesday to take partlo the peace celo--r:-:".
. bration. . ' 1 )
London. General VJ. J. Pershing,
commander of the American forces in