The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 11, 1919, Image 4

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The White Hussars at Chautauqua
Two Splendid Program cm th Third D7
cash mm
f - o A Ms A A P
V? W iSL &W. !tV,V,vV?-r-iU
BaKcr'i Goods
i i
ti M Estate
Phone your druy. orders,
03, or call at store. !j X
Davis & Ellis
it In
soil your
Do you want
property? If
i n ird I
I yiillllii cm IWm
..... ... .' a H.u l a tMltat Fnr Mh
The n.itc Hassan hrlnc to Chnmanqua two or tna di mvncai pron. ; " '"",;J7"-
ml years tnry have been heavily featured In the East and .re wilted r?nulne musical Sttcceawt Of.
" Th's Mondld onn.nIa.tloi Is a'alnglns N.dwlth program of Witisual variety. They
frnwd to organlxatloc. of twice tl.Hr Mie. They all J fine voices an.1 are malera on their many band Iwunt.
SL ThTU in the ma-lcal library I. to be found In their pro6ran.. balanced arl.h lighter Wc and popnlar air
Their two programs are of such excellence and rnrtety that whatever your musical taste may bt you wW ha genuine!
surprised and pleased.
sims-to aosE ma mum :
r. ' '
This lot comprises a largo assortment of rubber boles,' pumps and ox
fords. Very desirable for summer wear. . All canvas uppers, many of them
neat and dressy, all of them very serviceable. This is the remnant of stock,
in all about one hundred pairs, worth $2.25 and 12.50. To close them out,
only, per pair, 11.79. ...
Chris Thoeny picked about 100 Frank Price and family left yes
crates from but little over one- terday for an outing at Bingham
quarter of an acre of Hood River Springs.
strawberries at his fertile little A ,ittle gir arrived Juno 1? at
truck farm on Pine creek above the horne of M, Bnd M. Wiij s.
t town. Chris reports that his crops po,, j Huntington Beach. Calif.
of every kind are very satisfactory the daughter in - the
LKXige roaa- this season wun we exception vi fmilv
rars SHOES AT $2.93
ladies of the Methodist
Wanted Buick
ster. Liberty Auto Co. raspberries, which only made half a
School has opened in district No. J" "T 'JT " rM.rrh will -iv an ice-cream social
57 at the Tmarack church on Wes- re t better one Saturday evening. . July 19. at the
ton mountain, with Miss Ruth Dowd wnere ne couia gei a oeer one. -Come and we are sure you
as teacher. Jake Booher landed in Pendleton Wjn enjoy the evening," is the invl-
- m t 1 J a ... a
J. H. McGibbon and family have independence uay aiier oeing wn tation extended.
Charles May. Will Hall and L.
returned from a motoring trip to "months overseas witn tne engineers
La Crosse and Colfax.. They eel- corps. Jake was a visitor for sev-
ebrated the Fourth with Umu erai oays uw w iu on.c t m.eft Wednesday for Pine valley.
L. . nnnl. 1J u MWMOV MAQV W IMa -
H. Dowd, well knwon upland farm-
Grant Steen of Dry creek will
do his harvesting this year with
a new Harris combine which he
lately unloaded .at Blue Mountain1
H. L. HeUnck has taken a posi
tion with the Oregon Life, and
the Model Clean-
Mr. May seeks a location for
tock farm, and the others want to
rhere he has bought ..... .
Hyman IL Cohen, market editor Y
The fact that Postmarfer Van today on his annual Northwest tour. V
Winkle Was. OUt Of hlS Office this tfu MU11 thn WaWntr,,n will hvm A
ha week is worthy of comment, as he a bumpt,r crop, Oregon' will be A
ton. " He will engage m business
at Pendleton, wl
a half-interest in
ers establishment.';
. Whon goods are soaring in price comes this opportunity to supply your
wants at a remarkably low figure.. We havo gathered all the odds and c-nds
in men's shoes and find some shortends of stock that we must discontinue..
Most of them are rubber-soled tap bicycle shoes especially designed for har
vest wear; soft, light, comfortable; worth $4.00 to $4.25, but all thrown on
sales tables for $2.93. v r -
Misses' white canvas sandals, sizes 81 to 2; leather soles, white canvas
uppers, very cool and pretty for summer wear. While they last we will sell
them at $1.19 the pair. : 4 . ' ,
is almost as steadfast as the eternal
hills. Official business only- could
medium and Idaho's very poor. .
J. S. Mattoon and family, late of
neanca was nere iron, feuu.ew... , the time of J. S. Mattoon and fam
Tuesday, acompanying D. B. Snyder XnL l!to of hSJi- Hermiston. have Uken
county manager of the Oregon Life. "2?. hotel. , Mr. MS
We have just received a shipment of women's outing suits. These are
made, jacket and breeches; of strong, material, khaki color, especially de
signed for outing wear are very natty arid the price reasonable. See these
before leaving for your outing trip. - ' v
retired from garage work. Mr,
Hedrick was here from Pendleton,
over the
ion over the routes with the rurahweston noiei. . Mr. Mauoon is a
E. O. Sempert , brother of Mrs. maji carriers. boniface of experience, and was f
Fred McGrew. was a guest this. formerly In the hotel business at V
week at the McGrew farm. - Mr.-. Gus Burgy has returned from Lewiston, Idaho. The Weston hotel
Sempert has resigned his position Portland, having found by compari- will be renovated, re-papered and r
. with the Tallman drug 6tore, Pen- son that life in a rural community otherwise improved for the better A
dlcton, and will hereafter be with possesses greater attraction. Gus accommodation of guests. ' X
the Walla Walla Drug Co. AlSi S'J ' The inevitable "hot spell' is upon X
What would have been consid- w JuSon " U8the government instrument reg-
ered ahuge sum for twelve acres of wlnona Junn- .. istering 96 degrees above at Wes- f
vallev land a . few vears mo. savs - J. P. Lieuallen. Weston cattle- Ion Wednesday. Thursday was
the Milton Eagle, was refused by man, was. in Pendletion - Tuesday, equally torrid. While cool nights yOU must See these to appreciate them. Note the window display.
rrea Aiccirain wnea ne was ouercu im vh.-kuiijoji icwib mai uac iu mivoouic uiumwu ura
$10,000 for twelve acres a few he is purchasing a carload of polo wheat, it is feared that the yield
miles northwest of Freewater. t He ponies for shipment east, but finds will be reduced by the hot wave.
expects to realize $5000 from the few horses of. Wis description in spring wheat la the greatest
We were never so well supplied as now with these articles. '.All the
new designsuof serviceable material, both in pretty house dresses and aprons.
2 Why sew these warm days when you can buy these for less than you can
.v make them? There is sucn a variety of prices, materials and patterns that
place this year.
the market.
Harness and Saddles of the
better kind.
Special orders 31'ven prompt
sufferef. ..." .'-,(. :'
" Whije the extreme dry weather
in June decreased the prospective
yield materially, an average crop is
expected - in the Milton jsection.
Samples from a 200-acre field on
the Sam Hunter place and from a 1
GOO-acre field oh the Higby Harris ?
place farmed by Sam Ingle, indi- V
cate a vield 'of better than forty O
bushels to the aero.
0 0 0
We desire that you call us up, or better, still.
come and see us, before placing your order for your
If it is made
can make it.
of leather we
Auto tops and side curtains
made to order.
inn ii
has at last been
completed, and Jones & Jones are
now in full possession of the Watts
& Rogers establishment. They are
constantly adding new stock and
announce that they are prepared to
take care of all. the wants In their
line of the Weston district, with es
pecial regard to harvest require
ments. They contempalte extensive
alterations in the main hardware
building, which will include a show
room lor farm implements
The home of Mrs. W,
was the scene of a happy
of the Woman' Mission Society,
It is said that "this society Js so
zealous in good work that neither
winter's storm nor summer's heat
turning89 1 big1" Srd ware ar A harvest groceries.;-We make a specialty of this bus-
implement stock has at last been A . - lJt 1 .. U..U.l. ...:j.t. iL- i.l..:-.
iiicas nu nave uuugub'wiui uie viuw ui supplying
your every want We will haye in stock nice, fresh
groceries, fruits and vegetables, feady to fill your
X orders at a moment's notice 0
Harness Store
(J. D. Whitman) Milton, Or.
sistent with good stock We make no leaders, but
si special low price on each article.. Special prices on
vs. pric coffee in large quantities, also baking powder, pack--
gathering A ar ffv vnnv nfnxr&inemoa Watrncf ckrAava -fni ovfima V
5 are in; We have studied your needs and are ready
mmer'f heat V 4- mmMlif LiM i 4-s v " rini-lnfi tl-vu.. ha v .a m au
dulls iU ardor." Mrs. E. M Smith. A-tV OUppiJ' 1U U1C DaUdiaULUI HJailllCI ,
presented the subject of Steward- - - ; , : .,,-
I II Pii vv. li fl Hi
ship. The society decided to hold
an ice cream and cake social on the
city park lawn Saturday evening,
July 19. Visitors present were
Mrs. Warren, Mrs. May bee, Mrs. Z
Achilla and Miss Wilscy. Mra.A
Sarah Rowland became a rtiemlxr. Jt
Ktm mm w ff m m w. m wm mm jp. m mm ta mm mm w-s m a . - mm e a a
1 R II Mill HiMHRN liliUB nyM X
Refreshments were served by Mrs. t
King and Mrs. Lundell, assisted by V
2 Miss Anna Lavender.