BREVITIES , and Poultry Supplies . Meniationd Gromore Fertilizer JOE HODGSON -THE filLER KaUc o( rinal Account In th Count C.u?t of th Stat of Oregon fur Umatilla Cuunty. In the Matts? of th 'KtUt of f. well Thomwn Dougls, twremxJ. Nolle is hereby givn Unit th un daralgnoit hat KM her final account - and it port in th abova entitled mUr and that th abova eniitled court hat nxad Saturday, tha td day of Aug-uit, m, at tha hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of aald day a Um tlma and tha county court room in tha county court hvuaa t I'andlaton, Oreyon, aa tha placa for hearing aald Anal account and report. Any and all paraona having ohJoc tkm or axcaptiona to o(Tr to aald flnal account and raport ahould maka and ftla tha aama with tha dork of tha ' kbuvt entitled court on or bvforasald tlma, or appear tn paraon baforo aald court at aaid tlma and placa and offar ' aald objection. Data of flnt publication July 4. 1919. tURaimr Euiamth DottotAs, Exeutrix of tha hut will ihI Ut mant of Oawall Thompson Dougiaa, dacaaaad. (No. Wl ' RtUHIRr OP TUB CONDITION OP Tha rarmara' Bank of Waaton, atW ton, in tha Stale of OrKn. at tha rlo ofbuainaaa J una ), MVi Loana and diacounU 1185,108 67 tlvardrafu, aacurcd and un- . aeeurad .. IW 70 '. Honda and warrant i 13,H M Banking houaa 8. WW 00 " Furnltura and flxturw. ........ I.ouo 00 OlbarraalaaUtaownad...... 29, 33 Duo from approval rm - o - banka 87,643 27 , CUcka and otbar caah lUtm 1.008 W Caah on hand 8,261 23 Qthor raaourta 0t " Total 1......... 64 MAaiums. 4 Capital stock paid In f 80.000 0(1 8urpiofund.r. 16,000 00 Undlvklad profit, ! ax- t a panaaa and taxaa paid .;... 6,711 88 Due to banka and bankara... l.KMI 66 Demand certificate of da- - poalt.; 4.W1 07 Time and 8sv!nga dopoalu 4h.m1 76 , Not and bill- redltcounted. 7,750 00 Bill payable for money lw ruwou w Other llablllUe . I.MO W Total ......,-..m.....'....I2o1. 64 State of Oreton, J, , County of DBtlll, . ; I, E. M. Smith, Cashier of the ' abova-namad bank, do solemnly awear that the above aUtement ia true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. E. M. tsHlTH, Caahler. CowtucT-AvTSsr: , - J. H. Price, O. W. 8TA008, F. D. Watt. Director. HubacriUU ami worn to before tn (SEAL) , Notary Public. (My commliwlon expire Nov. 13, im.) ; HOMER I. WATTS Atlorney-at-Uw , Praotloe In all Suie and Kednral Court, f ' r , ATHENA, OKeOON Everett Tru on The Job "Ct'y" Jom, and thrt other WwUin boyt wvre ratlnir wtrni;. on at nlfht In thlr rKn at a iVn dlctoti hotel, following a good time at tho IVmllvton celebration. Tht-y found mow enjoyment In ctmveraa tion than occupant of adjoining room, one of whom rudely Inter, rupled them by throwing a lighted bunch of firecracker into the mldtt of their congenial circle. Thinking someone had opened a bombardment with an .automatic," Caaey" Jumped out of the window onto tho roof of an adjoining building, where he remained, en dhthabllle, until tho enemy artillery ceased to fire. He and bis 'young companions then went back to bed, where their sub sequent conduct was marked by "modest stillness and humility."" The firecracker tower Is suppored to have been Everett True. . The case agianst Homer 1. Watts, whose residence at Athena was raided by officers and a quantity of liquor seized, was dismlHsed Wed nesday in Justice Parkes' court at Pendleton. Tho court stated that it. did not find that Iho liquor in tho case was being used to main tain a nuisance, and ordered It re turned by the sheriff to the place where It was found. Tbeatre, Alheni . f PROGRAM - Saturday, July 12-A big double special fenture programGeraldine Farrar and Fatty Arbuekle-Farrar In "TheWorftan God Forgot," and Arbuckle In "The, Rough House." A mint of mystical Aztec lore witlt I urrsr at her best, and Fatty in a barrel of rollicking fun. Sunday, July 13 "'The Firefly of Franco," introducing Wallace Reid and a capital cast in a story of love, war and German intrigue. The Pathe Weekly and funny Moore comedy. ' . -' Wedneday, July 16--The great Nazlmova In "le for Eye," the fascinating story of a child of the desert, primitive In morals and ideals, whose love for a Christian brings upon her the wrath of her African tribesmen. The wonderful filming Of this picture curries you across the blue of the Mediterran ean and into the blazing colors of the walled town of Tangiers. Sit ting on tho magic rug of Bagdad you feel th tingle of oriental at mosphere, - and with Kipling ex claim: "Oh, East is East and West Is West, and never the twain shall meet!" A great picture, with the str of a thousand moods, Mrs. Xanlippe Fonnimorc is visit ing at tho- home, of her mother, Mrs. Mwy E. Rwvt's. . Walter Ih-aiiH-r left yesterduy on his return to the Cumeron ranch near Nobleford, Albert. Mr. and.Mf. J. If. Price motored Tuesday to liingham Spring for;" a few days of camping and fishing. Second-growth dry cordwood, fir and tamarack, banked out in coun ty road, at $5.00 per cord. Carl Drutscher. - Services will be held Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Episcopal church in this city by Rev, Alfred Lockwood of Pendleton. Mrs. II. P. Smith Is reported to le Improving, after submitting at Walla Walla to an operation for the removal of a tumor. - Captain C. II. Smith sailed recent ly from Europe, and si?nt tho Fourth of July on the broad Atlan tic, bound for home. Thieves broke the hick to Frank Sating' garage in Pendleton Mon day night and drove off with his Ruick Six touring car, , Mrs. Florence Emerson and her, nephew, Roy Erb, who is just out of army service, are visiting here from Greer, Idaho. Reports from the Pilot Rock neighborhood say that the crop will be very light this year. Only the best wheat will make twelve or fif teen bushels per acre. M. C. Eagleton and family have moved to the garden tract belong ing to the II. Key estate, on Pine creek below tqwn, which they have leased for a term of years. Jack Clthens drove over from Walla Walla the other day In his home-made car. He picked the. part out of a junkpile and put them together making quita a , nifty litlo "bug." The family half of Weston's new hardware firm arrived recently from' Spokane, and are now com fortably domiciled in the E. C. Rog ers midenc on Water street. They are Mrs. R. V, Jones and Mrs. Nel son II. Jones and two children, Maynard and Audrey. , A party consisting of Mrs. J. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H. Good win and Mrs. R. G. Salinsr motored Tuesday to Pendleton to attend the Chautauqua. Mr. R. E. Milard, flutist on the Chautauqua circuit, returned with the party ! was the guest overnight , of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin. We have recently taken over the Hardware, Implement and , Lumber business previously conducted by Messrs. Watta & Rogers at Weston, Oregon. The ftock ia being replenished and large shipments of goods are arriving almost daily, and more will fol low until we can offer you one of the best lines of HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS in Umatilla County. : " We are contemplating extensive alterations in'the Main Hard ware Building and will also add a nhow room for Implements, where we will Be able to display, set up. a complete line of Farm Machinery. . It will be at nil times be our aim to carry everything in our lino needful to the community; and furthermore, nothing but goods of quality will be handled by us. If at any time we should have an inferior article we will be (rank to tell you, and will sell it according to its merits. s It is a fact known to all that "everything is high," but we will do business on the leat margin of profit possible to insure the safe conduct of the business. K - We will treat all alike and give everyone a "square deal. We want you to come in and get acquainted and make yourselves at home. . . If courteous treatment, square dealing and good goods at the right prices are any inducement, you will trade with us. Make this your Headquarters while in Weston. Jones $i Josaes Hardware, Implements and Lumber Weston, Oregon , P.-S. Success to our Predecessors. . Yes, we have "Stogies." Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross are wel comed back to Weston by their many friends In this community, having decided to again make this their home. Mr. Ross has disused CHAUTAUQUA ATTRACTIONS I NEXT WEEK AT JESTON Splendid Programs to be Presented by Ellison-White Talent BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop Sixty (minimum)................. $1 00 One hundred 1 35 Two hundred 2 00 Each additional hundred.... 0 60 Weston is in gala attire of his land and leases in the Pilot big week of Ellison-White iwichhorhood. where he has successfully engaged in farm successfully CTgid in farm- strung Rcro8S the prin He also so d his entire outfit . . Rock been" Ins. with the exception of a few work horses, -7": . s David Cook Sanderson, editor, of the Freewater Times, w'as founfl dead in his bed from heart trouble In a Portland hotel, yesterday. Mr. tuaqua, beginning July 14 for its cipal streets and every show win dow ia gay with attractive litho graphs. - Hazel Alexander is director and Vivian Lee is junior supervisor. Th tent will be erected on the Sanderson was born In England C3 normal school grounds. The daily veara airo. and for 25 years was a schedule includes children s hour at Methodist minister in Canada. Up- 9:30, afternoon concert af2: 30, af Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. ' Established 1865 ; V, Athena, Oregon . .ValUlur, Wash. American Beauty Pur White - I' Made pf selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold In Weston by. Weston Mercantile Company on taking charge ot the Times ten or more - years ago, he became one of the most successful country pub lishers In this section. The Milton Eagle relates what Is considered a miraculous escape for the Owen Obert family when their Overland car turned over on a steep grade on the north, fork of the Wal la Walla river and rolled to the bot tom, a distance of ' several feet. Mrs. Obert suffered a dislocated shoulder and a broken collar bone, while Mr. Obert and the two child ren sustained only -minor bruises, ternoon lecture at 3:00, evening concert at 7:30 and evenftig lec ture at 8:00. Season tickets are on sale at the store of the Weston Mercantile Co, and at Goodwin's drug store. The principal attractions ate". Monday Afternoon Venetian Trio. Evening Concert Prelude, Venetian Trio; Impersonations by S. Piatt Jones, humorist. Timutilv A ftJrnonn Concert. The Victory Orchestra. Evening Pre- jj lude, The Victory Orchestra; Inspi- J rational Lecture, "Getting by Your Hoodoo," by Sam Grathwell. Wednesday Afternoon Prelude, w The i Shep- Ciy " Ataov j-tco wticro ioft baTcrnge are sold. ;, gX Bended la 3 mi rtnT U THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT C6 ' Botttan ami CUtriiluton, PORTLAND, OREGON jEtf I... well known upland farmer, m The White Hussars; Lecture, where he bought the Jinks Taylor herd. Evening Concert, The White alfalfa farm of szu acres, edgnty Hussars. acree of the placo Is In alfalfa and Thursday Afternoon Prelude, the remainder Is pasture. Mr. Pier- Smith Stockwell Company; Cos-' sol took over a, herd of dairy cows tume Lecture, "New Zealand, the with the . place and will engage. South Sea Utopia," by Leila M. largely in dairy farming. He char Rlomfleld. ExeningConcert Pre tered a car for his household goods lude, Smith - Stockwell Company; nH iu drlvlnir his farm stock aver- Lecture. "Four" Years With the land, - j Hie Farmers Bank o! Weston - Esteished 1891 Fighting Canadians," by Lieut. J. Quinne. Friday Atfornoon Prelude, Roy al Hawaiian Quintet; Lecture, "The Maker of Men," by Capt. T. Dins more Upton. Evening Pageant, .... t . , r. ! i , " - 7 " . . unc e, Min s luxDeriiueui. juuiui arms she stumbled over a project- Chautauauans; Closing Concert. hw root tnis caicnmir ner iwv r..i ti Mrs. G. W. Staggs suffered both a fracture and dislocation of her right ankle In a recent severe fall at Bingham Springs. While walk ing with a little grandchild In her inr root th s catching ner loot and .causing , the serious . injury stated." She was attended by Dr. 'Boyden of. Pendleton and is now an inmate of St. Vincent's hospital, where she will be compelled to re main for several weeks. She may not be able to discard crutches three months. v ."'"',' ' Royal Hawaiian Quintet. James Botterer. 28 years old hroke his heck in divinir off high eminence: Into the Umatilla river at Hermiston. He was rushed for to St. Anthony's hospital, Pendle ton, where his death occurred. READY CASH enables one to take advantage of any opportunity. Bank accounts supply; the ready cash. SAVE AND PAY UP