WESTON LEADER,pH fr ClAKK 00D, rWtM attendance. the country alitor in Soffit Ptttty Fill StlMUDf i i i Mu Evvernmclt-ow ned changed J. Vandrrpwl has ex MHJCHirtlON Mm ihc Wl0 f gvvernmclt-ow ned hanged his rmy uniform for Six Month , w count, cuiwtltuUiiR lh h fta .,ur wlth fhrm Thro Month 0 60 ''. might referred to as sort clothe on, of flim-flam. Matt was with tin H 6th Field rUBAT. JULT 1L lflt , , a Artillery, ami raw hi share of hos tilitiei. He was aligned to the duty of gun lighter the second day CiMri4 .1 th pillit at (lilw, Orta mcm4-cUm w.llM.Mtf. AoVERllSIKb NAlEt KcguUr, per inch per iimertion .. Transient, per inch per insertion Local, per lino per insertion.. Wilson is now ready He senate all about it. Singularly enough. Sunday came on Saturday at Pendleton. Frontier Dots it Walla Walla Botou ik'Wmwiht writers have struck for more viy a ca.e whore- in, wc hope, not to write is might. Walla Walla. Wash,, July 10.- -Arrangements are being made by the Wall Walla Commercial Hub and the Fair Association of this city to hold - gigantic Frontier . 'Teddlimr the bull- is mr. !J? fV1"".-hen! V" .U;r tho profitable in New Jersey than else where a famous blooded llolstein having aold there for f 100,000. "Seven Person Die in Chicago. -headline. Sad fate; but perhaps M lhe front an(1 itmrn to ny)CCt letter than living in Chicago. the ability of a French 165 equlp u ! i u pod with American night piaking to tell the it practically the same as an Amer lean six-inch gun. j On one occasion the particular gun to which Mall was attach! was given the range by a doughboy outpost of a Hun motor car in mo tion 13 miles away. The car was known to contain (Jerman ollicers, and the American lottery olUeer allowed the gun ervw five iJtols with which to cttroy it. m saved four shells by hitting the ear first shot. Another time the 11, 12 and. 13. The celebration will sr,, gm destroyed with a few const ofl, a three-chjy program or sh, German headquarters H wild west events and Contests which ntilo away. The boenea got wen will be the feature of the Walla ater, however, by putting the gun Walla Agricultural and Stock Fair out of action with a direct hit by The esteemed Ormmni.n n,l th t0 hld iPtember 10 to 13- 210 shell. The shell exploded Ml The medOregoman ,nd the rys contests will be par oVr the gun barrel while Matt and esteemed Last Oregoman are quar- ticipated in by well known title hja comrades were in the recoil pit, reling again a pastime they have holders of the west. Bucking bron- but they miraculousy escaped un- followed to our own personal know!- cho riding contests for the cham- hurt. The ground was soft, else edge for the past forty years. pionship, steer bull dogging, relay gome or all of them could hardly and pony express riding, cowboys' have kept out of the casualty list. u . .. o . , . ,nd cowgirls "d110 racv3- Irnlim The 146th was in action at Chat- Huns are still doing lots of kick- pony express, relay and saddle au Thierry. SU Mihiel, the Ar ing, but tlierein their capacity ends, races, stage coach races, steer rop- gonno, Verdun and elsewhere, and ing contests roping exhibitions at one time was for 27 days under We fancy that "Red" KunerLis anU ,anc' nu lr'CK rmn aisPa' continuous shell fire. After the win ue emuouicu in we nuge pro- armistice the artillery boys took gram presented. -Purses to the thinirs easv on the Rhine. Matt savs amount of $6000 Sill be awarded they wasted no affection on tlie Ger- The sympathetic strike is as like- to winners of the Frontier Pays' man people, the efforts of the lot ly as not to strike the unsymiathet- contests ter to ingratiate themselves being ic as a damphool proposition. Captain Fred Murray, recently well understood. discharged aftr two years of scr- - On of the hardest things to bear The Hohenznllom wh trl-i vnin V,V in thc Vaitvd States Army.'is while at the front, according to this Tte Hohenzollern who tr,ed vam- maMgmg Days this ywir. young arUlleryman. was to submit ly to take everytihng else will soon Pfor to the war he was identified to German shelling and to be una have to take his medicine. with wild west attractions, among ble to retaliate. This happened them being the Missoula Stampede when the French occutiied an ad. which has been succssfully staged at joining sector and German guns op Missoula, Montana, for several posing the French alio fired upon years. the Americans. It seems that be- Arrangments are being made cause of certain liaison regulations with railroads for a reduction in the American artillery was forbid rates for the Frontier Days events, den to-reply to German guns oppos ite committees in charge of the fog a French sector. Matt'a outfit GtllTipil Season Tickets fancy that "Red" Rupert. is growing blue. ic 'Nothing can save the democrat party next year except republi can stupidity," remarks the es teemed Oregoman. Looks pretty safe for the democratic party. on sale at ; WESTON URCAIiTOE COS STORE '. , and '" . . " '(HIODVUI'S drug store Only, Two" More liays . to Buy- . SEASON TICKETS SOLD: v Adults $2.20 Students .....$1.38 Children : $1.10 A season ticket takes you to the ten entertainnents. two a day, from 18 Pendleton's celebration was a pro- ty celebration are planning a live- were annoyed exceedingly once by nounced success-variety being the Jjr time for visitors to Walla Walla big German gun which they could w on A Avrsnil a rvw IiqI invifofin tn I . J i I Walla Walla Sep- Matt brought back the most In teresting collection of war-time which generosity held m was tree, everyone to be in an especial tember 10-13. TRACTORS photographs yet seen here. July 14 to and is exchangeable in the family. If you buy a sea son ticket you get each program for 22 cents. .If you wart to buy yoijr ticket as you go, you pay 83 cents each for a number of them. . Buy Yoi Season UMllw ' ave Time aiad Moisey GowS75fll.o.l). Meaning a Drop of $150.00 Facto You can make your farm produce more at less cost and with less effort on your part by using a Fordson tractor.. ' Not only will it help, you prepare your land and cul tivate the crops, but it furnishes power for many other farm jobs. The Fordson tractor is the result of long study of farming conditions and it has been proved a suc cess. Burns distillate or kerosene easy to operate and care for practically trouble proof. v. - Call on or Phone us -(Phone 761) mmon ear. Heieklah Key. one of the earliest Bulck ? For residents of the Weston neighbor- A Ford car driven by W. S. hood, fell dead Friday evening Fayne of this city and a. Bulck while going out from his home driven by a young man named John below town after a bucket of water, son of Milton, crashed together Mr. Key had readied the ripe old on the road between Weston and age of 89 years. , He was a native Athena with results seriously disas of North Carolina, where he was trous to both cars. Mr. Payne and married to Mahulda E. Moore Au- party, which included his two sons gust 29, 1866. Soon afterward and two. other boys, were coming 14. If V I A- I lun,. n k.l mi A. . UA an i aim maid. lcjr Iliuvcu w luwij hvhi. v.. vtivi. diuc v uiv ihmi . where they lived two years. They Headed toward Pendleton, the then emigrated to California, re- Buick approached them at high siding there three years, when speed on its wrong side of the road. & they came to Oregon. Mr. Key When the Buick was so close he Ij was among the first of Weston s xearea a collision Air. ray tie turneu wheat farmers. He was at one out. An instant later the Johnson time the largest land owner in this car do turned, and before Its section, but reverses caught him in driver could stop it struck the side a period of over-expansion and he of the Ford. Although both cars lost all his holdings. In recent were badly wrecked, none of the years Mr. and Mrs. Key lived quiet occupants were injured, barring a ly on a garden and fruit tract on few slight cuts in the head received Pine creek below town. by " Anson Payne from flying bits Mr. Key was a civil war veteran, of glass. Mr. Johnson had young having served under Gen. Rhodes, man companion. The departed pioneer is survived ? '.;.:..-' " by his widow, one son, William Ten miles of paving on the "blue Key of Cottonwood, California, and white trail" between Athena and three daughters, Mrs. J. N. and Milton were ordered advertised York of Milton, Oregon, Mrs. for the August meeting by the oeo. w. Badgett of Pendleton and state highway commission in ses Mrs. T. H. Wyland of Pilot Rock, sion at Portland Wednesday. Noth funeral services were held Sun- Jng has been made publicVs to the day at his late home, with Scripture particular route 'the highway will reading by Rev. W. S. Payne and take through Weston. Prayer by Rev. W. R. Storms. ! , Prayer was also offered and suitable. ..1.1 M h.i a. hvmns were nun nr th rrov, T, m "U SClUSmCUl BSB Good seven-room house with mod We have moved from the JtVeston ern appointments and six lots for hotel to the Plnkerton residence on sale at a bargain. Terms. Robert south. Water street. Good meals Froudftt. served. Board by the 'week, .if . . desired. L. W. ilebert. For Sale Set of breeching work . i t u harness. Andy Barm-tt. . Ue Weston Uader Is on . cah . - basis, and positively wants no bust. Used Ford ear for sale. Terms, ness "-otherwise. Clark Wood, pub C. H. Nelson. . lisher. on two beautiful Phonographs if taken this month. Liberty Bonds accepted in pay ment atpar. Ooodiii's Dm Store funeral was largely attended, a long lnJSiJtiJnS-,8Ut ot procession of automobiles fol owing Oregon for Umatilla County. n ' . , , - , m tne main) to the grtve. Kntal ricbite Machine Ordered "Farming's Fun with a Fordson I h the Matter of the Estate of Ran' Som Lieuallen, Deceased. . To All Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that 3, H. Pad herir. nHmini.tr.lir nf tha tjtta it At meeling Monday of the Rsnsom Lieuallen. deceased, hss filed board of managers of the Memorial ln h? entitled court his ftnaj ac Moli u i j J cour)t of the sduiinistration of said e- Hall association it was decided for tate, and said court has fixed the Wth the present to abandon the plan of day -of July, 1019, at 10 o'clock in th remodeling the front of the hall forenoon, in the County Courthouse at and to devote the entire resources ndtaton in .Um"till County, 8tate of nf fL tn ....7 iu Oregon, as the time and place for hear of the association to getting the jg "obections and exceptions, If any hall in readiness for motion picture there be thereto; and all persons inter shows. President F. D. Watts was ded in id astute are hereby notified authorized to purchase one of the to ,,fPM' .! time and place and best Simplex machines the mark tTeVKSrov.T et, and the interior of the hall will port, the discharging of said adminis be arranged for its installation, trator and the exoneration of his bonds Nothing will be done with the ex PJen ,roT fi,ther lb"M . " tj min- 4l " I was further ordered br said court tenor beyond completing the cor- ,. .:. .u..a ,.i.ui. i nices and putting in the double , the Weston Leader, a weakly nowspa windows. When this work is done per published at Weston, Umatilla and the motion picture machine County, State of Oregon, for four con purchased and installed the present 7- " subscription fund of the association June, 1919. Said order is dated the will have been exhausted. 17th day of June, 1919. J. H. PADBERG, .. ... Administrator of the Estate of , liuttor wraps at Leader shop. Ransom Lieuallen, Deceased, l Yon mrm UM That Old Ivory Bedroom Set when you see it in our, window. 1 YOU WILL LIKE1T BEHER when you see it in your ; bedroom. 5