Weston! 2ADER I. VOLUME 42 WESTON, OREGON; FRIDAY, JULY 11, WW NUMBER 6 OREGON HEWS NOTES OF GEIIEBtt INTEREST Principal Evintt ef tht Wirt . Erlifly Sketched for Infor mitlon of Our Rudert. . Edward Burke, for over to y eare ona of the leading merrhanta of Baker, la dead. A council of the Knight and Ladlea of Rfcurtiy baa organise d it Lebanon. " has orgsnli4 at ltotioa, The Klsmath Parking company at Klamstk Kella has boon renrganlied Ilk cspllal Mock of to.ww. ChHH lo tbe amount of l.ono V at I mt when titt Vona Pay creamery near Msrahfleld waa destroyed by flrt. Tho Mow hotel, owned by W. C. RutMge, iraa completely, destroyed by fir on the aftornoon of July 4. Tba Methodist eongregstlon of Dal lat la contemplating tba erection of a new fIS.009 church tb star fotufe. The atala lino board at went meeting tt Gold Hill ordered tha crew t tba quarry reduced from II to all nan. Member! of tba Oregon Butt Dantal taaoelatloD gathered In Portland thla week for thtir tweaty-aUtli annual eoav entloa. II. & C. Phelps, wall known through out Cleckamaa county, died at tba family homt In Portland, lit waa l year of age.' Tba McKantla pass at tba tummlt . of tha Cascade mountains la now open for automobile traffic, according to latest reports. ' , Tha first of tha 1911 crop of wheat was brought to" Pendleton last week from tba Orral Walla ranch, north east of Yoakum. Tha Winchester Bay Lumber com- , paoy at Florence baa purchased from tho Day Logging company about I.- 000.000 feat of loga. ' If, C. Moore, for tha past 19 years resident of Wasco county, died at Gwendolen, east of Tba Dalles.' lit was 10 year of age. Ruelneat failures decreased 41 per oent la Oregon during the first three month! of 1911 compared with the same period last year. '.' ' Tbt grange of Lana county will bold a Joint meeting In Eugene on July It. When John O. Kletehum,- national grange lecturer, will apeak, A dafty wage of about ftS Is ordt , nary pay for sheep ahearers. accord ing to State Veterinarian W. 11. Lytle. . la Lake county tha sheep owners art paying 23 cents a head, and any Urn. It Is ssld,cn shear Icq sheep In a F0HD00B1ES AND ALL KINDS-OF ' TRUCK BEDS MADE TO ORDER, NEAT . AND NOBBY, BLACKSMITHINO in all its branches, . EoxsEsaoms a Spedaitr. AUTO TIRES SET. I LfLL & HAITIAN At OH Utatllti Ss, WMtoa. Of. ' DFs Ss . Ls iiElseaaeakD' ' i; VeteoySiigcca 'jl ; Hospital at corner of Main ; ; ; ' and Broad streets. i 1 ; Phone - Main 253 Liberty Bonds An absolutely aafe Invest ment. If you have money to in vest, buy Liberty Bonds from us. If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell to us. Wa buy and aell Liberty Bonds. Any denomination 160-$100 $500-11000. , . ': Jamca L. E'lam 2: "Walla Walla - Washinjrton tooottotatooaooooootaooooo A K. Gmusweld baa been appoint r 'y arbiiol superintendent of Waa t j i'njtj ior Iba unexpired, term' iiiuilo am ill by the realgnatlon : of (1de T. Iwmney. Tba Pendleton county courted baa Uken definite action toward obtaining n landlns place for airplanes. Tba place seforted will b at Uit Bam Blt nar placo, three miles aaat of tba rlty. Two hundred boraaa have baan re placed by tractors In Lena, county within tba last year. Since tha plant. Ing aeaaon of 111! began 10 macblnee have baan purchased -In tha county, and tha larger number of them wart bought thla year. , Farmers of Lane county wlfl toon bare borrowed I'nO.MO umlrr tha pro visions of tho federal farm loan art. Appraisements ire partially complet ed for Inane of f lon.noo, and 00.wm already ha been borrowed through tha federal bank at Spokane.. Tha t'orvallla fire department suc ceeded In preventing furtht-r aprrad of tba flames which thrcstmtcd to de al roy I ho town of Peoria. Tho sw mill waa a complete "Ion. It waa valued at 110,000. Half a dosen pr vale dwellings wera also destroyed. - Although It baa been a continuously dry aeaaon o far around Baker, (he ranges are In flna shape. About IS. 009 aheap art grating on privately owned land la Bumpier and Austin, and Including those la tha Whitman forest district. Iba total will run to TO.000. . .Oregon ranka among tba first of states of tha country tngaged In club work, reports L. J. Allan, la charge of. PH dub work at tha Oregon Agrlcul tural college, who baa returned from . Washington, a C, where ha attended conference of pig club agents and wine specialists. v Russell Hrooks. ton of sirs. Mildred Robinson Itrooba, county recorder of Marlon county, whoso appointment as American vtct consul to Rotterdam, Holland, has baan announced, la per haps one of tho youngest members of tbt American diplomat! service, be ing bnt 31 yeart old. . - Oorernment action la an effort to re cover to the etote tha remaining 11,000 or 11,000 acres of land still In litiga tion In the notorious Hyde Den son land fraud esses were initiated upon tho a'rrive! In Salem of C. R. Arundel!, representative of the federal land de partment and an eipert In land fraud litigation. "Decaueo of the numerous complaints of property, overgrown with brush, grsss and weeds, of banks that bavo caved down on sidewalks and covered the paths, Mayor Baker of Portland baa Instructed Chief of Police Johnson thst tha police must begin a deter wm fore, , ow, t clen up (nelr ppemll,r,. The hlgH price now being paid for loganberries It tht basis of numerous lawsuits now ponding in tha Balcm courts. Berries have risen In price from S cents two years ago to centa tblt yer and grower, who were un der long-term contract!, are seeking to rescind them In order to take ad vantage or tha present high prices. Motor vehicle registrations In Ore gon touted T2.M, according to fig ures made publio by Sam A. Koter, deputy secretary of atate. Tht total registration tor all of 1811 was 63,325.. Motor vehicle feaa for tba first skt months of tha preaent year amount to 1542,340. This la nearly 1100,000 la excels of tha total feet received all last year, t , t : . Tha oil produced by tht mint grow er! of tbe, Willamette valley will be pooled thla year, acoaVdlng to decision of tht Willamette Valley Mint Grow tra' association at a meeting held in Eugene. By pooling It la expected a prtct of from II to 110 a pound will bt obtained for tht oil thla ytar. It sold tor $ a pound last ytar and 3 a pound during Mr?. V Nina hundred and thirty thousand dollar! In bond! of tba TatI rigaUon district art being Issued by tht secre tary of itata'i office, following final approval at a meeting of tht Irrigation seourltlea commission Thursday. It Is expected that definita ' development work on. tht project, which coven II, 000 acres of land In Umatilla county,' will now bt undertaken at onct. At a meeting of tht deswt land board In Salem the tranafer of tht Morton Land company'! project to tht Walker Basin Irrigation company waa approved, thus clearing the way for Immediate development work on the 27,000 acret In- Deschutes and Klam ath countlea Included in this project. Tba Walker Basin company Is headed by Frank M. Tomes, a banker of Ia Pine, and Includea soma of tht most Itfluentlsl men of L Pint and tha Walker Basin mong tts 'stockholders. ELUSOri-VIUTE Victory Orchestra on Second Day '' ' Chautauqua Audiences Aaaured Musical Treat A Basil of th most delightful vocal moido s beanllfol nolo perhaps, or a pleanlng duet or qttnrtet followed by an squally delightful program of Instrumental numbers, violin, cello or piano sola, Instrumental duct, quartet and ensem ble nam be re -turn la tha program of the Victory Orchestra to be presented on the second day of the Chautauqua. Probably no other orgsnlsatlon of flve young Indies combines In 4tse!f as much- artistic talent as does tho Victory Orchestra. Few programs" offer auch originality, such a varied and ever-c hanging succession of melody and entertain ment. l'l : ' .-V ' ' v rMygxnruun.rxnrn n nwn a rLAjrvj-ivww-w'"-v''.'. ' '.,"w-ti"i- i" - y- - - - r ranch War Lost It U88.23J Men.. Paris. Tha French losses in killed tad missing on land and sea, aa of Sclally obtained up to tba data of the irmletlce November 11, Kit, amount td to . ; ': X GET fa m m OLD JITOEY il)GOTOPEuT)inOH; is showing w mm in Iff Mary's Latest Picture: FRIDAY, MY 11 SATURDAY, JULY 12 HE1E1SER - TODAY CHAUTAUQUA AT VESTOII, JULY 14-18 i ty' hip f Bull Sells for 103.0D0. Belvedere. N. J. King Pontiae. a 'amous blooded Holstein bull, was sold y Mrs. Helen-Massenst of the I'e-, juest stock, farm here to E. B. Hager f Algonquin, III., for 1100,000.. '1 a AKD TOMORROW 1 mm SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tha State of - Oregon for Umatilla County. Myrtle May Heid, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas iiichard Kek1, Defendant. -To Thomas Richard Reid, defendant above named: In tlie'Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and mmwer the complaint of the plint iif filed Against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Friday, the 11th day of July, 1919; and you will take no tice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for tbe relief prayed for in her said cdhipiaint, namely, for a decr.e pf the Court forever dissolving thu bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for other equitable relief. - This summons is published pursuant to an onler made herein on the 26th day of May, 1919, by Honorable Gil bert W. Phelps. Judge of the above entitled court. The first publication of this summons will be made on the 31th day of Mhj 1919, and the Inst publica tion on the said 11th day of July, 1919, and publication will be made for six consecutive weeks in the Weston Lead er newspaper published at Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon. -Dated this the 27th day of May, 1919. Peterson, Bishop Clark, Attorneys for Plaintiff, ' ' Residence and post-office address: Pendleton. Oregon. . I YOU CAN'T KEEP LONGHAIR CLEAN BETTER .CONNECT UP WITH REYNAUD'S ELECTRIC CLIPPERS WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud I (Telephone 83) br.N.P. Bennet Dentistry " Second Floor Weston Mer , cantile building Weston, (jrecon . r M ORITISH DIRIGIBLE v. . CROSSESJTLAIITIC Giant Airship Complete. Trip in Safety, After Battling With Fog and Storm. Mineols, N. T. Crest Britain's sii-prr-dlrlglble R-34. the first lighter-tbaa-alr machine to crocs tbe Atlantic Orean, anchored here at Roosevelt fl M after an aerial voyage of 10S hours and 12 mlnutea wbirb covered lilt knots or approximately 300 land miles. Passing through denee banks of elood, with the sun and sea visible .only at rare Intervals, tbe R-34 wss forced to cruise 200 sea mllea to reach Trinity Bay, Newfonndland. from East Fortune, Scotland, and 1080 aea miles from, there to Mineols. - When the super-dirigible arrived here abe bad left only enough petrol to keep her moving 90 mlnutea longer. Iter crew, almost aleeplesa for four and a hslt days, were weary almost to the point of exhaustion, but happy at the , successful completion of their trip. Haggard, anaharen, their eyet blood shot from tba long vigil and lines of care bitten deep Into their faces. Major . G. H. Scott, tha commander, and bla officers snowed plainly the effects of tbe anxious hours through which they lived wllle they were cruising over tbe far reachea of Canada and tbe Bay of Fundy, beset by fog, heavy winds and terrific electrical storms.- EX-KAISER'S TRIAL IS ABSORBING TOPIC London. Nothing hat fired British Imagination aa much In years aa tbe announcement by Premier Lloyd George that tha ex-kaiser will soon ba tried In London. It la tha sole topic of discussion everywhere and tbe wlad teems wholehearted and unanimous throughout Britain that the ex-monarch be brought to Justice without de lay. The subject has wiped everything except news of the R-34 from the front pages of London newspapers, which print columns of conjecture and com ment. r ' - , . Opinion la divided as to whether Hol land will release the ex-kaiser,' but J. C. Vandeveer, a prominent Dutch edi tor, thinks there will be no' trouble, In bringing about tbe defendant's extra dition. Dispatches from Holland tend to etrensthen the view that while there may be a show of resistance on legal tnd international grounds, the Nether lands government will eventually de liver Its unwelcome guest Into his ludgea' hands. t ALLIES APPROVE PLANS Kolohak and Finnish Forces Prepare: to Attack Petrograd. Paris. Approval of a ptan for a, ;oncerted attack upon Petrograd by ; Finnish, troops and tho forces, of thai Kolchak government at Omsk waa liven by the council of five, A joint nott hat been sent the mili ary attaches of tha United States, ' 3reat Britain, France and Italy at He!-; ilngfors Instructing them to support j die Finnish government if it decided' ,o secede to tha request of Admiral j Kolchak to assist him in the campaign. ! There is no Indication that tho al led and associated powers propose to ?o further at this time In helping Kol :hak't plan. but their action In sup porting tha Finns la regarded as equlv ilent to assurances that they will tee tha Kolchak movement' carried h rough. Minority Report Against Dry Law. Washington. Five members of tha louse judiciary commlMee, In a minor ty report on the prohibition enforce ment bill, declared congress shoutd re ealthe war time prohibition act or it least lift tho ban in so tar as it elates to the manufacture and aala f light winea and beer. . Major General Allen Commands Rhine Paris. Major General Henry T. AI en. It was announced at American mil iary headquarters, will succeed Llett nsnt General Hunter Liggett In eonv nand of tho "forces on tha Rhine,- he new title of tha army of occupa tion. . ' The first labor union In Dallas was organised when 20 employes of tha Southern Pacific shops organized a local of iba International Association of Machia!st SF1