The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 04, 1919, Image 2

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in "all Us branches.
At OU UeuUta Ske, Warts. Of.
CLARK OOI), rellh
StHtlv m AJct
Th Yar . '
Six Mootni .... .7 1 1 00
Thre Months 0 60
Thei I a tmiveiiH'itt fur watch ott
III Itlilua llml will Jh uiiiiiiIiiioii.
r.llitil at Iht f tattle at W.ite. "
ettM.tlii allatlfi
AIIYr.MlflNU HAirt
Kctrii'ar, per Inch vr lnvitHin I&r
TrmiKicnt. r inch per insert '-""c
Loral, per line cr insertion I'Hr
Wttn ran "y confidence
I it si.-tor metropolis of New
York tliat wo hnw tried prohibition
ltvre and found it okey. -
Revenue officers in Tchik8i
"pulled down an illicit distillery
out of a towering oak." High
HiriU no longer inspire the rur
rounding populace. ,
In the Circuit Court of the. Stale uf
Oregon fur Umatilla County.
Mvrtle May Reid, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas
Richard Kek Oefendant. .
To Thorn us Richard Reid, dt-futidant
abov named: y
In the' Name of the State of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear ami
answer the . complaint of the plaint- 1
iff filed against you in the above TJu Fourth of July this Jew sett
entitled court and cause within six ,M , . wru,. i,Ji., ,,..
weeks of the data of the first oO.tHW.OOO Americans holding gO-
publication of this summons, to-wit: eminent securities, largely in War
on or oMina rrraar. inv 4 tin uaj ... m.
i7.i.. i JJ. ;ii i.k. Savings Matmis. Those
tic that if 'you fail to appear and n mre nearly "indoticndent" educational
f A .. . ' : ,
i: f "" 4 ' "'"' "' f .-Hi''
i ! Xr-'. t
(? ' : ." ... ; ." "' 1 . . -
,X i-J - .. -k...- ' - n i -'.f ,;
i,,- -.-y,vr fr a-ii"- fr ' .r-iHinii III! Ifwii. iiii I i i
, Th (lmnli'llim ! may Im d
pemleit iihi lu futtltl all crop expec
tations, . .' ) .
Aiiionit Hi hravent nf Ilia homa ram
lu auliltcr ar aimia aha ran say
only lut i r nf This Is my owa, my as-
IIV IBI..I." . !
v W'icM a iletiNililllied soliller wslils
Ills old Jli liat lt he mifclit to lmv It
or a belter mie. ,
An nrtiatennrlail attrthutas his long
Uf lit dully rterclM on th flildla. Hut
ahy nt ilv th ilmrlty uf bis ul(h
lHrs rreilltT
The Victory (niili-n li n limPileil in
r over Hie top In lis aiiiivk mi I lis
liliih nwt nf living. ..... ...
The Kvei miH'iit tiverMipply nf
assnink aou'it emne III limtil; ilurlni
a illilii rnniMilf:ii,
A few hinra ohi nltfliia and soma
luMiy win hivrnt a eolinMllil gsnlea
l Im I can h folded up and put la th
. utwu otrriiliiht. . . . ...
Tvrry (Inj; ima ny
the fill neu a Unit
I i.vs ate eoniliij hoie,
he I.Hikcil fr
inure of the
iranwu'emtle aerial lrlM may rut
ili. ii tin time of, hut Iht wait ,
tor thn weather will mora than est up
all that's saved. . '
1'eiiiit a Imnillt may w.-iii like an
eny any In nmke a living, hut It !'
not Miy In the li'Mit run.
A woman milliner has been appoint
ed a Jiulue In llutlapeM, It Is fair li
roneluda that rliy a III soon hsv naw
l)le In Juatlee.
I'mh-r lniNheliii mid innniiiml 'in.
jii"eer, few ietvni e HI ever craw
old ni..iikri to lie i ll lill-li. . v'
(IcIentUla hnva tllMverel n lhruh
llml illte and anliuo, Whiit Is need
ed I a awtillun lliut will mik.
MARY'PICKFORDmanlJy ottiahedireAII
Our Im.jh are Kind to be home aenln,
hut they nouldn'l esti'lmnue their
perleaea fr a tulllloii dollar.
answer eawt complaint or
iilcad thereto within said
plaintiff for want thereof
time, th
will apply
than ever before.
reserve fund means
bill. IVndli'tun itnil
irrijfitti-U coinniunitkit
irave maiurities to the brlncirxtl
ply rmrve fund nwnna indi-ix'ndunpjv , , ... .i
lath. Couft for the relief xraved f,.r . ' . ' ... ' ueveiopnH-ni nwasun-a, uui uic pros-
in her said complaint, namely.' for a wide irom Uic practical patriot mm peruua farmers of the county voted
decree of the Court forever dissolving that follows active participation in so heavily against anything that
between plaintiff and defendant and the financial affairs of the
t,.m tlil.kid aatievf u ..... I... a Aftrt
ThU summons is published pursuant 7, , , - ' . hv7 majonty-xalmort unifonnly
to an order made herein on the 2Mh cans .held bonds of their govern- three to two against. As Pen.
d'L J(,M?Sr ,1919t hJ Honorabhj Gil- nK.nt. The Thrift Campaign Iwt dleton is one of the livest cities in
oen l . ineips. wungc oi ine buutc . . .. , . ... i .v.. l
The Amerli-an farmer la produrlnf
a prmllBtmin limit iT"m a lilt a mar
ket aaltlhK for every vrnln of It.
nation. ghl mn taxation tnat an me Sujis Worn by War Worker! Will bratlon of lha funeral of Jo
ueveiouiiivni urojecvo iwieu vy a
8t Given to Penniless Stu
dents In Switzerland.
entitled court.
this summons will be made on the 9Hh
day of May. 13)9. and the last public
tion on the said 11th day of July. 1919.
and publication will be made for aix
consecutive weeks in the Weston Lead
er newspsper published at Weston,
Umatilla County, Oregon.
Dated this the 27th day of May, 1919.
Peterson, Bishop 4 Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff..
- Residence and post-office address:
.Pendleton, Oregon.
I R. L. Reynaud I
ohii.iron intn th r.nb nf tionably the most prosperous in
i .. - tu ,n.,i,m Oregon, this showing is commented
better citucnhip. The campaign upoS generally as a disappointment,
is being continued this ycr that onp.flfth uf the registered
these and others may become ac- voters took enough Interest In their
quainted with the satisfaction there citizenship to take the trouble to go
is in putting their small change to P"8
and their dollars at work in govern- "Disappointment" Is mild enough.!
ment securities. A solid, prosper The Leader's only comment isthat
us citizenry assures a solid, pros- it is now entirely reconciled to the
perous nation, and the one constant- repeated refusal of the common
ly interacts on the other. wealth to restore to S Umatilla
1 county a state normal school.
Our sporting editor confidently 1
predicts that either Dempeey or The City of Pendleton, has re
Willard will win today's fight at versed the financial order of the
Toledo, unless it's a draw.
Germany gets
several pieces.
peace, but loses
times by retiring
issuing thetri.
bonds instead of
No engagement during the puny
wfer in Europe was given such big
"President Leaves Europe." On headline8 our 0wn tremendous
the whole, we are glad he didn't foUle 0f Toledo,
bring it with him. . '
. . In the opinion, perhaps, ,of at
Hie anti-league senators furnish lrtliit MIIt. mun r0idexUr is
the best example we know of a of presidential calibre,
"hopeless minority." ; , " '.,.
Anyhow, Germany might qualify
for an outlaw league.
' Hindenburg says "I did my du
ty." Foch, however, he couldn't
do. . ' "
We would suggest that Bill Ho
henxollern, if convicted, be sen
tenced to an hour's session in a 20
foot ring with the winner of the
We would like to see Elihu Root
Rotice Of Final Settlement Senator Borah ascribes influences ior. the vgw-
In ;the County , Court oT the State of favoring the league to the big bank- . , , 77
Oregon for Umatilla County. , n.ti. , A rdview in this morning's Ore-
In the Matter of the Estate of Ran- f":thus unwittingly compliment- 1 '
mm Lieuallen, Deceased. ing the big bankers. g,n,a" predlCt!, Bixty ml"Jon DUBh
To All Whom it Mat Concern: , . .- e' ' wheat in the Pacific North-
Z-i This from Up-to-The-Times Mag. west. Whitman county Washing
Ransom Lieuallen deceased, has filed azine is good advice. We would be ton 18 creoitea lwe wth between
in the above entitled court his final ac- mor :mnPPfUi thorehv hownwr ten and eleven million bushels.
count or the administration ol said es- " " r '
tate, and said court has fixed the 19th were it not for the cherubic rotund
'IS'vSS Editor MacLeod. We fancy
Offlrlal uniform of th Toung We
mn Christian Association minus
th IUua Trlanjle, th Association In
signls. will b wont next winter by
women students who hav been strand-
d la Swltierland during h war and
ls berausa of lack of funds, Inablll
ty to re-enter their native country, a
desire to finish their university courses
or l-ecaus tbey have no family to
which lo return, will remain then next
Kllsabeth M. Clark, who baa been In
ttwltii-rland for ten years under the
World Btudent Christian Federation,
has appealed to th National ftmlent
Committee of th T. W. C A. for doth
ln for th W foreign women stu
dents In 8rltserlaad. Th scarcity of
(lo:hlng last year among thes almost
rMjee students made It necessary for
two girls to share on coat so that,
only on could go to classes or go out
nf iImii-s at a time. .
Fnus large parking cases of alt
' kind of nsed clothing, sav hats,
whlrh ls In good condition, bar been
eniiected hsstliy from women college
ktudents In the New England State.
Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania,
Maryland and Delaware by th Stu
dent Committee of the National T. W.
C. A. to he sent ever In response In
Mis Clark's appeal. This clothing will
he dyed, cleaned and mad over,. In
Switzerland. ' .
In addition to the clothing collected
from students In college nearest New
York a rase of uniforms, which hare
l.een turned In by X. W, 0. A. aecreta
riea who did war work, and th official
gray uniform ulsters Is being sent. As
uniforms are being turned In by war
workers they will b claimed by th ,
(indent Committee, which will remov :
the Insignia and prepare the uniform I
so that' they may be worn by the 1
women who har been forced by world j
events to remain la 8wlUerland for I
several years, J
Vxyin ftlds Cams! In Dry Calibration.
Columbus, ). William Jennings
Bryan was th chief figure In a celo-
o llarley-
rorn at th Methodist Centenary ex
position hsr. Thr funeral procession
was headed by th former secretary of
tat riding a camel, th "first and
original prohibitionist," as Dr. AIodio
Wilson, director of ipstrlal avants at
th ipostUbn, onc termed tat inlmal.
Tha soliiirr that returns with a wnr
rn Mnimd atrip and a bride, aiut
hme ilirtit-uiiy In ilrurmlping which h
i herUliea I lie liin.t.
Notice ot Final Account '
.lit lha Connlv Court uf the Stat of
Oregon fur Umatilla County,
In tho Mutter uf the Klat uf 'tis-
well Thuiiiiiaon Douglas, pet-caned.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha tiled her Anal account
and report In the above entitled matter
anil that th above entitled court ha
fined Saturday, th 2d day uf August,
lltUi. at th hour uf 10:00 o'clock a. m,
uf said day as th lime and th county
court room in th county court houee -at
Pendleton, Oregon, lh place for
hearing said final account and rvtwrl.
Any and all persons having-olJec- "
tiors or exceptions to offer to said Anal '
account al rort should mak and
file the sam with the clrk of Uia .
abov onlitled court on or before said
time, or appear In parson be for Said '
court at said tint and plac and offer
said objections.
Date of first publication July 4, 1910.
Hahrikt Kukabkth Doutius,
Executrix uf th last will and testa
ment of Oswalt Thompson Douglas,
dcsd. ,
and Poultry Supplies
interhaltonal Stock Food
. and Tonics
Groin ore ;
Umatilla county conditions are set
forth as follows:
Pendleton in Umatilla County, State of that about all Mac will ever cut out
Oregon, as the time and place for bear- . th toothoick-
ing objections and , exceptions, if any wlu TCJne woinpiCK. ;(
there be thereto; and all persons inter- "Disease is not a pleasant topic
ested in said estate are hereby notified 4l. ..;,i ... i,,
to , appear at said time and place and therefore avoid it 1 Health, on the
make any objections or exceptions other nana, is ana should be a hap
tbey bave to the approval of said re- py subject why not give a little
port, the discharging of said 1 admmis- more thought to it? It's a great
as n4 lha rnrmT1iin rr hiss hAnrtii- ...
csbvs ssiJks iiiv Aviiciawotivi mo uviiwr
"Despite some late frosts and
hot weather during the growing
season, - Umatilla county's wheat
crop this year will be of average
yield or better. This means some
where around 4,600.000 bushels.
This is against 3,500,000 bushels
last year-rthe smallest crop the
ur ana ine ezuneraiionoi nil uonax- j ..... . .
men from further liability herein; and " --k "''' -" " county has known In ten years,
it "was further ordered by said court to be cured, for health after all de quality -is not materially in-
ft;; wZVUidwbn7lna, upT the observance of a few Jured by frosts and will average
the Weston Leader, a weekly newspa- .imnle rules, of nersnnnl bvirlona ,, .
$XZ2o?OrTr Ko'nt --ci in the fresh air d mod- 'V , , ' ' ,
secutive weeks, the
thereof beintr made on the 20th day of and
June, 1919. Said order is dated tb The
first publication eration in eating, drinking, sleeping
17th day of June. 1919.
Administrator of the Estate of
Ransom Lieuallen, Deceased.
other of our regular habits.
war did not put a tax on wat-
beer would
soft drinks,
'pretty soft
, . (Telephone 83)
Dr. N.P.Ben net
Second floor -Weston Mer
cantile building
er; there is even no. suggestion of ne toper.
curtailing the supply. Then why ' - : -; ' ,
not drink plenty of it? Air is as The allied powers are pledged
free as ever take your full share, to safeguard France which mere-
rooa prices are nigner then cut tv mtn that thv iik.wi
ExUt.ds Invitation to Overseas Work
rs In Pari.
Pari. April St. Queen Marie nf
: Ituinsnla, following a conference with,
s representative committee of ' tb!
American T. W. C. A., bold at the Rita
Hotel, J'aris, has Invited tha American
Toung'Women's Christian Association
to mm to Rumania and open work
under her patronage.
Among tho representatives of the T,
, W. C. A. present at the conference
were: Miss Harriett Taylor, head of
the American Y. W, G. A. work over,
seas; Mis Mary Anderson of Hudson,
Wis.; Miss Mary Dlngman, head of
th T. W. a A. industrial work In
Prance; Mr. Margaret D. Fowler of
Pasadena, Co I., and Miss Charlotte
Nlven. head of the T. W. C. A. work
In Italy. A notable guest at th meet
ing was Madam CstarJI, wife of the
secretary of the Rumanian legation In
two beautiful Phonographs
if taien "this month.
Liberty Bonds accepted in pay
ment at par.
Mxks Drag Store .
You "WIS
' www
down a bit on your daily diet, anjl M d to rttgvmri the world's J V W'
grtn when you discover how much
belter you feel.
r. M. PtUno .0. H. Biihep
Peterson & Bishop
fprulleton. Or. Freewater. Or.
Tlie Oregon Voter prints an inter
esting article commenting upon the
behavior of each Oregon county in
the recent special election. Our
own county's action is set forth as
follows: - '
"Early returns gave Umatilla
J.he questionable, celebrity of Ixing
one of the two couhties in llw slate
to return an adverse majority upon
every one of the nine measures, but
official returns reveal a bare major
ity of nine votes for the soldiers'
The rabbit punch has been bar
red at Toledo today possibly be
cause it is a hare-raising jolt.
Some folk are not satisfied with
the league covenant, but also some
folk are not satisfied with the Ten
As Ik1 lias already lived five years
too long, the wonder is that the rx
kaiser doesn't sidestep his trial in
the Japanese fashion.
- Miss Marlon Porter of New
York City was decorated the
other day In tha nam of the
Chaplain General of thai Ameri
can rmy with th Church War
Her citation was for her moral
and spiritual contribution to th
For more than a year Mis
Porter hns been af a hospital
center In Vlttel, France, ns a
represent! It of the T. W. C. A.
In charge of a nurses' club there.
That Old Ivory Bedroom Set ;
when you see it in our window.
when you see it in your
bedroom. - '
Butter wraps at Leader shop.
I BsHos Fumitam Store j