'ON- 1LE VOLUME 42 WESTON. OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 4, 1919 NUMBER 5 WEST ;ader CHEGOH i;b';s iiotes - OF CBXRAL CITEREST Frli.oljril Emu if tM W.. Erlifly Skitcfetl for Infor . Rtitlfin if Our Reader. Aa automobile, hw will be held la Mrahfleld on uty I. Lakevlew la to bam a aw hospital 10 ot IH.OM. It K. Mtelpa baa been appointed br the county court aa tbe t'mstllla coun ty redmamr. : -: Mora than 40O.OA9 pound of,! a ot4 at Ra4 at prices ranging front 4J t 4t. , - ... Mor lhaa 100 plonrs of Una eonn ly gathered at Hendricks park In F.u gtne for their enaual pleole. I'U pa are twine preperad fur the reetlon of a fourstory brkk bulldlnc for lb Elks lodge of Pendleton.-- . By ft tota of 1 1 I th aret-car ma of Portland daclded not la tola tha Tbnnaa Moonay aynpatbatlc atrlka aa July 4. . ; ' , . No lata than 10 odWNowa of mbra vlaltH Ptadletoa for tba to4ay 41-. Irlet tonrtotloa of tha - Womaa of Woodcraft. ' Many buyera wtra prmnt at tbn wool aal la Coadoa. A total of IWV 000 jtonnda waa aoid at prlooa ranging from 10 to M eonta. On of tba largaat loganbarry crop la tba olatory f tha Wltlamatt al lay la atpMtad thla roar. Picking baa bogva la aavoral localltle. ttacatvara of tba Smith ladvatrlca la Coea eonnty baa daclded to operat tba Industries at their capacity and ara sending out calls for (Oft men. . Lebanon citlsana are planning 4 jola Laeomb residents, -who have rale- "4 14000 for tba purpoee, la aa effort to find oil la paying aaa&tltlee, . The special bond, election held la Toledo reeulted In a very light rots bat a good majority In favof of the issuing of IJO.000 water bonda. " Chemlcaia ejected from a locomotive along tba right of way to kill tba frees baa reeulted ln.th death of three valu able sows belonging to B. W, Bhedd, at Shedd. ' :... :', JUns, Coos and Douglas county bank ers will net la Kugene July to die-' cuss questions connected with their business sad to th communities In feueral. . ' , Th Douglas County Light Wtr , company of Roeeburg ha applied to tha public aervlca oommlaalon for pe mission to rain rates for service ren dered tas city.' 0. 3. "Tim" fkaley, Identmed with th development of Coo county and a veteran lover of sports, 414 at his , horns n Coqullle, after a week'a tltnees with paaumoftls. Inaursoce Commissioner Harvey Welts has announced that policies which hav been In tore less than yssr are void while tbe Insured ars riding In airplanes. ; Ground bss been broken preparatory , to ths construction of build Inga forth first unit farm of ths Oregon land set tlement Mmmlssiou, three mite South wast of Independence. V ' '"' A. W. Palmer, for vral years fore man of the Dallas steam laundry, bss purchased the business from, Fred M. . sum, who has operntsd'th. laundr, tot ths psst ftw yetrs. Surveyors hava reached Beaverton ' and bavs started the work of setting .'grade stakes for the paving of th rsclflo highway from Hlllsboro to ths , Multnomah county line, , ' Dr. W. J. Hoffman of McMlnnvllls bss been resppolnted by Governor Ol eott as a mmbr of ths state board of eblropractle exsmlners for a three yssr term expiring lune J, 1S. ': ,' ' Out of 470 accldsnts reported to ths stats Industrial accident commission during tha week ending June it, but one ended fatally, that; of 01 I- Jen ' sen, a Pqrtland shtphulldar. H. C. Ostein, former professor of msthemstlcs la the Normal achool, and mayor of Monmouth, baa returned from Y. M. C A. arvlee overe and will resume bis position as Instructor. . - Approximately iOO people were pres ent at tbs dancs given by the Hood River alumnae to raise funda for the Unlveralty of Oregon womanfi build ;ing. Ths dance netted the fund l5. Coos sounty wss given the honors In sn exhibit of sewing club work at tbe Oregon Agricultural college In con nection with the short course tor prise winning club boys and girls of ths tats.: V (; - v' , Vernon H. Vawter, recently appoint ed by Oovernsr Oieott a member of tbe beard t fefeatt f tt WtWrsHT r$ rffr,, ta nrobaUr tha youassat man tbl has served on that board, lit la years of age, A aetlva campaign sgalnat Canada thltl-s bss bee stsrtcd la Lias eoun 17. snd efforts will b mad to mo that or of property oa which J ZXStrjL SI Wf" The retail prle of milk wa rala4 I cant a quart an July I by Portland distributor. Th dvns eama aa a mult of tha action of 4alrynh a announcing a rlaa la th whole! trie from to iltO a hundred. Goveraor Olrott wrote Mayor Dakar t Portland, advlalag btm that ba baa no authority or warrant of la to call for tha organisation of a committee , to tnveetlgat th Portland Wavsrley Baby Horn. ' v. Approaching tiamlnatloaa for preel genital poatofflcoa In Oregon announc ed by tba postoffir department are for , Ifarrtabnrg, 11400 afflca, and Ion. ,11100: both to ba held on September 14, at Albany and Tha Dalian, respec-" lively. The Aatorla city board of school 41- roctor baa decided to Inatall oil burn Ing badng jtlanta In tba central and high arhoola to aupplant tha wood and coal nlanta, which ara proving too penalra aa a reault of th high prleoa of ftiel. ; , ' " A nw appl coarera. wbleb will pr eaah to grower at barrnt Uma, will ftgura la tha Hood Rim purchaaca Ibla falL Tba aw company, known aa tha National mit company, organised by Barney Bunru and Ken neth McKay. ' - 4 M. C Wilton of tba United fltatea department of agrlcnltnr. In charga of couaty trnt work, baa arrlrad at tba Oregon Agricultural college to naka a atudy of th method of keeping ree- ord developed, in this state la county agent service. Need of a llvs commercial organisa tion Id Klamath , rails" la being urged through the press and many bualneea men. Th Klamath Commercial elub suspended operation during tha wsr oa account of lbs large number of patriotic cslis for money. ". ""B-'C." Bashnell of Salem, who has the contract for construction of a new bridge, to be known as, the "Wallace bridge, across the Tfamhlll river, near Wlllamlna. has begun work 'on the structure end expect to bars It com pleted wltbla two months, - , - That Cbariea Conley the young man arrested In Los Angelea laat week on a cbarg of robbing the -Beaverton bank, la a former Inmate of tbe Ore gon state penitentiary at Salem, was announced by 3. M. Riley, of the Fink erton detective agency In Portland. . ' That th Reddlah farm, north of Eu gene, -would undoubtedly ba selected by the stats fish snd game commission tb pheasant farmT locailon of which ha been under discussion for several weeks, was tbs statement made by Stats Game Warden Cart Shoe maker. ' Tbs work of cruising and classifying tbs Coos Ray wagon road grant Isnds will be completed within a few day, th urvey la preliminary to ths turn ing ovrWto.ths government and ths subsequent sal to th public, of ths lands forfeited by ths Southern Ore gon company, " The temporary Injunction asked for by ths Phes company, enjoining the Salem Trult union from tha sals of 1200 tons of logsnberrles, for which i savv wan anutv aa wsa vi aawss' down by Judges, Bingham snd Kelly of the Marlon county circuit court. No captured German cannon will he available for Oregon's state capltol grounda until after congress has taken action looking to th distribution of ths material now on hand, according io a letter just received by Governor Olcott from" Major Genaral Henry Her y, assistant chief of ataff of ths arm . - ; '"": .' .. Commercial clubs and chambers of commerce throughout eastern Oregon are being urged br Public Service Com missioner Corey to lend every posslbls Influence to procure passage of the long and-short haul biU now before congress, which, It passed, will mean much to the financial and Induatrlal growth of thla stats. , , 0. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian, received a salary riss of 2400 to 13000 at h meeting of the livestock sanitary board held In Salem. Hla two depu tie Were each Inereaaed from tl00 to fltOO. The present officers of tha board were re-elected. They r Wal ter K. Taylor, Corvallla, president; W. B. Barrett Keppner, vioe-president; W. H. Lytle, secretsry. '- ' One thing la sure snout s trnsa iBBtlC flight It has to be nonstop. It I not hew mneh Undo Sam owe but his ability to iy that counts.- 77t? J43ri L . ..!. ,r r .&. RrtKS'., t- J . . U. Ut tH lit III thta SHIFTS TO SENATE Waihlngton. Signing at Vanaillaa of tba peace treaty with Oermuy for mally brings to a close the world's greatest wtr. Although technical termination of tha war will come (o each nation only when tba treaty la approved by tha ratifying power of that nUon, to all Intent and purpose tba conflict tbat began la August. W14, enaw wnen inland of spectator were massed. tha historic ball of mirrors the ac credited peace commissioners affixed their signatures to the treaty.' With th departure from Paris of President WUson, the center of li terest as regards the treaty shift to th aenata, ratification by which, is neceeaary for actual termination of tha war between thla country snd Oer many;. Duo to opposition to the league of nations covenant a part of th treatyand to certain provWona orr, the treaty llasir. the contest in tn sansta is expected to b long and bit ter. : ,v-.i. " WHOLE NATION NOW DRY Thirsty Ones Have Chance of Qusfflng Beer of Mild Brew. , "Washington- The whole nation awoka Tuesday to a realisation of pro- blbltlon. The banisbmont of the "eye opener" at tb bar, long ago forgotten In many parts of the country, was all embracing, .- ,',.. Wartime prohibition, banning for the time being all distilled liquors and leaving In a cloud of doubt the future of beer, taa effective at midnight Exemption of beer came as's reault of an 11th hour announcement by ths department of justice that , pending decisions in present litigation to deter mine whether a brew containing i per cent alcohol is intoxicating, no action would b taken toward stopping the aale of beer containing no mor than that amount of alcohol. Thus, pending court decision or action by congress defining intoxicat ing beverages, sale of the" lighter drinks will be permitted in Kates in which there are no regulatory lawa until January JO,, when constitutional prohibition become, effectlvs. - DMiiiiint Wilson Leaves France. ; Brest-President Wilson sailed from "at Bib residence on the Island of Wler Brest Sunday on his return to the l sen In the Zuyder Zee, it waa ot Cnlted States. - i , ; - r . .flclallr announced. : L ' -,. . ,1, r, I,, mi - L r K W. CA. Industrial Courses in Baenos Aires , f f , t .-. . ... i f - - if -.'.' ..'. :;J ' i ' " ' 'I V, r ; I ; "'' . I ' 4 ' '. '.' l k . ' , .A 1 -. 4 : ...a. , , v. ... t. . . , , 1 , ' " f i ., i . !!. . . '. V ' ' I . ' - " . --.v.. , i - i .. , i - . - - ... ' - -. ' i ' ,. ... ' . .... - . ,. .. ' .. ' . " J" ' An American Y.- W. C. A. secretary teaching South American glrte who have been forced Ints Industry during the wsr to become laundress. ID' Anniversary, - - . - . - - 4 LV'-' rs" '""" V 'f f I RK ChMVl lA Ms THREE PEACE-MAKERS - VerssUle. The most dramatic mo ment connected with tha aignlng of world peace cam unexpectedly and spontaneously at tha conclusion, of thla greatest ceremony In. history, when President Wilaon, Premier Clemenceau and Premier Lloyd Oaorgo deacended from the hall of mirror to the terrace tna rear of tha palace, where thou -With, the appearance of tbe three who bare dominated the council of the allies there began a most remark able and unprecedented doroonet ra tion, With erica of "Viva Wilson! Viva CTemenceau! . VI Lloyd George!" dense crowd swept forward from 'all part of th spacious terrace. In an Instant tba three were surround ed by struggling, cheering masses of people, fighting among themselves for ehanc to get near the statesmen U. S.-FREKCH PACT SIGNED Right Given France to Ask American . Aid if Hun Attack. . , v Pafis. A Franco-American conven tion waa signed on behalf of the two governments, according to the news ps Drs.' It la aald the covenant In- .ciuiea several artlclee snd specifies that violations of the peace .treaty by Germany will give France the right to request American and British assist ance. ' The Journal aaya the eolncl-' dene In the signing of the convention and the peace treaty the same day is part of the spirit of union among the associated powera to ses the treaty Is carried out . . . ' I. . Colonel House on Mandatory Council. 5 Parle. The council of four appoint ed Lord Mllner, Great Britain. Colonel E. M. House, United Status; M. Simon, France; Signor Crespi, Italy, and Via count Chinda, Japan, members of a committee on mandatories for the col onics snd. territories detached - from the enemy powers. ' ; Reported Escape of Prints False. The Hague.-Frederlck 'William, Ho heniollern. the former German crown prince, whose escape from Holland to Germany had been reported, was still Buy Coal, Says Government Tho fnltel 8tHrea Oe.ilogtcnl Mur-y -aunouncea from tVanhinstrnt ttia nl' ability of aiHitber general coal altort ace next fall an winter. Tba an nouncement la baned, tba gureey ctatea. npoa a natlon-wlda atndy of conilltlona In tha bllnmlnnoe flHd. I'lileaa atepa ara taken at once, tha ffurvey aaya. to placa the wine nfioo. baala of Increased production there la orery pronpeet of a repetition to noma degree of the, altoatlorf that pre vailed In tba United gtatea during tba winter oMOlMSw The only way prodic-flon ran be atlm uluted at the preoent time. It U aald. la by ptaclnff orrtcre with the mines for coal whk-b will b needed later oa. Troductiofl during the first Ore month of the year," reada tba atatement, "fell ri72.i0 net ton, or aptrofruiately 20 below production during tha first five month of 1018. llinee dra produc ing coal now at tha rata of from 8,000, 000 to 800,000 too a week. - An aver age output Of 10,700,000 tons a week wast be maintained from June 1 to January t next If tha country etl- - www year ara to b met" . . Evil of Delayed Order. At no time during thla year ba tha , rata of production approached the ra- quired tonnage. Tba tendency on the part of buyers to hold off placing tbelr order Is limiting production, ss tbe mines csnnot store coal at tbe point of production, snd wben tbe rush of orders for tb winter's needs comes next fall there Is grave danger that the mines, with depleted labor force ; and the probability-of tesa adequate transportation, will be unable to meet tbe demands. Tbe result of aucb a alt nation would be an Insufficient supply for tbe requirement of, domestic con sumers, public utilities and Industrial user generally. ' "- ' . "It ts believed that requirements for this year," reads a Survey atatement to Fuel Administrator Garfield, -will, be about 630.000,000 ton of bituminous coal, of which approximately 30,000,000 ion have been need from stocks accu mulated last year, leaving 800.OGO.000 tone to be prtxluced. Of tills WO.OOO,- 000 ton 178.000.000 ton wer produc ed during tb first Ave months, leaving 822,000,000 ton to bo produced In th rerostnlne. SO weeks, or sn average of 10.700.000 tons a week. , "Thus far this year production tias been at the rate of 8,200.000 tons a week. In 101S production was st the rate of 11,300,000 tons' week.;' - - "Thla production will be difficult of ae "complisbment, The capacity of operat ing mines at the present time with labor now on tbe payroll Is about 10 lower than it was last year. This deficiency may be made up In part or wholly If the mine bar orders sufficient to ran them five or els days a week unless. the, threatened exodus of foreign-born labor occurs, '..' . .. Msy Bs Car Shortage. ."Present wage agreements between operators snd miners .expire with the proclamation of peace by the Pres ident. A suspension of mining oper ations while a new wage agreement Is being negotiated would, of course, seri ously Interfere with the production of emil and if it should occur during tbe fall would cause panic among buyers and consumers of conl." ' . There Is no use in gambling upon this or sny other contingency, fuel ad ministration officials say. The firm or Individual who wants to be sure of an adequnte confc supply next winter can be certain by buying coal now. There la- no - other way such assurance can be obtained.' Transportation also promises to be a limiting factor if the flood tide ol demand cntites at a. time when the country' record crops are being carried. In some districts It would appear certnln that notwlth atandlng the utmost endeuvore of tb Railroad Administration and tbe util isation -of Its experience last full, wr shortage will be a cause limiting bltuv mlnous coal production, and for that reason It ts prohleruutlcal whether the expected production of 500,000,000 ton csn be sttalned this year. Shortage of litbor already Is a fac- tor that ts cutting down the output in some coal producing sections, accord- lng to the Survey's report. The oirn. tors report that from-30,000 to 4U.WW foreign-born miners expect to return to Europe as soon as they can get paws ports and that many have already re turned. If continued this movement will be capable of producing but one result a reduction of tbe amount of coal mined in dlstricia where the mine labor Is largely foreign-born, and' thcr are many such iliirk-ts. . - - He who needs ihiI should hesitate . ao longer, how U tbe Urns to bu? coal, ... ....-. J Germane Set Day of Gloom. Berlin. The evangelical churches of Germany will celebrate Sunday, July . as a day of mourning. H will be requested that quiet prevail and that Germany make sn earnest effort to recuperate by consistent work. TREATY IS mS WORLDWAH BIDED German Dreams of World Pow ,tr Killed In Room Whers Empfrt Was Eorn. . - , .t . Parte. In tha Hall of Mirror, .a tha palace of Versa lllee. where tba German empire waa bona it yeare ago. Dr.. Herrmann Mueller and Dr. io baanee Bell, aa plenipotentiaries of th Germaa republic, affixed their eig naturea to tha treaty of peace, whk-b pnta aa end to German dreama of world power. - Tha ceremony, which marked the and of war and th dawn of peace, con timed it minutes. It conclusion waa announced by Premier Clemeneeaa iri we lerse Mimnn, . "The condition of peace are now aa accomplished fact. ""The. proceed ings are closed. " Tbua ended tha world conflagration. - ".j...i th aaaaaclnatioa of the Austrian crown prince at Serajevo and which entailed the downfall of four empire and a score of minor kingdoms and princi palities. - The charter of world peace wsa signed by all delegates to th peace conference with the exception of th Chinese, who wars absent from the ceremony because they bad been refused permission to mak certain reservations regarding ths Japanese occupation of Shantung." - General Jan Christian Smuts of th delegation from ths tnion of South Africa, signed undsr protest, declaring objections to certain territorial set; tlementa and the propose! lor trial or tbe kalaer and. others beld responsi ble for the war. He also auggested . that ths indemnities levied on Gerv. many were excessive and should be moderated la Order to facilitate th revival of Industry to Europe. The Germans war the first to sign snd wr followed by tb Americana, British, French, Italians, Japanese, in the order named. 'Then canto tbe smaller natlona. Wilson Will Act Later Washington, President Wilson de cided, he could not legally lift tho war time prohibition ban before the coun-. try went dry at midnight Monday, but he expects to do so as soon thereafter aa his power haa been cleared oy in completion of demobilisation. ... . " In a cablegram th president said be waa convinced after eonaultatton with hia legal adviser that he had no authority to act at thl time. "Wben demobilisation 1 terminat ed," ho conUnued. "my power to act without congressional action will be exercised." .v,' Prestdnt Wiiaon'" announcement provoked a storm of varying comment in congressional circle. There were no indications of any concerted move to obtain Immediate consideration by. the house of enforcement legislation. Some of the outspoken opponents of prohibition, as soon as the house takes, up the bill will endeavor to hat it separated and immediate eeaUrj Hon giTn the part dealing with enj torcement of the wartime act J The main fight will be on the definl tion of Intoxicating liquor, with a view to the elimination of the word) "more than one half of on per ctab aloohot" , : . Allies Tail Turk to Go Hem, pari. A note waa cent the Turkish delegation by th council of tour, ad vising the members to return to Con- stantinople a there ia no reason to believe any agreement can be reached in the near future because or the gat difference between the demands pf thQ Turks tna the concessions th ,m t t "" m " . Northweet Phone Strike Called.. San Francisco. Telephone workers In Oregon, Washington and Waatarn Idaho were called upon to join In the California-Nevada telephone strike. The order waa aent out by Internation al off cials, following a deadlock with the management of the telephone com-, pacy. Soldiers who are Importing bride should be mindful of the expense should tbelr wives wish to see mot' : about four times a year. Russians show signs of weariness of allowing their crointry to aerve a a horrible example of whnt be. 4 gov eminent can accomplish.