r Hi fi Ilarman General Blacksmitbing KORSESHOEING and nil kinds of Woodwork. Successors to tho old . Lieuallen Shop. Weston - Oregon WESTON LEADER CLARK OOD, raslWm simjcmfiiof RAm Slrklt ! AJm;t m Yr , law Six Month 1 00 Three Months 0 W chamber of deputies is not mix sarily discreditable to Premier Or Undo, who has stood between tho conflicting Area of Italian ambition and a Just peace program. 0parUn Club Women Donored ntDAT, JURE M Ealtr (I IK illllc at Vote. OttJ.lt ttm4-cl BMllatallar. ADVf R1IUNU RAiri Regular, per inch per Iwwrtion 15c , auiotmbile and we'll supply Traitsient, cr men per insertion xuc I.ocal, per line per insertion 10c Warrvn Whipp of Cleveland, em ployed in Paris as a chauffer for the Red Cross, has invented an ap pliance enabling an automobile to run 75 miles on a quart of gaso line. Newt Item. Well, well! Somebody hand us the gasoline. At all events Rill Hohenxollern will never pet as severe a trial he has lcen to humanity. as SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Mvrtle Mav Reid.. I'litintiir, vs. Thomas Richard Rei Defendant. To Thomas Richard Reid, defendant above named: In tlie'Kaine of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to apear and answer tho complaint of the plaint iff tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks of - the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Friday, the 11th day of Julv, li'l'.'; and you will take no tice thai if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint, namely, for a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pursuant to an order made herein on the 28th day of May, 1919, by Honorable Gil bert W. Phelps, Judtre of the above entitled court. The first publication of this summons will be made on the 30th day of May, 1919, and the last publica tion on the said 11th day of July, 1919, and publication will be made for six consecutive weeks in the Weston Lead er newspaper published at Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon. Dated this the 27th day of May, 1919. Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence sr.d poet-office address: Pendleton, Oregon. j YOU CANT KEEP I LONG HAIR I CLEAN We somehow irather that Post-master-General Durloson is being subjected to considerable criticism from those who are criticising him. upon Germany that when she the war she lost something. We fancy that one hundred years from now history will record a dif ferent opinion of Woodruw Wilson from that entertained by his sena torial critics. One of the most delightful func tions of the social calendar was the Kensington given by Mesdamea P. D. Watts and E. M. Smith at the Dr. Watts residence Friday after noon in honor of Meedame E. C, Rogers, R. lYoudflt and J. F. Snl der, who are leaving Weston to re side' In Athena. The invitational list included the members of the Saturday Afternoon Club and Mrs. Minnie Walker of Helix. Kxuisite specimens of Frau Karl Druski and Caroline Test out roses, representing the club colors, were employed to tastefully decorate the fituation rooma and provided a fitting baok ground lor me gowns oi tnuse in attendance. Mrs. Watts wore a handsome gown fashioned of whito satin and embroidered voile; Mrs. Smith was attractive in canary-colored taffeta; Mrs. Rogers was ad mired In a gown of pearl-grey georgette; Mrs. ProudfU's frock was a smart blue taffeta; Mrs. Sni der wore a rich silk gown in tho new brown shades, combined with chiffon. Conversation and needlework oe- rnri A rsfth t p.Rrfi.An cupied the early afternoon hours, Fourth and Fifth at Pendleton fl,uowwl by , mny program of Pendleton, Or., June 18. That stunts arranged in an impromptu Pendleton's celebrations on the manner and demonstrating that the Fourth and Fifth of July are to be club ladies are eminently qualified real celebrations, put on in Pen- to furnish an afternoon's entertain- The prerent Kuropean teaches us that there is some advan tage to military dominance when the right side dominates. If Germany signs, it will be re garded as an omen of letuming sanity. It is at last beginning to dawn Hotter a stroke of the pen than lost a stroke of paralysis. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY on COAL. by buying at Summer Prices. Order Now P. T. HARBOUR dleton style, is now assured. Sam Wright, who has charge of the street decoraions, has just received Clemeneeau was the very man to t.nough bunting, flags, pennants, tell the Germans just what the al- streamers and things to give the lies think of them. It is becoming quite evident that before American labor embraces bolshevism it will first practice with a rattlesnake. As to the much-mootojl square deal, everybody will get what he thinks is one some day, we hope in heaven. The outlook is sunny for Mooncy. not particularly city a gala day appearance. Besides this he is preparing large and appropriate patriotic pictures for the center of Main street, and plenty of shields with the word "Welcome" in large letters, for corner posts, over which will be an array of flags. The merchants are being asked to place seats on the curb in front of their places of business, that those who wish to watch the crowds, or the water fight, or even the dancing which is to be one of the features of the evenings, may have a place to sit. On the evening of the Fourth will probably be held a ment, both clever and mirthful, without previous prearntion. An elaborate three-course lunch eon was then served by the host esses, after which the place-cards, biaring sentiments appropriate to friendship, were read aloud. The afternoon proved a fitting testimonial of tho affection and es teem with which the honor guests are regarded by their fellow club members. A GOOD BUY fit. iL' .i.. r i me ever-uiirsiy ian uou.ns nas d , which the ree this to say in his Telegram colyum: couples will be given prizes of $10, BETTER CONNECT UP WITH REYNAUD'S ELECTRIC CLIPPERS WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP ! R. L. Reynaud f "Sheriff Hurlburt has discovered the 'kitchenette still' of gallon-and-a-half capacity already, and now it will be up to some enterprising mo ron among us to devise a vest pock et still, capable of producing a couple of gulps." As though a couple of gulps would be any more to Dean Collins than a couple of raindrops to the Sahara! $5 and $2.50. On the evening of the fifth there will be a general public masquerade on the street until about 10 o'clock, when the whole assembly will adjourn to Happy Canyon for a grand inarch. No confetti will be permitted on either day. Two ball games' one each day are being arranged for. A prize of $125 each day will be divided as the contesting teams may may wish. A parade will help to make the first day's program one to bo re membered. The pluguglies will be an interesting feature, and prizes in a Whitman county wheat ranch. 480 acres, all farmed, 210 crop, all lays good, part fenced hog jj tight. Running water; near school; g modern house. Price $100 per acre 5 includes all crops, all stock, machin- S ery, etc. Only few days left at prize above price. Ne me or write me lor wniat land. Phone 402. C. S. UASSETT. Washtucna, Wash. BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop Sixty (minimum) $1 00 One hundred 1 35 Two hundred 2 00 Each additional hundred 0 CO Tbe Fanners Bank oi Weston Established 1891 Church Announcements Not yet having handed Germany any advice her whole disastrous course having been pursued with- are t be offered for the best make- pastor, out hearing from us we will do so Church of the UrethrenSumlay school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11a. m. C. W. S. at 6:30 p. m. Hible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30 p. m. J. H. Gordon, elder. Methodist Church Sunday school Bt 10 a. m. Preaching services a 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Epworth League at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. S. K. Powell, I We advise you to hold your Liberty Bonds; but if you must sell, we will be pleased to handle them for you at the market price. SAVE AND PAY UP now to the effect that she'd really better sign. up. floats arc oeing planned by several of the fraternal orders and business houses, and gaily decorated Sunday school autos will be seen The League of Nations is already strong enough to survive the Knox. Notice of Final Settlement of In tbe County Court of the State Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ran som Lieuallen, Deceased. To All Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that J. H. Pad berg, administrator of the estate of Ransom Lieuallen, deceased, has filed in the above entitled court his final ac count of the administration of said es tate, and said court has fixed the 19th day of July, 1919, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the County Court house at Pendleton in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, as the time and place for hear in? objections and excentionn. if anv there be thereto; and all persons inter- ment having sold make any objections or exceptions price of $200 each they have to the approval of said re- port, the discharging of said adminis . trator and tbe exoneration of his bonds men from further liability herein; and it was further ordered by said court that this notice should be published in the Weston Leader, a weekly newspa per published at Weston, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, for four con secutive weeks, the first publication thereof being made on the ZOtb day of June, 1919. Said order is dated the 17th day of June, 1919. J. H. PADBERG, Administrator of the Estate of Ransom Lieuallen, Deceased. Congress has voted to repeal the daylight-saving law October 26, just us some of us were learning to be thrifty in the only thing we have a chance to be thrifty in. The Salvation Army Drive Everything is in readiness for the Home Service Campaign of The Salvation Army in Oregon, to be conducted under the auspices of the Oregon State Elks association. The drive will open Sunday, June 22, and continue until June 30. The state quota is 1250,000, of which one-half is to be raised in Mult- The Portland Holy Roller who nomah county and Portland. killed himself and wife lost a The money which Oregon is asked grand chance-by including his to jve th,is organization is to be ; ., 4l .j'. ,j used exclusively in the work of the ,fe-to wm the world s applause. organizatjon in th,8 8tate army is not requesting any money Curiously enough, everything is for itself, but instead is seeking coinz ud but airolanes arovern- to obtain sufficient funds in this United Brethren Church - Preach ing at 11 a. m. and a p. m. at 10:00 a. m. Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E. meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening. E. F. Wriggle, pastor. Baptist Church The Church with a cordial welcome for all. Sunday school at ten o'clock, preaching at eleven. Also preaching at eight o'clock in the evening. W. R. Storms, pastor. Christian Science" Society Ser vices Sunday at 7:30 p. m., and Wednesday evening at 7:30. Water street, near Main. ASA The Weston Leader is on a cash basis, and positively wants no busi ness otherwise. Clark Wood, publisher. (Telephone 83) Dr.N.P. Bennet Dentistry Second Floor Weston Mer cantile building Weston, Oregon one drive to enable it to serve humanity for one year without making continual solicitation upon the public for funds every few months. Every person has heard the story of The Salvation Army in France, where it served In the front line areas, bringing comforts of home to the American doughboys. It is this tervlce that has focused the public eye upon the organization and which has caused inquiry into the past efforts of this body of Christ ian men and women. This inquiry has established the fact that for many years past The In a vein presumably intended to Salvation Army has operated in the be facetious an eastern wheezer fr?nt !in.e trenches of vice and jiov. erty, bringing comtorts to those who had been shunned by the re- now what a dead mainder of society. Its motto, "A man may be down but is never out," has won for The Salvation 1100 planes un at the bargain Between the Big Four and Mar shal Fcch, the Hun will find the pen far safer than the sword. If it will help any, the Leader will ingratiatingly arise to remark to the highway powers that be that whatever route they choose through Weston will be satisfactory to us. Liberty Bonds An absolutely safe Invest ment. If you have money to in vent, buy Liberty Bonds from u. If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell to ui. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds. Any denomination 160 $100 (600-11000. James L. Elam Walls Walla - - Washington CHICK FOOD and Poultry Supplies International Stock Food and Tonics Gromore Fertilizer JOE HODGSON - M iLLi says that considering tervice he knows letter died of. Weston should feel it is considered important enough by the state highway commission to be asked to "get together" on the route question. flattered that Army the approbation of the general pubic and every indication points to a large over-subscription in the forthcoming drive. W. M. Pctertoa G. H. Buh.p Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS Pendleton,' Or'.' Free water, Or. The only good sign for Germany is awaiting her signature. The fact that Premier Orlando has been repudiated by the Italian North Dakota Plan Stands. Fargo, N. D. The suit brought l;y 42 taxpayer! of North Dakota assail log the constitutionality of the Indus trial program of legislation sponsored by the National Non Partisan league, wis dismissed by Judge C. T. Amldon of the United States district sourt. ! Dr. S. L KEKilARD Veterinary Serge) Hospital at corner of Main and Broad street. Phone - Main 263 HOMER X. WATTS Allorney-al-Liw Practices in all State anl Keurl Courts. ATHENA, ONEOON You Will Lite That Old Ivory Bedroom Set when you see it in our window. . V YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTER ' - when you see it in your bedroom. DelVZoss Furniture Store I if I