The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 20, 1919, Image 1

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ston? Lea
Mnclpil Evintt of (hi Wm
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Ration
Newport poetoffle will be second
data after July 1.
Major Albln of 8lom haa an
nounced hl Intention of resigning lo
take up farming
Rherldan waa represented at the
Portland Victory lliwe KeetHal by a
glrle" band of 4 plecea.
A chapter of th American Legion
' baa bee formed by tba returned aol
dlera of Klamath rounty.
Tba achool board aaka tb people
of Portland lo tola next Haturday on
bond Uiua of IMoo.OOO,
II. F. Jooee, atata reprreentatlve
from Lincoln and Polk eountlee, baa
resigned aa mayor of Newport
Tba mill of the Hardwood Lumber
company at Albany wat deatroyed by
fire, entailing lot a of 1 10,000.
Tba i'ih annual reunion of the Ore
ton Pioneer taaoclatlon waa opened
In tie Portland auditorium Tburaday,
June It,
Ralph Tudor of Butchern, Or., wat
appointed to Watt Point military acad
emy by Senator Chamberlain and will
enter Immediately.
A new depoalt of gold baa beeo die
covered on the beach at Newport near
tba eld life eating elation and la eaue
log much excitement.
Influenaa la reaching worrying pro
portlona at Hood River. Scorea of
realdenta of the county hare fallen
vlctlma to the epidemic.
Corvallla carpenters hare recently
formed union and henceforth will
aah for II per day of eight hours.
The wage 'waa formerly IS.
Fifty buelnoee men and dairymen
net at Yamhill and took preliminary
etepa toward organising a cooperative
creamery and cheeae factory.
Two fatalltlea are included In the
Hat of 40 accldenta reported to the
atate Induatrlal accident eommleelon
for the week ending June 11.
The atore of the Hill Hardware
company at Harrtaburg waa broken
into and gooda to the value of 1200 J. A. Churchill, superintendent of pub-
(Hirtton ot the coat of putting down
I've miles of wood block paving on
thn I'm (fit highway In Oregon.
WHIiln 30 days, drilling for oil will
be under ay In Yamhill county, In
the hope itt developing a great supply
of oil and natural gaa, which would
be of Incalculable value to the star
and to Portland, a number of Portland
men of mrane have united In under
taking the preliminary work whlrh
will determine whether or not oil d
poalla underly large areas In tho Wll
lamrtte valloy.
The application of the public arvlre
comnilaalnn for a reduced rat on tlie
Iranaportalion of the Oregon flah car,
baa been declined by thn fcdral rail
road admlnlMratlon on the ground that
eurh preference la not Juntlflrd and
could not be acceptably explained un
der centralised control.
Miaa Pern llobba, formerly accretary
to Governor Oawald West, haa been
appointed chief of the home communi
cation aerllon of the American Ited
Cross In Prance, according to the cd
Crnaa bulletin of Par la under date of
May 17. Mlaa Itnbba entered the tied
Croea aervlce laat aummer.
William Rumley, colored, 19 yea re
old, who la the oldeat act tier In Curry
county, haa proved up on a bomeatrad
far up the Rogue river. Huntley waa
born In alavery and came weat with
hit eleventh maitr In the gold rush,
of '41 In California. He later came to
Oregon and aettled la Curry county In
Further difficultly encountered by
the Phei company In procuring login
berrlea enough for Ita varloua fruit
juice producta are dlacloecd In a new
ault filed at Salem agalnat the Balem
Prult union. In which the plaintiff
company seekt to reatraln the fruit
union from dlepoelng of Ita loganberry
pool to any othere than the plaintiff.
Marthfleld. North Bend. Eaet Side,
Coqullle and Myrtle Point face a con
dltlon which may reeult In auapenalon
of electric power and light. If the in
tention of the recelvera of the C. A.
Smith property to withdraw permit
elon to the Oregon Power company to
operate the electric plant at the main
Marthfleld mill la allowed to be car
ried out.
Couraea of atudy for public achoolc
and nigh ecboole of Oregon will not
be ready for distribution until late In
Augutt, tcrordlng to announcement by
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(With the American Y. W. C. A. Over,
Colilcnx, Oennsny,
March 28 (By Mall.)
It liupiwned right here In Coblens.
A big corporal came Into the Y. W,
C. A. IIoMtena Houae and anked for the
ill rector, Mlm Uuth WoodMmall. who
cuiiiei from Colorado spring, Colo.
"CntM my mother atay herej" ba
liexan at once, trying tila beat to cover
Ilia eicltcmeiiL
"Your motiicrl" ganpeil Misa Wood
email. "How did your mother ever get
"Well, che lan't here yet, but it aha
cornea will you keep hert"
"Ot mnriw I will, but"
tide didn't flnlnh, for the boy had
aiiiiiklicd hl cap back 00 hia bead and
wim out of the door on a run.
The corporal'a visit remained a mya
tery for two doya. Then one evening
just at diixk a I'ttle white haired wo
tint 11 ilrcuscfl exr.ulHitcly In bliick ap-
xnrel In the eltilng room of the Host
Action Is Forced When Shots
Fired By Rebels Strike
in El Paso.
LI t'aao, Tel. -American e
croescd to Mexico Sunday night to
atop VKla'a rebels from firing further
shot into Kl Paao.
The action of General James B. Er
win. In ordering American troopa
across the border waa not the result
of rath impulse. Orders to General
Krwla were laaued In Washington
June 13, directing him to use hia dis
cretion. The crossing waa carefully
planned in advance and the order giv
en when General Erwln deemed the
crossing necessary.
Thirty all hundred American aol-
w limine, ami the corporal wae hover- diera crossed tha border shortly before
Ing behind her, trying to be bealde her midnight and engaged tha forces of
America's classic example of a chipboard BtUldlug preserved for over
two hundred years by careful and fre!ieot pointing. It haa secret panda,
cbttnuey alulrcaae and hiding places, siild lo have been used by tinugKlera.
Ijter the home of great ttalcsmcn and of the fuuioua belle, Dorothy Qulncy,
and back of ber and In front of her
all nt once. He was carrying her
cont a big fur one. With them were
three doiiEhboya, pals of the corporal.
They tried to keep in the background.
but their eyea were glued on ber face
Cencral Villa. They Immediately at
tacked and attempted to capture or
disperse the whola Villista army.
Cavalry. Infantry and artillery parti
cipated In the action, tho cavalry
Everyone in the sitting room aat at charging tha Mexican rebel raoka and
attention. There are no Engliah at the same time attempting an en
speaking men or women out of unl- circling movement Tho first casual-
form in the Third Army area. Yet ties of tha American troooe were on
artilleryman killed and another aert-
Save tha surface tnd you eave
alt. Dlalnlcgratlon and decay
art conditions which usually
start at the aurfaca of any ma
terial. Protection astilnst de
terioration or rot of eiihainncra,
therefore, should begin with
care of tha exterior. Provided a
material doea not carry within
Itself the element of sure decay,
proper turfnee protection will
undoubtedly lengthen lis Ufa.
Of all tha many liquid sub
stances which can be used for
tha binding of point or dry sub
stances which when dissolved In
water are used an vehicles for
pigments uooe fulfills ncceiuiry
conditions ao well a llnsoed oil.
Ilia king of the fixed oil, and.
whn( Is of enormous Importnnce,
doea It at cheaply, it is the
imlnter's best friend bemuse It
makes hit work sntlsfat-lory. -
here wat a woman In civilian clothes.
Mothers are unheard of with the army.
Hut this waa a mother, everyone knew.
After awhile someone found out
about this mother.
Had Been Interned During War.'
She and her husband, who were
born in Germany, but had beeo nat
uralized, lived In Ban Francisco. Be
fore the war they left for Welsbaden,
oualy wounded by anipera.
Tba 3600 American cavalry and In
fantry wera supported by field guns
which opened fir with shrapnel on
the forcea of tha enemy attacking
Tha American creasing officially
specified aa "not an invasion" waa
Germany, that their Invalid daughter made after a woman had been killed
and five other wounded by abota from
Villista guna which whizxed across (ha
border Into El Paso.
American troops that participated in
the punitive expedition against the
might have treatment at thla fatuous
henlth resort.
They brought their other children
with them. One waa Walter, a amall
boy, and the other was Ralph, now
Corporal Stepp of tba American Army.
and II0O In caah .were laken by tha
Two thouaand outof town Victory
Roea Featlval gueata were accommo
dated In Portland private homes, ac
cording to ttttlttict complied at tha
bousing 'bureau.
Tba Roach' Timber company, holder
of SS.0O0 aerea of timber In Dougtaa
county, will soon begin the construc
tion of 10 mllea of railroad and two
large eawmllla in Sutherlln valley.
Tba Dalles entertained delegatea to
tha 0. A. R. convention which met
there Tuesday. Tha toldlera of tha
civil war war welcomed warmly by
tha residents and an enjoyable pro
gram arranged.
Colonel John L. Leader, military
commandant and Instructor at the Uni
versity of Oregon, haa tendered hia
He Instruction. Tho change in text
book a for the com lux six ycara necea
altatea a delay by the educational de
partment In mapping out the couraea
of atudy for the fall term.
No material change in the cost of
living la to ba found In a comparison
of tha figures submitted on provisions
for the atata Institutions In bldt open
ed by the atate board of control, aa
compared with the flgurea of alx
month ago. While some Items ahow
material reductions In price In the alx
months period, other Itema offset this
gain by jutt at material Increaaet.
Oene Simpson.' woo naa been ratting
London. The final goal of ail the
embltlona which flying men have ven
tured to drop. 111 about since the Wrifiht
trot hers first rose from the earth in a
hravlrr-than-slr machine waa realized
Sunday morning when the young Brit-
pokane. Waah. A cablegram, pro
testing against what was termed tho
"maladministration" of Federal Wheat
Administrator Bnrnea In enteritis an
agreement with millers, grain buyers
and bakers to buy wheat only at the
government guaranteed minimum, was I'h officcra. Captain John Alcock and
directed tent to President Wilson by
the northwest conference ot farmers
"Marketing of American wheat aur
piut for lets than the fullest fair price
that may he obtained on an American
market free to the world's competitive
bidding will violate sound national
economics tnd result In uufalr losses
Lieutenant Arthur Drown, lauded on
the Irish coant after the first non-atop
flight acrosa the Atlantic.
, Their voyage waa without accident
and without unforeseen incident, and
wat a stralght-away clean-cut flight
achieved In 16 hours and 18 minutes
from St. Johns, N. F., to Cllfdeu, Ire-
When the war waa declared they VUla rebela in and near Juarez return-
tent Ralph back to America, because ed to the American aide after 24 hour
he waa of military age, and they did ot campaigning. 1 - - ;
not want him to fight for the kalaer. -' "
Then America entered the war.
airs. Stepp Mrs. Anna Stepp aha la
part of the story:
a month ago I hadn't heard
from Ralph for two veers and a half
even before America got In the war
mall waa held up. I didn't know
whether he was In the army or not
but I was sure he was, because well,
because he la an American." Here
she stopped a minute to smile op at
"After awhile we heard from tome
friends that he was in the army and
that he had come over here. That was
nil I ever knew. It's nearly Ova yean
alnce I have seen him 1
"Of course It wna awfully hard t
couldn't get word to hltn and he
couldn't to me. My husband used to
tell we It wouldn't help Ralph any for
me to cry. T tried not to before the
rest of them anyway. My daughter
Paris. The final reply of the allied
and associated powers to tbe condi
tions of peace handed to the Germane
at Versailles. May 7, waa delivered to
the German delegation Monday.
The Germans are allowed aeven
daya to accept or to refuse the treaty
aa it stands. If they accept, peace
will be signed at once; if they do not
accept, the armistice will terminate
Monday (June 23) and tha power will
take auch ttepa aa may ba necessary
to enforce their terms.
The principles ot the original con
ditions have been vigorously upheld
as establishing a peace ot justice, but
certain modifications in detail and
to American wheat farmers in hun
dred! ot thousands of dollars," tbe
cablegram declared.
It aaka that the wheat administrator
land, more than 1900 miles.
The brief and modest description Ct worse steadily she is no better, many explanations of the effect ot
execution art made.
pbeattntt for years and whoae pheat
ant farm recently waa acquired by the be forbidden from attempting to act
atate, hat been placed In charge of minimum price.
pheasant production by the atate game Resolution! adopted included one do-
and flab, commission. The commotion daring against the daylight saving
realgnatloo to President Campbell and decided to close tha pheasant teaton plan and for "the observance ot the
will leave at the end of the term for 00 October 13 thla year aa a meant of lawt of nature and the Almighty." for
Bfltleh Columbia. protecting the blrda and to purchase more good roadt and the bonding of
Tha oil pottlbllltlct of Coot county many phcatanta aa possible, releaa- countlct to pay for them, a temple of
ar to be Investigated thoroughly, mi i w i n agriculture ai nasnington, a govern-
which cornea from the airmen at Clif-
don telle of an adventurous and amaz
ingly hazardous enterprise. Fog and
mists hung over the north Atlantic
and the Vickera-Vimy biplane climbed
and dove, atruggllng to extricate her
self from the foldt ot the alrplane'a
worst enemy.
She rote to 11,000 feet, twpoped
down almost to the surface of the tea
and at times the two navigators found
themselves flying upside down only 10
Senator McNary haa atnt word to tha coromlttlon'l farm at Corvallla will ment land tettlement policy, reduced feet above the water.
fcorth Bond chamber ot commerce
that ha baa arranged for a government
man to com to thla locality for tha
Marlon McClain of Eugene hat been
aelected aa tncceeeor to Dean H. Walk-
have 3300 blrda thla year. freight and express ratea on aeeds. a
At tha clos of tba fourteenth busl- branch of the bureau of animal Indus
nesa session In Portland, C. 8. Hud- try for the northwest, tbe teaching of
son, pretldant ot tha First National animal hutbandry and domestic tcience
bank ot Bend, waa elected president
of the Oregon 8tate BanRers' tasocla-
r aa graduate manager of atudent ao- tor tha ensuing year. Tha asto-
tlvltlet at tha Unlvertity of Oregon. dUon roted approval of a propotl-
Mr. McClain la a graduate with tba oo under which tha bankt are io
class of 1901 and haa been In butlnesa theraaelvet ona-twanty-fifta cf
In Eugene alnce, 1 Per nt of capital and aurplua to
Tha need for 1125,000 worth of re- creat fund tor organized effort dl-
ptlra, reconstruction and Improve, rooted by tha association toward en-
manta on tha Central Oregon Irrlga- couragement of tho breeding of high-
tlon project Jt given at tha chief
raaaon for an advance from 10 centa
to 2 par acre In maintenance fata
charged tettlere.
Tha famoua old battleahjp Oregon
haa been taken out of commission at
tha' Puget Sound navy yard and will
remain there pending decision by Ore
gon aa to whether that atata detlret
to take over tba vetssl for tba Ore
gon naval militia.
Four mora alien alackere wera for
ever barred from becoming American
cltlteni by an order of Circuit Judge
Eakln at Astoria. Approximately 20
foreign born realdenta of thla aection
have betn denied oltltenihlp because
they evaded, tbe military 'draft
Shortage of creosote oil and other
ettentlal material hat caused the Wett
Coatt Lumbermen'i association to
abandon Ita project (or underwriting
In public and rural schools, better lire
stock lawt. a 1920 wheat price "to pre
vent losa and possible disaster to the
agricultural Interettt of tha country."
A new postiil rcgnintion pn-hlhlts
the transmission of live frying chick
ens vln ninll. Why the regulation I
Nobody would ever think of risking
so priceless a treasure as a frying lxe
chicken In the nialla. Tbe mall clcrsj
are humun.
Waiting at the (Church) Station
grade ttock and Incrtattd output ot
Of tha 4S34 automobllet registered
with the secretary of tttte'a office dur
ing May, 331? wera new cara, accord
ing to a report jutt compiled. With
a total of 69,193 cara registered up to
June 1 it la expected that the total
reglitratlons for 1919 will reach and
even exceed the estimate of 10,000
which haa formed tha batla for fig
urea In connection with anticipated
revenuea from thla source for use in
Improving and maintaining atate high
ways In Oregon. Revenuea from li
cense feet motor vehicle, motorcycle,
dealer and chauffeur received during
May totaled 137.290, bringing the total
for thla year thua far to 1511.235.60.
an Increase ot more than 25 per cent
over tha ahowlng ot 1403,177.50 for tba
aame period a year ago. v
We couldn't get the proper food for
her after awhile. And aha hated to
r no worried about Ralph, so I used
to ry to keep up beforo them.
"I-nst January my husband came to
Coblenz about hia citizen papers. An
American aoldicr In Ralph's company
who waa In the office heard his name
and asked him if he waa any relation
to Ralph. He didn't tell him Ralph
was In Coblenz, but went after Ralph.
He didn't tell Ralph his father was
here. When they met they couldn't
believe their eyas.
"Ever alnce then 1 have been trying
to tee Ralph. He couldn't coma to
Welsbaden because It was out of tho
American area, and I couldn't get
through until today more than two
They asked her If her Ralph had
know, I think it la because all that
Inn? time when I didn't know where Telephone Companlea Ordered by Bur.
he was or how he was I got in the leaon to Recognize Workera.
habit of thinking of him na he was Washington. Telephone companies
wnen ue was a Deny 1 Kept seeing tre virtually required to recognize the
Si ? rV h k Z T,, V "I Brotherhood of Electrical Workera un
he felt when he was little. Isn't . , . . . .
General Burleson. The order resulted
The changes Include:
A plebiscite for upper Silesia, with
guarantees ot coal from that territory.
Frontier rectifications In west Prua
aia. Omission ot the third zone In the
Schletwig plebiscite.
Temporary Increase of the German
army from 100,000 to 200,000 men..
Declaration ot tha Intention to tub
mlt, within a month of signature, a
list of those accused ot violation ot
the laws and customs of war.
Assurance ot membership In the
leaguo of nations In the early future
if Germany fulfills her obligations.
blm as
tlint queer? And bow look at him t"
And the corporal tried not to see the
adoration In her eyes.
"Five years la a long time to wait
to see your boy," she murmured, nnd
kept her eyes on him. Again sho had
forrotten the people around her.
The corporal cleared his throat.
"This la why I aik d you If yon could
keep my mother. Miss WoodsmaH. I
didn't want her to come nnlesa the
hnd a good place to stay. Ah, e-e-r
thanks awfully."
And that Is the story of bow the
Hostess House happened to entertain
the only known A. E. F. mother who
has visited the Army of Occupation,
in abandonment of the nation-wide
strike of. telephone employea aet for
Union officials were jubilant at Bur
leson's action, which they considered
a victory for organized labor. . They
regard the order aa a completo re
versal ot Burleson'a former policy to
wards organized labor. The order
plainly defines the "right ot employea
to bargain either aa Individuals or
collectively through commltteea of
their representatives chosen by them."
WttU the wireless ti'lepiioiie ami a
sound amplifier anyliody tun now talk
to enrtlibouiul mortals from an air
plane liulf a mile aliove them. How Is
oue henceforth to avoid the effirta of
self-aswrtive and luslstent campaign
orators? . -
Houa Committee Rejecta Dry Repeal
Washington. By a vote ot 10 to S,
tha house judiciary committee refused
to adopt a motion of Representative
Igoe, democrat, of Missouri, repealing
war time prohibition insofar aa tt af
fects light wines and beer.