EADER VOLUME 42 WESTON, OREGON, "FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 1919 NUMBER 2 "fr OREGON NEWS NOTES V . or? OF GENERAL INTEREST WESTON?? 117 mm 6r oafly 98. We have gone over the stock and selected hats that sold for up to $5.00, placed them on sale tables for only 98c. If you have failed to find the hat you want, do not overlook this opportunity to secure a pretty, late-style trimmed hat cheaper than the cost of the frame. Jiasfe- Received A flEW SKMHiT OF COSSETS that1 have been delayed, compris ing the much wanted models of THE WARNER MAKE It will be a pleasure to show these and be of service to you in supply ing your needs. LADIES' COATS-About one dozen pretty spring coats remain all splendid materials, snappy styles. We will not carry therrf over. If you have delayed getting a spring coat you cannot miss this opportunity to secure a very attractive garment at about one-third the former price. v - ARROW There is an Arrow shirt for every man everywhere. A shirt that is as well made as fifty years experience can Suggest. Principal Events of tti Wiek Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readen. Tbe fin I annual rose ibow Was held In Springfield last week. Conrad P. Olaon of Portland, was named code commissioner by Chief Jestlce McBrlde. The meat successful wool aala la rars iraa bald at Condon last week. About 7(0,000 pounda of ool waa' aold. Grace E. Garret baa bean appointed postmistress at Helli and Mrs. Betty Miller at Hold man, both In Umatilla county. The Jtb annual meeting ot tbe Ore goo Backers' aaaoclatlon will be held la Portland on Friday and Saturday of thin week. . Brigadier General Brlce P. DUque. former commander of the apnea dlvt a Ion. haa been decorated with the dlatlngulabed aerrlce medaL - Governor Olrott appointed Dr. John ' Beaaon of Portland and Dr. R. G Mo Daniel of Portland, aa members of the tat board of medical examiners. Mora than SO oeteopatha from ail parts of the elate gathered at Portland last week for the annual session of the Oregon Osteopathia aaaoclatlon. At a meeting of several hundred former service men of Lane county In Eugene, Lane county post of the Amer ican Legion was formally organised. Aa increase from fl to fl an acre foot Is sought by the Central Oregon Irrigation company In an application filed with the public aerrlce commis sion. Nearly 1500,000 worth of liquor has been confiscated and destroyed by the war emergency squad of the Portland police department since February 1, 1011. j Harry Moore, It yean oil of Eugene, won first prise on his bread at a cook ing eonteat held In connection with an achievement meeting of the Dunn school club of Eugene. Petkiona preaented by the Oregon Single Tax league for a constitutional amendment to be voted on at the 1920 election were approved by Sam A. Koser, deputy aecretary of state. C M. Knight, representing the fed- era! bureau of cereal dleeaaes, has ar rived at tbe Oregon Agricultural col lege from Nevada to Investigate the "cereal dlaeaaes In Oregon, Idaho and Washington. - Jire. C a. Andrews, of La Grande, mother of Bert Andrew, who waa the firat Oregon member of the Rainbow " division to meet his death In France, has been named honorary president of the Oregon chapter of the Rain bow division veterans, an organisa tion which embraces 27 states. - The Klamath Indians of Oregon will be permitted to sua In the court of claims to recover approximately 100, 000 acres of land which, they say, waa omitted In fixing the boundariea of the Klamath reservation, by the terms of a bill introduced in the house by Rep resentative Slnnott First Lieutenant Louis H. Compton of Salem, recently returned from over aeaa, bringing with him the croIx da guerre awarded by Marshal Petaln of Franca for bravery in action, will be state parole officer to succeed Joseph ' F. Keller, according to announcement made by Governor Olcott, . A new Irrigation project by which j'1600 acres of land will be brought A under water on the south (Ida of the X Klamath river, between Klamath Falls ana Kono is going rapiaiy rorwara. The water has been diked from the lands In that section and will be pump ed on again by two large centrifugal pumps. ' Warning Is given by J. O. Holt, manager of the Eugena Fruit Growers' association, that owing to tha tremen dous peach crop In the Willamette val ley this year the fruit will be market less unless thinned to a great extent He declared that otherwise all the peaches will be small and It will be difficult to sell them. A mandamus suit was filed la Ma rlon county circuit court by 8. A. Mul key. and others Interested In the or- to select your xkk":kkhx Sirs: iV?riV? BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop Sixty (minimum) $100 One hundred 1 35 Two hundred 2 00 Eacft additional hundred.... 0 60 order directing the state banking board to laaue a charter to the nevA bank or show cause for refusal. Petition for a charter for the bank at St Johns waa filed April II and was disapproved by the state superintendent of banks on the ground that no need for a bank existed. . uiiiiiii , m Ea J U the car that WON FIRST both days in the 200-yard dash (motor dead, driver oh the ground) WESTON PICNIC, JUNE 6-7 Our Factory Quota for 1919 NEARLY SOLD OUT SAFE Delay May Mean Disappointment Geo. Shields YOUR CHANDLER DEALER (PHONE 472) ' ' MILTON. OREGON. TERMS CASH At Leader Shop. As!s Yow: When the fighting was thickest When the suffering was greatest WHERE WAS THE SALVATION ARMY LASSIE? He'll say : "SHE WAS RIGHT ON THE JOB" And now, back home in the byways and hidden places where misery always lives, where" men, women and child ren are on the downgrade, she's still "RIGHT ON THE JOB." Help H e r to C a r r y 0 n TEE SALPON ARMY KOME SERVICE O June 22 3 mm