The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 06, 1919, Image 3

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and Poultry Supplies
International Stock Food
and Tonics
Groin ore
Furnished anil Printed at the U-ader office
Sixty (minimum) $1 00
One hundred . 1 35
Two hundred 2 00
Each additional hundred 0 CO
1 have received another shipment
of Tankii. A. Philll.
Ix-ster Carlile is hero from Hood
River to attend the reunion.
Walter Milton i wielding a pic
nic razor at Rcynaud's barber shop.
Miss Lubcna Johnson of Spokane,
Wanh.. la a guest of Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. J, M- Swajrgart of Buker
Oregon, is visiting her Mister, Mrs.
Amy Van Skiver.
Mrs. J. Klrkpatrick left Saturday
for Portland to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Virgil Ncild.
S. J. Culley has gone to southern
Iduho to look after his land and
crop interesU in that wction.
U. (J. Salinir left Sunday on a
business trip to Salt Lake City, and
will also vlnit his farm in southern
, At the council meeting Wednesday
evening Mayor Banister presided
and Councllmen Frank Price, II.
'Goodwin and Marvin Price were
'present. The resignation of Conn
eilmen Frank Price, K. C. Rogers
, and Frank Snider wire accepted
and the following citizens were
v elected to (111 the vacancy: Joe
Hodgson, Joe Wurzcr and L. II.
' Davis. Mr, Davis was present and
' was sworn in. Bids for laying steel
: water main on Broad street were
I ejected bcrauM of new fpoei ora
tion. New hid will be opened
Monday at 9 a. m.
Preserve VourEggs
Water Glass
while eggs are plentiful.
Goodwin's Drug Store
h ih.M.m Anice and Mamie
have gune to Iti'llingham,
to attend summer normal
You Will Like
That Old Ivory Bedroom Set
when you see it in our window.
when you see it in your-bedroom.
ueu Himiture More
Tbe Fanners Bank ol Weston j
Estabtisbed 1891 !
We advise you to hold your
Liberty Bonds; but if you
must sell, we will be pleased
to handle them for you at the
market price.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the ,
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Soid in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Mrs. Will NorDcan and little
daughter of Baker, Oregon, are
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. E. M. Warren.
Mrs. L. S. Madden and MaUr
Bertram Madden left Sunday on
their return home, via California,
to Pleasant vi lie, New Jersey.
Mr. Cola Carille and two child
ren arrived Monday from Ogden,
Utah, to visit at the home of Mr.
Carlile'a mother, Mrs. A. A. Kees.
Miss Simmon of the Weston
school faculty left Tuesday for
Portland. She goes to McCook,
Nebraska, soon for vacation visit
at home.
J. E. Kininger, former Weston
druggist, now of Seattle, has sold
75 acres of mountain land near
Tamarack school house to Arthur
and Will March.
Mrs. Minnie Schraedcr and little
daughter of Walla Walla were
visiting friends in Weston Satur
day. Mrs. Schraedcr was fomcrly
Miss Minnie Kinnear.
Rulon Smith ha resigned his
position with The First National
Bank of Pendleton and has gone to
Boise. Idaho, to do clerical work In
an automobile stock room.
Miss Barnes is visiting rela
tives at Weston and attending the
pioneers' reunion. Miss Barnes
is on her way home to Chelan,
Wash., from Berkeley, California,
where she is a University student.
Weston's juvenile team of base
ballers went to Helix Monday and
were trimmed by the close score of
12 to 11. Weston led until the last
frame, when the enemy inconsidr
ately ran in six tallies. Honors arc
now easy, and the next mix-up will
be for the proverbial blood.
E. 0. DeMoss and family were
entertained at dinner Sunday at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
8. Price. It was the first Sunday
in nine years that Mr. DeMoss has
been able to separate himself from
the exacting "hello board." The
local telephone exchange Is now
closed Sunday afternoons.
Indications point to an attend
ance of 2000 to 4000 producers from
tho soil at the big Northwest Con
vention of Farmers to be held In
Spokane June 11-13. Responses
are coming in from all sections of
the four northwestern states. It is
confidently predicted this will be
tho biggest convention of its kind
ever held west of the Mississippi
J. E. Jones and Peter Hass went
hunting. Sunday on-Coyote creek
near the Dick English cabin. They
saw a bear feeding, but before they
could work near enough for a shot
he was gone being evidently
"wise" to the way of a hunter with
a bear. They also- saw two deer
and an abundance of deer sign
indicating good sport when the
season opens this fall. They en
countered deep snowdrifts near
Camp McDougal, where they left
their car.
. While on his "recent trips to La
Crosse A. W. Lundell, local realty
operator, looked the country over
thoroughly and expresses surprise
at what he saw. He found wheat
fields equal to the best in Umatilla
county, and believes that the crop
situation In general Is even better
than throughout this section. Mr.
Lundell has arranged to represent
the listings of C. F. Sehoonmaker,
a large operator in La Crosse lands,
and advises those who contemplate
an investment in that promising
country to look over his offerings
without delay before the best bar
gains are gone. Mr. Lundell says
he has no hesitancy in recommend
ing La Crosse lands at present
prices to any buyer.
1 Local balltoseers have been
practicing thin week for the picnic
lull games. Today they take on
'Athena, and tomorrow Pilot Rock.
Both are time-honored rivals of
Weston for baseball supremacy.
"Rusty" Shick may be enlisted to
pitch one of the games, and another
capable slab artist has been found
with the state highway crew of
locators. Boh Hodgson will be at
the receiving end of the battery.
There is nothing worse than Iwd,
ul smelling breath; get rid of it
r your friends' sake anyway.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
will clean and purify your stomach
and bowels; your breath will lie
sweet, your disposition improved,
your friends increased. 35c. Tea
or Tablets. H. Goodwin. Adv.
The Weston Hotel, now under
new management, will welcome lo
cal and transient guest. Good
meals at all hours. L. W. Hebert.
'J Work horse, weight about 1200
pounds, for sale. Andy T. Barnett.
(Telephone 83)
Second Floor Weston Mer
cantile building
Weston, Oregon
Expert Blacksmithing and g
In a few days now we wish to introduce to you
Messrs. Jones and Jones of Spokane, who will be taking
possession of our store and who intend to make good
with you as hardware merchants and good citizens.
We assure you we have learned td like and respect
these gentlemen because we have found them strictly
honest and fair in all our negotiations and "dealings to
We are dealing to them along with the best stock we
have ever carried, our goodwill and best Wishes and we
want the public to know this fact. .
So we bespeak for them a hearty welcome from the
hundreds of good friends and patrons who have been so
loyal to us; and if you treat them as kindly and cordially
as you have treated us we believe that they will always
feel at home and will have no regrets that they came to
Success to them and to You All.