The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 06, 1919, Image 1

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    roNir Lead
Principal Events cf thi Wirt
Briefly Sketched for Intor
nation if Our Reiden.
Tha tenth annuel etrawberry fajr
and roa Niltil will b brlil In Lb
nan thla week.
Ctrl Wbillork. II yeara or ae. of
M'dford. waa drowned In the Itoicnc
river near Until lty.
Preparation for the erection of
ew flflA.IMM I'roab) Irrlnn church
building at Pendleton have been coin-
Ire ted pairhea along (ha Willamette '
ami Murfcensl" rlvrra,
Mur li'itiltnr; up thrift employes and
robbing thi) Hank i.l Urlm-a of 1311ft
i rurrrii'X. a lone loblur rave hi
tlrllnie their choir of being locked
In lh rault, whlrh mlKht have meant
death by smothering, or of taking an
oath on a Blbla that they would not
leave tbr bank or It I an alarm for
HO minute. The three took th oalli
and kept II. Thn holdup occurred after
banking huura The bandit earaped la
a tatli-ah.
A two Mn-ka' abort tour fr bo) a
and glrla In prartlral agrlrulium and
home economlce correlated with flul
work ) espeited to bring man) yi.un
people, to the Oregon Agricultural I'll
e for l br aumnwr session.
Anlrlea of Inrorporatlon of "Thn
American Legion" have own filed with
Y. W.C A. Provides Home For Actresses at Camp Dii.N.J.
The extension division of Ihe t'nl- lna scrrrtary of alam and transmitted
verelly of Oregon will hold Ma agmmer ta Corporation Commissioner Brhulder-
erhool In Portland from June 21 to
Angtiat 1.
Lan rounty goat owners will real
ise about IJO.lWMt on mohair thla tea
aon, aarordlng to N. 8. Robb, rounty
agricultural agent.
Tha resignation of Colonel John I
May aa adjutant general (or tha atata
af Oregon wc" received by Governor
Obott, ffectv June 1.
Tha boya' and girls' cluba of Cooa
man for approval. Tho American le
gion la the new nation wide organls
(Ion of world-war veterans,
With the proaperta for the largrat
fruit erop In tha hlatory of tha Vmp
qua valley, the I'mpqua Valley Fruit
union haa Just closed deal for a lot
tOtllO feet at Koaeburg. upon whlrh
modern Structure of reinforced con
crete four atorlea high will be erected.
M. 0. Neaae of Portland, president
1 'i - -4. in, f. ' f,lt' r - .,""''"'"- tt 4
14 - ,
-: ,.v!
Actreaaea who play In the Liberty Theater at Camp Dig, N. J4 find a touch
of homo In ihe flayers' Houno whkh Ilia houalng committee of tha Young
Women's Christian Awtoclatlon. of which Mrs. John I. llockefcller, Jr.. la
chairman, nx-rates for iliym. Iiecause of the dlatanre from any town where
they might atay. It waa neresnry to provide aomo sort of living accommivla
tlona for the artreaaca. Tha Y. W. U A. built tha bouae, supplying It with all
conveniences such aa aewtng macblnva, Vaabtubt tod Ironing boards. Camp
Ufton, L. L. baa a almllar bouse.
ay held a big meeting Wedneeday In of tha Central Oregon Oil A Oaa coin-
Marabfleld. Eahlbltlona of sewing by pany; M. K. Saumlrater, 0. E. and 0.
(be glrla and cooking demonstrations M. Lawrence were In Duma laat week
were given. getting lease from land owners In
Following aa gtttropl at reooncllla. tbe region of Dos mountain. It la their
Hen wltb bit divorced wife, I Pat- purpose to start active development at
tar son, aged II year, a realdent of once.
Baker, ahot himself through the bead Building operatlona throughout the
with revolver. Wlllamett valley are Improving and
Roeeburg will eelebrat the national work that have been delayed for the Washington. Plana for the Inaugur- Archangel. The American cruiser
holiday with three-day program, July last two )-eara because of tha war are atlon of a permit system to control the TVi Moines arrived here simultaneous-
M. The B. P. O. E. will sponsor tha under way or being planned In the movement of thla yeara mammoth r lth traneporta bringing new lirlt-
biggest celebration of Ha kind In tha valley cltlca. according to John M. grain crop, announced by the railroad h volunteer army unlta to relieve the
blatory of Douglaa rounty.
Oregon' lumber production baa In
' creaaed 14 per cent alnce 1H5. accord
ing to flgurea compiled by T. J. Stark
er, forest eaamlner, office of producta,
United Btatee foreat aervlc.
Scott, general passenger agent ofbe administration, contemplate apiwlnt- American and other troops who have
Bouthern Pacific. nient of grain control coromllteea at ben fighting since last Aueubl
Proteata have. been made to Hood each primary market, comprlalng a The ships on which the new force
Ttlver county affldala against drlvera repreaentatlve each of the operating grrlved will transport the first unit
of motor truck who, It la alleged, over- and traffic department of the railroad of American Infantry, which It ta ex
load their vehicle, and with boiea, admlnlatratlon. and third party rep- pected will be homeward bound In one
Throuah a eretm of savings ae- lumber and other artlclea prolcctlng resenting the transportation dlvlalon week.
count tha UmatllU public acbool ehll- over the alde of raeka. wake It 1m- of the trnlted Statea grain corporatlol The last American Infantry on the
dren bav earned and Invested In war possible for pasaenger cara to pass 09 Shipper will apply through the rail- VooCta railway front hits Just been
aavlnga atampa and liberty bond the -moat blghwaye. road acent at the point of origin to reil-ved after nearly eight months'
um of 1710 during th acbool term. The Improvement of H4.1J mile of the grain control committee at the ,rvlce. Tho Americana received a
Because of tha belief that weatern state highway la Involved In the call market to which they wish to send rouelng farewell from the British and
buyer ara too eautloua and that thero for blda Issued by the state highway helr product. If condltlona permit, uussian rommnnd at Oboterskaya.
la areater competition In th aaatern rommlsalau. Three bid, whlrh cover permission for the shipment will be
market, a considerable amount of Urna- p.vlng. grading and eieavatlng. will given promptly. Otherwise the ship- PROCLAIM RHINE REPUBLIC
tllla rounty wool la going to Boston.
Governor Olcott baa announced tha
appointment of V. II. Vawter of Med
ford aa a member of the board of
ragente of tba University of Oregon.
II ucced W. II. Oore, whose term
ha expired.
be onened bv the rommlaln at their ment will be delnyod until storase fa-
meetlng In Portland, Juno 10, when cllltlea are auch that the grain can ha . Jew Government la Installed Provl.
the contracts will he awarded. ' moved without caualng freight con- slonnlly at Weisbaden,
Sterlhrada planted few year uo eatlon. Mayence. The i'.hine republic waa
In Kaat lake. 40 mile from Bend, hav? A PY permit when iFSued ,,roclalme(I Sunday In various Rhine
grown to also making It virtually will b transmitted by the grain con- cUlM Tbe p(,pulBflon weicomcd the
Imoosslhlo to land them. N. O. Jacob- committee to tho railroad by , h -K,isfactl0J and enresed
Tb wool pool of TamblH county wg m, iuBrvlaor of the Doecbuue 11a- w'lc,, ,he "hlpment ta to be made ao (llf) hope Ujt, u wou,d pot n end ,
the painful uncertainty prevailing In
the Rhine provinces regarding tho al
lied nations and Germany.
Tho new government la headed by
?.)r. Oordcn. It haa been Installed pro
visionally at Weisbaden, Dr. Dorden
addressed a message to tbe different
old to Nlaaen Ilrothera of Brllevue. on)l torr9U sported on hla return ' necessary action may be taken to
Competition In th sales waa atrong. from a trip to the lake. Some of the furnish cara. Tho system Is similar
Th enllr clip U estimated at about ftn ne estimates, will weigh over 40 ' 'a1 hlch WM U8ed ,n clcrln
80,000 pounda, and tha accepted bid pounda. rrcigni congesuon ibbi yrur.
waa M renta. Aaalatance for a larg number of
Stockmen of Unt county ar plan- )unilfr ,nrprni Portland and that WILCOX WINS BIG RACE
nlng a trip by tutomoblle thla week ,,,,ion f Oregon waa aousht from th
from Eugene to th lower Wlllamett wir fHance corporation by- Bcpraen- Thr Killed, Two HurUn Indlanap- r,oTernment and to th peac confe
valley polnta to Inapect herda of pur u,(v8 Hiiwley and Whitney U Bolne Automobile Ccnteat euce.
bred cattle, and atudy methods of ot Portland. The aid asked Involves Indianapolis. Ind. Howard Wilcot .
handling herd- approximately 11.000.000 needed to fl of Indianapolis won the seventh an-
Umatilla county now haa 4T67.000. nance a contract for lumber and lum- nual International sweepstakes race of B20.000 Americans Returned In Month,
received from tha aala of road bonda. bar producta for export to Auatralla. 800 mllea at the motor apeedway. hla Washington. During May 820.000
for road work being don In th coun- Profeaaor M. L. Grannlng of Or- Ume for the dlatanc being 8:44:21:75. American soldlera returned from
ty. Aa faat aa contracta can be let vallls. head of the auto mechanlca de- Two drlvera, Arthur Thurman and mnoe. Secretary of Uar Baker in-
tb rod construction planned la being p.rtment at th Oregon Agricultural Loul Lecocq, and a mechanician, R. torfned Secretary Danlela In a letter,
pot under way. college; II. R. Fanchcr of Tha rJallea Bandlnl. war killed during the con- praising the work of the navy depart-
j, m. Thoma. deputy gam warden nd E. E. Bogge of Portland will be test, and two other wer Injured. ment. This movement created a reo-
of Cooa county, haa been Informed that the three mombera conatltutlng the Aa a result of hla victory Wilcox ord for the transportation of troopa
wild plgeona ar ao numeroua on aev- board of automobll mochanlca examln- won a prlae of 120.000. Fifty thousand In either direction, tha secretary said.
1 oral InleU of Cooa bay that ranchera era provided for by an act of the last dollar waa divided among the first :
art deatlned to uffer heavy loaae legislature according to announcement ten drlvera.. The other prlxe wlnncra Brltaln'a Tranaport Bill I $82,000,000.
from their depredatlona. mad by Governor Olcott. . flnlahed in the order named: Hearn. . WashlnKton. England a bill for
With th election of delegate to th cptaln Jacob Kansler of Portland Goux, Guyot. Alley. D Palma. L. Chev- Vunsportlng 1.000,000 American aot-
uprem chapter which convene at waa aeleoted by Governor Ben W, Olcott rolet, D. Hickey, O. Chevrolet and . dlera acroaa th Atlantic .In British
Denver, Colo., from September 31 to. for appointment to b judge of the Thomai. anlp la approximately $82,000,000.
October I. tb fifth annual convention court of domeatlo relation Of Mult,
ot th P. E. O. Sisterhood of Oregon nomah county, a petition created ry
cam to a close at Eugene. act ot the laat legislature, which alei
Prosperity eeeme to bav atruck a created the court The appointment
number ot acbool districts of Lane will be held In abeyance, pending de-
rouaty. New school house art being termination of tha legality of tha act
plasned by om and improvement under which th office exist,
will b mad generally tht summer, Pendleton la to have a 1500-barrel
according to E. J. Moor, county super- flour mil), In addition to Ita present
Intendent. three mills. Announcement waa made p
Willis Caldwell, a farmer living; fcy H..W. Collin that he. and hla aaso
about two mllea from Brownsville,' clatea had determined oh the enter
stalked and killed a huge bald eagle, prise, let a contract for the building
which he ease he has been trying to nd purchased the necessary ma
get for seversl yeara. The bird waa a chlnery. The company will be capital
male and measured I feet 4 Inches ited at a quarter ot a million dollars,
from tip to tip. ' Ita plant la expected to be In operation
Scbool auperlntendenta and other shortly after the flrat of the year.
educator a ot the atate will meet In a Adolpb Lewis, arrested at The Dallea
aerlra of four educational conferencea with Edward Primrose, who afterwaid
at tha Unlveralty of Oregon, June 25, pleaded guilty to a charge of murder v
SI and $7, according to announcement n having alaln Chlet of Pollco Ralph
by Dr. II. D. Sheldon, dean of tho oibbons In an attempt to eacape ur-
aohool ot education. real on a charge of having robbed the
A heavy frost wiped out tha entlr Bank of Washougal, Wash., waa con
crop of tomatoes, potatoes, beana and vlcted by a Jury In the circuit court of
earn In Lane county laat week. Re manslaughter, aa an accessory to th
planting will be, necessary In every Gibbons murder. II hd previously
section of the oouoty except a few pro- confessed complicity In the robbery.
Shake Weil Before Taking
," , f- war TVVV ; P
New Yorkers awok on morning to
lliul In their IrreakfoHt hrailllnea th
news that a xealoii park employee had
illwoterrd algna of illslntecralion on
th aurfac-e of Hi city a moft treasured Only Part of Treaty Presented
autliiie Clwipatra'a Nei-illr. I'lioto
gralia rcvraleil that the monolith wa
pi-l(iig, lorse plei-e of sandstone hav
ing fallen from the tall abaft, carrying
with them jiart of the prized hlcro
I'ljphs. london'a twin alster of Clrnpstra'e
Nn-dle waa rertel as rewtlng com
furtiilily and endurlngly on th banks
of the Thumea, and Ihe rival Krt won
dered whetlier a irejrtirutlon would bo
found to stay Hie attack of their
liqri-lier i llmute.
iSmii a preparation was soon forth
coming. A new -. sliit coinMuatlon aa
a preservative for atone waa iuvented
TM nhlla wss pruente-f to the City
of Nw York by Ibe Kbdlve of EsTPC
!Julnnt Com-
msnder IWirrlnf. li. t
11 V rir a ihrM '
yesj-s' cfTort. oblmln
'l poMeenlon of It
and movt It to Us
prenenl tttont at
an uwh of nearly
(IM Jjl f . was A.
dally ivuni Imo po-
.Hon at noon. Janu- f,
mrr It Ul. L'
Tha height of this J
monumant, from baaa t
to ttp, la 1 feat, t .
Inrhea. Tha rneaa- ji
tirmnt of the baaa.
aiuara throiish 11a
,. la 7 feet. I C
Inrhea. Tha entlra f .
weiaht of tha mono- r .
llth la IH1 torn. I
Sine It was quar- tf
lied near tha torrid
lone. U has traversed f
tha entlra lenfth cf t .
Ksypt. moat of that
VI in, wii,n-
lie Ores
lane of S 4" mil'
pro k In ItMlf a Brwt
rate traveler for on
wboaa asa haa ex
rolnr to their d
i ruction In tha Ked
8'a: ShiehaK marrn
In to tha Conquest
of Jeruaaiem: Cam- I
hvaea deaolatln the
land: Heroootiia.
I'lainand other Uraek
aludenta ensaged In I
to Teutons at Meeting at
SL Germain.
k TT
' 4 I
-Hi i
a Uedlterra- J r. C
8ea and tha I
ot tha Allan- I V.
x-ean a dls- , -:'-
i d a d (hiriy-nv t "t
urlaa. to tha , try
sa of Its axlat- I ,.- -L
i It haa aeen i k -;
raoh and hla hoat -
j ...
purault or Kiryptlao L ',t
lore; Alexander lhf i .
Great on hla vlctorl- i V ' t
our expedition; -throush
tha land of i r .-
5 1
Co-hen: m and
half centurlea
and Christian etrus- L u
le at Alexandria: aU ; - "
th Ion Una of Moa-
lem rulers ainca
Caliph Omar; and k-" t
now, leaving alto- '
aether Its native Uind. $C
it aianda looking up- L)p& V
on the million dwell- f i "
era In thla metropolis. I -; j. t!
whoa alt waa un- ; 7 . f
known to tha Kaatern p J I '
world at a tlma when f'V A
tha Obelleli had baan I -Ty
in exiatenc for two If ' - ' r"
luuuwnu vara. a,
St. Germain. Austria waa on Mon
day given IS daya to reply to tho
terms of peace presented by th al
lied nation.
The entire treaty was not present'; I
to tha Anetrlana and tb li day' at
tflatinn with regard to their rep'y.
therefore, refer only to the ponton
of the .term banded them at Monday'
Following Is a aummary of tb con
dition of peace aa preaented to the
Austrian plenipotentiaries:
Tbe conditions of peace of th allied
and assembled powers, with exception
of military reparations, financial and
certain boundary clause, wer banded
to th Austrian plenipotentiaries.
Those clauses which are not yet ready
for presentation will bo delivered as
soon aa possible, the Austrian in the
meantime having th opportunity to
begin work on lb greater part ot th
treaty In aa effort to facllltat a final
decision. -,
Tbe Austrian treaty follow exactly
th same outline aa th German, and
In many place I Identical with It
except for the change In name. Cer
tain specific clause which applied
only to Germany are of course omit
ted, and certain new clause Included,
especially aa regards th new states
created out of th former Autro-Hun-carian
empire and the. protection ot
the rights of th racial, religious and
linguistic minorities in Austria. Cxe-cho-Slovakia,
Roumanla and tb Serbian-Croatian
Slovenian atate,
Austria la left by tbe treaty a atate
of from t.000.000 or 7.000,000 people
Inhabiting a territory of between 0v0
and (000 square rnHea. She ia requir
ed to recognize the complete Inde
pendence of Hungary. Csecho-Btovakla
nd the ' Serbian-Croatian Slovenian
state, and to cede other territories
hich previously In union with her
composed the empire of Austria Hun
gary with Ita population of over 60,
000.000 people.
Austria agrees to accept tho League
of Nations covenant and the labor
charter, to renounce all her extra
European rights, to demobilise ber
whole naval and aerial forces, to ad
mit the right ot trial by the allied and
associated powers ot ber nationals
guilty ot violating tb law and cus
toms ot force and to accept detailed
provisions similar to those of the Ger
mn treaty aa to economic relations
by Dr. William Kuckro, chemist of th and freedom of transit.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many '
year previoua coating with parnflln
had been tried, but the application had
not entirely accomplished Its purpose.
The new painting process, however,
proved a success. Disintegration was
halted and the damaged parts restor
ed. New York breathed easily again.
The preservation of structural ma
terials, which muy be ohtnined through
the application of point, constlttnea a
most vital means of furthering the con
servation of our natural resources. It
Is, moreover, th most economical
method or sustaining the appearance
and general upkeep of any commu
nity. A structure conted with sheets of In
dia rubber would not be as well protect
ed from decay ns a structure coated
with a good oil pnlnt, This is due to
the fact that a sheet of rubber Is not
so durable or as waterproof ns a thin
dried film of pnlnt. The inner mate
rial when applied dries to n continuous
elastic film containing finely divided
particles of metallic, wear resisting
pigments. A squnre foot of such a
film npon a wooden surface coms 1pm
tliHii a penny, yet it will beautify and
protect a dollnr'a worth of suffiice fr
many years. This is a low rate of In
surance. Dwellings, bams, outbuildings, sheds,
posts, fences, stock enclosures, wagons.
Implements, windmills and other struc
tures, whether of wood. Iron or cement,
should be preserved, through the uso
of pnlnt. from rapid decay. Hlch grade
paint muy be used successfully for ft II
such imrnosea. Colore paints will be
found lite most sevlccuble, tbe coloring
meiter In the ralnt adding from two
to three yeaia to the life of the coating
Washington. Another attempted
reign of torror. directed chiefly
against public officials who hsva been
active In their prosecution of enemy
aliens and other radicals, waa launch
ed shortly before midnight Monday.
A bomb explosion which damaged
the residence ot Attorney-General A.
Mitchell Palmar, In Washington, but
which apparently resulted only In tha
death of the bomb planter, waa fol
lowed at brief intervala by similar ex
plosions In seven other cities in a belt
extending from Cleveland to Boston.
Besides Washington, Cleveland and
Boston, cities in which bomb outrages
occurred were Pittsburg, Peterson. N.
J.; West Philadelphia, New York and
i West Philadelphia and Pittsburg
w ere subjected to two separate explo
sions. The similarity of the reports re
ceived from the various cities recalled
to the authorities the May-day bomb
plot of a month ago.
The bomb planted under the stepa
of tho homo of the attorney-general
wrecked the dwelling, smashed In the
windows ot adjoining houses tor a
block, but injured no one within tha
Palmer residence.
Aviation Altitude Record Broken.
Paris. Adjutant Casale. a French
aviator, in a flight tor altitude, ascend
ed 31,000 feet This constitutes a
world'a record.
Strikers Raid Winnipeg Parliament
Winnipeg. A parading crowd of
2000 or more returned soldiers and
union men swept through the provin
cial house of parliament and then
marched to the city hall, where they
broke up a council meeting. In both
buildings speakers, using violent lan
guage, charged that Premier T. C.
Norris and Mayor Cbarlea F. Gray
were not dealing properly with the
strike situation and shouted that
"aomethlng had better be done aoon."