The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 16, 1919, Image 2

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7 he . Branswtck
7fctAoct of Reproduction
i;ov EVERPREserr
MERE ARE the secrets of The Brunswick Method of
reproduction. Learn how we gained that wonder.
fully pure tone which has given The Brunswick Pho
nograph such prestige:
Experts in acoustics have long agreed that superior re
production depends chiefly upon the reproducer and the way
in which tone is amplified.
Until the coming of The Brunswick, many experts
thought it impossible to overcome "spotty" reproduction
that is, alternate good and bad tones. Yet all were striving
to increase the good tones and decrease the bad.
The fault, we found, after hundreds of tests, was large
ly due to the use of metal in the amplifier or sound cham
ber. Having no elasticity, metal prevented the sound waves
from expanding properly. Strident noises resulted.
So we chose wood, developing the now famous Bruns
wick amplifier, built entirely of wood. We tested dozens
of different woods, arranging them in numerous Bhapes.
Finally we attained the proper acoustic values.
Brunswick tone is infinitely better, for tones considered
rare a few years ago are ever-present in this super-instrument
No one can remain unappreciative of its fullness,
richness and clarity. And all appreciate the banishment of
metallic sounds. Once you hear The Brunswick, your own
ear will confirm these statements.
Another great feature of The Brunswick Method of Re
production is the Ultona, our all-record reproducer. At a
turn of the hand, it presents to each type of record the
proper needle and diaphragm. Each make of record can
now be heard at its best, played exactly ns it should be.
Thus you are not limited in your selection of records to one
Before you buy, or even if you already have a phono
graph, hear The Brunswick. Put it to any tone .test you
wish. Ask that the most difficult records be played. Make
comparisons. Then let sheer merit decide.
Chicago and New York
vVebton lEADER
Iha Year W 00
Stx Months .v... I 00
Three Month 0 60
lt at th ''"" , Oftfea
ic4.Im well witltt.
Regular, pr Inch per Insertion 15
Transient, per inch per Insertion We
Loral, per tin per Insertion .....lOe
Ing Its commodious new site on
Main street, the opera house will
never be recognited as Memorial
Hall. All wtll look forward with
pleasure to the dedication exercises
a great get-together occasion
and the motion picture shows and
community gatherings and enter
tainments to follow.
And now for a united community
determined to make a success of the
pioneers' reunion Weston's one
great annual event.
After going to the mat with a
Ford "bug." one is disponed to have
rge of the Roosevelt Highway W " re"ct for r'
measure will mult in the develop- leu,r mw?ct-
numt and prosperity of seven Ore-' nnninv
gon counties in the western part of HEW BOOKS, LOCAL LIBRARY
the cute. Passage of the Irrigat-
ion Interest Guarantee measure
will, without cost to the state, give
encouragement to great irrigation
enterprises east of the Cascades.
Those are twin bills, meaning much
to Oregon. They, will not only
add greatly to the state's material
prosperity and taxable wealth, but
will not be without a certain moral
pffoct in brirurins toircther its two
i ti:
vast empires eastern ana ncsu-rn Writinss.
A. L. A. Your Job Back Home.
Appleton's Cyclopedia.
Bailey Birds of Western V. S.
Burroughs -Leaf and Tendril.
Burroughs Locust and Wild
Burroughs Time and Change.
Chapman Bird Life.
Condon Two Islands.
Conwell-IIow a Soldier may
Uiiiwut Aftpr th War.
Memoirs of the Uic
Hunt Eiwava.
Job How to Study Birds.
Koester Electricity for
Oregon divided not only by the
lofty Cascade range but too often
I .i i J n r. lntfrNtf-
uy uijnw.-uij vviihiv.i ......
He who even occasionally look, be- j ' y , 2
yond the narrow confines of his own Lynde Home Water Works,
environment must needs be inspired Martin Ways of the Planets,
by the vision of state growth which " Nolen Replanning Small Cities,
the motif of these two development Stevenson-Familiar Studies of
... mm ami RnrkkM.
measures brings to his view. As st-vMrm-Virffinibus Tuerisque.
I wish to announce to the peo
ple of Weston and vicinity thatl
have established a well-appointed
shop in Milton for making and
repairing harness, saddles, chaps
and other leather goods; also au
tomobile tops and curtains. I
will be pleased to receive a call
from Weston friends and will be
glad indeed to show them my
shop, equipment and stock. Be
sure to call when you visit Milton.
The state examinations begin
Thursday for the eighth grade.
Owing to the fact that the school
year has been shortened, it has
meant very hard work for the pu
pils. They have met the situation
well and have worked overtime in
order to complete the task. Miss
Love feels confident they will pass.
Because Memorial Hall is not yet
ready the Senior class play, "All-of-a-Sudden
Peggy," has been post-,
poned from May 17 to May 22.
The Senior this year are adding
another event to Commencement
activities. They intend giving a
Class Day program Saturday, May
24, to which the public is invited.
They will tell what they are leaving
to the lower class men and will also
give a history of their school days
and a prophecy of their future.
This promises to be very interest
ing, both to the whool and to the
The fourth grade pupils are
writing poetry, and a number of
thoir efforts are worth reading.
In the fairest month of May
When the children lovt to play,
Where the bees in clover hum
There the children play and run.
And the brook chattered down the
By the sweet and smelling hay,
And the flowers are in full bloom
And they have a sweet perfume.
The Brook and the Lily
Once there was a little brook
Running through a little nook
And I found it onfe day -As
I ran along to play.
In it I saw a lily fair"
Floating on the water there,
Bobbing here and bobbing there
Dancing here and everywhere.
But say no more about this flower,
It is gone to return no more;
This little brook in the little nook
Was blessed by this little flower.
game the score was seven to four.
The Weston team has been practic
ing and hopes to gain victories in
the future.
The Senior class is growing. El
don King will graduate. This will
bring the number in the class up to
seventeen. Eldon is a member
of the class but was attending school
at Corvallis and Spokane.
The Baccalaureate sermon will
be given in High School auditor
ium Sunday evening, May 25.
The opera house is moving so
rapidly that we couldn't use it so
soon as we had planned. However,
we are pleased to see it move. All
come and see us in it next Thursday
night, May 22. "All-of-a-Sudden
Eldred Price is in school after a
week's illness.
The pupils of the third grade are
enjoying the Edison this week.
the Malheur Enterprise says:
"Eastern Oregon is mightily in
terested in the passage of the special
measure to be voted upon at the
nmincr Kiwia! election June 3
known as the irrigation Interest Airmen.
Hiiarantve measure. This bill will '
cost the state as a whole nothing .
and will open the way for Imme
diate development of hundreda of
thousands of acres of the best land
in the world that is now either two
swampy or too arid to produce a,
healthy weed.
"The Pacific coast counties are
mightily intrested in the passage of .
the measure known as the Roosevelt
Highway bill, which provides for
the building of a north and south
highway along the Pacific coast ,
the bonds not to be issued unless
matched by a special appropriation
from congress. This measure will
not cost the state much and will
otpbMv benefit the isolated people
of the coast counties, who now have
to wait until the fog settles in
order to travel their roads.
"U't Eastern Oregon boost for
and vote for the Roosevelt highway
and in return we will graciously re
ceive the support of the coast
sections for the Interest Guar
antee bill."
Studebakcr Our Country's Call
to Service.
Talbot Le Francais et oa Patria.
Upton David Livingstone.
Wood Thrilling Deeds of British
Blake Suzamia Stirs the Fire.
Burnett T. Tcmbarom.
Churchill Modern Chronicle.
Cleghorn Spi nster.
Craik John Halifax.
Crockett Hal o'the Ironsides.
Farnol Admiral Betty.
Ferber-Personality Plus. ,
Pnthenrill First Violin.
Fox Trail of the Lonesome Pine.
Grey Desert Wheat.
Harris Co-citins.
" Holland Miss Gilbert's Career.
Holland Arthur Bonnicastle.
Johnston Prisoners of Hope.
Johnston To Have and to Hold.
Lee Mr. Achilles.
Singmaster When Sarah Saved
the Day.
Tarkington Penrod.
Tarkington Seventeen.
Thurston Masqueraders.
Weir Merry Andiew.
Wiggins Diary of a. Goose Girl.
Williamson Lord Lovcland Dis
covers America.
AnuNttfmW Rov Scout Colors.
Andrews Stories Mother Nature
Weston Library in Hew Quarters
Saturday afternoon. May 10,
marked the owninir of Weston'i
public library in iu new location.
Through the kindness and gener
osity of Dr. and Mrs. Watts, the use
of a former office building on Water
street has been donated a a per
manent home- for the local library.
Permission was given to make nec
essary alterations, and under the
supervision of Miss Nasm, county
librarian, the interior has been
transformed into attractive and
coxy library quarters. Miss Nason
visited Weeton last Thursday to as
sist in moving, and directed the
classification and arrangement
of the books. A good library is a
distinct asset in community life and
Weston has just cause to tie fyroud
of its achievements along this line.
Miss Nason is to be commended for
the interest taken and work accom
plished in establishing an Institut
ion which Is a source of civic pride.
General Insurance
and Real Estate
A Call lor Bids for Laying of
Water Mains
The City of Weston, County of
Umatilla, State of Oregon, asks
that bids be submitted to the City
Recorder for the taking up of 2000
feet of old mains and the laying of
new steel mains. Said mains to be
placed at a depth of two feet, from
the surface to the top of said mains.
All connections of joints and bide
lines to be made by the City of
All bids to ba submitted In writ
ing on or before May 22, 1919.
The city council claims the right
to accept or reject any or all bids.
Dated at Weston this 13th day of
May, 1919. J. W. PORTER,
City. Recorder.
The tearful Ruth Garrison jurors
m?;u hava a chance to crv. crv strain
under the whiplash of public scorn. Told Her Children.
mi ut K . n tr Cumnock School Speaker.
We cannot blame the g. o. p. for Dr,gAdventurc 0f Arnold
regarding Wood as good president- jajr
ial timber. ' Ferguson Child' Book of the
. Teeth.
The Leader man is disposed to Green America First,
grant the credential of a good name "r"'!6
to the most prominent entry tho Hamp-Trewure of Mushroom
repuoiicans are grwmnnj ui m Rock.
Do you want to soil your
property? If It la salable
VistA Rn9 frnni Amnei ' X and
. ... . , j
Will Russell, an Athena young i U- Sl t T X
man driving a Ford rbug" with a 1 x ( I
lady companion, was fined 115 Wed
nesday night in the Weston polii
court. Russt-ll , came down Main
rtreet hill at a fast clip with no
lights showing. A crowd had as
sembled around the Main street
fountain, talking and laughing.. It
surged to the left of the fountain,
in order to give Russell hi proper
right of way. For some reason
which he was unable satisfactorily to
explain, Russell drove Into the
crowd. Clark Wood, editor of the
Leader, was struck by the eccen
tric "bug." knocked down and
shoved for some distance. He
escaped with a few bruises and a
sprained wrist which latter Injury
explains the delay of one day this
week in the publication of the
Leader. Russell claimed that his
brake was not working properly
and he was unable to stop in time.
.jj! UJXJLJUi-Jt-ia
i R. L. Reynaud
Not a few people have yet to learn
that condemnation is not legitimate
criticism nor abuse argument.
Hart Romance of the Civil War.
Haskell Katrinka.
Hurll Michelangelo. ,
Kipling Second Jungle Book.
Lighten Lewis & Clarke.
Longfellow Hiawatha.
O'Kane Jim and Peggy, at
1 . . i i Maarinwhrnntf Farm
A Pennsylvania man na wim " "V" . r.,M
away sufficient liquid joy for ten, Kftt"
drinks daily for Hi years, ne a Richards Captain January,
might last quicker u ne taxes lit
drinks daily for ten years.
The Sacramento Bee "believes that
prohibition cannot endure." Well,
after July it will not have to en
durethe further reign of King
Th local hitrh school baseball
team was defeated by Athena High
at Athena last Friday. For awhile w. M. Ptttr.on
the score was tied at two to two,
but through errors on the part Of
the locals the Athenians gradually
lrew away, and at the end of the
Alberta Lands
Improved and Un
improved. Also wheat lands and acre
age tracts anywhere in
the Inland Empire.
First St, Walla Walla.
Prosperity is in Weston's very
atmosphere, following the welcome
Rnherta Kinirs In Exile.
St. Nicholas Western Frontier
Schultz With the Indians In the
Theiss Champion of the Foot
hills. Tolman Jim Spurling, Fisher
man. White Blue Aunt.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un-
l mmi
nnrlnro 1 f CASH MARKET
Chas. H. Cartsr Dsn P. Smyths X ffcLlS, &C.
Carter & Smythe
Pendleton Oregon
' &. A.Aa,Aa.A . . . .
i ..
rains. The prospect of a bumper j, h iud .dminl
crop of two-dollar wheat will, make tratrix with the will annexed of the
ui all fee better disposed less in
Veterinary Surgeon
sistent upon our own and more tol
erant of our neighbor's opinions.
estate of Jesse Reeves, deceased, in
the County court or ins oiace 01 ure
gon for Umatilla County. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby required to present such
claims, duly verified and with proper
vouchers attached, to the undersigned
at the office of Kaley, Ralcy 8teiw
er, in the American National Bank
Building, in Pendleton, Oregon, within
ix months from aate or tnt nonce.
C. H. Biihep
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewater, Or.
A most beautiful plan for Mem
orial Hall has been practically de
AnA nruin. Aa Hraiirned bv a
uv. - - - ilJt montni irom oaie 01 xni nwuco,
skilled architect the front will be a the same being dated and published
work of art, and the sides of the jy MARY E. REEVES,
building will be adorned with at-,: As Administratrix with the will
, . . . m annexed of Jesse Reeves, Deceased,
tractive new windows. Thus re- RA"r KALtY A Bnmtn;
modeled, newly-painted and occupy- Attorneys for Administratrix. .
Hospital at corner" of Main
and Broad streets.;'
Phone Main 253
111; il !?
pVactlers. in all Bute and Feilxml 5
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, xor call at store.
Davis & Ellis