Weston Leader WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16. 1613 NUMBER CO vrT mi it ii f VWV,IU -V , . . I , - . mm-o-omx: nsEMU HEWS NOTES OF GENERAL LiTEREST 3 osevelfc i g h way IT MEANS Quick mobilization of guru and men for national protection. f IT MEANS-Commcrclal and agricultural develop ment of aeven Oregon counties Clat sop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Doug las, Coos, Curry. IT MEANS-The oponin of a year-round paved road from British Columbia to the Mexican border. . IT MEANS The opening to sportsmen of-thecoun-try's fishing and hunting paiadise. IT MEANS The employment of thousands of skill ed mechanics and laboring men In its construction. IT MEANS That Uncle Sam will match every state dollar for construction and will main tain the highway forever. You owe it to your country, you owe it to your Btate, to go the polls at the special state election June 3 and vote 310 X Yes - For the Roosevelt Highway Oregon's Road to Prosperity (Pld advertisement- Rootevelt Highway AaeoeiaUon.) GERMANS PROTEST ALLIES REFUSE TO j TERHSjOF PEACE DISCUSS TREATY All Parties United tn Assailing 6ermans Send Two Complaints i" . Termt of the Peace to Clemenceau Regarding I Treaty. Peace Terms. Pendleton will bold JU annual Roee how thla year about June 1. The Grant Pass ehaulauqua will open oo Tueeday, May IT, and cloet June I. , Tbe Mailer Plumberi' aseoclatlon of Oregon bald lie 17tb tnoual eonve (Ion at Astoria. " Praaant Indication! point to tba big gett toul yield of apploa that Oreae baa arer produced. At a apeclat city election a bond Issue of 140.000 waa voted. M to 4, for a nw city wster ayetam lor Yanv bill Tba Deacbutaa county court author Ised a county election on Juna , at wblcb time a 1125.000 road bond laaua will be voted on. A new $10,000 bridge to take the placa of tba old ferry acroaa tbe Alses at Tidewater In Lincoln county, baa Juat been completed. , Tba Deacbutaa county court baa an tborlsed a apeclal county election oa Juna I, at wblcb time a 1131.000 road bond Issue wilt be voted on. Forty head or mules, valued at about 12.000, were burned to death oa the ranch of J. T. Harvey, near Pendleton. A I2S00 bam it also a total loss. A. r. May, well known Pendleton farmer, wai killed Instantly when hie automobile overturned aa be waa oa tba way to town from bla ranch. Captain Everett B. Wettenell, field artillery, la appointed an actio quar termaster while cm duty at Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallla. Tba achoolhouaa and contenu at Empire, three milee weat of North Band, wart completely destroyed by fire. Tba origin of the fire la un known. Members of the First Presbytertaa church ot Salem will commemorate tba fiftieth anniversary of the found ing of the church In a four-day jubilee beginning May 11 Capacity ordara for all the heart wood fir tlet available In tbe Eugene section ware placed there by R. I france, purchasing ageat for the- ratV road administration. Adolph and Mai Lewie, who are alleged to have robbed the WasbougaL Wash., bank, were born In Oallce and lived at that place and tn Grant Pas until a few yean ago. ' Berlin. Protest! that came frosa virion quarter la Germany over tbe peace term, aa they were reported be fore tbe official tarma became known, are a nothing la comparison with the wave of remonstrance angry, bitter, disappointed la tone that la sweeping over Oennany bow that the treaty baa beta presented. ' States, munlelpelltlea, district, or gsnlsatlon of varloua aorta, business men'a and women club, and tht po litical parties, art vising with each other la finding worde to express acorn and condemnation for the docu ment. Big demonstrations against the tlgn Ing of the peace treaty by Germany were held Bunday In Berlin, Brealau, Danilg, Koentgeberg. Caaael. Boehum and other placea. The demontrtlon were organised by the national peo ple's treaty. President Ebert called the peace treaty a "monstrous document" He declared that hlatory hold no prece dent for such determination to anni hilate completely vanquished people. , la the erlticlatat Preaident Wllaon la only mildly aaaalled her and there lace word haa gone to the preaa from official quartan that be It not to be takta to task. , The assertion npon which ttraa la laid are that the proposed paaea lack II element of Justice and conform In CO way to the presidents 14 point, while Indignation expressed over term characterised unbearable and a spelling slavery for the German, people. Parte. The allies can admit ot no discussion of their right to Insist upon the terms of the peace treaty substau Ually aa drafted. Thla la the reply to Count von BroekdorffRaotsau, head of tbe Ger man peace delegation, who submitted not to Premier Clemenceau declar ing the peace treaty contains demanda which could be borne bf no people, end many ot them incapable ot accom plishment. Count von Broekdorft-Ranttau haa alao been Informed, In answer to hie complaint that Oermany waa asked to Ign the allied plan tor a league ot nations, although not among the tatea lavlted to enter It. that tbe ad mission ot additional member states baa not been overlooked, but baa been eipllcltly provided for In the covenant. ' The German peace delegation sent two letters to the allied and associated power declaring that on essential polnta the basla ot the "peace ot right" greed upon between the belligerents haa been abandoned. The German delegation la additional Bote transmitted to M. Clemenceau. a preaident of the peace conference, propoaea change tn the clause ot the peace treaty covering labor problema and asks that prisoner ot war be re turned Immediately after the algnlng of the preliminaries. The repllea which the council of four eent to the German note made public, were drawn up, according to the Temps, with the personal and particu larly actlvt collaboration of Preaident Wllaon. - v llg Winter Wheat Crop Fereeaat - Washington. Tbe greatest, crop of winter wheat aver produced In any country it in prospect for thla year' harvest The forecast of production, estimated by the department of agri culture, placed ita site at almost too, 000,000 buahela, la exact figure 89 ais.000. which would make thla year' harvest worth $J,04.00,000 at the government'! price guarantee of $12$ bostaeL Liberty Bonds I 'An absolutely safe Invest- ment If vou have money to in-. I . i v : i . n .J 4mabm mm x It you eell Liberty Bond, eell We buy and aell Liberty Bonds. Any denomination 150-1100 $500-11000. - . James L. Elam Walla Walla ' Washing-ton Thirty four thousand Bine Bunaree and thirty four pounds of certified al falfa ed, ordered for tbe ranchera of the Bend section, baa beea received and I now being distributed. Stockmen and abeep growers ot Klamath county bav petitioned the secretary of the Interior to have tbe bulk of the territory In eaatorn Klam ath county thrown Into a grazing re serve. Nearly f2.000.000 baa been received by Bute Treasurer Hoft from ZS of -the to eountlee of-Orcgon, while the receipts from tbe other 11 counties are expected to swell the total another 1000,000. After serving aa a rural mall carrier out ot Oregon City for It years, Frank Whtteman baa been discharged by tbe government charged with placing lit erature of a Bolshevist nature in the mall boxee. With the capital stock Increased from f 55,000 to $100,000, tbe Hood' River Apple Vinegar company will Increase it capacity thla fall, en abling It to handle all the cull apple valla. Half a million railroad tie that bav been atored in the Southern Pa cirio yards west of Eugene, oa the Coo Bay branch, will be ahipped to eastern road by the federal railroad administration. Fourth-class postmaster bv been appointed in Oregon aa follows: Air lie. Polk county, Kenneth L. William; Cove, Union county, Logan E. Ander son; Friend, Wasco county, Elisabeth E. Beckenateln. In accordance with a recent decision banded down by Circuit Judge Fred W. Wilton, of Th Dalle, the Hood River county court haa allowed county officials back salaries amounting to a total ot $4,837.47. The annual state encampment ot the United Spanish War Veteran ot Oregon will be held July I and 4 In stead ot during June, according to an aouncement made by Harvey Wells, estate commander. . Contract for new road project costing $1,500,000 will be awarded by the state highway commission at ita forthcoming meeting at Portland May (7, according to an estimate an nounced by the commission. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. N. P. Bennet wishes to announoe the -opening of a dental office in the Weston Mer cantile Building, Weston, Oregon. Strictly new and modern equipment renders it possible to give the public the benefit of the most advanoed and modern methods, brought out by the profession in the last few years. Sani tary conditions are assured by careful ster ilization of instruments. Telephone 83. Hours, 0 to 12 and 1 to 5. SQUEE7F HARDER - - ft P ;tf a 7 Twenty -Seventh 1 Annual nil cjsi n A W $r0Frj U1ATILLA COIM Weston, Oregon WELC0L1E TO ALL! The state highway department naa announced the resignation ot C. k. ' Dunn as division engineer for the commission. The appointment ot C W. Warner of Portland to take Dunn's place waa also announced. Loganberry juice undiluted for use in Ice creams and aherbet and de livered to home la not subject to the new tax. tbe internal , revenue office ruled in the case ot a fruit Juice manu facturing company at Portland. Effort of the school teacher of Portland to win increase in their sal tries through a special tax levy of $531,000 wa successful in the election held Saturday, the measure being ap proved by a vote ot almost two to one. The farm department ot the United Statea employment service report a shortage of men for farm work. In the Willamette valley help la In de mand at $40 to $60 per month and in eastern Oregon $60 to $75 la being paid. The identity of the robber of a number ot Dallas stores during tht past several weeks was ascertained last week with the capture by tht police at Vancouver, Waah.t ot Ru dolph Frickberg, a Dallas boy, not yet 20 years old. Gaining a halt a day ot tour hours on the working achedule, the Colum bia River Shipbuilding corporation of PorUand launched the hull of ttfe 8800 ton steel steamor City ot Eureka In 27 days flat, establishing a record tor the United States. Interest in tht use of the battleship Oregon continues to grow throughout the state, and many suggestions are made as to how the old tighter may best serve tht cause of tht country. It Is expected the ship will be sta tioned at Portland and used as a train ing ship to afford nautical training of men tor the navy and merchant ma rine. . Early development of tha great tim ber tract ia Washington county held by the Eccles interests is heralded in an announcement that D. C. Eccles ot Salt Lake Is negotiating tor the pur chase ot the United Railways, the eleotrle railroad owned by the Great ' Northern and Northern Pacific and running from Llnnton 19 miles west OfWilkesboro. , "W, R. Relvo, editor, and A. J. Par tan, manager, of the Toveri, a Finnish dally newspaper published at Astoria. Or. must serve two years each at Mo Nell's Island according to the sentence imposed on the two men by Federal Judge Wolverton, Retvo and Partan were found guilty ot violating the es pionage act by a Jury in the federal , court at Portland. ',(No.a06) . j. Rt-POKr OF TUB CONDITION OF The Farmers' Bank of Weston, at Wes ton, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business May 12, 1919: RESOURCES. Loan and discount. .....$175,867 15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1950 23 Bonds and warrants.... 17,222 J Banking house 8,600 DO Furniture and fixtures 1,000 00 Other real estate owned ...... 29,289 33 Due from approved reserve banks - 17.545 23 Checks and other cash item 64 26 Cash on hand - W.8T7 81 Other resocrces bS2 08 Total .............$256,689 07 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in...,.......1 surplus I una Undivided proflla, less ex penses and taxes paid Due to banks snd bankers... Individual deposits subject to check."... Demand certificates of de posit Time and Savings deposits Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable for money bor rowed. Other liabilities 80,000 00 15,000 00 5,325 35 121 88 100,153 33 1,454 86 48,662 76 7,750 00 43,000 00 5.220 80 Total.."...... .................$256,689 0T State of Oregon, 1 County of Umatilla, f , . I, E. M. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. M. SMITH, Cashier. CobrECT-Attest: J. H. Price, F. D. Watts, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 18th day of May, 1919. Andy T. Barnbtt, (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expires Oct, 25, 1919.) Mail. Your KODAK IIiIS '" : TO Tallman Drug Co. for expert finishing. Each print carries the per sonal touch. Mail orders given prompt atten tion. We pay return postage. TALLMAN DRUd CO. GARRED A KRAUSB Walla Walla - Wash. TERMS CASH At Leader ahop. I