PATEHT, VIIOLE , 7iIEAT an J GlAHMl . 'FLOUR- , f Yellow and White CORN MEAL STEAM-ROLLED HAULKY AND WHEAT CRUSHED AND CRACKED CORN 1 Wa will crush your cob com for you, or ahell and cruiih It; or, If dry, grM It into corn mew. GENERAL FEED ROLLING AND EXCHANGE JOE IIOBGSOII - Hffi iIQiER S h QU Of 111' JLj1S. BREVITIES Iwal observers were somewhat Interested lhl wwk in the move- menta of Mayor Iinnister white jj burning off his tubll. Hitdiing hu harrow to a long chain, he at- Uched the other end of the chain j! v kl.. ni..nw.l.ilA mill ilramfHl the Id "All of a harrow around the field, carrying J burnlmr atraw aa he went. There K ...... r . t . . t 'aro Lhtnui who aay that if the wind I J. n. Torn ia renurietf iu nave in-, -..i ... -ml T vested In a Wlnton i touring- car. '. 'p"V ? ' " VL k!. "J1 8 wmwurog with wiuin iui ii , Mr. Heath of Ilermlston la mov. lne car mjfht have gone op in Ing to the Charles Marshall plan? on -moVe and the mayor hinwelf .been Reed and Hawley mountain, y scorched a bit. Hut nothing like tftrayedA light hay two-year- 'Ihla happened, and the stubble was old mule branded D on left shotil-' deposed of in abort order. der. Reward. S. J. Culley. ' '":! Veteran farmera say that fall- 'reserve Voiii Eggs Everybody's going Sudden Peggy." nWITHO Pilot Rock wanta to play ball at sown grain "in the Vtcston country Weaton during the pioneer picnic, doesn't i That Old Ivory Bedroom Set when you see it in our window. YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTER when you see it in your bedroom. Ass Mime Store Hie Farmers Bank of Veston EsfetM 1891 Everybody knew the "Empire Builder," Jamea J. Hill. See what he says on thrift: "If you' want to know whether, you are destined to te a success or failure in life you can easily find out The test is simple , . and it is Infallible. ' ARE YOU ABLE TO SAVE MONEY? IF NOT, DROP OUT. YOU WILL LOSE, You may think not. but you will lose as sure as you live. The seed of success ia not In you." v 8 CAVE AND PAY UP BUTTER WRAPS Furnished and Printed tit the Leader office J . Sixty (minimum) .r..:...."...:; $1 00 ' One hundred...... 1 35 Two hundred .'. 2 00 Each additional hundred 0 60 . Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established X865 "!' Athena, Oregon ! WaiUburg, Waih. American Beauty anoVvv Puro White ' ... . .. '.'" . . -; . . Made of selected blueatem irk one of the best equipped mills in the' Northwest. "Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company need rain exiiecially jut ,ik .nm nihrr Umatilla county now. but that molature later on team. - -will be appreciated. A good aland A. W Lundel. h be. sppointed Umatilla county sell ing r agent for ;.houldP pr"fit by rain at the the Weyerhauaer grain tanks. prnt time, according to ,me Recent front have nipped ' the observers. Others aver that dearth gardena hereabouta, and are report- ,,f rain is not an -unmixed evil, as ed to have damaged wheat in some jnotead of spreading out the grain localities.' rooU will go down In search of Mr mnA Mr. A Uraon were molature. And now let the weath Jl'Td'illS rri-da rit up and Uk. notice to Kwater. vWting at the DeGrsw what is and what is not required, residence. The Milton Eagle report that If the parties who borrowed my II. L. Frazler has purchased 90 gardm rake will return it at once ocrea of farm land six milea west I will be very grateful. Mrs. M, of lone in Morrow, county, paying V Kaglcton. therefor the aum of $19,680. or " , 120.50 an acre. The land is unim- t William Sanger. .W Klnrnw. J, othcr Mng farmed a Jack Stewart and the Walters boys J1 were buaythis week moving their Kw ytm ,g0' cattle to mountain range. ; , . Don't ml "All of a Sudden forvfee are announced for Sun- Peggy. day afternoon next at three o'clock , at the Episcopal church. Rev. Al fred Lock wood is coming from Pen. dlcton. t , . See our attractive showing of new hata juat received for Saturday and Monday display in our milli nery department. Weston Mercan tile Co. . Mrs. R. C. Baling and slater, Mrs. L. A. West, motored to Walla Wal al Tuesday to attend the f unreal of the late Mrs. Garfield, mother of Mrs. Ethel Scott. , - Charles Pedersen of Echo has bought the Hagen estate lands, about 400 acre, on Reed and Haw Icy mountain. Mr. Pedersen will move to Weston and place his child ren in school here. Miss Cleo Beeler arrived this week In Weston for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Beeler. Mlas Beeler came north from California a few weeks ago and has been ; visiting at Albany, Oregon. - A large number of members of Crescent Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, visited Athena Wed nesday evening and fraterulied with the "Eastern Stars" in that city, upon invitation from the Ath. ena chapter. ;T ..- ;.;..',.,'-. J.. D. Whitman of , Milton was a Weston visitor this week. Mr. Whitman is a member of a well known Umatilla county pioneer family formerly residing near Wes ton. He has opened a well-appointed harness shop at Milton. ' ; The Odd Fellows had a most in teresting lodge meeting in Weston last evening, marked by the pres ence of their grand master, W. F. Walker of Springfield, Oregon. Some 25 visiting brethren were among those In attendance. Dr. and Mrs., B. G. Vinson of Pendleton motored to Weston Fri day. While here Dr..Vinson placed an advertisement with the Leader for Tht , Propho Painless Dental Parlors a four-chair establishment at Pendleton with complete modern equipment, . , , t The chorus rehearsals lor; the Memorial Hall dedication have been changed from, Monday to Tuesday evening, .-at ' Masonic hall. The singers are urged to come promptly at seven-thirty, in order to permit the band men who are also mem bers of the chorus to attend band practice later. ' ; ' Dr. N. P. Bennet (formerly First Lieutenant Bennet of the Dental Corps of the United States Army) has been busy this week unpacking and arranging the veryfinest and latest dental equipment that money could purchase, for his attractive office on the second floor of the Weston Mercantile building,. The office 'itself, has been receiving at tention from carpenter and painter. Dr. Bennet hopes to be ready to re ceive patients tomorrow. At a meeting of pioneer reunion committees Wednesday E. O. De Moss was elected general chairman and will be the executive head of the picnic on whose broad shoul ders will rest considerable responsi bility. S. A. Barnes was chosen 0irptnrv. The usual exDense budir-, et was made out from estimates" iTwt In hw th nmmltteB. Gen eral confidence was expressed that ' the coming reunion will be in all respects a hummer. The dates are Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7. 1 m'S while eggs are plentiful. Boodvin's Drug Store ! Liberty Bonds j j Dr. S. L .BOARD I Veterinary Surgeon An mnt haolutelv safe invett- lf you he money u in vent, buv Liberty Bond from u If you aell Li be to Uf . erty Uonds, sell X u.' hn and aell Liberty Rnndl. Any denomination 5O-$lO0 aooo-iow. James L. Elam Walla Walla - - Washington Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone - Main 253 t t 2. 1 ' 1 If you want a good, dependable, garden hose one that will stand the gaff of hard usage we have it Ours is a superior grade of moulded hose . and is carried in all the wanted sizes. We can make up a hose for you in any length from one foot to 500 feet. , Prices with Couplings: One-half inch 15c per foot. Five-eighths inch. ........... .20c per foot . Three-quarters inch 25c per foot HOSE KOZZHS HOSE REPAIRS WJilSPlMS P. s. t - . Have you seen the $15.00 fly rod and the Martin Automatic reel that we are going to give to some, lucky fisherman? 1L O ROGERS