The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 09, 1919, Image 2

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    Ohe BEtmSWEGIlS
9Jfeihod of Reproduction
I .... ,a . -
i ERE ARE the secrets of The Brunswick Method of
reproduction. Learn how we pained that wonder-
' fully pure tone which has given The Brunswick Pho
nograph such prestige:
Experts In acoustics have Ion agreed that superior re
production depends chiefly upon the reproducer and the way
in which tone is amplified.
Until tho coming, of The Drunswick, many experts
thought it impossible to overcome "spotty" reproduction
that is, alternate gopd and bad tones. Yet all were striving
to increase the good tones and decrease the bad.
CURK OOD, Neltiaet
Seniors' An tnpete4
Mrs. J. !!. Williams and Mr. F.
C Fitipatrlck entertained the em
ion and faculty of Weston High
School at a banquet at the home of
Mr. Williams Tuesday Vvening. A
simvcmriiON IA1CI
Vm Year It 00
Six Months ... 1 00 color achem of Dink and whit wu
Three Months W carried out. Tho rooms were dee
ms orated with apple blossoms, pink
. rosebuds and butterflies. Tho table
Ctttto ti ih iiift( at (. Of. decoration furnished a moat attrao-
rtmar. BUT t
M Mtea4-IM Mil Mttt.
Regular, per inch per insertion ....
Tranaicnt, per inch per Insertion..
Locale, per line per Ineertioit.
tive feature of this delightful
affair. The centerpieces were of
roars, apple blossoms and fern,
"IM with linv nlnk Mav hakit nf
(lowers at each plate. The favors
luskrts, while pink shades softened
Senator IVindcxter is reported to the candle light.
hsve presidential aspirations, but he
and the job are at least a league
apart. v
The Japanese press occupies itself
in abusing President Wilson, but its
most Violent diatribes will be re
garded as a compliment on this side
of the pond.
The fault, we found, after hundreds of tests, was large
ly due to the use of metal in the amplifier or sound cham
ber. Having no elasticity, metal prevented the sound waves
from expanding properly. Strident noises resulted.
So we chose wood, developing the now famous Bruns
wick amplifier, built entirely of wood. We tested dozens
.of different woods, arranging them in numerous shapes.
Finally we attained the proper acoustic values.
. Brunswick tone is infinitely better, for tones considered
rare a few years ago are ever-present in this super-instrument
No one can remain unappreciative of its fullness,
richness and clarity. And all appreciate the banishment of
metallic sounds. - Once you hear The Brunswick, your own
ear will confirm these statements.
! Mayor Hanson denies that he ever
advocated public hanging of I. W.
W. agitators yet some of us will
continue to think that it would be a
good thing to susjwnd them along
with their activities.
William J. Coatcs, president of
the Spoksne Sectional Labor Coun
cil and vice president of the Wash
ington Federation of Labor, sug
gests that I. W. W. reds and radi-
The feast, of seven courses wu
one of tha most bounteous and ex
quisitely prepared ever served in
Weston. The mcnur . '
Fruit cocktail
Salmon Anglais Potato chips
Creamed chicken en case New
Peas .Rolls Jelly
Coffee Crape sherbet
Salad Cheese straws
Strawberry shortcake
Prick ice cream Cake
Coffee Mints
George Dlomgren, president of
the senior class, acted as tuvtmas
ter. The toast list follows:
Our School Wilms Harbour.
Our Faculty Kendall Smith.
Response F. C. Fltxpatrick.,
; Our Hostesses George Rlomgren.
Response Mrs. J. H. Williams.
Besides these, impromptu talks
Brown and
I wish to announce. to the peo-;
pie of. Weston and vicinity. that I
have established a well'-appointed
shop in Milton for . making and
repairing harness, saddles, chaps
and other leather goods; also aur
tomobile tops and curtains. I
will be pleased to receive a call
from Weston friends and will be ;
glad indeed to show . them my .
shop, equipment and stock. Be
sure to call when you visit Milton. ;
riven bv Miss
cals be allowed all the freedom of Miss Simmons, Miss
speech they want that they should Mrs. Fitxpatrick.
be permitted to berate conditions The class of 1019 feels a keen ap
preciation Oi una joyuua auair,
Mr. Coatcs would v,L ,vi. mn.ic,mHli tim
Another great feature of The Brunswick Method of Re
production is the Ultona, our all-record reproducer. At a
; turn of the hand, it presents to each type of record the
proper needle and diaphragm. Each . make of record can
' now be heard at its best, played exactly ns it should be.
.Thus you are not limited in your selection of records to one
make. v . ' -
Before you buy, or even if you already have a phono
graph, hear The Brunswick. Put it to any tone test you
wish. Ask that the most difficult records be played. Make
comparisons. s Then let sheer merit decide.
- v Chicago and New York
content. But
couple this privilege with a campaign-
of silence by all newspapers
and periodicals. He declares that
not one of the leaders would sur
vive without publicity. - If not a
line were printed about any of the
Womea's missionary Society
The regular monthly meeting of
the Miwionary Society of the Meth
odist Church was held at the spac
ious country home of Mrs. Charles
Price, Wednesday afternoon. Nine
teen member and five visitors were
present. A Mission Study Clssa
was organised at this meeting and
Mrs. J. W. Porter was appointed
aL&ia.jfe.AihAAA eaLBkBVBt fm mmi imt lm .
5 .;.,,
Tha aw.lttisLi rnriW swwtn Ka Iks
afternoon was spent in games and . . - , . . .
r . . nnfetanHincr nmirn in m. aflirt TO
MPIO the dinner was served in cafeteria -
lUllLd . style. : hich he is not accustomed.
,tr By way of nature study some of " " "
'the lower grades are watching tho Wc had always considered J. F.
Friend China has discovered that
"All of a Sudden Peggy"May development of tadpoles. Slover too much of
17." The eighth graders are beginning ip perfect lady
. ... . . . . i i 1. : i t. -1 .L.. '
tiarvey L.unueii nas reiurneu to io iuuk wornvu vu ntcuuui ui ie
school after a few days of illness. final exams, which are to be given
Hazel Duncan spent the week end May 15 and 16.
in Walla Walla. ,
Minnie Johnson has returned to Club EntertaulS Weston Motbers
school after a few days of absence. 4 the mo6t delightful social
' "For tfie good of the family" you affairs for which the Saturday Af-
ought to come to the High School ternoon Club has ever been sponsor
. The ' Seniors are pleased with
their calling cards and the inserts . At this time about thirty of the ance.
for. their invitations which they elderly mothers of Weston were the
Beatfc of tars. Ann
Mrs. Emma C. Allvn oassed away leader of the work.
May. 2d at the home of Mr. and After the business meeting the
Mrs. Geo. Carmichaei in Walla following program was given:
Walla at the aire of 61 years. Mrs. Piano solo- Mrs. Char I us Price.
, Allvn was a native of Illinois, and Summary of Work In Brazil
meeungs unaer any wunwmnva. n 1900 hti Mrt. e. M. Smith.
Mr. Coates asserts that the radical incc ma(j0 ner home in Morrow Reading, ' Housukoeping Trials
movement would die swiftly, be- and Umatilla counties, having lived in Cuba" Mrs. Mary McNce.
cause the soap box orators thrive in Weston several years. She is sur- Reading, "Tho Famine in India"
only when they are given notoriety, vived by the following children: -Mrs. H. uoodwin.
tv- u J- m. Mrs. Maggie Calkins of Genoa, , Piano solo Miss Ruby Price.
There fa meat in his theory. Colorado: Ray Juday of Alberta; Dainty refreshment, were served
1 ... , L . L . . Riley Juday, late of the United by the hostess, asslited by Mrs.
"Sign here!" is about the extent States Army. Mr8. Mary pcim0f FiUpatrick, Mrs. Wilsty, Mrs. Lav
of the plenipotentiary functions Walla Walla, Wash.: Benj. H. Ju- ender and Miss Barnttt. i
permitted the German delegates. .fay of lone, Oregon. 11 1,1 ain BaBiBaaw"B-a.
i i.M": kUy WM V tinbie RoUct to creditors
cnrisiian woman ana a nieiong , . . . . .....
Lt, -k- Notice Is hereby given that the un
church member. , deraigiwd hss bean appointed admlnla-
' Funeral services were held Mon- train x with tha will annaxad of tha
day at the Christian Church in Wal- eatats of Jaaaa Reeves, deceased. In
la Walla. The remains were then tha County Court of tha Stata of Ore
brought to Weston for interment in CiS
Masonic cemetery. ar, harehy raquirad to preaant aueh
j. ... claim, auiy vannea ana wun proper
Herbert Nunn. alats hlhr aa
(Inaar, aceompanIM br Aaalatanl Es
flnears Plabnp sn4 UcLaod, Counts
Rsilaaar Llbby and Ceuoly Commls (
ilonsr Harlow. fcS left Euaa t
sataet a routs for the Central Oraf oa
hlsbway batartaa Eugaua ssd a eoaat
section. This hlsbway was dclM
upon taat year as a project tab
built Jointly by the stsla. county and
rnreatry department A survey war
mads laat year orer the tumult of tat
eoaat mountains by way of fertile Uk
Creak valley, but It Is said that the
engineers wars not satisfies wits
portion of tha routs and another oar
will ba selected. Tba new road win
opaa the Lake Creek valley to mil
side traffic. Oa aceount of poor roadi
development has bees greatly re
tarded. The highway will end 4
riorence at tha month of the giutis
a gentleman to
bugs in cold
..... .-I . - I . 1 . I J
Jooasoa Farm Kesuenct Euros at the 0mc of Haiey, Haley sti.
I The farm residence of AlickJohn- Sild"njrh"n p,1"". OregVwUhin
in one of the lareest and finest In i -i.. r j.,. ,ki.
.1. IIIVIIHM liviu UMW V I H'fc I V w.
the county was totally destroyed the same being dated and published
or April,
i j i
The allied council has pretty well escaped unhurt, although one or the kaley. kalbv sreiwEa,
Aiwmvye tor numiiuiirairi.
a nation fa even yet without power by fire wltft lta content, Sunday Ja "rat time thli .28th day o A
when it is powerless. J nigh after th
' All the members' of the household annexed of Jeaaa Raavaa, Deceai
ternoon uup nas ever oeen sponsor . . . fourUen ' ,ntf for .mailer children was rescued just
was that held at the hospitable snarpenea me iouneen points jor jhnon manaemt to
home of Mrs. F. D. Watts, May 3. Gennany's long prospective pen- E'trJ
Do you want to sell your
property? If it Is salable
" i'CAN SELL It c
salvage his best Sunday suit
through a window, having remem
bered where he hung it up. The
f f f f Tf f f f ff ff f fffffff ?ff A
remved this week irom tne local guests oitnc ciud. ine rooms , . h Memoria, mi pn- loss is estimated at around $10,000.
printer. - - were tastefully decorated with ap- "T I." although no money could of course
- Last Friday afternoon the entire pie blossoms and lilacs and present- hwc made a decided lm- keepsakes de
High School enjoyed a picnic down ed an attractive appearance. Re- provement m the appearance of rtroyed HoU8e an(1 contenU were
the-creek. At one o'clock they sponses to Roll Call and the pro- Weston's business center. . , insured for f 5000 in tho Queen.
gathered at the school, then mean- gram riUmbers were appropriate r (Thc fire 8tertc1 jn the bathroom
dered adown the stream until they to the observance of Mother s Day, ;. . . Interestimr Ore- M i supposed to have been caused
found a pleasant spot. The after- embracing the following: J?,"J?fJtt by the acetylene lighting plant.
crr,f in Mmi Manv Poem. "The Man to the Mother" gonian series, Colin V. IJyment ., .t,iu
mam attraction was uie aeucious
lunch. . - ; ' '
The Physical Geography class is
planning a field trip for some after
noon jn the near future. ? : f
The remainder of the High
School has been observing that the
"Freshies"- are staying in after
school almost every other evening.
Every member of the cast of the
Senior play has been working hard
to make "All of a Sudden Peg
gy' just a nttie oetter man any present,
play that the High School has ever When
Reading, "A Tribute to Mothers" readers more clearly and vividly
"oWTlmengs-Club members ny othr ter: and those
and guests. who know Dymcnt are not sur-
The guests were then seated at pnscd that during an tnc unspeaK-
the bungalow type.
Epwortt Leasaers Toast Wienies
The reerular ' monthly buainexs
tables and a delicious-luncheon was able tumult on the battle front he meeting of the'Epworth League
served by the club members. never lost the instinct and accuracy Was held May 2-at the home of t
oocmi enm me renew inK u 0f . pooj reDortcr. ud tTice. mere were about
.j-... in ii - luariy preaeni anu gomea ana music
old acquaintance filled
hours of the afternoon. . The host- .... were enjoyed by everyone before
ess presented a dainty bouquet of Nippon needs to change its dispo- business meeting, which was
carnations to "Grandma" Van Win- gltion rather than the color of its called to order by the president,
kle as a tribute to the older guests , y,tr Dnr,ll ih . Georra Winn. It wax voted that
.. .. nnMon nf eari.i iniit.v. the league buy some new bibles for
gooa-Dyes were saia, an
this gathering marked
iiTs ja'lte BBC
:: .... . . i
by aa expert "
y a a AAAAaaaaAa a a a a a a a a a a a?
WWWW WW WW WW www www wwtwww
the church, and enough money was
raised to pay for them.
given. From "Peggy darlin' her- atrreed that
self to ".lucus me miner eacn a red letter day in Weston's social A bill slipped through the recent After the meeting closed the peo
one is distractingly clever. In the activities. The club has entered Iptn'ulafllt-e rpnlllrlncT all district nlo wont nut nn tha flat mrrnai frnm
White Hall at Hawkhurst we first npon its vacation period and will h , ic8 to der03jted with thfe house and played games around
encounter the "suddness" of Peggy, hold no more meetings until Oct- 7 u uX' wlM .it I u.A
. tt t in- t . wfaried or pastime, refrefihmettU
sutu uais an is v aiw
11 .
The second act presents the "sudd- 0ber.
nesaOf consequences and arouces
our. interest and suspense. Not un
til the last few minutes of the last
act are we assured that the "conse
quences of suddenness" will prove
to be "all for the good of the fam
ily." ... - - - .
The . first and second grades are
enjoying the victrola this week.
Joseph Wriggle is in school again
after having had the measles.
Mifis Pinkerton's room ' en joyed ,
a half holiday Friday.
Fifty-three 'of the students of
Miss Tipton's and Miss Colvin's
rooms ' enjoyed the picnic up the
creek list Friday afternoon. The
You'll be sorry if you miss it.
Alberta Lands
Improved and Un
improved. Also wheat lands and acre
age tracts anywhere in
. the Inland Empire.
111 First St., Walla Walla.
wAre ' nerved. Kvprvonn waa nm.
useful purpose that we can see, and vided with wienies and a stick to
its real intention evidently is to roast them on. .
swell the coffers of county teat This delectable feasting over, the
bankers. The law is "a blow at merry company sat around the bon
t . . ..I t. v.. , nre, talking and singing until all
country towns that will be bitterly time home
resented. . State Superintendent
Churchill is said to have opposed it.
Those fearless bird men are dem
onstrating modern methods of ocean
travel on a high plane.
Find the opera- house and you'll
find us May 17. '
The Weston Leader fa on a cash
basis, and positively wants no busi
ness otherwise. Clark Wood, publisher.
, . i '. i . .
Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smyths
r Carter & Cmythe
t Mnrme
I Preissing
; FCiTHE KCiC " ;
R. L. Reynaiid j
W. M. IWioe 1 G. H. Blihop
Peterson & Bishop
Oregon Pendleton, Or.
Freewater, Or.
CIGARS i,f:s;:'"
candies J
- u&Kera cooas
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
Davis & Ellis