The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 09, 1919, Image 1

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    VOLUME 41
Prlnilptl Evinti of thi Week
Briefly Sketched tor Infor
(Dillon ot Our Readers.
. . A tl Pt 11.000 h will bt hr
4 la central Orgoa tkti jt. It I
Member f pig club throughout
, Com cetiaty attended a convention at
Ob t house d ami of alfalfa will
- b added th crop of rate county
thi yr aa result of farm bures
flail demonstrations la that coaety.
Rapid development la (aa cranberry
ladustry la taking alaea la ClaUop
county aad conldrbl quantity of
nw crg la being aat out Ibia yer.
. Dr. C i. Smith of Portland aad
fbwrle A. Brand of Rote burg, wara
, appolatad member of tba aUta board
of blgbar curricula by OoTaraor 01
Coofldarabt grading work la al
ready oadar way oo tba aeciioa or tba
Petfla blgkwar batwaaa Albany and
Jeffroa, wblcb will ba partd tbla
Ma Waldea. deputy wardaa of La
Grand, report to Rtata Cam Warda
Shoemaker tbat dr .aad phsanta
ara on tba lneraaa In Unloa aad
Wllw count!.
raa received by tb uu motor
vehlel regtatraUos dapartinaat for
April total 000 mora tbaa for April,
mi Tb total received for laat
moath waa Ml.tll. aa against IIT.I1I
for April Ml.
Labor condition verywber oa tb
Paelflo coast except at Lo Ang1aa
h Improved la tb lat wk. ac
cording to tba raport of tb depart
Bitot of labor. Portland onemploy-
project near Brook, oo th Paelflo
highway, baa been eterted.r Thi work
will oat approximately 1400.000, of
which tba tt and government will
acb pay halt. Thi I poet road.
U O. Herrold. who waa awarded th
eaatract by tba tat highway eommla
, atoa for tha clearing and grading of
tha 11 mile of blgbwey between Rcap
jjooe and Dr leland. ht mbld
a crw and la making good progre
on th contract
C. V. Johnvon, former meyor of
ConralUa. I to b t tba heed of th
aw Ut real tt department, ao-,
. '
cording to annouBcomant mad by
Harvey Wells, Insurance eommllo
r. Th new rl tt law be-some
ffecUv ob May II.'
A consignment Sbortbora aat and
show which, a an Initial effort la
aster Oregon, brought higher avr
price than tba Ant Shorthorn
aal In Portland, waa conducted at
La Grand by th Pacific Northweat
Shorthorn Breeder' association. '
: Jay Bteveni, former fir marshal for
Portland, now with tha fir prevention
bureau of lb Pacific coast, with head
quarter at San Francisco, la to ba la
Oregon la a ihort tim to conduct an
educational campaign for fir preven
tion.'' "
Establishing a new record at It own
plant, and making what la claimed to
b th best tlm ver achieved In th
conatructloa of steel hull la th Uni
ted Statee, tha Northwest Steel com
pany of Portlaad launched th Weat
Chatala ST 14 day after tba ablp'a keel
kd ba laid.
Oradlot work coetlcg approximately
1500,000 will b itartad In Grant and
Wbeelar eountiea thla aummar, accord
log to announcement by tha state
highway commission. Contract for
tbla etenlTB work will ba award
d when tba commlislon meeta la
Portland oa May 10.
A rarlow to to ha mad ef all oil
Indication la Oregon, according to a
latter from . Oeorga Otl Smith,
director of th United Stat geolo
gical urvy, to Senator MoNary. Thla
InrestlgaUon la to be made In co
operation with tha Oregon , tata
bureau ot mint and geology.
Theodora Roosevelt Jr. will ba un
able to attend tha Ut meeting of
th Spanish war veteran In 0ln
during June, H ha ao notified Har
vey Wells, stat commander. It waa
tint believed Roosevelt would visit
Oregon, but a sudden change of plan
eliminates . thi ttat from hi turn
war Itinerary..
-Twoty-nln visla loaded at tha
mill on tha lower Columbia river
district during April and their com
bined eago amounted to 10,113,791
feet of lumber. In th same period
fir vessel loaded 1,875,000 feet at tha
tip rlmr will, making a grand total
' f? IM.7M (Rut of lumber that loft ,'
ilia Columbia rim la cargo during
April. '
Nino wooden atamr launched dur
ing April In tha Oregon district repr
senUd a total of 15,000 too, dead
weight Per tba flrit four month of
lb year tber bava been 71,000 ton
of wooden ae1 floated. The tonne
of tb atlr fleet launched sine Feb
ruary IT. 1I. wbea tha ftrtt govern
mnt arrir left Iba waya, la 34I.S0
ton. -,:,,"'
Assignment of lb hlstori bttt
fblp Oregon to tb Oregon naval mili
tia a a training hlp In Portland her
nnr will b ntrongly urged by Mayor .
Biker upon Acting Secretary rtooea
relt of tha navy. Mayor Bker eot
a telegram aching tba condition under
wblcb tha navy department would
plc tb femou bUIehlp la Port
land harbor.
Whether the coyot mnc In t!ma
tllla county I decrelog or not. the
bounty fund for the eitermloatlon of
tb animate b uffred becaue of
tb work of hunter during the pot
month. Tb record of th county
clerk bow tbat 7St pld In f
bound. Pymata wr made to 41 ,
trappara. Tba largett catch turned lo
w II akin.
A number of beep aalt fcav been
cloeed at Coadoa during lb pt week
and at price tbat were highly att
factory, allied eoaraa yaarllpga bava
brought fl.10; fine wool wether,
11.10 i year-old ewe. II. and March
lamba, ft. The price ara only
about II per cent la tbaa tba record
Price paid for almUar atock at tbla
Una lt yar.
Place for laborra far outnumber
tb men applying for them la th
Eugen Motion, according to Praek
1a Armltaga, ttprintndnt of the
federal labor bureau la Eugene, There
ara Tl poaltlooa open at tha preecnt
time and tha mployer ara having
difficulty la obtaining anough men lo
carry on their enterprleee, Th greet-
Ing and logging campa and tha fame
Johann Maler Bareeth, a native of
Norway; wa forartr berred from be
coming an American cltlten by n
order elgned at Aetorla by Circuit
Judg klD upon tb recommenda
tion of V. W. Tomllnoo, federal
paturalUatioB xmlnr for thi dis
trict According to tb record. Bar
eth, who had been a Columbia river
fihrmB had claimed eiemptlon
from th draft oa th ground of being
an alien.
Calling on Portland houwlve to
roll up their alvea and don their
B-le-t -H1.AH Ik.. Ike
ZZZFZi n,odera equipment peadar. it-poaaiwa
declaring tha 1-caat rala decreed hf to give the publio the benefit Of "the OOSt
tba whoiewi bkr aa -arbitrary and advanced and .modern methods, brought out by
rrrh:. .ZZ the profession in the last few years. Sani
reoiution amounting to an appai for tary conditions 'are assured by careful ster-
a cltywlda boycott on tha "ataff of illza i on 0f Instruments . i
life-aa manofacturd , by th city us""-"!
.ftkorI'!i ' v
A 110,000 fund which th recent
legislature appropriated for th Ore
gon naval militia can be used toward
defraying tha general xpnsei of
keeping th battleship Oregoa In Ore
gon water If tha navy department will
eonsent to loan tha vessel to th stste
for an Indefinite period. Thi offer
ws mad by Governor Olcott In a
telegram which ha Bent to Franklin
O. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of
th navy. .., .r ;v.
That Mrs, Ote Btreed of Portland,
who ao mysteriously disappeared from
Arlington, April 11, drowned herself
and her two llttla daughters, age I and
I years, In tha Columbia river, now
aeama stabllshed. The body of the
youngaat child, Vivian, waa found In
tha river about three miles below Ar
lington and tha body, of the other
child, Virginia, waa found near Bla
Jock. Tha mother' body has also
been reovrd. $. , -. ,. "K.
Sororities ind fraterhitie It tha
University ot Oregon "must pay a 10
per cent penalty because they have
not paid their war revenue tax, as-
aetaed against all social organisations,
atya Dr. George Hewitt of the Inter-
ni revenue collector' ; office, Port-
land. From November 1, 1917, to April
1, 1911, all persona Initiated Into a
fraternity or sorority ara auppoaed to
bava paid to the government 10 per
cent of their Initiation due : and
monthly duea not later than one month
after Initiation.
11 Million Subscribed by Audience.
New York. Breaking all records for
subscriptions received at liberty loan
rallies, an audience at tha Hippodrome
subscribed for $11,250,000 worth ot,
victory notes. " . ,
' ' . . '. fi ...... ; I
1 ..... . :
Dr. N.
P.; Bennet wishes to announoe the
a dental office in the Weston Mer-
Opening Of
oantile Building, Wdston, Oregon. Strictly,
- ' " ...
Telephone 83. Hours, 0 to 12 and 1 to 5,
Paris. Specialists on Russian aub
Jects, attached to various allied dele
gations at the peace conference, ex
pect decided changea In tha Russian
situation within tha next tew weeks.
1 Th Finnish military .movement
which baa been threatening Petrograd
and which has been shrouded with
mystery I now well defined. General
.Udenttch and 4000 Russians operatinft
with him have tba support of the Fin
nish government and troops, and have
recruited larpa numbers of Russian
peasant. . v' - , ;;: -'
Admiral Kolchtk'a Siberian army
Continues Ita movement westward to
ward tha Volga and It la expected that
tha cities of Vtatka and Samara wilt
fall Into their hands soon.: with Kol-
chak threatening the valley of - the
Volga and Cdenltch menacing Petro-
vltii Kiev m th hand of antl
Bolshevik troops and with Kolchak'a
northern army moving rapidly toward
tha Una of communication ' between
Moscow and Archangel, the Bolshevik
military situation seems extremely
Statement Saye Conference Virtually
Substitutes Japan for Germany.
'" Parte. The Chinese delegation to
tha peace conference Issued a state
ment with regard to the decision of
tha council of three concerning Klao-
f smM
1 1 ' J 1 1 U; Qr Iff
, . . - ' ' ' .
, -i ; . 1
Chau. : v , - t '
The statement ears the decision ot
the conference virtually substitutes
Japan for Germany In Shantung and
adds to tba Japanese rallwaya right
In southern Manchuria and glvea Ja
pan practical control ot northern Chi
nt. " '- ' ' ': "-' .'.
"Tha Chinese delegation cannot but
view the decision with disappointment
and, dl88atlsff!ction,".the communica
tion concludes.
, U. 8. Averts Serbian Famine.,
Washington. The food famine and
typhus epidemlo which threatened Ser
bia have been averted through- the
work of the United State food admin
istration and tha American Red Cross
force, th headquarter of th latter
agency waa notified in a message from
Red Cross headquarters at SalontkL
. Deficit of Raltrc-ada Large.
' Washington. The government loss
In operating the railroads for the first
threa month of thi year was $130,-
000,000 acoonllng to earning figure of
tn eo-canea cias one. or me larger
roads, reported to tha Interstate com
merce commission and compiled by
the bureau of railway economica.
" Aviator Leaps 1000 Feet
Atlsntle City." TJ. J. Joan Orfs, a
French aviator, won a $500 prise by
leaping from an . airplane 1000 feet
above the Chelsea flying field while
hts plane was speeding at 60 miles an
hour. He made a perfect descent,
clinging to a tiny white silk parachute.
TERMS CASH At Uader shop.
Allied Troops Reported to Be
Overrunning Hungar'an
. Territory.
Vienna. The Hungarian communlsl
government' denies that it has acceded
to the demand ot the Ctech, Rouma
nian and Serbo-French troop. Involv
ing the surrender of Hungarian ter-
rltory. .
The Budapest soviet government li
making a last effort to build a red
army which It la roughly estimated
will number 100,000 officers aad men.
Many ot these soldiers are hungry and
It is said that probably one-third are
willing to fight
It 1 (tated in allied circle that the
commander of tha Caech. Serbian and
Roumanian troops have decided not to
occupy Budapeat, confining their oper
ations to an encirclement of the Hun
garian capital. .
Geneva. Roumanian troop have
entered tha c,lty ot Arad, 145 miles
southeast of Budapest, and have oc
cupied the Crap bridgehead on the
Thclsa river north ot Arad, according
to advices received her from Buchar
est and Hermannstadt Everywhere
the Roumanian and allied torcea are
being welcomed a liberators, it Is said.
The Roumanlana ar advancing
along the whole Hungarian front and
have captured 2000 prisoner, includ
ing many Austrian1 and German Mi
dlers. One hundred and fifty carloads
of war material have been taken.
portanj Leads Big Citiealn District
s, Francisco. Oregon la th first
gtaU tn tn8 i2tn federal reserve bank
autrict to subscribe it quota in the
victory loan, and Portland la tn first
big city In th district to go over the
top, it waa officially announced her
at loan campaign headquarters. ,
Ruth Garrison on Trtal for Murder.
Seattle. MIbs Ruth Garrison. 18-year-old
Seattle girl, went on trial here
Monday, charged with the murder of
Mrs. Grace Glatx Storra. s
Postponement of the rece for a rear
may give Sir Thomas Llpton tlm to
figure out some points ou a brand-new 1
Efforts Hade to ConcilUli
Italy Are Attended VViJh
J- Prtelden t Wlleon, Premier
Oemenca and Pjemier Lloyd George,
composing tb coancll of three, eeot
a eommunlcatioa to tb Italian gov
, crnment Inviting It t reeume Ita piece
at the pec conference. ,
Vittorio OrUado, tb Iullaa 'pref
ler, and Baroa Sonnlno. the foretgm
minlater, are to return to Paria, It la
officially anDOQBced.
The policy of Jpn la to return th
Ebaatung penlncol la full eorerelsn
ty to China, retaining only tba co
nomlc privilege granted Germany and
th right to eiUblUB a aettlemant un
der th naual condition at Taing Tao,
It was declared In a atatemeat Issued
by Baron liaklno, bead of th JPa
ee delegation at tb paca conference.
Th tatu of Italy as on of th
five great power ha been brought
Into question by her withdrawal frrra
- tb peace conference, aad it 1a th!
atatua which proved a powerful lever
in Inducing; Italy to accept tha Invita
tion to mum her plac at th pc
President Wilson, David Lloyd
George and Premier Clemeneeatt bava
settled the question of th German an
deraeaa cable. Tha deciatoa waa
reached that tha cable were spoil ef
war and belong to Britain, Japan aad
Prance, th powara which took poctea
don of them. ";
Th council of three alao aettled th
tatu of the Kiel canal. Germany
probably will retain proprietorship ef
(he waterway, but tolls for passag
through it will ba levied under Inter
national control
The preliminaries of tha Pc
treaty war communicated to th al
lied delegatea Tuesday afternoon an!
to th German plenipotentiaries Wed-
nomlc iaolation of Germany 1 being
.considered by tha council ot foreign
ministers ot th peace conference aa
a measure to be adopted In tba event
that Germany refuses to algn tba
peace treaty.
The plan for tha measure waa sub
mitted to the minister by th to
preme economic council. ..
Washington. Intimation that a spe
cial aesslon ot congress will be callett
by President Wilson to meet about
June 1 Is contained In confidential
dlspatcbea received In Washington
from Paris.
It waa said In authoritative adminis
tration quarters that It waa quit pos
sible that if th situation in ParU
should develop rapidly tha special ces
sion might meet even before Jon 1.
In that case tha call would ba made
by cabla. 1 . v--.
Tha dispatches made it cleat that
tha president waa confident ha could
return to th United 8tates be for th
tnd of thla month.
United State Not Interested In Ra
teratlon of Hun Buelness. "
Paris. Disapproval ot a plan tor
rehabilitation of European financial
credit waa expressed by finsnclal
members ot th American delegation.
It wis mad known that tha United
States would not be a party to any
joint action for restoration ot German
business. ., ... " " "
It had been proposed by th British
that a German bond Issue of $5,000,
006,000 be arranged with Great Britain,
France, the United States and other
associate! powers lis guarantors, Th
American delegatea oppoa thi.
Labor Conditions Show lmprvmat
Washington. Unemployment condi
tions showed an improvement in th
week ending- April 26, on the basis ot
reports from 68 cities, the federal em
ployment aervica reports. Thlrty-flv
cities reported a total surplus ot 83,
COO, a decresss of several thousand
from the total of th previous week,
while six reported a shortage totaling
!450 and 20 showed an equality of sup
ply and demand. f Tha surplus showed
a decrease tor th first tlm In Paelft
coast states. .